Perfect Weight Loss Breakfast Oats

Weight Loss Breakfast Oats

The Easy Way to Set Your Body Up to Melt Fat All Day Long!

This is the perfect weight loss breakfast that is quick, delicious, and super-alkaline.

Listen, if you’re looking to lose weight, I want you to FORGET CALORIES. Calories are a fine measure for a lot of things, but really, they’re a far too simplistic, inaccurate, arbitrary measure for losing weight.

When you lose weight by calorie restricting you not only have a horrible, deprived, hungry, hangry, moody life…but you’re also setting yourself up for the type of weight loss that is scientifically proven to fail…and to bounce back (with interest).

[See Also: the Simple Weight Loss Equation]

If you are carrying excess weight, you will have your own unique set of circumstances that is causing your body to want to hang on to fat, create new fat cells, and refuse to shift them.

I want you to know this right away: eating fat does not make you fat. Indirectly, eating sugar, gluten, and acidic, processed foods will make you fat – but the fat will not. The fat we consume doesn’t just get ‘stuck’ on our body. Our body generates fat as a response to certain conditions within the body – which are accelerated by the foods I just mentioned.

When you eat an acidic, inflammatory, oxidative-stress-causing diet, live a lifestyle of poor sleep, high stress, and little exercise you create the conditions in your body that are perfect for weight gain and hold.

And for the vast majority of people, the body’s desire to create and hold fat is down to:

  • Inflammation
  • Hormonal imbalance (cortisol, insulin, leptin, ghrelin, adoponectin and more)
  • Digestive system imbalance
  • Excess acidity
  • Adrenal & thyroid imbalance (closely related to inflammation, acidity and hormonal imbalance, of course)
  • Liver stress
  • Immune system imbalance

By restricting calories, we’re focusing on just one piece of the puzzle…and that piece isn’t even in this puzzle! I totally get calorie measurement for athletes and strength/conditioning/competition lifters, but for someone who is simply looking to shed fat, it’s irrelevant.

When you focus on the above factors – which are all hit by eating an alkaline, anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant rich diet (like I teach) – you give your body the tools to rebalance and rebuild, you give it what it needs to address the imbalances that are prompting it to create new fat cells and hold onto fat at all costs.

In short: when you nourish your body to rebalance, the weight will just fall away (and your energy will skyrocket).

And this little alkaline breakfast is a huge help, because:

  1. It is alkaline-forming, and anti-inflammatory – helping to negate excess acidity in your system first thing in the morning, and reduce inflammation
  2. It is a protein-rich, fiber-rich, fat-rich start to the day which will assist with balancing your hormones early in the morning (this is critical for weight loss, I’ll explain more in another guide)
  3. The healthy fats also help heal the pancreas, thyroid, and adrenals that are essential for the optimal weight for a myriad of reasons, but quickly: pancreas – controls blood sugar/insulin interaction; thyroid – controls metabolism; adrenals – controls/regulates cortisol – all critical
  4. The psyllium husks help to clear and rebalance the digestive system, particularly the small intestines
  5. The coconut oil destroys candida – a leading contributor to weight gain (and fatigue)

Need I go on?!

It’s also, as with all of my recipes, really quick and easy to make!

Remember – everything I teach is ALWAYS about making it as simple, effortless, delicious, and easy for you as possible.

So let’s get into it:

The Perfect Weight Loss Breakfast Oats

Serves 2
1 cup oats
1/2 cup quinoa
2 dessert spoons of coconut oil
Coconut milk to taste
1 tsp cinnamon
A small handful of almonds
Pinch of psyllium husks per person
Filtered water

Optional: a spoon of almond butter to go on top 🙂


1) Start by cooking the quinoa by putting the 1/2 cup of quinoa into a pan with 1 cup of water, bring this to the boil and then simmer until the water is almost all evaporated.

2) Once it is almost cooked, add the cup of oats with 1.5 cups of water and simmer until the oats are also soft. Add more water if needed.

3) While this is simmering, smash or slice the almonds and add these to the pan

4) Once the oats and quinoa are cooked, remove from the heat, stir in the pinch of husks, the cinnamon, and the coconut oil, and then coconut milk (or almond milk if you prefer) to taste.

