The FIFTEEN Most Alkaline Foods

most alkaline foods list

Ross at an alkaline juice barThe FIFTEEN Most Alkaline Foods to Add-In Daily

(First posted January 2012, Updated March 2024)

In our journey to ‘get alkaline’ knowing which are the most alkaline foods is essential. By focusing on these alkaline foods that are most dense with nutrients means you can get the biggest amount of alkalinity for your effort!

In an ideal world you would eat all of these alkaline foods every day, but that’s utterly unrealistic.  Instead, I want you to see this as a pick and mix list that you can dip into daily, trying to add 2-3 or more when you can.

Remember – you don’t ever have to be perfect.  Consistency is FAR better than aiming for perfection.  So if you can do 2-3 good things consistently, you’re going to see results REALLY quickly (and they’ll be sustainable too).

So what are the most alkaline foods?

It is a question that comes up often. It is probably the most asked question in my 16 years of teaching the alkaline diet. So many of you who have seen my super comprehensive Acid / Alkaline Foods Chart say ‘thanks for the big list, but…which are the most alkaline foods?”

So to answer that question, here is a full, in-depth analysis to show you what they are, how to cook with them, and what their evidence-based benefits are.

What Are the Most Alkaline Foods?

Before we jump right in, it’s important to know that if you’re following an alkaline diet, then the most alkaline foods as determined by the quantity and spectrum of nutrients that make them alkaline-forming are:

  1. Spinach
  2. Kale
  3. Cucumber
  4. Broccoli
  5. Avocado
  6. Celery
  7. Capsicum/Bell Pepper
  8. Watercress
  9. Coconut Oil
  10. Flax Seeds/Oil
  11. Garlic
  12. Beetroot
  13. Turmeric
  14. Ginger
  15. Chia Seeds

For each of these fifteen most high alkaline foods you will find below an intro, nutritional content per 1 cup, a number of free alkaline recipes that I’ve created, and also a number of research papers that have been published to validate the benefits stated.

Of course, this list could go on and on into the hundreds of foods – but I am all about getting the maximum benefit for the minimum effort – so if you just focus on these fifteen foods you’ll be bursting with energy and vitality.

The Most Alkaline Foods #1. Spinach


ALL leafy greens should be eaten in abundance, as they are literally the most alkaline foods with the highest micronutrient content, and  a high pH level, but spinach is my absolute favorite. It is easy to buy, easy to use in recipes and salads, and is delicious. Baby spinach or fully grown spinach are nutritional powerhouses and are incredibly alkaline.

As with all green foods, spinach is rich in chlorophyll (see more about the health benefits of chlorophyll here), a potent alkaliser and blood builder.

It is also super high in vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, folate, magnesium, iron, vitamin c, vitamin b2, calcium, potassium, vitamin e, and dietary fiber…need I go on?

I doubt there is a more all-around healthy food on earth and I highly encourage you to eat spinach throughout the day, every day.   Spinach is deservedly at the top of the most alkaline foods list.

Nutrients per 1 Cup

Vitamin K – 1110% RDA
Vitamin A – 337.3% RDA
Manganese – 84% RDA
Folate – 65.7% RDA
Magnesium – 38% RDA
Iron – 35% RDA
Vitamin C – 31% RDA
Vitamin B2 – 27% RDA
Calcium – 25% RDA
Potassium – 23% RDA
Vitamin E – 21% RDA
Fiber – 19% RDA

Ross’ Alkaline Recipes Containing Spinach

Warm Red Pepper & Spinach Salad

Spinach, Garlic & Tofu Burgers

Alkaline Avo Power Smoothie

Alkaline Raw Soup

Research on Spinach

The Most Alkaline Foods #2. Kale

alkaline food kale

Long known in the alkaline circles as one of the most alkaline foods, kale is another leafy green beauty that is widely known for its cancer-fighting, cholesterol-lowering, antioxidant-rich, detoxifying goodness.

Less popular than spinach, but only because it has a history of being cooked poorly (like cabbage) – when done right it is absolutely delicious (see recipes below, you’ll thank me).

If you eat kale 2-3 times per week you’ll know it. Like spinach, it is massively high in vitamin k, vitamin a, and vitamin c and being leafy green it also has a huge chlorophyll content.

The reason it is so powerful against cancer fight is that kale contains at least four glucosinolates. I don’t want to lose you here by using words like glucosinolates – all you need to know is that as soon as you eat and digest kale, these glucosinolates are really easily converted by the body into cancer-fighting compounds.

Also quite amazing for lowering cholesterol, it should be noted that steamed kale is more effective for cholesterol-lowering than raw.

Nutrients Per 1 Cup:

Vitamin K: 1327% RDA
Vitamin A: 354% RDA
Vitamin C: 88.8% RDA
Manganese: 27% RDA
Fiber: 12% RDA
Calcium: 11% RDA
Magnesium: 11% RDA
Iron: 9% RDA
Omgega 3: 7% RDA

Ross’ Alkaline Recipes Containing Kale:

Chickpea & Kale Rolls with Tomato Salsa

Kale & Chickpea Mash

Super Alkaline Kale Salad

Alkaline Chilli Spring Greens

Research on Kale as an Alkaline Forming Food:

get the alkaline food chart

The Most Alkaline Foods #3. Cucumber

cucumber - the most alkaline foods

One of the highest scoring alkaline foods, the beauty of cucumber is its water content – 95%. That is phenomenal and you won’t find that anywhere else. Super alkalizing. It’s the daddy of water content. This of course makes it an incredibly hydrating food to consume, that ALSO contains superb amounts of antioxidants, including the super-important lignans. These highly beneficial polyphenols have more commonly been associated with cruciferous vegetables, but their content in other veggies such as cucumbers is gaining more and more attention.

Cucumbers contain a right load of lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol (don’t try to pronounce), three lignans that have a huge and very strong history of research in connection with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease as well as several cancer types, including breast, uterine, ovarian, and prostate cancers.

The best thing about cucumbers is that they provide the base for practically every alkaline soup, smoothie, and juice – giving you a very alkaline, very nutritious base that also tastes great.

In terms of the actual nutrient RDA per serve, cucumbers contain fair amounts of vitamins K and C and slightly less of vitamin A and the B vitamins. Cucumbers also contain the following alkaline minerals: calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, iron, and zinc.  Remember, one of the biggest determinants as to whether foods are high alkaline foods is the alkaline mineral content.

Nutrients per 1 Cup (RDA)

Vitamin K: 23%
Molybdenum: 8%
Vitamin C: 6%
Potassium: 5%
Manganese: 5%
Magnesium: 4%

Ross’ Alkaline Foods Recipes Containing Cucumber:

Alkaline Cucumber & Watercress Soup

Alkaline Sushi

Antioxidant Super-Meal

Sweet Chunky Alkaline Shake

pH Boosting Protein Shake

Almond Gazpacho

Research on Cucumber:


The Most Alkaline Foods #4. Broccoli


Broccoli is just a must. When we’re talking high alkaline foods, and greens, it’s easy to get caught up on just leafy greens.  But if you are serious about living with health, energy, and vitality you simply have to eat broccoli, if not on a daily basis, then at least 4 times per week.  Seriously.

Broccoli has been proven over and over and over again to be incredibly powerful in inhibiting cancers, supporting the digestive system, the cardiovascular system, the detoxification processes in the body, and also supporting the skin, metabolism, immune system, being an anti-inflammatory and providing ample antioxidants.

Sound good?

Eaten steamed or raw it’s a hugely alkaline, hugely nutritious food. Please, please, please eat lots and lots of it. Put it in salads, juices, smoothies, soups…steam it with other veggies – you can even roast it if you’re having Sunday lunch.

Don’t let a meal go past without thinking to yourself “how could I get some broccoli in here?”

Nutrients Per 1 Cup (as an RDA):

Vitamin C: 135%
Vitamin K: 115%
Folate: 16%
Vitamin A: 14%
Manganese: 10%
Dietary Fiber: 10%
Potassium: 8%
VItamin B6: 8%
Vitamin B2: 7%
Molybdenum: 6%
Phosphorus: 6%
Vitamin B5: 5%
Protein: 5%
Magnesium: 5%
Calcium: 4%
Selenium: 4%
Vitamin E: 4%

Ross’ Alkaline Foods Recipes Containing Broccoli:

Broccoli & Vegetable Coconut Curry

Super Nutrient Breakfast Bowl

Cleansing Broccoli Soup

Sweet Chunky Alkaline Smoothie

Spicy Alkaline Summer Soup

Research on Broccoli:


The Most Alkaline Foods #5. Avocado

avocado is alkaline forming

I eat a LOT of avocados. Not a salad, smoothie, or soup goes by without me adding at least 1/2 an avocado per person. I probably eat at least five-seven per week, myself.  A highly alkaline food for several reasons.

Now, I know a lot of people give avocado a bad rep because it is a high-fat food (85% of its calories come from fats) – but this is totally insane. These are good fats that will not make you gain weight. If anything, due to the high content of oleic acid (making it an omega 9 fat and very similar to olive oil), it can lower total cholesterol levels and raise levels of high-density lipoproteins (HDLs) while lowering low-density lipoproteins (LDLs), also known as the “bad” cholesterol. Oleic acid also slows the development of heart disease and promotes the production of antioxidants.  This is an essential food for heart health.

These beneficial omega oils also help speed the metabolism, actually leading to weight loss rather than gain.

So now we’re over the fat issue, avocado also contains a wide range of other nutrients that have serious anti-inflammatory, heart health, cardiovascular health, anti-cancer, and blood sugar benefits.

Containing key antioxidants such as alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein, selenium, and more – it is a powerful, alkaline, nutrient-dense superfood.

Nutrients Per 1 Cup (as an RDA):

Dietary Fiber: 40%
Vitamin K: 38%
Folate: 30%
Vitamin C: 24%
Vitamin B5: 20%
Potassium: 20%
Vitamin B6: 19%

Ross’ Alkaline Foods Recipes Containing Avocado:

Alkaline Avocado Power Shake

Raw Avocado Soup

Smooth Avocado & Tofu Dip

Alkaline Quinoa Salad

Research on Avocado:


The Most Alkaline Foods #6. Celery

celery is a high alkaline food

Celery, like cucumber, is a favorite because it’s alkaline AND really high water content, so is used very frequently as a base in juices and soups (not so many smoothies as you have to juice it first…and then you have double the washing up).

One of the celery’s big benefits is its vitamin C level, which has the well-known benefits – but two of its lesser-known nutrients are phthalides which have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol and coumarins which have been shown to inhibit several cancers.

The beauty of vitamin C-rich foods is that they help with the most common and most challenging health concerns – they support the immune system, inflammation (so helps with arthritis, osteoporosis, asthma, etc), and vitamin C also helps significantly with cardiovascular health.

If you are on a weight loss journey, you’ll also be happy to hear that this alkaline staple contains plenty of potassium and sodium and so is a diuretic – meaning it helps rid the body of excess fluids.

Nutrients Per 1 Cup (as an RDA):

Vitamin K: 37%
Folate: 9%
Vitamin A: 9%
Potassium: 8%
Molybdenum: 7%
Dietary Fiber: 6%
Vitamin C: 5%
Manganese: 5%
Calcium: 4%
Vitamin B2: 3.5%
Vitamin B6: 4%
Magnesium: 3%
Vitamin B5: 3%

Ross’ Alkaline Foods Recipes Containing Celery:

Vegetable Bean Soup

Alkaline Green Drink

Delicious Refresher Juice

Alkaline Chilli Greens

Research on Celery:


The Most Alkaline Foods #7. Capsicum / Bell Pepper / Pepper

capsicum or bell pepper

The antioxidant superpower, bell pepper is one of my all-time favorite alkaline foods because it is sweet, crunchy, and refreshingly delicious. You can use it in almost any meal raw, grilled, fried, roasted and it is always a winner.

If you’re missing sweetness when you first start to ‘go alkaline’ then bell pepper can be a lovely in-between for you (and be sure to check my guide to the most alkaline fruits here)

Here are just SOME of the antioxidants bell pepper contains:

• Flavonoids
– luteolin
– quercetin
– hesperidin
• Carotenoids
– alpha-carotene
– beta-carotene
– cryptoxanthin
– lutein
– zeaxanthin
• Hydroxycinnamic Acids
– ferulic acid
– cinnamic acid

Of these, the carotenoids are the most interesting antioxidants in alkaline foods. Impressively beneficial to our health carotenoids are highly researched and get a lot of attention in the health field…and bell peppers contain over 30 different members of the carotenoid nutrient family. The only other food that is close to this is tomato…and all other foods are also-rans.

Bell peppers have shown up in research relating to decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes, macular degeneration, cancer, inflammation and more.

Alongside these lesser-known or more complex-named antioxidants, and of all the most alkaline foods – bell pepper is one of, if not the best food source of the more common antioxidants: vitamin C, vitamin A, and vitamin E.

In fact, bell peppers contain twice as much vitamin C as oranges.

Nutrients Per 1 Cup (as an RDA):

Vitamin C: 195.8%
Vitamin A: 58%
Vitamin B6: 14%
Folate: 11%
Dietary Fiber: 7%
Vitamin E: 7%
Molybdenum: 6%
Vitamin K: 6%
Potassium: 6%
Manganese: 5%
Vitamin B2: 5%
Vitamin B3: 5%
Vitamin B1: 3%
Vitamin B5: 3%
Magnesium: 2%

Ross’ Alkaline Foods Recipes Containing Bell Pepper:

Sweet Chunky Alkaline Shake

Red Lentils with Bell Pepper

Red Pepper & Tomato Soup

Antioxidant Rich Smoothie

Research on Bell Pepper:


Most Alkaline Foods #8: Watercress


Watercress is a cruciferous vegetable that has long been used for medicinal purposes. It’s related to nutrition powerhouses like broccoli, kale, mustard greens, etc.

