DELICIOUS 5-Minute Green Summer Salad (5 Ingredient, 5-Minutes)

Alkaline Summer Salad

The Most Ingredible Summer Salad EVER

Hot on the heels of my ‘bitter green juice’ last week, I wanted to share this new, super-simple salad with you that we’ve been LOVING over the past few months.

I know it’s winter here in Aussie-land right now, but to my English thermometer, this still feels like summer (75 degrees, blue skies, breezes…)

This salad rocks for two reasons:

  1. 3 ingredients…takes 3 minutes
  2. It’s PACKED with alkaline goodness!

Fibre, folate, vitamins A, C, K, E, magnesium, calcium, potassium, healthy omegas, selenium, cancer-fighting quercetin and kaempferol and so much more.

And, really, it’s just ridiculously delicious. The textures, flavours…I’m off to make some more!

Alkaline Salad - Recipe

SEE ALSO: Get Over 150+ Easy Alkaline Recipes Here

The Most Delicious 5-Ingredient Summer Salad

Serves 2


  • 1 bunch of asparagus
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 1 English cucumber
  • 2 big handfuls of Tuscan kale
  • 2 big handfuls of rocket/arugula

For the dressing:

  • ¼ cup lemon juice
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon dijon mustard
  • 1/4 shallot


Start by preparing the dressing. In a glass jar mix the lemon juice and olive oil, and then add the mustard. Finely dice the shallot (in case you’re wondering, a shallot is this – you could use red onion or spring onion instead) and then add this to the jar too – before giving it all a good shake.

I’m listening to Muse’s Knights of Cydonia as I type this, which would be an excellent shaking song.

Now the dressing is made, it’s time to throw together the salad. Start by taking the woody end of the asparagus, and then slice it lengthways. Put this into your bowl.

Now grab your cucumber, and with a vegetable peeler, peel it lengthways to make fine ribbons. Add these to the bowl.

Simply throw in the arugula, and then finely slice the kale and add this too.

Dress liberally and add some natural salt and black pepper to taste. DELICIOUS!

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  1. Arlene Reply

    Hey Ross I live in the Caribbean the sunny Trinidad can I use water cress & bitter greens or Carile instead . Arlene thanks

    • ross Reply

      Yep definitely 🙂

  2. maria Reply

    Another outstanding recipe, Ross!! As always, l LOVE your work.

    • ross Reply

      Thanks so much Maria!

  3. Sue Reply

    Hi Ross-
    What if someone just couldn’t cope with arugula…is there a decent substitute? Asking for a friend ????…

    • ross Reply

      Hey Sue!

      Always lovely to hear from you.

      Definitely – feel free to use any other leafy green to your taste 🙂

      Also, let your ‘friend’ know that the ABC is getting a big upgrade makeover in the next week so she might want to consider checking it out again – it’s going to be amazing 🙂

