The Tony Robbins 10 Day Health Challenge!

tony robbins

A big part of what Tony Robbins proposes is based around health, nutrition and fitness. At his flagship live event, Unleash the Power Within he dedicated the whole of the last day to health – and finishes by setting his Ten Day Challenge.

The premise of the Ten Day Challenge is to heed the following advice:

– Vital Breathing
Learn the breathing techniques that increase your aerobic capacity, boost your energy and detoxify your lymph system

– Living Waters and Live Food
Ensure that you consume at least three litres of quality, alkaline water per day and that 70% of food consumed is alkalising and high-water content

– Aerobic Power
Exercise aerobically at least six times over the next ten-days and experience the massive boost in energy that aerobic power brings

– Maximum Nourishment
Learn how to give your body the gift of total nourishment through nutrition, planning and rest

– A Directed Mind
Learn how to set goals effectively, plan your time and limit the stress and worry in your life. Experience the power of questions

– Structural Support
Build sufficient rest, relaxation and sunshine into your life and your daily routine

– Eliminate Excess (Bad) Fats and Oils
Develop an understanding of the difference between good fats and bad fats and the huge difference that these oils can play in your life

– Eliminate Animal Flesh
Create effective strategies for limiting the amount of meat that you consume and understand the role that animal flesh plays in your life

– Eliminate Milk, Cheese, Dairy Products
Experience the increase in health that eliminating dairy can have. Learn effective strategies for becoming vegan

– Eliminate Acid Addictions
Learn the difference between acid and alkaline foods and develop a plan to help you to alkalise and energise!

The best place to start if you want to alkalise your body and get full of health, energy, alkalinity and vitality right now is here

alkaline water workshop

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Ameet Reply


    Thanks for your post! I just got back from UPW 2009 in Rome. It was amazing! I want to do the challenge and have started already but am concerned about becoming skinny, i’m already quite thin. Did you lose weight?

  2. Tony Hunt Reply

    I thank GOD for using Tony Robbins to educate the world to better,health,life,peace and prosperity !

  3. kettyo Reply

    so I know this is over a year late, but I just got back from UPW 2007 in Atlanta and I’m so ready to start!! I’m headed to the store tomorrow after work and I’m starting the next day.
    Any tips, advice, warnings would be extremely helpful.

    Can’t Wait!