Watercress is one of the most alkaline foods out there. Not only does it contain loads of vitamins and minerals (including calcium, iron, magnesium), it also contains protein and amino acids that are vital for cell renewal and pH balance.

Watercress also contains sulforaphane which is one of the most important nutrients on Earth, supporting heart health, lowering cancer risk, and helps balance insulin levels.

Watercress is a unique way to add a little peppery kick of flavor and alkalinity to your day. Add it to salads, wraps, sandwiches or pretty much any dish you can imagine.

Nutrients per one cup:

Vitamin K – 106%

Vitamin A – 28%

Vitamin C – 24%

Calcium – 17%

Iron – 11%

Magnesium – 11%

Manganese – 14%

Potassium – 7%

Ross’ Recipes Containing Watercress:

Rocket (Arugula), Watercress & Mint Salad

Cucumber & Watercress Soup

Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Research on Watercress:

Zhifeng Li, Hui Wen Lee, Xu Liang, Dong Liang, Qi Wang, Dejian Huang, Choon Nam Ong; Profiling of Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of 12 Cruciferous Vegetables; Molecules 2018 May 10;23(5):1139. doi: 10.3390/molecules23051139.

Sônia M de Figueiredo, Sidney A V Filho, José A Nogueira-Machado, Rachel B Caligiorne; The anti-oxidant properties of isothiocyanates: a review; Recent Pat Endocr Metab Immune Drug Discov 2013 Sep;7(3):213-25. doi: 10.2174/18722148113079990011.

Lucília P Pereira, Marlene Duarte, et al; Targeting Colorectal Cancer Proliferation, Stemness and Metastatic Potential Using Brassicaceae Extracts Enriched in Isothiocyanates: A 3D Cell Model-Based Study; Nutrients 2017 Apr 10;9(4):368. doi: 10.3390/nu9040368.

Alkaline Foods #9: Coconut Oil

coconut oil is a healthy fat

Coconut oil is a healthy fat that supports immunity, heart health, weight loss, and nutrient absorption. It contains medium-chain fatty acids which are easily metabolized into energy rather than being stored as fat.  There are a lot of people out there still aiming to add more high alkaline foods to their diet, but avoiding healthy fats.  Please welcome in the fats!  They are highly alkaline and so necessary!

Long-derided as saturated fat, research has, for decades now, destroyed the saturated fat myths around heart health, weight gain, and so on. The evidence is clear that saturated fat, particularly from coconut, lowers LDL cholesterol while raising beneficial HDL cholesterol. It also supports a healthy weight by balancing the gut, helping regulate the ‘weight loss’ hormones leptin, ghrelin, and adiponectin, and so much more.

The lauric acid in coconut oil is metabolized into monolaurin in the body, which has remarkable germ-fighting power. Plus the caprylic acid is proven to destroy candida.

In addition to its immense benefits for general health, coconut oil also helps raise the pH level of your body by providing alkaline minerals like potassium, magnesium, and calcium.

Coconut oil is great for cooking at moderate temperatures because it does not oxidize easily when exposed to heat. Coconut cream can be used by those who suffer from dairy intolerances or allergies.

Nutrients per tablespoon:

Manganese – 14%

Iron – 3%

Vitamin E – 6%

Calcium – 1%

Magnesium – 0.8%

Zinc – 1%

Ross’ Recipes Containing Coconut Oil:

Well…practically all of them! Take your pick!

Research on coconut oil:

D M Dreon, H A Fernstrom, H Campos, P Blanche, P T Williams, and R M Krauss; Change in dietary saturated fat intake is correlated with change in mass of large low-density-lipoprotein particles in men. Am J Clin Nutr May 1998 vol. 67 no. 5 828-836

Patty W Siri-Tarino, Qi Sun, Frank B Hu, and Ronald M Krauss; Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of saturated fat with cardiovascular disease; January 13, 2010, Am J Clin Nutr

Rajiv Chowdhury, MD, PhD; Samantha Warnakula et al; Association of Dietary, Circulating, and Supplement Fatty Acids With Coronary Risk: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis; Annals of Internal Medicine, 18 March 2014, Vol 160, No. 6

Alkaline Foods #10 – Flax Seeds & Flax Oil

flax seeds and oil

Flax seeds are an incredible alkaline food because they are very high in lignans which is a phytonutrient that helps prevent many hormone-dependent cancers including breast, ovarian, uterine, and prostate cancer.

Flaxseed oil contains the highest level of omega 3 fatty acids per gram than any other source. The great thing about flax seed oil is that it’s very high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which the body needs to make the omega 3s EPA and DHA.

To live a vibrant, alkaline life, full of energy, you absolutely HAVE to get enough omega 3 each day, and flax is one of the very best sources.

Nutrients in 2 tbsp:

omega-3 fats: 133%

copper: 19%

vitamin B1: 19%

manganese: 15%

fiber: 14%

phosphorus: 13%

magnesium: 13%

selenium: 6%

Ross’ Recipes Containing Flax Seeds or Oil:

Spicy Herb & Flax Crackers

Ross’ Ultimate Gluten-Free Bread

Creamy Pesto Pine Nut Extravaganza

Research on Flax Benefits:

Julie K Mason, Lilian U Thompson; Flaxseed and its lignan and oil components: can they play a role in reducing the risk of and improving the treatment of breast cancer;  2014 Jun;39(6):663-78
Elizabeth C Lowcock, Michelle Cotterchio, Beatrice A Boucher; Consumption of flaxseed, a rich source of lignans, is associated with reduced breast cancer risk; Cancer Causes Control;. 2013 Apr;24(4):813-6. doi: 10.1007/s10552-013-0155-7. Epub 2013 Jan 25.
Uliyar Vitaldas Mani, Indirani Mani, Mamta Biswas, Smriti Nanda Kumar; An open-label study on the effect of flax seed powder (Linum usitatissimum) supplementation in the management of diabetes mellitus; J Diet Suppl 2011 Sep;8(3):257-65

Anagha Patade; Flaxseed reduces total and LDL cholesterol concentrations in Native American postmenopausal women; J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2008 Apr;17(3):355-66.

Alkaline Foods #11 – Garlic

garlic powerful anti-viral

11th on the Most Alkaline Foods list, garlic is known as nature’s antibiotic, anti-fungal and antiviral herb. It has been used for centuries to treat everything from the common cold, to diabetes and even leprosy!

In one study, garlic was shown to prevent breast cancer in rats exposed to a carcinogen. In another, it reduced prostate tumor growth by 50% and increased survival time by 56%. It also helps lower blood pressure naturally, without side effects.

Garlic is also a very powerful liver tonic and helps the body get rid of excess fluid retention throughout the body. This helps to reduce swollen ankles, varicose veins and cellulite.

The allicin in garlic is what gives it many of its incredible therapeutic properties including lowering LDL cholesterol.

For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplements appear to reduce total and/or LDL cholesterol by about 10–15%.

Garlic also contains antioxidants that support the body’s protective mechanisms against oxidative damage – particularly with regards to dementia and Alzheimer’s.

Ross’ Recipes Containing Garlic:

Alkaline Liver Cleansing Tonic 

Tofu & Spinach Burgers

(Keto) Creamy Cashew Cesar Dressing

Alkaline Keto Alfredo Pasta

Alkaline Foods Research on Garlic:

C Silagy, A Neil; Garlic as a lipid lowering agent–a meta-analysis;  J R Coll Physicians Lond; . Jan-Feb 1994;28(1):39-45.

H Amagase, B L Petesch, H Matsuura, S Kasuga, Y Itakura; Intake of garlic and its bioactive components; J Nutr 2001 Mar;131(3s):955S-62S. doi: 10.1093/jn/131.3.955S.

P Josling. Preventing the common cold with a garlic supplement: a double-blind, placebo-controlled survey; Adv Ther Jul-Aug 2001;18(4):189-93. doi: 10.1007/BF02850113.

Veena Dhawan, Sanjay Jain; Garlic supplementation prevents oxidative DNA damage in essential hypertension; Mol Cell Biochem 2005 Jul;275(1-2):85-94. doi: 10.1007/s11010-005-0824-2.

Alkaline Foods #12 – Beetroot


Beetroot is a wonder food that provides incredible nutritional value. It’s high in dietary fiber and has been shown to lower blood pressure and improve exercise performance.

Beetroot contains betaine which can be exceptionally beneficial to those with kidney problems, as it helps reduce the build up of homocysteine – a harmful amino acid linked to heart disease and stroke.

The high levels of betaine in beetroot also help prevent inflammation, creating an alkaline environment in the body, while helping liver cells regenerate.

Beetroot is widely used as a “beauty food” due to its deep red color which comes from bioflavonoids that are antibacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral.

These active compounds also protect blood vessels from hardening, as well as protecting the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Beetroot is often applied topically to treat acne, varicose veins, scars, and dandruff. It’s also a good source of betaine which helps prevent liver damage by reducing the build up of homocysteine, a harmful amino acid linked to heart disease and stroke.

Beetroot also has natural anti-clotting capabilities which can reduce the chances of clotting in the blood vessels, especially if you’re taking blood thinning medication.

The betaine found in beetroot helps produce choline which is a key brain nutrient that supports memory, concentration and cognitive function.

The nitric oxide effect of beetroot also has a positive effect on the human body. Nitric oxide is a gaseous molecule made from combining nitrogen and oxygen that helps blood vessels relax, which means better circulation of more oxygen-rich blood throughout your entire body.

There are many great ways to use beetroot. You can juice it or grate fresh raw beets into salads and enjoy them with plenty of alkaline dressing. Beetroot can also be used to make lovely beetroot hummus too!

Nutrients per cup:

Folate: 34%

Manganese: 24%

Copper: 14%

Fiber: 19%

Potassium: 17%

Phosphorus: 9%

Magnesium: 9%

Vitamin C: 11%

Iron: 11%

Vitamin B6: 9%

Ross’ Recipe Containing Beetroot:

Alkaline Foods Research on Beetroot:

Andrew J Webb, Nakul Patel, et al.; Acute blood pressure lowering, vasoprotective, and antiplatelet properties of dietary nitrate via bioconversion to nitrite; 2008 Mar;51(3):784-90.

Margaret Murphy, Katie Eliot, Rita M Heuertz, Edward Weiss; Whole beetroot consumption acutely improves running performance; J Acad Nutr Diet; 2012 Apr;112(4):548-52. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2011.12.002.

Ali A. El Gamal, Mansour S. AlSaid, Mohammad Raish, Mohammed Al-Sohaibani; Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) Extract Ameliorates Gentamicin-Induced Nephrotoxicity Associated Oxidative Stress, Inflammation, and Apoptosis in Rodent Model; Mediators Inflamm. 2014; 2014: 983952.

Alkaline Foods #13 – Turmeric

turmeric anti-inflammatory

No alkaline foods list could be complete without turmeric.  It is a total powerhouse.  Turmeric comes from the root of the Curcuma longa plant and looks a little bit like a knobbly old finger from a wizard or witch in a kids book.

Turmeric is proven to be extremely powerfully anti-inflammatory, anti-carcinogenic, anti-viral, and of course ALKALINE, and so much more.

It is not only a powerful antioxidant but also increases the antioxidant capacity within the body.

The most powerful compound in turmeric is curcumin. Curcumin offers a potent ant-inflammatory activity, making this powerful for conditions such as arthritis and other auto-immune conditions, as well as heart health and brain health.

Curcumin also helps the body to develop a healthy immune system, can help with pain relief, and improves mood.

Turmeric is also fantastic for the digestive system is antibacterial, anti-parasitic, and full of nutrients that support your liver.

It’s also proven to be great for brain function making it excellent for memory, concentration, and cognitive performance.

Ross’ Alkaline Recipes Containing Turmeric (my gosh there are so many, but here’s a few):

Research on Turmeric:

Balasubramanian K. Molecular Orbital Basis for Yellow Curry Spice Curcumin’s Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease. J. Agric. Food Chem., 54 (10), 3512 -3520, 2006. 10.1021/jf0603533 S0021-8561(06)00353-0, Web Release Date: April 20, 2006. 2006.

Cruz-Correa M, Shoskes DA, Sanchez P, Zhao R, Hylind LM, Wexner SD, Giardiello FM. Combination treatment with curcumin and quercetin of adenomas in familial adenomatous polyposis. i>Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2006 Aug;4(8):1035-8. Epub 2006 Jun 6. 2006. PMID:16757216.

Dorai T, Cao YC, Dorai B, et al. Therapeutic potential of curcumin in human prostate cancer. III. Curcumin inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis, and inhibits angiogenesis of LNCaP prostate cancer cells in vivo. Prostate 2001 Jun 1;47(4):293-303. 2001. PMID:16280.

Hidaka H, Ishiko T, Furunashi T et al. Curcumin inhibits interleukin 8 production and enhances interleukin 8 receptor expression on the cell surface: impact on human pancreatic carcinoma cell growth by autocrine regulation. Cancer 2002 Sep 15;96(6):1206-14. 2002.

Alkaline Foods #14 – Ginger

ginger and gingerols

Ginger is a close relative of turmeric. It is quite simply an alkalising superfood. Ginger has fantastic alkaline, anti-inflammatory properties just like turmeric, but has other benefits that are unique, owing to the compound in ginger, cutely called gingerols.

The gingerol compound gives ginger so many benefits including anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-protozoa.

Ginger’s benefits are vast, it helps kill flu viruses, staves off colds; reduces inflammation; prevents gastric ulcers (and fights bacteria that causes ulcers) – one study found that eating ginger every day for the year ended up in less than half of the people catching stomach bugs compared to those who did not.

Ginger has been proven to help prevent heart disease, reduces cholesterol, helps improve circulation and is a great natural pain killer.

Used together with turmeric – it’s a powerful daily one-two that will keep you alkaline, energized and thriving.

