Top 7 Alkaline Herbal Teas (Yes Herbal Tea is Alkaline!)
Hi guys
Since I’ve been promoting hydration as the most important part of the alkaline dietI’ve had heaps of questions asking me whether herbal teas are alkaline, so I thought it would be a nice idea to blog about my favourite alkaline herbal teas!
First, a Question: Is Boiled Water Alkaline?
The first thing to address is this – is boiled water alkaline?
The answer is yes!
Water that is alkaline due to ionization or mineral content holds it’s pH wonderfully even when boiled. You can use a water ionizer, alkaline water jug or other filter to make alkaline water, boil this and you’re set.
If you’ve ionized the water, it also holds its ORP too (if you use a glass kettle, a metal kettle will remove the ORP benefit).
As for pH drops, I would add these to the tea after it has boiled and cooled a little (i.e. just before you drink it). I’m personally not that comfortable boiling pH drops. No scientific reason, it just doesn’t sit well with me!
Top 7 Alkaline Herbal Teas
- Yerba Mate Tea: A wonderful tea, native to South America, that can be really useful in detoxing and cleansing. It gives a slight energy boost, that is free from the jitters of caffeine-based drinks such as coffee and green tea and each infusion of yerba mate contains:
Vitamins: A, C, E, B1, B2, Niacin (B3), B5, B ComplexMinerals: Calcium, Manganese, Iron, Selenium, Potassium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc
Additional Compounds: Carotene, Fatty Acids, Chlorophyll, Flavonols, Polyphenols, Inositol, Trace Minerals, Antioxidants, Tannins, Pantothenic Acid and 15 Amino Acids.
- Redbush Tea (rooibos tea): absolutely PACKED with antioxidants, this awesome tea is a great drink to have if you’re trying to transition away from coffee. It’s slightly bitter taste helps replace that bitter urge for coffee and black tea. It’s packed full of nutrients including calcium, manganese, zinc and magnesium – all powerful alkaline minerals.
- Peppermint Tea: very alkaline, very tasty and very, very good for digestion. It’s refreshing, natural and caffeine free and has been widely recommended for IBS, flatulence, bad breath, nausea and heartburn.
- Ginger Tea: one of my personal favourites, this zingy bad-boy is also good for digestion and nausea – but is also great for circulation, colds, flu, stress and headaches.
- Rosemary Tea: native to the Mediterranean, Rosemary is another big hitter in the antioxidant stakes. I love it because it grows SO easily and you get LOADS of it when you grow a bush! It’s high in the following: beta-carotene/Vitamin A, thiamin/Vitamin B1, riboflavin/Vitamin B2, niacin/Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Vitamin E and Vitamin K making it a great all-rounder!
- Lavender Tea: the best smelling tea, lavender is the great relaxer – helping ease you off to sleep, to ease anxiety and stress and to help unwind after a long day. Luckily I’ve got almost as much lavender growing as I have rosemary!
Hence me being so relaxed…
- Rosehip Tea: rose hips are the fragrant and tasty fruit of the wild rose plant and make a very very flavoursome tea. Because of the very high vitamin C content in rosehips (along with other vitamins, minerals and tannins), rosehips are considered to be an energizer.They are also rich in flavonoids, which help strengthen your body’s capillaries among other things. Very useful for colds, flu, headaches, stomach aches and more
Update: More Delicious Teas for You to Try…!
Since I wrote this post, my passion for tea has only grown over the years (I think I wrote this four years ago…ish?), so I wanted to point you to a few more of my favourites.
Firstly, I have created two tea recipes you can make at home that are powerfully anti-inflammatory and alkaline:
Ginger & Turmeric Refresher Tea
This tea is very simple, but incredibly delicious. All you need is water, a cooker, some fresh ginger and some fresh turmeric and about 10 minutes!
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Serves: 2
600ml of filtered, preferably alkaline water
1 inch of fresh root ginger
1 inch of fresh turmeric root
Optional: pinch of black pepper (reported to help absorption and bioavailability of the curcumin in turmeric)
- Peel the ginger and turmeric and chop into small pieces (the smaller the better, but if you’re in a hurry you can be quite rough)
- Put into a pot, on the stove with the water and bring to a boil
- Once boiling, bring to a simmer for 10 minutes (roughly) and then serve!
You can certainly leave it to simmer for longer if you want it stronger, and if it IS summer (lucky you) you can also chill in the fridge and serve as a deliciously refreshing iced tea!
Creamy Coconut Turmeric & Ginger Warmer
This one takes a little longer, but geez it’s worth it!
Warming, soothing, comforting – it’s my #1 winter favourite (aka hug-in-a-mug).
