Alkaline Recipe #22 Ross’s Unreal Minty Dressing


This is one of my absolute favourites. I use it SO often because it makes even the most boring things taste awesome.

It is really simple and you can make up a little batch that can last you a few days.

Ross’s Unreal Minty Dressing

Serves 2


10 tablespoons of olive oil (or a mix of olive, avo and Udo’s Choice)
5 tablespoons of fresh lemon (squeezed yourself, not packaged)
1 big handful of finely chopped mint (fresh)
3 teaspoons of raw, organic tahini
70ml of water (pref distilled, filtered, ionised etc)
Salt & Pepper to taste


Blend all of the ingredients together until smooth! Done!

get the alkaline recipe book here

alkaline water workshop

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  1. Karen Birch Reply

    Lovely recipe, I’ve also tried it substituting both fresh Basil and Dill (on salmon) and they work a treat too. Thanks x

  2. Ross Reply

    Heh – the perfect mojito would be quite a claim!

  3. joy Reply

    yum, do you have a recipe for the perfect mojito too? j/k. great post!