Ross’ Alkaline Recipes Containing Ginger:

Alkaline Ginger Cookies

Creamy Broccoli Ginger & Leek Soup

Garlic & Ginger Tonic

Leafy Greens & Ginger Stir Fry

Research on Ginger:

Gajalakshmi V, Jayaprakas C. Effect of [6]-gingerol, [8]-gingerol and [10]-gingerol on the production of prostaglandin E2 and leukotriene B4 in stimulated human polymorphonuclear leukocytes. Agents Actions 1990 Feb;29(2-3):175-8. 1990. PMID:2183471

Hosoda K, Ogura Y, Ohnuma T et al. Inhibitory effect of [6]-gingerol on the growth and metastasis of B16F10 melanoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Carcinogenesis 1999 Aug;20(8):1627-32. 1999. PMID:10402451

Kawamori T, Nosaka N, Shigematsu H et al. Combined inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and 5-lipoxygenase by [6]-gingerol and its stereoisomers. J Nat Prod 2002 Jan;65(1):31-3. 2002. PMID:11752762

Khaw KT, Khine H, Na HS et al. The effects of fish oil and ginger on blood pressure and serum lipids in hypertensive male Thais. Am J Hypertens 1999 Aug;12(8):713-7. 1999. PMID:10440142

Alkaline Foods #15 – Chia

alkaline foods: chia seeds

Chia is certainly one of the most alkaline foods you can include each day, and a very alkaline seed even though it’s from a desert plant.

It gets its superpowers from being one of the highest plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids, containing practically half of it in the form of ALA.

The other type of Omega 3 that chia seeds contain is much easier to metabolize and turn into energy for your body, this other form is DHA. Chia also contains fiber, and protein making it a great all-rounder in terms of macronutrients.

For micronutrients, chia contains lots of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and manganese, all highly alkaline minerals.

Chia also contains a lot of antioxidants that protect the chia seed from oxidation – slowing its aging process.

As for its alkaline benefits, chia seeds have been shown to reduce inflammation in joints and rid the body of free radicals which age us.

Nutrients per 28g:

Calcium: 63%

Omega 3: 42%

Phosphorus: 95%

Potassium: 5%

Zinc: 23%

Copper: 9%

Manganese: 108%

Ross’ Alkaline Recipes Containing Chia:

Chia Seed Energy Crackers

Coconut Chia Cream Pots

Full Til Lunch Smoothie

Chai Spiced Porridge

Research on Chia:

Olivier Martínez-Cruz, Octavio Paredes-López; Phytochemical profile and nutraceutical potential of chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) by ultra high performance liquid chromatography; J Chromatogr A. 2014 Jun 13;1346:43-8. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2014.04.007. Epub 2014 Apr 13.

Jordi Salas-Salvadó et al; Effect of two doses of a mixture of soluble fibres on body weight and metabolic variables in overweight or obese patients: a randomised trial; Br J Nutr. 2008 Jun;99(6):1380-7.

Vladimir Vuksan et al; Supplementation of conventional therapy with the novel grain Salba (Salvia hispanica L.) improves major and emerging cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: results of a randomized controlled trial; Diabetes Care;  2007 Nov;30(11):2804-10.

How to Get The Most Alkaline Foods Daily: THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT

I really want you to think about this:

If you made a smoothie or juice containing just 1/2 a cup of each of the top seven most alkaline foods it would give you:

Vitamin K – 1326% RDA
Molybdenum – 13.5% RDA
Vitamin C – 243% RDA
Potassium – 35% RDA
Manganese – 68% RDA
Magnesium – 32% RDA
Vitamin A – 386% RDA
Fiber – 47% RDA
Calcium – 22% RDA
Iron – 22% RDA
Folate – 66% RDA
Vitamin B2 – 21.5% RDA
Vitamin E – 16% RDA
Vitamin B6 – 22.5% RDA
Vitamin B5 – 15.5% RDA


Ross with a green smoothie

Can you imagine this? Leaving the house every morning having already consumed 243% of your vitamin c intake, 47% of your daily fiber needs, 68% of you manganese and 32% of your magnesium, over 22% of you vitamin B2 – imagine all of the incredible antioxidants?  All of these foods with high pH levels in your body before you’ve left the house?!

This really is giving you not only huge antioxidants, huge alkalinity, huge chlorophyll, huge detoxification nutrients – but if you want to go really mainstream – its giving you the recommended 5 Veg a Day before 9am!

Please give it a try – have a fresh vegetable juice or smoothie every morning for a week and let me know the effect this has!

Those are definitely my favorite high alkaline foods and those that I’ve chosen to include in my diet on an almost daily basis, and often several times per day.

I promise you if you include double the amount of these 7 foods than you currently are you will rapidly get towards your health goals.

Enjoy – let me know your thoughts, favorite foods, or even recipes below in the comments – I’d love to hear from you!


P.S remember the most alkaline foods are also usually the most nutrient-dense, high pH level, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant-rich foods too. If you incorporate these foods into your diet as much as you can, every day, you’ll really start to feel the difference.

Most Alkaline Foods Guide: Additional Resources

What is THE most alkaline food on earth?
Why Are Alkaline Foods Lists So Different? (click here)
How to Get 7.265 of the Most High Alkaline Foods Daily (click here)
5 Myths of the Acid/Alkaline Diet
Visual Guide to What ONE SERVE of Alkaline Foods Looks Like (click here)
The Best Alkaline Foods for Gout
Beginner’s Guide to the Alkaline Diet
The Guide to Alkaline Nuts
Can You Spot an Alkaline from an Acid Food?
The Nine Most Cleansing Alkaline Foods

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Irina Reply

    Amazing article, thank you!

    • Nompumelelo Reply


  2. Denise Reply


    Are chicken or beef bone broth alkaline or acidic?

    Thank you.

  3. C weedon Reply

    Hi Ross. Just to be clear, do you mean a half a cup of each of the top 7 alkaline foods together in a juice daily – with what coconut water, water?. Or just one half a cup of one of the 7 per day?

    (Sorry to ask but would help the shopping planning)

    Thank you and best wishes to you

  4. Diane Reply

    I am currently dealing with HORRIBLE acid reflux due to high potency steroids for a back issue. Taking Nexium hasn’t done a damn thing, so now I am trying to balance out the acid in my belly naturally with food, but curious if cooking changes the equation. I see you reference broccoli is ok steamed or raw, but what about the others?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Diane

      There will be nuances with each person as reflux can be a little individual to your system…BUT…on the whole raw or cooked can both be fine. Definitely check out my guide on this I wrote a couple of weeks ago, and make sure you’re signed up to my newsletter (the thing at the top of every page):


  5. Judy Reply

    Can you post the recipe for the green drink you feature here? If I missed it, I apologize. Thanks!

  6. Gwen Bacilla Reply

    I would like your diets and articles after reading this info!

  7. Harjeet Reply

    Thanks ross. For sharing good information with us god bless u live long life can u suggest me good juicer thanks

    • ross Reply

      The Hurom brand is fantastic 🙂

      • Matthew Phillips Reply

        Thank you very much for your insights
        And nutrition

  8. Askrunners Reply

    Hi there
    Thanks for sharing such an engaging post. This is really appreciable. You did a great work.

  9. isabel becerra Reply

    what do you eat in one day?
    what is your typical day meal plan?
    aside from your morning green juice, what other dietary staples do you consume weekly?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Isabel

      I def recommend downloading my guide (at the top of this page – the Alkaline Food Chart – I give all this info in there 🙂


    • Shirley Reply

      How to prepare alkaline foods

  10. Sarthak Sanjay Reply

    to my knowledge spinach have an acidic effect rather than alkaline as you mentioned, as spinach creates abundance of oxalic acid when goes under metabolism, thus its not considered an alkaline food. plus i was reading about a case where a person was not able to reach alkaline PH even though whatever she ate was alkaline and later found out she had spinach in here diet everyday, sooner she left out spinach from her diet and boom she reached the alkaline level within few days.
    what your thoughts now?

    • ross Reply

      Spinach absolutely does NOT have an acidic effect at all. The oxalate issue is completely unsupported by research and data, and the alkaline minerals, micronutrients and chlorophyll present in the spinach have a HIGHLY alkaline forming effect on the body.

      And your evidence of reading about a case of a woman who did something once is not really worth me arguing with. Maybe she also left out cigarettes and cola. Who knows.

      I prefer actual RCTs with big cohorts of humans where the variables are controlled in a study.

  11. Lois T king Reply

    l being through so many things in life, I don’t know whether is warts, shingles, or scabies or herps simplex virus, and going through your wall or your write up, I discovered Alkaline diet that Might help me get ride of so many things in life. My Question, How would I treat all this that I mentioned above? I’m in pains seriously for the past 9years .Thanks and I appreciate you so much.

    • ross Reply

      Grab my food charts at the top of this page, importantly, it contains my whole Alkaline Beginner’s (Get Started) guide.

  12. Nora Reply

    I can’t find “Gareth’s Green Smoothie”, one of the recipes under Broccoli in this article (The 7 Most Alkaline Foods). Where did it go? I get ‘Alkaline Diet Explained & Your Plan to Make It Easy’ instead. Do you have a solution?
    Thank you.

    • ross Reply

      Hey Nora – I replaced it when I updated this guide, but forgot to change that link. There is a better smoothie there now 🙂

  13. cis Reply

    I ate all of them today, except spinach (it goes off quickly, only one place to buy the organic variety and is high in oxalates). Spinach is overrated by Americans. I prefer it lightly steamed when I decide to eat it.

    • Hookrow Reply

      Great content have so much information. Spinach always consider a alkaline vegetable. You’re doing a great job. Keep sharing such a juicy words.

      • ross Reply

        Thanks 🙂

  14. Stacey Reply

    I am doing low carb diet would eating this many vegetables be to many carbs? I am really curious to try this. I am suffering from constipation . I have been eating lots of veggies. I think I am having a hard time digesting them. I have been talking digestive enzymes. I feel so alone in this journey, I can’t afford to go to a natural path. Also taking synergy 365 probiotic. If you take the time to read this I will be sooo great full . God bless

    • ross Reply

      Absolutely not – you don’t have to limit carbs from vegetables too severely. But if you have digestive imbalance you can move slowly and build up. If you DO have digestive imbalance I strongly recommend checking out my book The Alkaline Reset Cleanse – it’s just fab for the digestive system:

  15. daniela Reply


    What type of juicer do you recommend?

    I have colon cancer and would like to start juicing at home..


    Appreciate your help!


    • ross Reply

      Hey Daniela

      I love the Hurom brand. I am also JUST about to post about a new research study about the alkaline diet and cancer – check it out. You got this.


      Get Ross’ New Book: The Alkaline Reset Cleanse

  16. quentin Reply

    Thank you for this incredibly big article on alkaline foods, what I was looking for a long time for my blog..

  17. Bulk Reply

    Thank you for sharing such a wealth of information. love it !!

  18. Mary Kitchin Reply

    My friend takes Strauss heartdrops every morning @ 5am.He is having acid and indigestion in the day. Can you suggest an alternate way to take the drops and protect the stomach? He takes the drops on an empty stomach. It has the ingredients of aged garlic,cayenne,cinnamon,bilberry,European mistletoe,Hawthorne.

  19. linda Reply

    What is best for an acidic stomach?

  20. Mike Reply

    Hey Ross are amino acids pill supplements good or bad if you have had a stent put in your heart. Lost a lot of weight since heart attack 38lbs and want to start slowly lifting weights. I’m 62 eating real healthy and want to gain some muscle back

  21. Margaret Peterson Reply

    HI Ross,
    I love what you are doing to help people eat healthier! I’ve been a “health nut” for many years and at 84 years old consider my self in very good health. I’ve had an alkaline/acid list for several years now that I refer to and share with my children and grandkids. Don’t forget molasses and dried figs on your alkaline list; they are two of my favorites!
    Thanks again for your untiring work.

  22. Colleen Foster Reply

    HHi Ross
    I think you kind of get the terrible space I am in. But I want to ask something. I have been told tgat my body was”too aalkalinewhich sctualkyencouraged the proliferation of parasites. Do you think this is true.? I just think tgst they caused so muvh damage to my immune sysrem over many yearscos I did not kniw they were there and I also went through so much stress for so many years . All if THUS woukd gave caused dysbiosis. It all depends on the immune dysrem I belueve and I kniw the alkaline life style takes stress off the body. I did become very nutrient deficient. So I will remain confused.

  23. Steve Hyde Reply

    What daily green drink alkaline one to buy

  24. Steve Hyde Reply

    Hello is palmoltelic acid bad for you

  25. Audrey Evans Reply

    Can you offer any guidance as to how long it takes to change an acidic ph of between 5-6 to -7- 8, if one adheres to the alkaline diet. Also have you any idea how long does the body takes to repair/ balance out, if it has been acidic for many years

    Many thanks


    • Ana Reply

      I too have had problems with low acid levels in the body for a long time. I cant eat or drink acid and spicy foods and I struggle with acid reflux. I recently changed my diet, trying to adhere to the alkaline diet. I slowly started eliminating all animal products, processed food, flours, and sugars. Although it has only been a little while, it has made a big difference.

      I don’t know how long it takes to fully restore body’s PH for good, there may actually be underlying health issues or deficiencies that can actually be the root of the problem.

      But what has made a word of a difference for me, aside from a change in diet was alkaline water!!!! I purchased a “PH RESTORE Alkaline Water Pitcher Ionizer” by Invigorated Water. It was by far the best purchase I’ve ever made! This helps me manage my body’s acid levels on a day to day bases to make sure. I drink a lot of water a day and this has really helped!!

      Hope this helps! Sorry for the long-winded email ????

  26. Shuk-Ting Chan Reply

    Can you explain to me why even when some foods don’t have a pH between 7-14 they’re still considered alkaline foods? Thankyou in advance~

  27. charity Goku Reply

    Do I have to juice all the seven together or one or two a day will do thank you very much for making it possible for us God bless you

    • ross Reply

      Hey – I’d put as many of them together as you can, but there are no hard and fast rules.