Preparation Time: 15 minutes
Serves: 2
1 inch of fresh turmeric root
1.5 inches of fresh ginger root
2 tsp of coconut oil
250ml of full-fat coconut milk (don’t worry coconut milk fat doesn’t make you fat)
250ml of coconut water (or filtered water)
1 tsp of cloves
Optional: 1 vanilla pod
Optional: pinch of black pepper (reported to help absorption and bioavailability of the curcumin in turmeric)
- Peel the ginger and turmeric and grate into a mortar
- Add the coconut oil and using the pestle, turn it into a beautiful orange-yellow paste
- Pour the coconut cream, water into a pan and spoon in the paste, and add the cloves
- Bring to a simmer and simmer it all together for 4-5 minutes
- Serve warm, straining if you wish
Why These Two Teas are SO Powerful!
Turmeric and ginger are both from the same family, and are two of the most powerful ingredients I’ve ever researched in the 13 years of running this site.
They have been used for centuries in cooking AND as for their medicinal properties, with their use as a medicinal ingredient dating back to the ancient Egyptians and Indians. Both are certainly prominent in Ayurveda.
I’ve written a heap of guides in the past about how inflammation, low immunity and acidity is the root cause of almost every condition – and these two teas will help address all three of those issues.
Sleepy Time Homemade Tea Recipe from Crane & Canopy
I got this awesome homemade sleepytime tea recipe from…a bedding company! Makes sense!
I tend to leave out the catnip as it’s sometimes a bit hard to find. But the rest of the ingredients are easily found at any half decent natural health store or online (I’d bet you can get all of these ingredients on amazon – here’s the Lemon Balm for instance).
Crane & Canopy’s Sleepy Time Tea:
You Can’t Go Wrong…
To be honest, aside from green, white and black tea (which all contain caffeine – yerba mate contains a little, but not as much as these and nothing to worry about) you can’t really go wrong!
Herbal teas are a great way to up your fluid intake with flavour!
And of course, feel free to add lemon, mint or anything else like cinnamon to add extra alkaline flavour!
Enjoy and let me know your favourite in the comments below!
P.S. Take a look at the Alkaline Recipe System. With hundreds of easy-to-prepare Alkaline recipes PLUS 7 goal-based meal plans each with itemized shopping lists (for goals including weight loss, more energy, better digestion, clearer skin and more) – it makes reaching your health goals SO easy!
+ Make sure to sign up for our free newsletter to get our latest alkaline recipes delivered weekly (it’s free).

“Its Ph,” not it’s Ph.
am interested in your lecture and what to follow
Hi Ross
Firstly, thank you, again, for inspiring, encouraging and helping me. I’m not always on the Alkaline bus but I know it’s the right way and I truly appreciate you being here to support and remind me of where I need to be 🙏🏻💖
Regarding Yerba Mate Tea – are there any that you could recommend to me, please?
Cheers Ross
Love and gratitude
Hey Pixie – always love hearing from you. I’m a big fan of the Pique brand 🙂
What is the name of a bitter detox tea beginning with ‘A’? Bought some in Eastern Europe. Something like Aphro….?
Hello – thanks for all the info. Is Taheebo tea alkaline?
Hi Ross,
I know Pau de Arco tea is great for fighting candida over growth. Do you know if it is alkaline forming as well?
Sorry for the repeat question… I accidentally hit unsubscribe ;/
Hi Ross,
I know Pau de Arco tea is great for fighting candida over growth. Do you know if it is alkaline forming as well?
Hi Ross. I’m trying to avoid acidic foods and drinks that will worsen acid reflux. Is Hibiscus tea ok to drink? Thank you.
Thank you for your wonderful knowledge
Is pine needle tea acid or alkaline?
Alkaline 👍
HI and good morning is nettle and dandelion tea alkalising? my daughter is happy yo drink those thank you for your time
Yes, absolutely 🙂
This milk-thistle,dandelion,burdock root, chicory root, peppermint liver cleanse is good, BUT I do not know the correct proportions…second vaccination done, can fly to our island, so correct tee would be great to have with👀tiitta fougstedt
Hi I am new to the alkaline journey. Can i drink earl grey tea OR decaf earl grey tea? if not what about the fruity flavoured herbal teas? as i have tried to goole it but there are so many contradictions.
Is mountain tea alkaline.?
Is blueberrry superfruit tea alkaline or acidic?
Hi – I have recently discovered that I have low stomach acid. Would any of these teas help to reverse this issue?
An alkaline-forming diet will. There is more info (and a recipe) here:
No single tea, food, supplement, etc will reverse low stomach acid – you need to look at diet holistically.
