Alkaline Diet Quick Tip Series (…plus Tip #1)

green drink

Hey everybody!

I’ve obviously been alkalising for a long, long time now and along the way I’ve picked up a lot of little tips, clues, ideas and workarounds that have helped me to get alkaline and stay alkaline. In fact, I’m still learning!

So I’ve decided that I should jot these little tips down on the blog as I go, storing them all in one place so that you guys can come back here whenever you want or need to and find my 6+ years worth of learning all here in one bitesized little chunk!

So here it goes:

The Alkaline Diet Quick Tip Series #1: Green Drink Efficiency!

There are often times when you need your greens but mixing it up into a whole litre to drink just seems daunting. In fact, at times like these it leads to you not having anything at all (do you know what I mean….?). So rather than miss out on your greens for the day, just mix a potent cup! Put a scoop (or more or less, dependent on whether you’re hardcore or not ;)) into a cup and mix with just 250ml of water and get it down you!

Then you can supplement your water intake with lovely herbal teas, lemon water etc but still get a nutrient hit!

I only recently discovered this (I know, maybe I’m a slow learner!) when I was travelling and was from place-to-place-to-place and was really just craving nutrients! Because I was between meetings I knew I would be well hydrated with the water and herbal teas from there so when I got home I quickly mixed a scoop of Doc Broc into a small cup and bang – I was away. Followed it up 45 mins later and the difference was noticable.

Now…I know that some of you may still be partial to the odd glass of wine here and there, so while you’re transitioning this could also be the best hangover cure you’ve ever known!

Have a go and let me know what you think!


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  1. Siong Reply

    Hey ross , so do you mean that 1 scoop of green into 1 litre is not same with 1 scoop of green into 300ml cup? I alsway put 1 scoop of green into 1 litre then i drink whole day . Which is better….thanks

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Siong

      It is the same nutritional value, just less water (and thus less hydration) – so if you always have the full litre, this is just for if you’re in a hurry or feeling overwhelmed drinking so much fluid during the day.