  28. Cecilia Reply

    Hi Ross ,I just discover your website when doing some research for hiatus hernia, is there any way to cure it naturally? What do you suggest ? Thank you .

  29. Vaida Reply

    Hi Ross. Nice stuff, but too many mistakes in RDA percentage to each veg/fruit. I am writing a blog post on my website and was trusting your info, just crossed referenced and it does not mach with USDA nutritional facts.

  30. Sebishallsetyoufree Reply

    Cucumber pear and bell pepper are great natural foods.

    The rest are sh!t hybrid man made foods. Unnatural.

    • ross Reply



    How can I convert your recipes from grams to tablespoons cups etc…..
    For example the one recipe calls for 150 g of almond flakes. How much is that? Also are almond flakes the same as shaved almonds? Thank you so much

    • ross Reply

      Hi Celeste

      Google is your friend on this one.


  32. Maria Reply

    Hello Ross!!!
    Is there a scientific paper or article that explains more specifically why lemons are alkaline forming. I would like to understand that process, since I read a lot of articles that suggest drinking lemon water since it is an alkaline fruit, but it is a bit confusing since lemons contain citric acid. Your articles are the only ones that have clear my doubt, but I would like to have a better understanding and I would appreciate if you give me any suggestions about what kind of articles I should look for. Thank You!!!

  33. Sheila Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I love the emails you send me about eating and maintaining an alkaline lifestyle. The question I have for you is this, is it dangerous to get too much magnesium and other vitamin/ minerals per day in the diet?
    We often hear about mineral/ vitamin deficiency, but can it go the other way and be harmful to get too much?
    Keep up the great work !!

  34. Teresita Reply

    Do you have a recipe for making coconut yogurt?

  35. cis Reply

    You cannot think like that… all veggies have something good in them….
    Not sure what your nutrition credentials are but…

    1)No one should eat large quantities of RAW spinach or kale regularly
    (and people may do so after reading this post)

    2) some people have a problem with spinach (oxalates)

    3) bell peppers can cause intolerance (e.g. joint pain) in some people
    They are on the high pesticides list, so be careful here: buy organic or grow your own

  36. Isaac harlison Reply

    What of the juice from marijuana leaves or seeds? Which nutrients do they contain despite the politics around it? Thanks.

  37. James renaud Reply

    I agree 100 per cent with you:you are a good young man.greasy foods are not good for us.

    • ross Reply

      Thanks James!

  38. Ravinddra Patil Reply

    thanks for the chart of the alkaline recipes .

    • ross Reply

      My pleasure Ravinddra

  39. Iris Reply

    Hey Ross,

    I’ve been blending broccoli, spinach and kale (only added water and flax seeds) for breakfast for a week now and I feel incredibly energized. It also decreases my craving for unhealthy snacks and makes me crave healthy food. Thank you for the valuable information!

    • ross Reply

      Hey Iris – that is a fantastic habit to form and sounds like an amazing smoothie to me! Try adding a little turmeric too for an anti-inflammatory hit 🙂

  40. Ryan Carty Reply

    Hi Ross I’ve just finally been diagnosed with tropheryma whipplei aka whipples disease after 2 and a half years of no explanation it has spread to my nervous system and brain. My body is always burning and on fire from this and inflamed because the bacteria is highly acid it can only survive in an acidic environment. Anyway I have constant heart burn all the time I barely have an appetite or can eat and I’m trying to find the best foods for me to eat that will help fight this stuff and help get my bodies pH higher but no matter what I try I come up empty and fruitless I’m suffering miserably from this and to think I’ll probably have this bacteria inside my body for the remainder of my life. I got this from taking a health supplement called deer antler velvet so people beware of that stuff or any stuff that comes from an animal. I get cravings for meat and stuff but I’m almost eating an all natural diet now I can only eat pretty much one meal a day and I get constant sugar cravings because of the starvation from this. I’m almost at the point where I don’t want to eat anything at all. And here I used to love food so much all kinds and everything I was such an eclectic eater. I would try anything as long as it was natural and not processed crap.

    • Ana Reply

      Have you tried antibiotics? That sounds like a very serious thing. May I ask what you took the deer antler velvet for? I googled it’s “benefits” and found that it claims to actually help with so many problems! It’s scary to know that a supplement you might be taking to help with issues can actually ruin your life! I need to be more careful about supplements I’ve been taking. Also, how did you link the Whipples disease to the deer antler velvet? Thank you.

  41. Romelia Tamayo Reply

    Thank you so much for the great info.

  42. Dai Reply

    I found out that I have a mass on my colon. Haven’t gotten it tested yet. Will this Alkaline Diet help me?

  43. princess folasade Reply

    God bless you Ross,this is a wonderful article on alkaline foods i reside in Nigeria Broccoli is not available here.i like bell pepper but it irritates my stomach despite removing the seed..Pls kindly tell me about Beetroot can it be part of my 5.veggies a day juicing?PR

  44. Corey Reply

    “It’s” means “it is”
    “Its” is possessive.
    Please learn more…

  45. Allison Fowler Lindsey Reply

    Thanks so much for this! It was very helpful!

  46. kate Reply

    When I soak my rice would adding slices of cucumber make the rice more alkaline? Thank you.

    • Allison Fowler Lindsey Reply

      I think it should since alkaline is in cucumbers. Brown rice has less acidity in it than white rice though.

    • Kathie Reply

      Try millet it is “the ” most alkaline grain and is very tasty

  47. Nina Reply

    I think it’s important to suggest the use of organic vegetables using the EWG dirty dozen list as a guideline

  48. Ed Fousel Reply

    How do make a smoothy drink using these seven vegetables

  49. Blake Reply

    Out of curiosity why aren’t watermelon and lemon not on the list? Thanks in advance.

    • ross Reply

      Because they’re not as alkaline as the foods on the list – this is a top 7 to focus on.

    • Isaac harlison Reply

      May be because they are juices and he is in more of vegetables.

  50. Edith Armson Reply

    I have followed an alkaline diet for years, exercise, have a rebounder, drink water, but still have rather severe arthritis, fibromyalgia, and mild COPD!
    What is wrong with this picture?


  51. GERALDINE Reply


  52. Stephanie Reply

    I have stage 4 colo-rectal cancer. Are there any benefits for me? I always tried to stay fit and healthy but i think the family genes got me anyway. Stephanie

  53. Carole Heaton Reply

    Hi Ross, I came across your website whilst researching foods to create a barren environment cancer wouldn’t be able to survive or indeed thrive in. I underwent major uterine-invasive surgery earlier this year with adjuvant chemo and radio therapy. I declined the adjuvant therapy and began a journey of research on cancer-hostile environments, thus where metastasized, or indeed (IF there were any) dormant mother cancer stem cells still in existence, it would in effect allow them to create suicide (apoptosis). It led me initially to the importance of alkalization, hydration and exercise. Your website is fantastic and, for me, so full of related information. I thank you for being so passionate about health, keep up this exceptionally good work. I will certainly spread your words of wisdom! Carole

    • Travis Kenny Reply

      Hi Carole! I saw your post and I wanted you to know that you will be in my daily prayers. I have a morning prayer routine and your name will most certainly be on it. I am so glad that you are discovering the important aspects of a physically healthy body. You are in my thoughts and in my prayers. God bless you Carole!

  54. Nicola Lee Reply

    Hi Ross, I have poly cystic kidney disease and I’m really keen to change to a more alkaline diet. I believe there are done fruits and vegetables that should be avoided such as celery, rhubarb, blueberries etc… as they contain higher acidity? Can you confirm certain types of fruits and veg that should be avoided to help with kidney health? I’ve just had a blood test to check my kidney function and they have deteriorated in the past year. Hence the reason I want to do everything in my power to improve my kidney health, energy levels and general quality of life! I’m an exercise instructor, fitness levels are great but still feel like my diet has been the reason behind my fatigue. Any help and advice greatly appreciated!!

  55. Jaimel Hill Reply

    Isn’t broccoli a hybrid food and not natural?

    Isn’t celery more acidic and not a true alkaline food?

    • ross Reply

      Nope on either count.

  56. waitrose aldi Saintsbury Reply

    A good friend of mine told me if we fermented all this 7 superfoods it will pull more Nutrients and vitamins from them, rather than eat them true it is mate?

  57. Wildrose Reply

    Ross this my first time writing to you, but I wanted to share this little info if that’s OK. I decided that I need to get more alkaline and so I came up with my recipe. It consists of kale, cucumber, string beans, bell pepper and ripe banana. The banana I just to add a mild sweeten and I must say I called it power punch. Thanks Ross going to get my energy up now. But I don’t do it every day.

    • ross Reply

      Awesome thanks so much!

  58. James Martin Reply

    You are certainly doing some wonderful (and very beneficial) research. Keep it up as so many people can use the information you publish.

    • ross Reply

      Thanks James 🙂

  59. G Reply

    Ross, (Im following you for years LOVE your emails) But , I miss eating kale and spinach (plus) due to getting oxilate kidney stones . ? When I became a vegan I made 7 in 4 months . (I know I didn’t have any due to a cat scan from a previous issue. )The list is long for oxilate green foods . There are times when I can’t resist kale chips but have no time to drink a gallon of water to prevent stones . Do you have any tricks up your sleeves ?

    • LS Reply

      Hi G I have a problem with kidney stones too. The water I drink is distilled and I add a little bit of fresh lemon juice, which is supposed to prevent the kidney stones from crystallizing. This has really helped me, maybe it can help you as well. (To save time I squeeze the juice out of a batch of lemons and freeze them in water bottle ice cube tray’s. Then break a little off and drop them into my glass water bottles. It is a time saver).

  60. Rajesh Reply

    I am suffering from acid reflux for the last many years. Any helpful hints re diet

    • Suzanna Reply

      I tecent read sodium bicarbonate will give immediate relief for acidvreglux due to its high alkine content. Google and see if its right for you.

  61. Nancy Reply

    I am on a blood thinner (for life) and have to limit my vit K intake. Are most alkaline foods high in K?

  62. jhany Reply

    Hi ross,
    Just started with ur “water” book and it captures my interest!
    It inspires me to fire up right away with my water intake..
    Good job by the way for the effort in spreading those good infos…
    Keep it up ross!

    You’re awasome! 🙂

  63. helen Reply

    Hi, I tried to get the free list but it hasn’t come through. I did verify the email from you but then nothing. Thank you, Helen

  64. Varun Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Beautifully short and simple article.
    My mother is a Cancer patient and I’d be immensely grateful is anyone here could give me a complete list of what precisely she should eat (Vegetarian) throughout the day to recover from her weakness (her biggest enemy) and then to fight and cure the disease ?

    Thanking you once again Ross for all the help and anyone that could provide any information at all.

    • Valerie Reply

      Varun, Good Luck with an answer. I have asked Ross twice on FB to please answer me and still no reply. Sorry about your Mom.

    • Clevon Harris Reply

      Varuna, feel free to contact me at my e-mail in regards to your mother! God bless!

    • Jools Reply

      A really brilliant website for cancer patients and those who want to prevent it is It includes info on orthodox as well as complementary treatments. It also has books on diet(including the importance of alkalinity), supplements etc. You name it, it has it. 13 years after an aggressive breast cancer, I’m still here! All the best.

  65. Valerie Reply

    I was diagnosed with synovial sarcoma last Aug. Had surgery to remove mass in Oct. It returned in Dec. Against medical advice, Jan 1, I started juicing and eating mostly veggies, some Ezekiel bread and cereal with berries. I order 50 lbs. Canadian carrots weekly along with kale, celery, cukes, green apple, lemon, ginger to juice. I live in rural south Georgia and organics veggies are few. I do clean, scrub in apple cider vinegar and peel. Did I read correctly that non organic veggies are acidic because of the pesticides. Am I really doing all this in vain. I am testing daily with ph strips and I am very alkaline. Due for more scans 1st of April. Thank you for some tips.

  66. Francesca Reply

    Thank you Ross for compiling this list, a nice reminder of how easy it is to get back in track and keep it healthy.

  67. Roy Reply

    I juice beets. then with my bullet extractor I fell it with spinach some almonds. fruit good stuff every day. Right in stead of water I use beet juice.

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Roy – great work! Keep it up! The beets, almonds and spinach are all highly alkaline so you’re onto a winner.

  68. Erin Evans Reply

    Good luck getting any answers here… He rarely answers questions. At least not mine.

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Erin

      It’s unfortunate you see it that way. I answer upwards of a hundred questions a day through comments, emails and facebook and I do the best I can, for free.

      I hope I get to your questions at some point, but there are lots of people you can pay to go and see who can give you a quicker answer if you need it quickly.


      • Darlene Reply

        I’m not usually a rude person but are you for reals Erin, did you just look at the research Ross did? The time it takes to do the research and then put it together on a blog in terms so that we can understand it and for FREE is amazing to me. Even if he copied and pasted everything it still takes time and effort, time that I don’t have so I appreciate every word and recipe that Ross post. Thank you Ross for ALL of your hard work and the effort that you put forth to helping the world become a healthier and happier place to live.

        • waitrose aldi Saintsbury Reply

          Strongly agree with that..long life ross…amen

          • ross

            Thanks 🙂

  69. Jennifer Mayling Reply

    Dear Ross

    On a Thyroid website, I recently read that raw Brassicas have quite a detrimental effect on an under active thyroid.
    I follow an alkaline diet and now feel slightly reluctant to juice spinach and other greens.

    Please can you comment!

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Jennifer

      There are lots of combinations and interactions when diagnosed conditions come into play. Sometimes our body is too far down a certain path to have a one-size solution. I recommend discussing everything with your physician and avoid the foods you find uncomfortable. As you get more in balance, you’ll be able to tolerate these foods again and get their benefits.


  70. Suzette Guyette Reply

    Is it true when you cook a red, yellow or green bell pepper does it change the consistency? Does it become acidic?