Hi, do you know if lavender tea is acidic or alkaline?
Hi what about Linden Chamomile and Rosemary blend?
is chamomile tea acid or alkaline
HI Ross
I’m emailing from the UK. I’m not sure where I can get fresh turmeric root, though I’m going to try. If I’m not able to is there any value in using dried turmeric powder instead?
Thank you for your expert knowledge about alkaline tea. I purchased Green Yerba Mate tea, and I’ve had (in the past) a black version or smoked or something like that Yerba Mate tea that was frightfully expensive. Which is better? I do want to consume all those nutrients you list for Yerba Mate.
I recently read that there is a difference between alkalizing drinks and alkaline drinks. Because of issues with LPR, I need drinks that are alkaline as they pass my throat not those that become alkaline when metabolized (like lemon)
Do you have any suggestions?
My nutritionist told me to stay away from peppermint because it’s acidic.
Hi there,
Is Green Tea alkalising. I heard that it was quite acidic. Is nettle tea alkalising.
Thankyou so much.
I Ross,
Really enjoy your info, have been following you for a few years and will continue.
Do you think alkaline water and alkaline diet have a positive effect on cancer?
San Antonio, Tx
Is Nerada organic rooibos tea (vanilla) also alkaline?
Many thanks
Yep 🙂
It seems …no actual tests on any teas, alone, to see if they still cause the stomach to produce acid have been done . True?
The stomach will always produce acid, it’s just you want it to produce acid in the correct ratio with the right balance of sodium bicarbonate production too in order to ensure proper digestion.
What are your thoughts on Kombucha Tea?
Is chai tea, as sold by Starbucks, made with coconut milk, alkaline?
Hi Ross,
Is green tea acidic?
Yep, due to the caffeine content which puts pressure on the adrenals, which raises cortisol, which causes blood pH to drop. Unfortunate I know…
What if you drink decaffeinated green tea? I’m struggling with the fact that green tea is acidic, is it soley the caffeine content? What about white tea if it is decaffeinated?
how can some of these products be alkaline if they have man made ingredients (pepperment, tumeric cumin) which are acidic as default? can you put teas up here that are comosed of non man made non hybrid non gmo GOD MADE only teas
I have no idea how you could possibly come to the conclusion that peppermint, turmeric etc. are man made. This is one of the more bizarre comments I’ve had on here in the past 15 years.
what is ORP
Oxidation Reduction Potential – essentially it’s a measure of antioxidant capacity.
Peeling ginger is not really necessary. The skin has the digestive properties. I read somewhere.
Yep, probably, but if it’s not organic ginger I’d recommend peeling.
Does anyone market an alkaline tea that uses something other than aspertame for sweetening?
That is a sugar alcohol. It can cause the intestines to pull in too much water that can cause sudden explosive diarrhea. So does Xylitol. I learned from experience. Some people are too sensitive to use sugar alcohol.
I’ve searched high and low for a safe and healthy sweetener. I grew my own stevia bush and crushed the leaves and added to tea. I could never get past the funky aftertaste.
Several Stevia brands also contain maltodextrin, which is gmo corn that’s saturated with glyphosate. They’re trying to kill us by every means possible.
Thank you so much for this excellent info!
I’ve just gathered and dried a huge amount of wild sage on a Greek island – is it alkaline?
Hi, Ross,
Have found your blog by chance- trying to getridof my daughter’s reflux.
So, we are a bit confused about peppermint tea:
Would you be so kind as to comment please?
Are any of thesealkaline
Holy thistle
Malva leaves
Marsh mallow leaves
Blessed thistle
Really appreciate your help
Yep – you’re good with all of those teas.
Are you on Pinterest to follow? I love your article and would live to follow you on Pinterest.
I am…but I haven’t been super active there:
Is basil tea Alkaline or Acidic?
I would like to join this group.i need your help and support for improvement of my life.
Hi Ross. I am a single dad of 3. Ages 16 14 10. Always on the go with the children to sport school etc. I work. I find i do alot of semi healthy meals but have a coeliac son so do not eat wheat., barley etc.
Have you some recipes for mainly gluten free but ALKALI. Because i am feeling a little poisoned by the food i eat. AND l know i need to move right away from sugar and coffee. But want to start with teas and diet. Particularly main meals. Please get back to me. Thank you.
Kind regards
Hi Ross, I didn’t know how acidic coffee is. Have you evaluated Arbonne’s Detox Herbal Tea. There products are caffeine free, gluten free, dairy free, vegan. I have used this tea for about 1-1/2 years now.
