The Most Dangerous Thing For Our Health (This May Surprise You)


It’s the single most dangerous, damaging thing you can do to your health. It will absolutely destroy your energy. It will age your skin and kill the cells inside your body. It will supress your immune system and cause your digestion to stop dead in it’s tracks.

It is one of the biggest contributors to sickness and disease in the world. It’s a mistake you could easily be making right now. 90% of people are.

But the good news is, absolutely anyone can turn it around in 24 hours.

The even better news is, if you ARE making this mistake, you’re going to look and feel unrecognisable within just 24 hours.

The True Dangers of Dehydration

It is estimated that 75% of us are chronically dehydrated, and I believe that this is one of the three primary causes of sickness and disease.

In my opinion


Four critical factors of dehydration that can lead to cancer formation (of any type) include the following:

  • DNA Damage. Adequate water circulating in the body is needed to flush out the toxic wastes and acidic by-products of cellular metabolism. When toxins and acidic wastes accumulate, the cells are deprived of oxygen and nutrients and cellular communication is disrupted, both of which can cause severe damage to the DNA structure of the cells. DNA damage can lead to mutant (cancerous) cells. When DNA damage happens repeatedly, over time the cells’ DNA repair systems become inefficient or even ineffective.
  • Acid-Alkaline Balance. A healthy body maintains a slightly alkaline pH in the interior of the cells. Blood is regulated at about 7.3 to 7.4 pH. The kidneys are key regulators for the acid-alkaline state of body fluids. When dehydrated and urine output is diminished, acid waste accumulates in weak or vulnerable areas of the body. It is well known that a cancerous body is acidic.
  • Cell Receptor Damage. Healthy cells have protein receptors on their membranes that receive information from other parts of the body. Chronic dehydration causes enzymatic changes that lead to numerous problems with cellular communication and hormonal balance. Many of the cell receptors are gradually destroyed, leaving the cell isolated. The potential for isolated cells to become cancer cells is significant.
  • Immune System Suppression. Dehydration suppresses the immune system in many different ways. Just to name a few: first, histamine production in the body is increased, which also increases the production of a chemical called vasopressin, a strong suppressor of the immune system. Second, excess histamine also causes the shutdown of interferon, a critical anticancer chemical that is present in a hydrated body. And third, histamine suppresses immune activity in the bone marrow, which is the central production center of the white blood cells—the immune cells that can destroy and digest cancer cells.

alkaline water workshop