    Thank you,

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Suzette – it doesn’t become acidic, it just loses some of the nutrients. The more you take foods out of their natural state, the more nutrients you’ll lose…BUT that doesn’t mean you have to eat 100% raw – you still have to enjoy your food. Just aim to get a juice/smoothie/salad on a very regular basis!

  71. Malcolm Fisher Reply

    I juice all the highly alkaline vegetables daily. Is this acceptable as intake or do you have to eat them?

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Malcolm

      Getting a juice is brilliant because you get way more quantity of these foods than you’d be able to eat and it gives you a great safety net – meaning everything else during the day is a bonus…

      ….BUT I would aim to eat other alkaline foods throughout the day too – if nothing else then for the fibre.

      The short answer though is, yes, juicing is great.

  72. Astrid Reply

    We include all of those veggies into our diet! Such a great list with thorough explanations. I also drink lemon/filtered water first thing in the morning most mornings which also helps with alkalinity.

    Shared– you rock!

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Thanks Astrid! You ROCK too!

  73. Marta Reply

    Hi Ross
    I have just discovered your site and l’m very grateful for sharing these info with us.
    I’m just starting the alkaline diet and looking forward to feeling better soon.
    Thanks million for your wisdom!

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Good luck and stay positive!!

  74. Charles Reply

    Oops, IMO, what runs souped up dragster circles around all these items, combined—then tripled—is one fruit—yellow lemons. Two cautions—in case it isn’t self evident, always take diluted with at least 15 parts of water, filtered for chlorine and fluoride, so as to not be possibly too strong for the stomach; it actually works better diluted, as water is the main constituent of circulation; second caution is, it should be sipped rapidly, and rinse several times with plain water afterwards. If allowed to remain on teeth past five minutes, it will start to dissolve tooth enamel. This should tell you what it does inside the arteries—it removes the calcium build-up. Vitamin K-2 works by a signalling mechanism, but for immediate retreat from possible vascular risk, the citric acid in lemon will solufy the calcium much faster than the K-2 could “redirect” it to the bones or sent out of the system. The lemon/citric acid will also remove any kidney stones. The D-limonene from the peel, which you will get some of, is anti-neoplastic, preventing “immortalization” of undifferentiated cells (cancer!) The potassium content is very alkalizing and should be taken advantage of, as the USA medical/pharma cartel arranged for potassium tablets to supply only 3 percent of the daily need (which is higher than their lowball estimates). Don’t even bother buying potassium pills, rely on lemons, used properly, they will not harm teeth enamel. Pomegranate will also clear arteries but I wouldn’t expect it to work as aggressively. Don’t expect 1 treatment to do the trick, it doesn’t have so much power. I’d say at least 4 months of twice per day, lemon “water,” if you want it to fail, add any type of sweetener—including honey. It can be added to orange juice to make it more palatable, and that will lessen the speed at which it cleanses the arteries. Remember lemon is a blood thinner, and an effective one—if on coumadin discuss with MD before using lemon. My experience with lemons impressed me so much that if I could have only one fruit, it would always be lemons.

  75. Scott Reply

    Nice list, but this only true if organic for commercial grown food becomes acidic when grown with superphosphate. That is why it needs sprays to stay alive and not be attacked by pests. Plants that are not healthy in ecosystems get consumed by insects. Commercial carrots are now shown to be acidic and not alkaline. Alkalise and Shine!

  76. Mary Reply

    Not sure if you received my e-mail, so I’m sending it again. I wanted to say thank you for all of the info. I definitely need it. I will spread the word and your site address along. I was wondering why verdolagas (purslane in english I believe) was not listed. Info says it is very high in omega 3s. Also I wondered why stevia was not acceptable for the green drinks? I know it is a sugar, but I saw it listed as very alkaline.

    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Hi Mary

      Can you send more informaiton on this purslane, I’ve not heard of it. There is a limit to the foods I can fit on the list.

      Also, stevia is highly acid forming, definitely not alkaline forming.


      • Mary Reply

        Ross, some information that I found in Wikipedia says Portulaca oleracea which is Common Purslane is also known as Verdolaga, Pigweed, Little Hogweed, or Pursley, or Moss rose. Considered a weed in the U.S., it can be eaten as a leaf vegetable. It is eaten throughout much of Europe, the middle east, Asia, and Mexico. Purslane contains more omega-3 fatty acids than any other leafy vegetable plant. It contains vitamins A, C, some Bs, and carotenoids. The dietary minerals it contains are magnesium, calcium, potassium, and iron. It says a bunch of other good stuff about it.
        I heard about it, bought it, have some growing in a big pot, but haven’t gotten the courage to eat something considered a weed.

        • Albert Reply

          Hi Mary, I came across this sight and it caught my attention when you were talking about purslane. I grew up eating this weed, my grandfather would actually plant it, the seeds are tiny. anyway, this stuff taste great. I harvest it here in Las Cruses, NM. it grows in the Pecan orchards and along canal banks, it also grows in my yard. Friends laugh when I go visit and take this weed from their yard and prepare it for them and they love it.

          What I do is clean off all the dirt, I roughly chop it up. All of it except the roots. I get a pot and put a little olive oil and onions and tomatos and cook them for a few minutes, not to the point where the onions glaze, I then throw in the purslane (we call it Verdolagas) and a little broth, chicken or beef. Cover and slowly let it cook down till the stems are a little tender. Like all veggies you don’t want to over cook them. They taste great, it is my favourite veggie. What I also do is make a bowl of beans and I mix some of it with the verdolagas. It is awesome. I bet once you try it you will love them. P.s. you can also use butter if you don’t want to use olive oil.

          • Mary

            Thanks, Albert, for your story. I copied the recipe and will give it a try soon. Yes, I give myself a week to think about it. Today is 7/19, so on the 24th of July I shall try it. Well, maybe. Anyway, thanks for your reply. Mary

      • Healing_Ways Reply

        I have heard conflicting statements about Stevia. Some sites say that it is alkaline forming. Apparently it is a natural sweetener, derived from the stevia rebaudiana plant. Another site says it is mildly acid forming. I wonder if it’s source being a plant makes any difference.

  77. JK Reply

    Ross, great site. Question: In the list you provided here, I see that most of them are loaded with vitamin C. Isn’t vitamin C considered acidic as it is found in citrus fruits like Orange?


  78. Leslie Reply

    Great site and article. But I am surprised you are citing nutrient content based on the RDA. I have never thought of a RDA based system as giving us what we really need. The numbers are usually very low.

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Leslie

      I’m using it because it’s what most people know, plus it allows us to compare these foods in a relative way to other food products, vitamin labels etc.

      They are usually low, but this is why it’s great to see the alkaline foods going so far and beyond above 100%.


  79. [email protected] Reply

    Awesome article!

  80. Ayesha Reply

    Uff you are sooo beautiful. Thank you for sharing such a wealth of information. Love from Pakistan 🙂

  81. Ross Bridgeford Reply


  82. Henrique Reply

    I also forgot to mention that he smoothie gives me and my partner great smooth, healthy skin, hair, amazing energy boost and a mean, light and flexible body!! Carrot juice can also me mixed in. Another hint is not to use juicer, but use a blender so as to keep fibers in.

    • Dawngirl Reply

      Blenders are good for smoothies but It is not recommended to blend the vegetables because of the toxins in our food today. It is believed that most of the toxins are locked up in the pulp left behind when one juices vegetables. Our family have been juicing since the early 20th century when they had to grate the vegetables and squeeze the juices out by hand diluting the juice with water. Then my mother discovered her first juice extractor in the early 1970s in the USA along with a copy of the Norman Walker juicing book. In this book Mr Walker states that “by the removal of the fibres in the extraction of the juices, such juices are very quickly digested and assimilated, sometimes in a matter of minutes, with a minimum of effort and exertion on the part of the digestive system.” He adds that there is a need to eat raw foods in addition to drinking juices. The point really is that juicing affords the benefits from the food whilst resting the digestive system.

      • Energise Ross Reply

        Interesting insight Dawn, thanks for sharing. I do believe a mix of juicing and blending is best for me personally and I buy organic whenever possible.

      • Elsa Reply

        Hi Dawngirl, good point and I agree with you about juicing. I have treated a stage IV ovarian and colon cancer patient with all organic produce, from granny smith apple, carrots, kale and so on and I only use Norman walker juicer because in my opinion it’s the best in the market. The benefits of juicing is phenomenal. I give my patient a coffee enema and massage as well. I followed Ross for a while now with his research. Thanks, Ross for sharing :).

  83. Henrique Reply

    Your grand smoothie of alkaline ingredients has become a staple at my place and given me and my partner with great nutrition, detox properties and weight loss. Kale, avocado, kiwi, bell pepper, cucumber, celery all the way with occasional spinach, honey or stevia, dark chocolate, watercress and apples

  84. Peter Sobczak Reply

    Dear Ross, thank you for wonderful info. I am diving deeply into alkaline foods now. After regularly drinking Alkaline Water and water with Baking Soda, eating Wheat Grass – now I look into food alkalinity. I read many food charts and am glad you confirmed – my favorite Broccoli is rated well. I also thought you might be right person to ask this question: All charts mention RAW or cooked food, not frozen food. I only can buy locally large packs of FROZEN Organic Broccoli. I do not bother with fresh “non-organic”. After my favorite meal with Organic Brown Rice and Organic Brown Broccoli is ready, I am pretty sure it is alkaline. But I am curious, does it make any sense to eat frozen Broccoli without cooking, for purpose of better alkalinity? I am still searching for more Food Charts with alkalinity for frozen food, cooked later or eaten after brought to room temperature.
    I also never make juice like most of people do – on high speed machines. Such machines kill what is best in fruits, veggies. For two reasons – high speed and associated oxygen being absorbed quickly, with enzymes gone, then electromagnetic fields from near motor. Only slow motion, ideally no electricity, hand driven. I wonder if you know about alkalinity worsened when high speed mixers used for juicing. I can not find related info.
    Thank you, Peter

  85. Caroline Sadler Reply

    Hi Ross, thanks for the work you do, I am a newbie but it is starting to make sense. My comment is, sometimes I open your emails but it goes direct to a stupid acai berry diet website and I cant work out if the email is from you and they somehow hijack it or if they are sending me false emails under your name (im not very technical) Its happened several times, any advice?

  86. John Carl Reply

    Thanks for all of your hard work to get this info out to those who care about their health, including me. Thanks

  87. Amber Reply

    Love what you do, and always look forward to new interesting emails. Still a rookie and learning. I will get it all right some day.

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Amber – just take it day-by-day and step-by-step – you’ll get there!


  88. PAUL MILLER Reply

    Hi Ross, I have just tried the 7 items you suggested mixed with chicken stock in a smoothie. It tasted absolutely disgusting!!!!!

    Paul Miller.

  89. PAUL MILLER Reply


  90. muktha Reply

    hi ross

    i was looking for alkaline foods becs i want to concieve a boy baby…i came to know that more alkaline food helps in having a baby ur tips helped me a lot…..thank u

  91. Stefani Reply

    Thanks so much for putting all this info together. Food is medicine, so when I’m feeling low or need something specific I find what nutrients will help, and eat it! And you attach recipes too! You’re awesome, and way cute 😉 Take care.

  92. Peter Z Reply

    Hi Ross
    Thank you for great info everytime you right something:-)
    I have a question for you. I eat spinach everyday and think that I get much out of it. The thing is that many people talks about that you shouldnt eat spinach that much and that it could even be really bad for you according to many studies! Do you have a coment on that?

    Many thanks in advance!

    Alla the best
    Peter Z

  93. susie Reply

    I have heard that spinach contains a lot of oxalic acid, and I notice that my teeth feel on edge when I eat it compared with my teeth feeling silky when eating other green foods and drinks so I tend not to consume too much for this reason. Can you tell me if Oxalic acid is a problem.

    • Jan Reply

      Dear Susie
      I have been told by a medic that spinach should be avoided by osteoporosis sufferers because of its high oxalic acid which is harmful to bones

  94. KK Woo Reply

    Thank you for the goodwill and info. I am 3/4 century old and dreaming of going vegetarian. Its kind of late but there is nothing to stop me except inertia. Can suggest any recipe books for the tropics ?

    • britta Reply

      The New Becoming Vegetarian: The Essential Guide To A Healthy Vegetarian Diet by Vesanto Melina and Brenda Davis
      is a great guide to get started!

  95. Tropic Reply

    Very good info, thanks. What about Moringa as one of the best? Some say it is the most nutritious and others are unaware of it.

    • Marilyn Reply

      Moringa IS a superfood with too many to mention benefits. Look it up on internet and you will find tons of info on moringa.
      I have two moringa trees- they grow prolifically. Just harvest the leaves-stripped from the branches , dry them away from the sunlight, but with plenty of air circulation- for several days, till eat leaves are crunchy. Then put in blender and pulverize till a powder. put in glass jar and refrigerate. You can then use a spoonful in smoothies over veggies, as a ‘tea” or just add to water. It is an awesome addition to your meals. To grow, just take a branch from any moringa tree and stick it in the ground and watch it grow. It is not a fuss plant and needs virtually no special attention. Good luck!

  96. PAUL MILLER Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Your article about the 7 most alkaline foods is interesting and I will be trying some of the recipes, although they are already commonly known to be good for you. But what about if your alkaline levels are already optimal, isn’t there a danger of going too alkaline?
    What do you think of the so called Superfoods such as Goji Berries, Acai berries, Mangosteen or Wheatgrass? Or aren’t they considered alkaline enough?
    Thanks, Paul Miller.

  97. Lucas Reply

    Hi Ross. I was just wondering if there is any research that directly indicates a benefit to eating alkaline foods. It certainly seems logical but I wonder if it just a massive post hoc fallacy.

  98. Paula Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Opened up your large message of the 7 highly Alkaline foods & wondered whether I was on track, had I missed anything, because I eat raw veggies throughout the day & have more for dinner. I’ve only missed 2! Had such a giggle…. celery is not my favourite and don’t know too much about Kale. The other 5 however are huge favourites, especially spinach & broccoli!
    Thanks for all your inspiration!!!