Interested to know what you think? Your website is fascinating.Thanks, Ash
Thank you for the helpful information on alkaline teas. However, you should definitely edit the text regarding mint tea. It is very detrimental to those who suffer from GERD/heartburn. It’s a powerful relaxant for the lower esophageal sphincter, which promotes the flow of acid up into the esophagus. Every piece of medical advice I’ve seen recommends that those with reflux absolutely avoid mint.
Thanks for the knowledge time your dedicated time having good guys like you really makes s great impact on people like me who wants to stay healthy live long and enjoy s healthy happy life thank you
Are dandelion or Camille teas acidic?
Nope – they’re both fine to use 🙂
Hello, are the Sound brand sparkling teas to be categorized as alkaline or acidic? Especially the chamomile, vanilla tea?
Is chamomile tea alkaline? I am a beautiful person who is newly diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer.. I plan to fight back with diet and herbs and exercise to start with but I am away from my home in Houston Texas at the Hilton Hotel and there is nothing good for me to eat right now.
I love to know more about alkaline natural food and tea …
Hi there I suffer from irritable bladder which seems to come on with acidic foods and drinks. I do drink Redbud tea but once a day I love black tea (I’m British after all!) What type of black tea is best (with caffeine please) and what are the stops I could add to raise the pH? Would these affect taste? Is Chins tea better say than Indian? Thanks in advance. Angela, uk. [email protected]
I am on an acid free diet because of my bad reflux. Would you know anything about an herbal tea by stash called spice Dragon red chai, caffeine-free herbal tea ingredients are: 100% natural cinnamon, Rooibos, ginger root, clove.
Thank you
Can an alkaline diet help with inflammation of the liver possible tumors nothing’s been confirmed yet. Just takeing a lot of test and in a lot of pain. Don’t like taking pain meds
Have you ever tried Thyme tea? It is one of my favorite teas ever! As it is herbal, it should be alkaline, right?
Hi, I drink reverse osmosis water to avoid Fluoride. I am going to start adding hand harvested Celtic Sea salt to it in order to replace the minerals. Will this water then be alkaline when boiled? Thank you! Ally
Hi, would please tell me how Tulsi tea (a basil from India) rates in being acidic or alkaline? Thank you! Kind regards, Ally
Thank you for this article! I drink a cup of decaf every day, but would like to increase my taking of chai tea. I understand that black tea is acidic. My question is: If I add pieces of ginger and turmeric, will I make it less acidic? The ingredients of my chai tea are: black tea leaves, cardamon, cinnamon, and dry ginger. I could add fresh slices of ginger and turmeric. I drink it with honey and milk. Thank you for your response!
Hey Sellena
The honey and milk are the most acid forming ingredients in that drink. For sweetness use rice malt syrup as this contains no fructose (which is the issue with honey). Fructose is the worst of the common sugars.
My son has aggresive malignant melanoma. He is 50 years old, and ‘spots’have now shown up on his lungs. We are IMMEADIATELY going alkaline, but, he is a coffee addict, by that I mean he has about 10 cups a day. How do I ween him?
Hi Janet
This was an interesting approach I read a little while back that may help:
God bless you, Ross for answering Janet’s urgent message! I’ve been reading some of the comments when looking for a tea I’m wondering about, and saw this one. Thanks for being so kind. Cancer loves sugar, even fruit, sad thing is it tastes SO good!
Hi Janet,
I noticed in your comment that you had an issue with your son being a “coffee addict”, but don’t worry! Everyone has some particular habit or sense, and it’s easy to get rid of. One way is to simply replace the habit with something else, such as gum, or fruit. meaning, if he yearns for coffee have him chew some gum instead. Hope this helps!
Lavender is my favorite tea I wonder if that would mix ok with rosemary and ginger or just the ginger & rosemary is what i should stick with.i gave up all soda and acidic drinks & notice a heck of a difference quick.
Sounds delicious 🙂
Peppermint is a known trigger for acid reflux, as are any hot beverages including hot tea.
If you have gas or bloating, peppermint can soothe and relax…just remember it also relaxes your esphogeal sphincter!
I have reflux and can’t tolerate any teas, not even herbal ones.
Good article. But how could adding lemon juice (citric acid) to the tea make it alkaline?
it’s important to remember that fresh lemons are also anionic. Once you drink the acidic lemon water, it will become alkaline as your body reacts with the lemons’ anions during the digestive process
Rooibos is one of my favorite teas. Like others mentioned, I would not have described it as bitter, but rather, very smooth. I’ve had Yerba Mate which I think is more satisfying to coffee lovers. Chai also seemed to work well when I was trying 5u wean of coffee. Maybe it was that spicy bit of cinnamon that did it. To avoid chemicals or unhealthy decaffeinating practices, I only buy certified organic.
