Alkaline Recipe #27 Sweet Chunky Alkaline Shake!


This highly alkaline smoothie is an absolute beauty!

It is super-alkaline, superbly satisfying and has a thick and chunky texture that will keep you going for hours and hours.

Another simple one, just wash your veggies, blend and enjoy!

Do make sure the base of your vegetable stock (if using powdered) is free from MSG and it’s sneaky namesakes (see here for a list of hidden names for MSG).

Sweet & Chunky Alkaline Shake

Serves 2

1 cucumber
4 tomatoes
1 avocado
2 sticks of celery
1 red pepper
2 broccoli heads & stalks
A few basil leaves
50ml vegetable stock


Wash all of the ingredients thoroughly and then chop the cucumber, celery tomato, pepper and avocado roughly.

Dissolve the vegetable stock in a small amount (50ml) of warm water and place the avocado and stock in the blender and whizz into a paste.

Now throw in the remaining ingredients and blend until there is a slightly chunky consistency.

Serve in a tall glass and enjoy!

get the alkaline recipe book here

alkaline water workshop

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  1. Denise King Reply

    Can I ask why are you using vegetable stock ?
    Or have I misunderstood and it’s basically soup that’s neither hot nor cold ?
    I shall just carry on with my spring water.

    • ross Reply

      Hey Denise

      It’s basically – in this context, that amount of water with a vegetable stock cube melted into it. With just plain water this will work well still but not have as much depth of flavour.


  2. ross Reply

    Vegetable stock is most easily made using boiling water and a product such as this:

    Make sure your stock (if powdered) is free from MSG.


  3. Cyndy Whitaker Reply

    Hi Ross. How do you store your vegies in the frig. I have tried Peak Fresh and Seal in Vac. Blessings, Cyndy

  4. Jek Reply

    hey , what you mean by ‘vegetable stock’ ?