  99. Hoop Reply

    Hi Ross,
    You need to be careful about advocating that people eat lots of raw broccoli in general, and especially if they have, or may be predisposed to, thyroid problems. Raw broccoli is not recommended in those situations. I know this from a fully qualified Naturopath (degree) practitioner.

    Just thought I’d mention it, seing that it is otherwise such a good food.

    • ANT Reply

      Note: This blog is only my opinion. It is not medical advice or diagnosis. Only opinions based upon our own personal experiences or information detailed in medical/academic journals or other publications is cited. WE DO NOT OFFER MEDICAL ADVICE or prescribe any treatments. Please consult with a medical professional before making any diet or nutrition changes

      • Theresa foster Reply

        I have gout will this way of eating help ease the flare ups¿

    • susie Reply

      I had also heard this too and wondered what quantities are a safe level if you have thyroid issues?

  100. Michelle Reply

    Hi Ross, I’ve found a delicious miso soup in the supermarket- tanoshi miso soup with tofu. It has seaweed, spring onions and silk tofu pieces. At 4cals per cup it’s been helping me stave off hunger and it’s so yummy. But what about it’s acidity? Can you help me please? Is it acid forming?
    Best wishes,

  101. elef Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Thank you for all these informations. Please tell me: is alkaline diet good for osteoporosis or someone must add more nutrient foods.
    Than you again.

    • Corrinne Dezeeuw Reply

      Hi ross,

      I am very much interested in this alkaline diet. And am also
      Drinking at least. 2 litres of lemon water a day.
      I have severe osteoporosis could this be a problem.
      We eat a lot of kale and spinach and looking forward to
      Leading a healthier, we are in our seventies but I quess it
      Never to late. Thank you very much for making. Me
      Aware of. This


  102. Luc mister-no-stress Reply

    Thank you for thesse valuable informations ….
    so that we get less stress in getting more alkaline
    Luc http://mister-no-stress

  103. Jon Reply

    Excellent excellent information… I wish I had known about this 1 year and a half ago, I could have saved my grandmother who passed away from cancers. We now that cancer cannot thrive in a alkaline based environment.

    Thank you for this information, it is obvious much research has gone into this and I will be sharing it with my loved ones.

  104. Mo Reply

    Coincidentally bought all of these today from the supermarket!

  105. Happy Reply

    do you have a room I could rent for 6 months so I can get my butt in gear??!! I would love to wake up every day, eat the right foods and exercise!

    • H. Reply

      I agree! Maybe a guest house where several of us could learn to get up and get moving more and how to prepare all of this yummy goodness.
      Green Blessings!

  106. Patricia Stout Reply

    Great Information. I am new to this type of thought. I am a female who has had quite a few UTI’s in the recent years. I am thinking that my diet has played a large role in this problem. If you can give me any suggestions to help, I’d appreciate it. I am also considering going gluten free.


  107. James Reply

    Thanks for the info u are the man! Take care

  108. Marni Reply

    Ross, this is great. I make myself a salad now almost every day of 1/2 avocado, tomato, red pepper, onions and carrots. I usually will put it on a bed of spinach or other leafy green, and sometimes I just leave it on the bed of carrots if I’ve already gotten my greens in that day. I didn’t read all the comments, so don’t know if I’m being redundant here (and I apologize in advance), but you may want to remind people that you must rotate your greens. You cannot have the same greens every day, day in and day out, or you will get sick. This is not only better because your body needs the variety of nutrients that are found in a bunch of different foods, but also because green leafies (as I call them) contain certain amounts of toxins as defense, and you don’t want those building up in your body. I am not familiar enough yet to know which plant families are which, but I’ve read that rotating between the families is a good rule of thumb.

  109. Kati Reply

    I drink home made kefir & kombucha tea every day plus I eat home fermented sauerkraut. These have been around long time & are known to be good for us…
    Great site & interesting articles!

  110. Bianca Reply

    Hi Ross

    Thanks for all this great information and the time you take to do it all.

  111. harimaya gurung Reply

    Hi Ross,
    From Nepal I found the information very useful Thanks a lot for that The seven alkaline foods could not be found easily here. Instead only five are found and the Nepalese have the habit of eating it only cooked. So… . will that be a problem/

  112. Debi Reply

    Thank you very much for all this information. I am lucky in that they are ALL my favourite foods. Adding more to my diet is not a chore in the least. I have noticed that on frantically busy weeks when I don’t eat these foods as much, I certainly feel the difference. Good luck everyone! 🙂

  113. Pat Pemberton Reply

    Thank you for your insight and knowledge. I love all these foods and have just recently added the fresh spinach and my family just loves it to my surprise. I use it fresh or add to foods and cook. My next food source to try is the kale and have several good ways to prepare.
    Thanks again for all the good information!!!

  114. Pat Pemberton Reply

    Thank you for your insight and knowledge.

  115. Christina @ChristinaMakley Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I think this is great but am a little confused as to how you picked these to be the 7 most alkaline foods when your own definitive acid/alkaline food list has some but not all of them listed in the “highly alkaline” section, along with other foods like sprouts and grasses which are not featured in the article? Thanks!

  116. Rachel Reply

    Hi Ross,
    All I can say is ‘thankyou’ for sharing your wonderful ideas, and for free! There are so many websites out there with different advice and I have made a pact with myself never to pay for anything unless thoroughly researched. The information you give just FEELS so right! Have been doing totally alkaline for about a month now and have lost nearly a stone in weight. But mostly doing it for my new hubby who suffers from a gout-like attack every year around this time. He still has slight inflammation which moves like a lift between his toe and his knee but it is SOOOO much less painful than other attacks. And as I told him, years of excess may take more than a month to clear! Have nearly convinced him to fork out for a Chanson water system, but he’s understandably reluctant!

    What I would really love to know (and do not seem to be able to find reliable info on anywhere) is the alkaline (once eaten) values of dried goji berries, organic raw cacao nibs, and home grown wheatgrass – they are all such amazing foods but we really want to alkalise as much as possible and would be willing to forego them if necessary. We had our first taste of wheatgrass this morning and it was so sweet – am concerned that the sugars have not had time to convert and that perhaps bought frozen shots grown organically over 2 – 3 months in a field might be more alkali.

    Any ideas on the above would be fab! And once again thank you for being such an inspiration.


  117. Alex Overton Reply

    Hi Ross,

    The “Twitter bug”…..

    You can recreate by reducing your window size down smaller by resizing it much smaller….this then makes the “offending”box appear over your blog comments. Your fluid left side column is probably the culprit…..if you were to fix the width in px or maybe % should solve it. This is the bit of code that webdeveloper ( threw up for me :


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    body (line 2286)



    body (line 2286)



    I have not check this to see your problem but may help you find the problem….

    the code is pointing to the theme directory of your wordpress install ….but I guess you know this….

    The print version of the blog also has a problem…..Yes I liked your article so much that I printed it ! Shame it had a silly box in the middle of every page ! But hay I can live with it 🙂

    Thanks for the article ….very good !

  118. mela Reply

    happy reading

  119. Vlaeth Reply

    Oxalic acid in spinach question… I once asked this question of a nutritionist at Physician’s Committee for Responsible Medicine and was told that the oxalic acid doesn’t prevent absorption of calcium ingested, it is just bound to the calcium in the spinach which makes the calcium in the spinach difficult for the body to access/absorb.

  120. sue Reply

    Hi, I love this site and have found the info fantastic. I have one question, I regularly eat all the 7 high alkalising foods but I have always been a bit cautious of eating too much spinach, I don’t steam it but add it to salads and juices, I have read it contains oxalic acid which interferes with calcium absorption so would contribute to bone weakness. Do you know anything about this? I would be grateful for your thoughts. thanks

    • sue watson Reply

      I also would like to know about spinach. I am not sure how to use this site. Would you tell me please how to pick up your answers to the questions. Thank you.

  121. Neuropsychologist Clinical Melbourne Reply

    i really appreciate this guidance. what kind of juicer do you suggest?

  122. Alex Santoro-Emmerson Reply

    Hi Ross, do you happen to know whether Goji Berries are alkaline or acidic? They are obviously a raw superfood but was just wondering about the PH….. Thanks!

  123. Daniella Reply

    Hi Ross, Thanks for the info. It is life changing to say the least. Please may I post this to my website as a reference for my clients? I would also LOVE to interview you. Please get in touch.
    Daniella: 07870 275257
    [email protected]

  124. Daniella Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I LOVE this article. Juicing with these ingredients has changed my life dramatically. Please may I use this on my website as a reference for my clients. I would also like to interview you. Please get in touch.
    07870 275257


  125. Sharyn Reply


  126. Jamie Reply

    Hope you respond to this 🙂

    I currently eat this daily – is this alkaline enough?

    Oats/blackberries and apple

    wholemeal bread/sandwich filler/cucumber/kiwi (sandwich)

    chicken breast (breaded) with broccoli/cauliflower and sprouts

    and for snacks . at uni .. I have banana/pear/almonds/raw carrots

    + around 8 glasses of water with a PH of around 7.4

    Thank you very much for any reply I may get. This site is truly awesome 🙂

  127. Jo Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Can you please tell me is cooked pearled barley alkaline. Because i plan to eat cooked pearl barley and some veggies without any seasoning as one meal everyday. I’m suffering from lupus nephritis and working on having complete alkaline diet.

  128. Elaine Wade Reply

    When I try to download your list of alkaline foods, your home page comes up instead.

  129. Dave Reply

    Former American Football player who turned vegetarian at 52 due to chronic joint pain, high cholesterol, heart condition, prostate cancer and overall poor health. I commend you on your effort to enlighten those willing to seek the benefits of an Alkaline diet.

  130. sylvia Reply

    Thank you Ross, The information is great.

  131. Dave aka EditorDave Reply

    Thank you for this assembly of alkaline veggies — some I knew about, and others I wasn’t that aware of. For anyone suffering from hyperuricemia (aka gout), this is great information. Hyperuricemia is when uric acid accumulates in high concentration in the blood and tissues…. normally not noticed until an “attack” happens — this is when the uric acid goes “critical” and sets of a chain reaction of crystalizing — in the joints. The crystals are needle-shaped and rip into the surrounding tissues, which sets off inflamatory reaction from white blood cells that try to remove the foreign material, but attack the surrounding tissues instead. Excruciating pain. Usually in the big toe and ankles, fingers, and other extremities, it can also attack the other joints — such as elbows, and knees… completely debilitating. Alkalinizing veggies help to keep the acidic levels down in your system. (And, when you combine an acid with a base [alkaline], you break down the components of both and produce water as one of the subcomponents –which is more easily eliminated from your system. Thus preventing or at least reducing the chance of a gout attack.) Thanks again for your post. If you don’t mind, I will be linking to your blog post from my site on Gout. Best wishes!

  132. c. moore Reply

    Also curious… What type of a nutrition degree(s)/schooling do you have? I’ve noticed you don’t always respond to people’s queries regarding your blogged information.

    • Ross Reply

      Hi C. Moore

      I state all over the place (including below every post, including this one) that I am not a qualified doctor or nutritionist and that all information contained within this blog and site is my opinion only. My credentials are 8 years of living alkaline and helping many, many people to implement the alkaline approach to health. I believe my skills and ability in helping people to implement is my strength.


      p.s. I don’t answer every comment immediately as I get hundreds of emails per day asking questions, plus blog comments, plus facebook comments, plus tweets etc. I do as much as I can.

  133. c. moore Reply

    Good information… thank you. But, please check your spelling, as you’ve mistakenly referred to carotenoids as “cartenoids” in several places, which could be confusing for a lay person.

  134. Merle Drury Reply

    The ‘facebook’, ‘twitter’, ‘stumbledupon’ menu IS IN THE WAY. I cannot read your blog – why is this happening? I can’t even see what I am writing properly. It’s stuck on the left of this e-mail and never moves – It’s driving me CRAZY!!!!!
    Please sort this.


    • Ross Reply

      Hi Merle

      How are you? Long time no comment/email/facebook!

      You just have to set your screen size/resolution/zoom to be zoomed out a little.


  135. linda Reply

    l love this guidance. thank you.

  136. Audrey Reply

    I am on a PC with google chrome and I do not have a problem reading your posts. The FB/Twitter bar is nicely in the margin on the left-hand side.

  137. B V Nemi Reply

    Thanks for the great tips. unfortunately, it is not so easy to get all of these vegetables here in Siberia during the winter.

  138. 17 Day Diet Reply

    Thanks for sharing the list, I have an acidic body and have plan to switch to alkaline diet to balance up my body need and also lose a few lbs away.

  139. Diane Clarke Reply

    Hi Ross, thanks for the updates, really appreciate them. However I live in a country town, kale is not available to purchace, and we have a very short growing season due to cold, thanks again

    • Arlis Reply

      Kale loves cold! In the heat of the summer it gets bitter. I don’t know how far north you live, but I’m quite certain that you would be able to grow kale. Check out “Four Season Harvest” by Elliot Coleman, and “Square Foot Gardening” by Mel Bartholomew. There is excellent information in both of these books on extending the season. There are many other vegetables, including most of the greens that do very well in cold weather. Good Luck!

  140. Christina Patrikios Reply

    Dear Ross

    I’m speechless! You have so many comments! Well it is true that all these veggies are beneficial to our health but some of us need good recipes for preparing them in order to enjoy the benefits! I will write a couple of recipes for you! You may post them if you like! A recipe for spinach is chopped garlic saute in olive oil ad these herbs: Fennel, dill, parsley and chopped leeks! Add spinach then salt and pepper! Keep stirring! If the spinach you use is frozen it should be ready in just 15 minutes! Chop some feta cheese and add to the spinach mixture!
    Let cool! This is the filling for the appetizers! Open a box of filo dough! Unroll on a table! Melt some butter to brush each sheet of
    filo dough as you work with it! Fold one sheet in half then in half again the long way so you can spoon in the filling at one corner of your strip! Wrap it by bringing the corner of your strip over into the shape of a triangle! Keep folding till the strip is a complete triangle!
    Bake in a baking sheet at 375o until golden brown!