Very good information…
Yerba Mate, some Luo Han Guo (monk fruit) for sweetness, and a teaspoon of organic, raw coconut oil. Yummy & filling, and alkaline! Enjoy.
I”m sure these teas that you have listed are fine, indeed. The highest mineral content lies in these herbs: alfalfa, nettles, lemongrass, lemon balm, dandelion leaf, red clover leaf and flower, spikenard leaf (a bit hard to find), parsley leaf, horsetail…..camomile is nice in the mix too. I usually take a few of these and mix them for one tea…then take another few, and mix them. so I have a few jars of different mixes, and alternate them every few days. Infuse the herbs in very hot water overnight, then strain in the morning and drink during day. sometimes i’ll make a couple quarts to drink during the day….
Can any of these herbs be used to naturally alkalize drinking water?
They all contribute in their own way a little, but none are a full alkaline water solution on their own. They wouldn’t affect the pH enough.
Thanks Energise Ross, so do you think the Alkaline water systems are required to alkalize water? An herbologist told me they were all scams and that water can be naturally alkalized.
Hi Gina
Alkaline water systems are not the only thing in the market which can alkalize water – But they are probably the most effective and reliable for a limitless source of alkaline water.
For those of you querying why you suffer bad reactions to herbal teas, I too wonder if there is something else involved. Mould has been suggested, but maybe it is also worth considering the chemicals in the teabags – I believe some are bleached with cyanide etc
I sell (and drink) loose-leaf herbal tea which I have grown myself without any chemicals, so I can vouch for its natural purity and freshness
Dear Ross,
I have only recently started to drink herbal teas and cut down on caffeine. Before I used to drink lots of black tea, coffee and energy drinks. I was never really keen on herbal teas but I have started finding some that I like. I really like liquorice tea and I am drinking plenty of it. Please tell me that it isn’t the only herbal tea that is not alkaline!
Thank you.
I agree 100% growing up with drinking English tea this so naturally sweet nothing needs to be added. Sometimes I leave plants inside and drink it cold the next day. Too Happy
mmmmmmm im also very fond of my rooibos tea:-).Im from South Africa and i find it a bit interesting,that you say rooibos has a bitter taste lol.On the contrary,its naturally sweeter then most teas:-).Greentea on the other hand makes me want to vomit lol.Great article!
What is your opinion of pu-erh tea? It’s fermented for 60 days, so I’m wondering if that changes the ph.
Hi there, I’m from one of the biggest consumer of Yerba Mate country in the world, Argentina and I’ve got to warn you about it. It has a huge quantity of caffeine. People are addicted to it, as it has so much caffeine, and they can’t start the day without it.
I’ve drunk it my whole life and some time ago I’ve just left it because it made me so nervous.
The detox and all that is true, but it doesn’t worth the caffeine.
Hi Ross, wondering if you have experienced “moringa” tea. As the tree is recognised as being the most nutrient dense plant on earth and the powder is acclaimed to assist with over 300 diseases, i was wondering if Moringa tea is firstly alkaline and secondly if it maintains all of the nutrients,vits / minerals, amino acids, antioxidants and anti – inflamatories, etc.
would appreciate your comments,
thanks for a great site and service, regards dave
Is hisbiscus tea alkeline?
Hi, Ross! You provide great information.
Thank you! Re: Yerba Mate Tea…… I love it; but
did you know it contains caffeine? Nevertheless, For me, it’s a
wonderful and gentle morning wake-up!
Is Liquorice tea alkaline?
Also do you have any recipes for alkaline smoothies?
I look forward to hearing from you.
Cheers Pete.
Please i would like to get your news letters. Have been really suffering from acid stomach. All tests say it is well but what i eat and drink seem to determine how i feel. Can you please tell me about alkaline food. Some just mentioned red bush tea which took me to your website and i see it is very rich. Please enlighten me on the acid alkaline Diet.
pepperming tea is known for heartburn not for relieving heartburn.
where did you read that peppermint tea reduces heartburn?
You are correct, peppermint is evil to the esophageal sphincter and causes acid reflux to rage.
Peppermint tea does wonders for my bloating and pain. Just had some yesterday and worked great on me.
I sell organic tea and coffee and research them to find the good and bad in them to pass on to my customers.
Pine tea is also delicious, and if you have a tree nearby, it’s free! Brew hot or cold and don’t sweeten in any wsy until you’ve tasted it alone! But, if you prefer, a touch of cinnamon, lemon, mint or vanilla might be a great addition.
