Alkaline Diet Tip #3: Skin Brushing


As Dr Young always says, there are five primary ways for the body to eliminate toxins:

  1. Urination
  2. Defecation
  3. Respiration
  4. Perspiration

And while you can drink plenty, eat the right things and exercise to help encourage these processes, the skin needs a little more help. The skin is the largest organ you have and it is absolutely amazing at helping to keep you healthy, eliminating the acids and wastes that your body creates through it’s normal, daily bodily functions.

What Is Skin Brushing?

Skin brushing is simply the act of brushing your skin (dry) with a firm bristled skin brush (like the one pictured above). The benefits are many, but these are my favourites:

  • Skin brushing removes dead skin cells, making the skin fresh, tight, soft supple and glowing
  • By removing the dead cells it also facilitates the detoxification and waste elimination process
  • It also aids in circulation by bringing the blood up to the surface
  • Skin brushing stimulates the flow of lymph throughout the body – which is so important (click here for more info on the lymphatic system) but also quite hard to achieve
  • It gives you an INSTANT energy boost – I honestly feel great after I’ve finished skin brushing.

To skin brush you simply brush over your body in an upward motion (imagine with each stroke you’re aiming for your heart).

Do this once or twice per day and you’ll really notice the benefits!


alkaline water workshop

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  1. Colleen Reply

    Hi There,
    Recently I restarted the alkaline diet (about 10 days ago). I’d been on the diet before and slowly started getting careless about the foods I was eating. Sure enough, the signs of acidosis began to show up. One of those was itchy skin, and now that I’ve begun the diet, my skin is horribly dry and almost painful. I’m hoping (?) this is a result of my body getting rid of some of the acid in my body as I start to change my pH, but what can I do to alleviate the discomfort and how long will this discomfort last?
    Thank you,

  2. HolistGuy Reply

    I also would like to know the answer to Katie’s question above.

    • Ross Reply

      Hi HolistGuy

      I understand that this provides a greater benefit for your circulation as opposed to just brushing back and forth.


  3. katie Reply

    Can you tell us why it’s important to brush in an inward direction (toward the heart)?