    Now we’re ready for stuffed peppers! Wash peppers! Carefully cut off the tops as they will be used for covers after stuffing your peppers! Remove seeds! Steam peppers then line them up in a deep baking pan! Saute ground beef with onions and garlic! Chop up fresh tomato and add to the ground beef! Add herbs, parsley,
    dill and fennel! Also add chopped leeks! Add a cup of rice! Stuff your peppers when rice is blown up! Put the lids back on the peppers then place them in a 375o oven and bake until brown!

  141. Linda Reply

    I am so excited, I just bought a Vitamix Blender, the Aspire Model….since I got it, yesterday, I have used it so many times…..I think I am in love… I look forward to receiving your wonderful recipes, that I can now actually make…..
    thank you for your posts, I look forward to receiving them. I just wish I could find a great raw food recipe book here in Ontario, Canada…some of the “suggested” ones have been difficult, if impossible for me to find here…..

    • Sylvia Reply

      Try Book or .com. They have free post anywhere in the world. Good luck.

  142. Vinni Reply

    Hey Ross. Thanks for all the info. I started really paying attention what I was eating and focusing mainly on proper ph foods for my body just over two years ago when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer at the age of 38. Since removal of the cancer I have been without reoccurrence. I have went as far as to properly ph the water I drink ( which is mainly at a 9.5) and got rid of all sodas and sport drinks. Since this Heath change I feel like a teenager again.

  143. Mario Reply

    Really useful advice. I’m at a point now where I know my body craves healthier food than what I’m currently intaking and so this is a great list to get me started — and I happen to enjoy these alkaline foods! #bonus. Thank you.

  144. Jimmie white Reply

    Thanks sooo-much I love all the listed veggies,when I lived in Inglewood California. I grew a lots of veggies.

  145. Belinda Lee Reply

    shame you’ve got that annoying bloody drop down box wanting me to like your page but I cant even read the f-ing article properly, it is soooooo annoying!!!!!!!! Even as I type this comment the bloody thing is still in the way and I can see nothing of the left hand side of the comment box, pls make an effort to fix your page I refuse to ‘like’ it on principle

    • Lucille Reply

      Linda, Press the “Crtl” key and move the wheel on your mouse. Move it one way and it makes your screen larger and the other way to make it smaller. You will then be able to read the articals without that bar on top of it.

  146. linda Reply

    thththank you for this. i am eating these veggies daily as salads and with meals.

  147. Marjorie Reply

    I think it iis important to look at oxalic content of foods too. I can’t eat spinach or kale.

  148. Rich Reply

    Wow, seriously?!?!?! Eating the things that everyone in the history of food has told me I should eat is a good idea???

  149. Janet Reply

    Hi Ross, I must say thanks for what you stand for “healthy.” I have been a health finatic ever since I was a teenager and I don’t see how people can live their lives otherwise. It’s the only way to go in my opinion. The only thing I was doing quite wrong was eating all vegetables instead of what I really needed to balance the ph levels in my body. Thanks once again, I’m not yet on face book so sorry I won’t be joining you but please continue to email me if it is possible. Again, keep up the GREAT work. God bless you!

    • Linda Reply

      I agree, 30 years living with diabetes and no one ever thought to check my PH levels…..why??? diabetic nutritionist and educators really need to get on board with this…..Not to mention the Endocrinologists…..maybe it should be the most important test to begin with…..

      • Colissa Reply

        I think the reason doctors don’t know is because they are not taught very much nutrition in college. They are taught all about the pham. available. Once you are diagnosed with a disease you are a life-long customer. The pharm companies don’t want to lose that. If this information was main stream, they would go out of business. When my mom comes to visit us (we cook vegetarian with very little animal product but not as much raw as I need to) she never has to take her insulin. We know several people who changed their diet to be completely cured of their ailments. Good luck 🙂

  150. dragica Reply

    Thank you very much, Ross. You are incredible!
    I am glad i have a big vegetable patch and spinach just waiting to sprout out of the ground. I’ve eaten very little spinach in my life, so I might just catch up. Tried growing kale 2 years ago, no success. Celery just impossible to grow around here. But I make up for it in tomatoes and capsicums.
    I have a question re pickles. What is meant by ‘pickles’ in the alkaline talk? Things like relishes and chutneys or things preserved in vinegar or the sauercraut tupe foods.
    Thanks again.

  151. zahra Reply

    hi Ross,

    My son is turning 1yr very soon and as i read the above including the recipes, i come across of thinking to give also my son esp the soup. Are these recommended for babies as well?

  152. Lorna S. Labayen Reply

    YOu have made the list more helpful, Ross. Thanks a lot

  153. Marie Reply

    Ross, it’s amazing. Thanks a lot.

  154. Miriam Reply

    Very useful information.

    Ross, how do we get rid of this very aggressive tag from FB, Twitter, Google, ..I’t interefering with my being able to read your blog and I find it quite undemocratic because I can’t get rid of it let alone just move it so I can free up your text. Arrgh!!!

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Miriam, you just have to ‘zoom out’ with your browser/set the screen size to be smaller/make the resolution bigger etc.

      Zoom out a little and the bar sits nicely to the left.


      • Lucille Reply

        Press the “Crtl” key and move the wheel on your mouse. Move it one way and it makes your screen larger and the other way to make it smaller. You will then be able to read the articals without that bar on top of it.

  155. Colleen Reply

    Hi Ross I found the pH Miracle about the same time as you so have been doing this for a while. I just wanted to make a few comments after reading the many replies… I asked Dr. Young about the blood type diet and he replied that there are only two types of blood good or bad!!!or bad!! Sorry that stupid tweet box got in my way!! As far as I am aware raw spinach does not cause stones or allow build up of oxacilic acid. As far as nightshades go potatoes and aubergines do not seem to be as alkalising as tomatoes and peppers which one would be using raw. i can feel the difference for example if I eat a cooked tomato. Just had beautiful alkalising tomato and avo soup for lunch all raw. Hope the comments are useful.

  156. bio energy dome Reply

    Thank you for the Alkaline Food Chart download and all the information on the seven most alkaline foods. I had seen on another alkaline food chart where watermelon is one of the most alkaline fruits. Respectfully, Truman Anderson

  157. Rachel Reply

    Thanks Ross, the information you provide is inspiring and very much appreciated. It’s disappointing how many people complain about not being able to read your posts.. ungrateful and obnoxious considering you give so much out to people for free.
    Maybe it’s a IE v’s firefox browser issue..but not your problem!

    Kudos for spreading this message and helping people lead healthier lives.
    Great work!

  158. Wizz Reply

    Hi Ross

    Defo going to try this one! 🙂 am I ok to use frozen? I’ve recently started adding 4 ‘cubes’ of frozen spinach to my smoothies. What’s your take on frozen?

    Love Wizz xx

  159. Muriel Reply

    Please resend message without the twitter/tweet bar – makes your article impossible to read! It even blocks this submission box.

  160. Stephen Reply

    Fabulous, as ever, Ross! I read your posts on a range of devices from iPad to IMac to PC. All pages render fine with Chrome, Safari and IE9. Your information is as good as your laptop: fabulous!
    Many thanks, Ross. Keep up the great work!

  161. carl Reply

    Hey Ross

    Love the work you do. Great to have a list.

    Here’s also something that you may wanna do a little investigating into.

    Been ill for a fair while now, and under the care of an integrative medicine DR, who also is a research scientist. He found i was quite acidic, and recommended Watermelon to alkalise…He says it’s teh most alkalising natural food out there. Of course i disagreed, but he wanted to prove it to me… so over the course of my last visit (a week), he did buffer tests on my stomach acid and tested my blood PH, after eating only 1 kind of food for a day…guess what came out on top…watermelon, only closely followed by cucumber. I was amazed, as everything i’d read says NO FRUIT! I’d be interested on your thoughts on this.

  162. Olivia Rojas Reply

    Thanks a million for your incredible information!
    Could I make smoothies with the vegatables that you mentioned and add a peeled orange or a piece of fresh pineapple, or banana? Would the smoothie still be healthy? Please advice. It is very important to me.
    Thanks again for your most valuable information,

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Olivia – it’s ok to add fruit while you transition but try to keep it to one piece and then slowly transition it away. Fruit is high in sugar and when you juice it you remove all of the fiber – so the sugar is more reactive in the body. A little fruit is fine, but not juiced.

    • A Reply

      of course it is!

  163. Jimbo Reply

    Thanks for the article. I will eat an avocado now. Being in Cali they are plentiful. I also love spinach.
    I have been having to take prilosec every day because of my stomach acid problems. Perhaps if I incorporate more of these I will not have to. Unfortunately I will not give up coffee. I gotta get some baking soda to put in it.

  164. Tamara Reply

    Love it! Thank you. Anyway to make this easier for people is great in my book!!!

    (p.s. have a post coming up soon where I link you a few times!!!)


    • Ross Reply

      In a word….awesome. Tamara you rock.

  165. marg Reply

    Hi, got into this alkaline food thingonly recently. Wonder if you could clarify this bit for me ie. is Japanese green tea powder considered al alkaline food (drink)? What about the green food powder ( says it contains several kinds of veg) alkaline too? Thanks so much.

  166. Lawrie Reply

    GET Rid of that FKCUHUKHUFCFCKUCH ing twitter thing. I can’t even medit or hype this massage properly !!

    • Ross Reply

      I’m gonna get to the bottom of it. Trouble is – I don’t see it on my laptop (Macbook Pro on Google Chrome) so am going to fire up a PC and test on FireFox, IE, Safari etc til I can understand what everyone is talkin’ ’bout!


  167. Roxine Reply

    Hi Ross, I’m planning on making this my morning Juice. Is that 1/2 cup pre juice amount or 1/2 cup after juicing of each? Hope that makes sense!

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Roxine – that’s pre-juicing. Would be a pretty big juice if it was after!

  168. Marisol Reply

    Hi Ross: What a valuable feedback.. We all know how valuable our vegetables are but, we must be reminded and better informed. Incorporating all these vegetables, daily, in our diet, is a slow educational process.. It doesn’t happen from one day to the other..

    We have advanced quite a bit here and take one glass of barley grass-(berry) mixed with water, first thing in the morning. 30 min later, we juice 6 carrots, one orange and 3 celery sticks.. We then take this into a blender like VitaMix or similar and mix these juices with one slice of pineapple, one handful of organic spinach, one handful of brocoli and one cup blueberries..with 2 tablespoons of flax seed. This powerful shake is our breakfast every morning and by doing this, we are assuring ourselves we are taking our daily min amount of vegetables.. We will have vegetables with chicken or fish at midday and at nighttime, again, I have another glass of barley grass or another green shake as in the morning…
    I can tell you that we have testimonials of friends with cancer, that have reversed their cancer by taking all these nutrients, on a constant basis- 1/2 glass of a shake every 3 hours and they have jumped started their autoimmune system and reversed their cancer.

    Congratulations.. Keep the good work Ross..

    • marco Reply

      Wanted to know how your friend is doing after reverseing their cancer. And are they still cancer after juicing.

  169. dianne Reply

    PLEASE get rid of this box with “likes” in it….i cannot read the page!!
    how ridiculouse is this!!

    • Ross Reply

      I’m gonna get to the bottom of it. Trouble is – I don’t see it on my laptop (Macbook Pro on Google Chrome) so am going to fire up a PC and test on FireFox, IE, Safari etc til I can understand what everyone is talkin’ ’bout!


  170. Scott Brady Reply

    Great article Ross; very informative.

    I didn’t realise until recently that celery, cucumbers and bell peppers are high in silica too, which is great for rebuilding our bodies structures and soft tissues.

    Cheers mate


  171. Michele buonocore Reply

    Thank you so much, I will start eating Kale I am a concer survivor for the last 6 mts. I have been in remisson, I realize Alkaline diet so important, How long do you steam Kale it always seem so tough. Michele

  172. carol cooper Reply

    please take me off your mailing list. I have appreciated the information but do not wish to continue. I have asked before but it has continued. Thanks

  173. Kat Reply

    Wonderful Stuff Ross!

    • Ross Reply

      Thanks so much Kat!

  174. javaid Reply


    • Ross Reply

      Awesome 🙂

  175. Katie Funk Reply

    Oh and for the thyroid I suggest dulse, it’s delicious..and high in iodine. Add to everything, anything, or just eat by itself!

  176. Katie Funk Reply

    Please inform everyone also at the risks of spinach kale and broccoli raw for extended periods of time. Spinach high in oxalates can mean disaster for the kidneys and stones. They are all goitrogenic too and have been shown to influence the thyroid when raw especially. List here of goitrogenic foods Perhaps a way to compromise for eating oxalates would be by adding lemon water to the diet to consistently dissolve any stones, lemon also great for its alkaline effect on the body.

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Katie – looks like you’re already doing a good job!

      I ask everyone to take personal responsibility for their own health and dietary requirements – if you have a specific condition or concern you should speak with a nutritionally aware practitioner and adapt any dietary suggestions to suit your awareness of your own body and it’s need.

      • Jamez Reply

        Olaxic acid is also synthesized by your own body using Vitamin C. There are no links between the olaxic levels of food intake and oxalate related illnesses (gallstones, kidney stones etc).

        The greens (especially spinach, chard) are getting a bad rap and a lot of misinformation of late on this! The oxalates are in almost all plant based foods including fruits, veg, grains, seeds, nuts, coffee, chocloate, beans, etc. They are more digestible raw than cooked. You cannot avoid them, and as all plant foods have some anti nutrients, you will always take some “bad” with the good. It is a yin/yang world we live in.