There is a box with a place to hit “Like” or “Tweet” etc. that I can’t seem to move and it makes it really difficult to read anything on this website. Is there a way to move it?
I have the same thing.
Try a different browser – doesn’t do it on mine. I am using Firefox.
I would love someone to help me understand why nearly all herbal teas give me reflux-like symptoms? Why do alkalizing teas not work for me? Rose Hip – rips my guts apart. Peppermint – shocking. Camomille – bad. Rooibos – bad. Lavender – bad. Even lemongrass and ginger which I love. I do have fructose malabsorbtion problems and wonder if all teas have natural fructose?
Maybe you just have a sensitivity to tea.
I find I can’t tolerate herbal teas either. Any hot beverages can trigger reflux.
Herbal teas are known for carrying mould (if they are old etc) perhaps you have a mold sensitivity – that can happen if you have a candida imbalance etc. How are your sinuses? Hay fever? Check out your relationship to mold.
How is a high quality yerba mate?
Good luck! Don’t worry. You’ll get to the bottom of it.
Me too. I think the teas are treated with something. I can tolerate very few.
Thanks a lot for the fantastic post. Whereas I was reading it I found a number of issues that I’ve been considering lately. I needed to leave you a short note to let you know that I admire what you wrote. Recently I’ve been coping with some tough private issues and have felt considerably disconnected. There is a number of online content available but it’s excellent content material like yours that gives information to individuals such as myself. I learned so much from your post. Thanks, and I will definitely keep in mind your post and come back once more to learn more of your terrific content within the future.
Sorry, mis info on the yerba mate. although a great tea, it does contain caffeine.
No mis info- mate contains Mateine, not caffeine. Also a stimulant but completely different to caffeine. Look it up 🙂
Mateine is just another name for caffeine probably coined to sell more mate.
Mate is great, especially as a replacement for coffee or black tea, but not for those sensitive to caffeine or with caffeine addiction. Use in moderation.
Ross, you mention that rosemary tea has B12. I understand that B12 cannot be found in plants?
Hi Ross
I just wanted to now if boiled tap water is alkaline?
Boiling your water is just killing the germs in it but not necessarily increasing the alkalinity.
This is a great blog I LOVE teas and I will certainly be adding these teas to my diet and checking out your posts often, thanks for spreading your knowledge I appreciate it… check out my blog sometime when you get the chance, it’s always good to build with those who are like minded, peace!
Thank you so much I appreciate it. We do our best to help people to live a healthy life style.
I have been following your posts and I am learning a lot. Also this tea thing is new for me. I am trying to do alkaline diet because I have rosacea. I discovered that coffee is a very bad thing for me, it makes me flush like … you know…
So I switched over to drinking tea. I thought only green tea was a choice, but now I know there are others. I’m glad, because I don’t really like green tea.
What do you think of tea with fruits rich in anti oxidants? Do you think I can make my own fruity tea?
Thank you in advance for the reply. I learned a lot, thank you!
(If my writing looks like it was written by a four year old, excuse me, I’m from Holland, doing the best I can! haha!)
Forgot to add – Yerba Mate tea is heavenly! I drink that in place of green tea. I also use a chai spice “tea” (no actual tea in this only the spices ) and add the yerba mate to it.
Wow! Great idea. I’ll try it!
Thanks for your educative write up, might help if we can readily locate where to get these teas.
Hi Ross. I always have peppermint tea after a meal in a restaurant or at home in the evening. Fennel is great for digestion and I start the day with hot water and a slice of lemon. Cammomile is great for winding down as I am a very anxious person. I avoid dairy for health and ethical reasons. A year ago my husband had lots of probs with over acidity. A nutritionist made us aware of you and now my husband loves all the herb teas he once shunned. His athletes foot has gone and he has lost about 7lb of tummy flab. Amazing what simple changes can do. Thanks for all your info. christine Parmenter Sheringham Norfolk.
Hi Ross,
With tea being packed into teabags, are they considered alkaline as well? Read from the net that teabags are not “friendly” to our body.
Thanks for all the info you send out to us Ross,
it is much appreciated.
A few Qs
1. What about the caffine in Yerba Mate?
2. Chamomile tea?
3. Vanilla – my wife loves a vanilla mint tea that has vanilla flakes?
4. Lemongrass?
4. Does the freshness/storage of teas make a diffence?
I believe that the stimulant in Yerba mate is Mateine not caffeine. The two are very different.
Thanks Ross,
Loving these informative emails, keep em coming 🙂
Finding it a bit tricky not having my morning coffee at work… any good suggestions?
