Alkaline Diet Recipe #79: Lamb’s Lettuce with Walnuts & Avocado


I have just got back from a holiday to Corsica and discovered a delicious salad there, which contains my favourite type of salad which is lamb’s lettuce, a highly alkalising avocado (see whfoods info on avocado here – fantastico) and a handful of crunchy walnuts.

Lamb’s lettuce is extremely healthy and has many nutrients, including three times as much vitamin C as lettuce, beta-carotene, B6, B9, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids. You will already know how nutritious and alkaline avocados are, as they are very rich in potassium, B vitamins, vitamin E and K. Avocados are also known to promote healthy skin and hair. Some people use them for facial masks, however they are most beneficial when eaten.

The walnuts give this light salad a lovely crunch and flavour!

Personally I would recommend to use a good quality walnut oil with this salad, as you will really taste the difference! And remember, all oils should be kept out of the exposure of light, heat and air – so don’t cook with walnut oil, just use it to dress salads, veggies and other lovely alkaline foods!

Lamb’s Lettuce with Walnuts & Avocado

Serves 2


600g lamb’s lettuce
About 200g of walnuts
1 bunch of fresh chives and parsley
2 avocados
Lemon juice of 1 lemon
4 tbsp waltnut oil, cold-pressed olive oil or Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend
Celtic sea salt or himalayan crystal salt
Freshly ground black pepper


Wash the lamb’s lettuce, open the walnuts and halve them. Cut the avocado in small pieces, wash the chives and cut into little rolls.

Prepare the dressing by mixing together the olive oil, fresh lemon juice and fresh herbs. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

Add the dressing to the salad.

Voila and Enjoy!

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  1. Diane Ramsden Reply

    I am new to this, saving up for you book. I am in South Yorkshire England. I have so much to learn.
    Thanks for all the help