        Research shows that oxalate stones(gallstones/kidneystones) are more related to not enough hydration, so green juicing and more water intake is going to help the problem not contribute to it! Of course, rotating greens is a good idea and you can have too much of anything, if taken in excess 🙂

  177. denise Reply

    I love your blog and your heartfelt devotion to optimum health. I do have some confusion over your promotion of tomatoes and the nightshade veggies. Tomatoes are acidic and the first food on the list of what not to eat if you suffer from acid reflux. Nightshades also. Several people have referenced this and you just ignore it. You owe it to the folks giving you their trust to address this!

    • Ross Reply

      Hello Denise

      Tomatoes are very alkaline-forming to the body once consumed (similar to lemons).

      Saying I just ignore it is a bit harsh – I FINALLY finished that giant blog post at about 9pm last night and went to bed soon after (fell asleep watching Nadal vs Berdych which was actually quite a game!).

      I still don’t fully understand what the issue with capsicum is, so I believe I said I would investigate further.

      Remember – this information I am posting is all free (FREE) so nobody should be impatient with me here!


  178. Miriam Reply

    Can’t read anything but the actual names of the stuff; I’ve been eating spinach. cucumbers, broccoli, avocado, and celery every day for years. I cook for my grandchildren three nights a week and I give them all of this every chance I get. They are quite picky as all children are and as I was when I was a child, but I find that I can make these alkaline foods taste good to them they will eat them; for instance, if I put something on top or give them something to dip it in they will eat almost any vegetable. Wish I could reat it all, so I would know the exact reasons these are healthful and what they contain.

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Miriam — what is preventing you being able to read it all? Let me know – I’d love to help.

  179. Jackie Reply

    Ross: I was inspired by this and so had kale for breakfast with avocado and some wild salmon. Yummy! I also just read research from the Environmental Working Group that reported, among other things, that spinach is important to buy organic since it’s really hard to get the pesticides off of spinach when preparing it to eat. And research shows how important magnesium is for mood. You hear a lot about Omega 3 fatty acids and mood, but magnesium is also key. If one is avoiding gluten, one may be magnesium deficient–lots of naturally occurring magnesium in grains with gluten. Since green vegetables have ample magnesium, it is important to remember that they, too, support mood health. Especially if one is avoiding gluten.

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Jackie

      Nice one – kale for breakfast is a big step! There are certain foods that are more important to buy organic (or wash with high pH, ionized water) and spinach is definitely one of them. Strawberries are another.

      Check this list out:

      Good call on magnesium – it’s super-important and often forgotten

  180. carol fortunato Reply

    Hello Ross,
    What a great re-motivating list. Thank You.
    Two questions:
    I eat alot of raw Kale…Is the only thing I’m losing its’ cholesterol-lowering benefit?
    And, I read that cooking spinach makes it metabolize as acidic? Is this not true?

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Carol

      Just mix it up – some raw some cooked. Don’t worry about spinach becoming acid-forming, it’s not the case.

      Raw kale may lose some of that one benefit, but you get much more benefit of all the other nutrients by not cooking them!

      It’s all a balance 🙂


  181. Gillian Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I ve being adding more and more Alkaline foods and water into my diet over the last three months and love it now …
    I do have a few problems with things like Broccoli and Spinage whichI love but they have high levels of Purines in them but I just keep them to 20 % of the meal or snack and always add lots of peppers with them …
    Also add lemons to all my water, cooking or drinking.
    I have lost 8 kilos and my gout has subsided to a point I can live with it,
    Adding lots of antioxidants to my diet coupled with alkaline water is really working Thanks

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Gillian! That’s amazing! Congratulations and keep it up!

  182. Llew Reply

    Not really interested until I saw you were a Spurs fan.,will try a smoothie tomorrow and see how it goes .

    • Ross Reply

      Harsh result on Sunday….but still TEN points clear of ars*nal 🙂

  183. Cindy Reply


  184. Anne Jerome Reply

    I really want to read al about these super alkaline foods but I can’t because of the box over the text…….

  185. Chris Ashmore Reply

    I love the information you give. I was very excited to have the nutritional data on the servings and for the alkaline foods. Unfortunately I printed it out but the (@#@*) tweet window is in the middle of it. And I printed it out twice. Needed to vent that, Thanks. C-

  186. Bre Reply

    Thank You for this and all of ur articles. I love going to my email and seeing something from this site. I do not like celery, but will try masking it in a smoothie. I also am curious about the comments on veggies in the nightshade family.

  187. Mary Reply

    Hi Ross,
    When you say a cup of greens, is it cooked, raw, tightly packed, loosely packed??? I also eat all of these except for the bell pepper as I am experimenting if eliminating nightshades (tomato, peppers, potato, eggplant) helps reduce arthritis type symptoms in my knees & feet (so far inconclusive). Love the recipes!

  188. Rush N. Reply

    Hey Ross,

    I’m a fan of the movement, but quick question… Are you familiar with the ”eat right for your blood type” diets?
    I’m asking because my type ”O” blood calls for no Cucumbers & Avacados. I’m figuring I could blend these facts & customize a personal diet for my optimum health

    Thanks, R. Nash

  189. Greg Reply

    So I would really love to read the 7 most alkaline foods. To bad there is a facebook twitter bar in the way and it is impossible. Who cares about twitter???

  190. vee Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Thank a lot for your information. Your article very nice. Keep it up.

  191. jane judd Reply

    I can’t even print this to keep the info because the little box whites out the info. PLEASE get rid of it!!

  192. Aida Reply

    Hi Ross
    Thanks for this wonderful information. I eat almost all of the seven, but kale because I didnt’ know how good it was. I’m glad I found your web to get such value information to improve our health.
    Aida from Lima Peru

  193. jane judd Reply

    like another reader, the little box is driving me crazy also! i’ve tried to get it off, it’s in the way. Clicking on it all over doesn’t get rid of it. Where is this coming from?

  194. Shelley Reply

    Thank you so much for posting these wonderful recipes and your acid/alkaline charts! I am in the transitioning phase of my switch to an alkaline diet. Getting ready to do a brief cleanse before adopting the 80/20 lifestyle. Your soup and smoothie recipes will be a wonderful resource for me. Looking forward to positive changes!
    Your blog is much appreciated!

  195. Julie Duff Reply

    Awesome! I have been looking for this kind of direction to go with my diet and alkaline info is not as easy to obtain as everyday people would lead you to believe. Thank you so much!!!! Please don’t stop giving!!

  196. Chris Reply

    Dear Ross
    This is just a big thank you for all your hard work and for sharing it. Thanks Angel

  197. Miguel Reply

    I make my drinks with tomatos, celery, spinach, alfalfa and beets, blend it , add a dash of salt and the juice of one lemon and it is a killer drink and it taste delicious as well, I drink it in the morning and it makes you feel great all day. I’ve been alkalizing for about a month, I used to have a very toxic diet before and now I have more energy, feel much better and even some “age” spots are dissapearing from my arms, the black eyes too, this is the fountain of youth!!

  198. Joe Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Great article and content for our health. Do you recommend a juicer or place we can create a smoothie or juice like you described above??

  199. kareen Reply

    Hi Ross,
    have learnt so much from you, thank you for your wisdom. I now find after only a week of alkaline foods, that acidic foods have lost their appeal. In fact, I cant believe i once ingested all that acidic stuff, pickled gerkins, etc. My stomach really revolts if i eat any now. 🙂 I also cant believe I have given chocolate and coffee away, I never thought I could do that, either. I am proud! 🙂
    keep up the good work my friend.
    Kareen, western australia

  200. Fran Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Thank you for this wonderful article; I make a point of juicing a tomato, 1/2 cucumber, 1/4 bell pepper and throw some broccoli, and I can almost feel each cell in my body cheering up as it goes down my throat!!!!
    Blessings from spain.

    • Sue Reply

      Hello Fran,
      I like to start my day with a cucumber and celery juice – really wakes you up!

      Greetings from the Costa del Sol

      • Ross Reply

        Hey Sue!

        Thanks for the tip 🙂 Hope you’re well in Spain!

  201. isabel Reply

    Ditto…this little menu is awful…one cannot even move it with an apple….it truly blocks the reading…
    You are not mentioning the GMO aspects of some of these items…could you elaborate? like celery?

  202. Nicole Reply


    I really appreciate this post, so thank you.

    My one concern is regarding spinach. I’ve read that it’s not so great due to it’s oxalic (or phytic?) acid content, which supposedly binds to ingested calcium (and other minerals like iron?), preventing their absorption.

    It’s been a while since I’ve researched that particular topic, so forgive me if my information isn’t as accurate as it could be.


  203. Lois Reply

    Hiya Ross;

    I have just discovered you and I’m excited to see the changes in my life…I’m gonna start with the power house Veg. Smoothie and see what happens…! Thanks so much for all of the great information.


  204. jill bell Reply

    I echo the grumble about the pop-up. Your information is excellent and clear – or would be the wretched pop up wasn’t in the way.
    How do you rate organic cider vinegar?

  205. italian mama Reply

    Hey ross i suffer with burning throat all the time. What natural foods can help?

  206. Phyllis Poole Reply

    I have a friend who does not have a computer, and is just now getting into better foods by listening to Dr Oz ! She wouldn’t listen to me before and now is fighting skin cancer, using the “blocks” that are not good for her, depleting herself in D.
    I gave her an alkaline diet before and she lost it! I wanted to print out what you sent about the 7 most alkaline foods and it won’t print. Is t here a reason. Could you make it available and put print at the top?

    • Dawn Reply

      Phyllis and others,

      It’s easy to print any page(s) by simply pressing Ctrl P as long as there’s a printer available. Also, I took the advice given to shrink the screen to 90% which moves the annoying box to the left margin.

  207. Amrut Reply


  208. Phyllis Poole Reply

    The twitter thing is in my way also. Can you control that? Or is it from the twitter site.
    I t hink your article is great in that it is complete as to each foods nutrition. BUT isn’t it possible that one could go overboard on alkalinity and not get a balance. Meat is very high in acid but it is an important food for we carnivorous mammals. Too much was sais about not eating red meat because it was bad for the heart SO many people left it out of their diet. We get most of our niacin from red meat and I know niacin is the memory vitamin. Now we are seeing a LOT of alzheimers, dementia etc.
    A good balance is a must!
    I can’t edit my writing because of that twitter thing. I hate that!

  209. Merle Drury Reply

    Help!!! I can’t read your interesting blog on the 7 alkalizing foods because the small menu bar with all the ‘like’, ‘Tweet’ ‘stumbledupon’ links is stuck right in the middle of the page. PLEASE GET RID OF IT before the frustration of it drives me mad….

    Best wishes, and thanks, Ross,


  210. Janet Reply

    Thank you so much, Ross! I’m actually starting the diet this morning and I can’t wait to see and feel the effects from it! You’re posts are so encouraging!

  211. kathy Reply

    Thanks so much for this invaluable info!

    • Ross Reply

      No probs Kathy – it’s my pleasure.

  212. Melissa Reply

    Hi Ross, have been a Fan of your website for awhile now keep up the good work!! I also cannot eat the bell pepper due to the nightshade family as it aggravates my psorasis.


    • Ross Reply

      Hey Melissa – that’s awesome that you’re enjoying my posts!

  213. Karin Braidwood Reply

    Hi Ross, really enjoy your infectious enthusiasm! And all sounds possible to achieve…quite a steep learning curve for me though.
    Shall rush out to buy that juicer as soon as our current flood subsides! Q: Would silverbeet be an ok substitute for spinach?

    • Ross Reply

      Absolutely – all leafy greens are great! You’re not in Brisbane are you?

  214. Gloria Jordan Reply

    Hi Ross
    Wonderful article- thank you!
    The only one of the 7 that we dont eat is the bell peppers as they are part of the nightshade family

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Gloria – thanks so much! Just out of interest, what is your primary concern with vegetables from the nightshade family?


  215. Jan M Reply

    HI Ross,
    I am a week old into learning about eating raw, fermenting, juicing etc etc etc, and am enjoying your clear simple emails. Knowing I can prepare just one drink and be well on my way to a healthy intake of RDA’s for the day is a relief, and it’s so simple that it feels like a much less daunting task to set myself up to achieve these new goals for good eating. It seems that one drink will achieve much more than just one small step towards a good eating plan. Thanks. Regards Jan

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Jan – that’s what I’m all about – simply, baby steps…one at a time…day-by-day

      When you approach health that way you can get a long way in a surprisingly short time!


  216. Gloria Reply

    Hi Ross
    Wonderful article!
    The only one of the SEVEN that I dont eat is the bell peppers due to them belonging to the nightshade family!

  217. Wayne Reply

    On a side note, Spinach can cause kidney stones.

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Wayne

      I’d potentially dispute that 😉

      • paramasivam Reply

        since it is an alkali food…
        how can it cause kidney stones…
        mostly acid food cause the kidney stones….

      • John Hopwood Reply

        I support the comment about the threat of spinach to those of use who suffer from calcite kidneys stones. There is a substantial body of proof and opinion to confirm this. Curiously, brussels sprouts and other brassicas are also detrimental.

        • Jamez Reply

          As I replied earlier up the page, this is misinformation being spread….we need oxalic acid or the body will synthesize it from Vitamin C! The oxalate stones are formed by the oxalate acid combining with calcium, so it is thought that it is caused by an accumulation of unused calcium ,not the oxalic acid! Please read medical research , not hype on the web.

          Here is a balanced view:

  218. Sarah Staerk Reply

    Love this! Thank you so much for the research.

    • Ross Reply

      No worries Sarah – I loved writing it!

  219. Eileen Bowley Reply

    Thanks Ross – great info here. I eat spinach, peppers and avocado almost every day 🙂 I just cannot bear to eat cucumber and celery is something I dont even like the smell of let alone the taste – but I dont let this worry me as I eat other good foods in place of them.
    Thanks again, Eileen

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Eileen – thanks heaps for the comment! Will touch base very soon I promise!

    • Jamez Reply

      Not sure how you could avoid celery and cucumber , as they are the best veggies to fill out a green juice 🙂