I do love dandelion, peppermint, ginger, lavender and rosemary tea but they don’t seem to give me that “wake me up kick” I get from coffee, doh!
Vonny >i<
Hey Ross,
I used to drink 10-15 cups of builders tea a day, with milk & sugar, YUK! makes me cringe now, I managed to give this up by having Redbush tea on its own instead of. I cannot remember the last time I had a cuppa & am now 4.5 stone lighter & alkalized. I just drink Ionized water now & feel brand new ;-))
Thank you, Ross! As always, your information is so very informative and usually something I have never thought of. I had never heard of Red Bush Tea and I’m dying to try it out. I’ll have to run in to Galveston, Texas to the nearest health food store and try some! Thank you again, Ross…
Thanks Richard for the herbal drink suggestions. I can now do without tea or coffee !
I’ve lost a stone! now able to jig!!
I now have a clean bill of health but I shall continue with this Alkaline diet. I feel good. x Pauline
Thanks for a great article. This is info I will save and use.
You don’t mention nettles, which, according to Susun Weed, are a powerhouse of nutrients. What do you think?
I’d like to know more about what we get out of other herbal teas, such as lemon balm, catnip, and hibiscus.
A final question: Is the alkalinity of the herbal tea increased by adding a few drops of lemon juice?
I have terrible issues with acid reflux, and I have been using this alkaline diet since November 2010. I love finding news recipes and different ideas on what I can add to my diet. I love red bush tea and I have been drinking since I heard it was alkaline. Thanks for more teas to add to my list.
I also lost 10 pounds since I started this new eating lifestyle and I feel like myself again.
Thanks Ross!!!
a great trick for accid reflux:
It has always worked so far when recommended to clients suffering.
GREEN apples
no joke, it goes against instinkt to put a sour apple into your tummy, it’s mainly the skin so do not peal!
Enjoy an accid free life 🙂
But has your acid reflux GONE?
Id like to know because I have the mild form of it (LPR) and would love to know what works for others.
I love Rooibos from Africa.
Nettle tea is very good too. Lots of silica and very alkaline
Absolutely love Rooibos Tea!..I drink a Rooibos Chai blend, very flavorful..Fortunately, many of the teas you listed, I am consuming. I love adding grated ginger to my lemon water. I sweeten with Stevia..hope I’m doing it all right. Looking forward to trying the Lavender Tea.
I forgot to mention that while green tea can be bought decaffienated, I understand something like 29 acids are used to take out the caffiene – so which is best? (I drink no coffee at all.)
Dear Ross: I have long drunk green tea as I read everywhere that it is beneficial for the kidneys. Since I am diabetic type II I know kidney failure is a prevalent cause of death if one continues to allow blood sugar to fluctuate up and down. I don’t know whether it is alkaline. I suppose I could test it, but much better if you let me know. I brew two 16-oz glasses of very cold green and oolong tea mixed, two bags of each (Triple Leaf brand) made with boiled alkaline water from my ionizer). A friend of mine who works at the Vitamin Shoppe has lost much weight, which she attributes to her drinking of this tea twice a day, so since I have long been a fan of green tea I decided to add oolong and try it, and have been doing it since she told me this. I haven’t lost much weight but then again I haven’t really been trying – but have lost inches to the point that all of my pants are falling down. What do you think of all this, and are green tea and/or oolong tea alkaline? I know the water I make it in is alkaline. PS: At night before bed I drink chamomile/mint tea, which I know is alkaline. Also, I eat and shop for groceries and eat from your alkaline/acidic foot chart at least 80%plant foods, and hardly any meat, dairy, and other acid producing food except a little wild salmon (for iodine and omega3), eggs, jarlsberg lite cheese, and plain Greek yogurt with the lowest sugar content I can find (7grams); it’s amazing how few people know that the whole purpose of the cultures in yogurt and pro-biotics is to fight sugar, so what’s the point in eating Activia or one of those mainstream yogurts with a lot of sugar and fruit already in it. You can add your own fruit and avoid most of the sugar. Sometimes I make my own yogurt for my grandchildren and it has no sugar at all. Then I add fresh blueberries or one of the other anti-inflammatory fruits and my kids love it. If it’s not sweet enough I just add a little stevia when served. I am 78 and probably the healthiest person I know of any age including my daughter, son-in-law, and 3 kids. The most horrible thing I can think of would be to outlive them, but they are much too busy to pay attention (the same as I was pre-1973.)
Miriam I would say no. Ross and other alkaline diet websites are pretty clear about anything with caffeine not being alkaline. Green tea and oolong tea have caffeine.