5) Serve with another splash of the milk if required, and feel free to sweeten a touch with rice malt syrup if needed.

Enjoy – this is such a delicious, simple oaty bowl that is the PERFECT weight loss breakfast for balancing your body and giving it the exact tools it needs to release the excess fat, giving you deliciousness and the body you deserve!


Further Reading:

Stop Counting Calories – This is More Important for Weight Loss
The Hypothyroidism Diet Plan
How to Balance Your Most Important Hormones

alkaline water workshop

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Louanne Kelley Reply

    Perfect oat recipe! Love it!🎉💝

  2. Sheryl Reply

    I thought oats were acidic.
    Is that incorrect?

  3. Barbara Reply

    what kind of oats did you use? Steel cut, whole, rolled, thick rolled or instant?

  4. Carissa Reply

    Great recipe! You say that it’s not all about calories for weight loss. What place do calories have then?

  5. Lyne Reply

    Hi Ross, my husband has had a bad attack of gout in his right hand, very painful he had5 days in hospital..hand has gone down and not painfull anymore, we are trying to keep to the right foods, We have been having celery juice in the mornings. This recipe would be good for breakfast, grateful for your support thanks Lyne

  6. Diana Ellis-Scroggins Reply

    What about the use of salt or munk fruit sweetener?

  7. Brenda Young Reply

    Ross I bought a Huron from you about 6 years ago and I have a question, I always get a lot of foam on my juice is this normal? Also, I get a lot of fiber even though I destring my celery at least?

  8. Sarah Cummings Reply

    Hi! Thanks for sharing this understanding. Looking forward to trying the recipe and tips you laid down. I’ll make sure to get this into practice the knowledge that you imparted. Thumbs up!

  9. Renate Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I was under the understanding that grains are acitic and inflammation causing? Is this true?
    Also I purchased your Alkaline Book and can’t see the link to download it.
    Is it available in book form? I would prefer that.
    Regards Renate

  10. Jilll Skerritt Reply

    Hello Ross, This is Jill and I think you know who I am. I have been in touch before when I first started reading about you on the internet and I must confess I was not really serious about your Diet as I am now. I am taking your diet seriously now to the letter. I do believe in what you are saying as I grew up with a father who believed in a lot of green salads and juicing. He had cataracts and cured himself with juicing. I cannot remember all the ingredients he put into his drink because it was such a long time ago, but one thing that stands out in my mind was a lot of carrots. He never allowed my brother and myself to eat white bread, it was always wholemeal. I am getting older now and a few things are happening to my health now which I really cannot ignore and I know by following your diet I am beginning to feel more confident in the future, because I have seen it work with my father. Thanking you for your patience, Jill Skerritt.

  11. Bridie Reply

    Hi Ross,thanks for recipe,I was under the illusion that oats are I wrong?

  12. Alan Foxley Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Thank you again for your continuing support.
    Nowhere near fully alkaline but enjoying your recipes .
    Your Tumeric, ginger & lemon tea is amazing.
    I’m 66, been retired for 12 months.
    My weight at retirement was 12st 8lbs,
    I’m now down to 12st.
    Any recipes/ advice on gaining weight would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks
    Alan Foxley

  13. Jilll Skerritt Reply

    I am really not sure about coconut oil. I have heard so many conflicting stories about coconut oil, and could you give me further proof that it is not fattening. Yours sincerely, Jill Skerritt

  14. sue vail Reply

    Thank you for the recipe. How many calories?

  15. Richard Pinnegar Reply

    I do eat oats and quinoa for breakfast, but my blood group B diet does not not allow me coconut oil or milk, cinnamon or almonds. I have never heard of psyllium husks but it is not on my NO list, so I might try some.
    Not sure whether you have heard of blood group diets.It has certainly helped me.


  16. Ron Thursfield Reply

    Hi Ross, I follow an alkaline diet, gluten free wholefood vegan, but just can’t get alkaline readings using pH urine tests.What’s going wrong?
    Regards Ron.
    PS I am treating skin cancer myself, so it’s important.

  17. Babs Reply

    Hi Ross! Can this recipe also be made overnight? Soaking the quinoa and the oats? To be eaten cold I mean(I hate warm oats…)
    Thanks, you always make so much sense, love your work!