I am so greatful for ur input on my life. It is so challenging trying to change ur eating and drinking environment. This helps my whole family! May God BLESS u. SHALLETTE
Hi, Thanks for sharing all these wonderful information on herbal teas with us. Would you also throw some lights on Himalayan gooseberry tea and the cinnamon detoxification tea which are both considered herbal teas, caffeine free and immensely good for health. Thanks
Am also looking forward on your information on Tulsi tea
Great! information. Thank you.
Wow this is just what I was after. The herb tea
I am celebrating finally feeling settled with the alkaline diet. It has taken a couple of weeks, but I am now starting to find the discipline easy and my system feels nicely balanced with no cravings.
Thanks for your great blog
Half of your email did not come through…..please resend.
I want to let you know that”greatly appreciated”
How can green tea be good if it has three times the caffeine if coffee? I heard it damages tooth enamel also. I’ve lately been feeling slightly sick after drinking it. I used it as a coffee caffeine substitute but it dehydrates me more than coffee and effects my mood…and in still hooked on caffeine!
I’m huge fan of red bush (roiibos) tea. I’ve recently seen a green tea version of it which is naturally caffeine free (made by Tick Tock). I assume this will be alkaline, but it’s not clear whether there’s more anti oxidants in it versus the normal red bush version.
One to be aware of. It tastes less bitter than the traditional caffeinated green teas.
In Nigeria, it is difficult to get the teas you mentioned. Also it is not easy for us to get foreing currency to order from abroad.
We are handicapped. Please if you have any contact in Nigeria that could help I will be highly appreciative.
Thanks for improving the well-being of human beings.
Hi Ross (long time no contact from me but I am still around!).
What do you think of Tulsi tea – this is the one all my fellow Personal Trainers are raving about at the mo! Just about to MEGGA do the pH again (I m am pretty good but little things are slipping back in) – so will be back on the forums again. Although I am strict in what I eat I have NEVER felt as good as I did on the pH protocol, so need to revisit and WILL start on Thursday! (there is logic here trust me!!). All the best and yo are doing a FAB job!
Do you have any information about how to help interstitial cystitis? I am a Athletic Trainer and personal trainer and I have a client who has this chronic condition. Everything I read says it is not curable and is definitely food and beverage related in terms of triggers. Any suggestions are welcome. Thank you, Julie Lindbloom
For Julie,. I just saw you question and I also have Interstitial Cystitis and have drunk marshmallow root tea every day for about 6 years. Also I have heard that slippery elm tea is good but I have not used it. Marshmallow root tea bags get kind of slimy in water and I think it coats the bladder. Wasted many months with treatments from a specialist that did no good and the tea has helped me more than anything. Don’t know if it is alkaline but helps my pain.
Julie and Leah, I also have Interstitial Cystitis. I found this article because I was searching for a new tea as the Body Rescue Alkalizing tea I’ve been drinking has been discontinued. If you are not already aware of this product, I use Prelief to reduce/eliminate the painful effects of acidic foods. It has been a life saver for me and don’t know what I would do if its ever discontinued. If you haven’t tried it, you can buy it at Walgreens or online.
Now i’m confused! The data i’ve seen on yerba mate gives a caffeine content of .7% to 1.7%, compared to 0.4% to 0.9% for tea. So why is yerba ok, but tea isn’t because of the caffeine?
is taheebo tea an alkaline?
tanke you the tee is verry good for health but i want to khnow some of them for inflamatory problem.with gratitude Mariana
what was the end of the lemon water sentence please?
Also, apart from alkaline water I have only drunk lemon & ginger tea for over twenty years (as I was previously addicted to coffee drinking over 20 mugs per day) – and have felt much better for it.
Now people are warning of the effect the lemon in the tea can have on the enamel of our teeth (as it’s not possible to clean teeth every time I drink). Have you any comment on the tooth enamel health and lemon please?
regards, Pat
I believe green and black teas are a definite no no but my concern is the water used to make any tea. I can’t afford to ionize. So, just how much am I undoing any good that my diet is doing. Without ionized water is there any point at all? I use fesh lemon but someone has suggested adding hydrogen peroxide instead. (Albeit in weak solution..8 drops to 5 litres) Is this wise?
Great, I love herbal teas! 🙂
Do you recommend NOT drinking green, white and yellow tea?
I know they have some caffeine, but they are also packed with anti-oxidants, right?
Cheers 😉
This is a very good question: I have read much conflicting info about green tea especially – some say it is acid and others say it is alkaline. I was told by a naturopath that a teaspoon of lemon juice would make green tea more alkaline so by that I presume it is acidic.