Alkaline Recipe #191 Super-Fast Bliss Balls (No-Bake Recipe)

close up image of bliss ball

Hey guys – these bliss balls are a lifesaver at Bridgeford Alkaline HQ!

It’s a truly delicious, raw alkaline snack to keep you going, energised and your taste buds satisfied!

Let’s face it, when you’re super-hungry and busy it’s THE stress-test to see if you are going to slip up, crack and grab something unhealthy.

This bliss ball recipe completely prevents this because it’s:

a) delicious
b) easy to make
c) quick to make
d) can be stored in the fridge
e) did I mention delicious?

It contains a little sweetness from the dates, but aside from that it’s highly alkaline with the cacao, pistachio, almond meal, coconut oil, chia seeds and almonds.

It’s full of healthy fats, protein, fibre and antioxidants and frankly the cacao makes it chocolatey while the almond meal gives it an almost brownie-like quality.

See Also: Get Over 125+ Delicious & Easy-to-Make Alkaline Recipes Here

We strictly use cacao here – not cocoa. The difference is explained by Sarah Wilson here brilliantly and it’s really important that even if you don’t want to understand why, that you always use cacao.

I strongly recommend you try these out – they’re a staple in our house, especially for Leo (our little 4 year old boy). Having delicious, healthy, alkaline snacks at hand can be the difference between success and failure for a lot of people.

Raw Cacao, Pistachio & Almond Bliss Balls


Makes 12 Bliss Balls


4 Medjool dates (in case you’re wondering this means 1.3g of sugar per ball – absolutely acceptable)
1 cup almond meal
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/3 cup cacao powder
1/3 cup pistachios
1/4 cup almonds
1 tbsp chia seeds


Start by softening the dates and almonds in hot water. Preferably soak the almonds for at least 4 hours…unless you’re using a high speed blender or food processor (such as the Vitamix, in which case no softening is needed).

The dates need about an hour to soften – make sure you remove the seed.

Now process/blend the dates, almond meal, almonds, half of the pistachios, shredded coconut, coconut oil, cacao and chia together.

Move this to a bowl and let it stand for a few minutes to allow the chia to soften and expand.

three stages of the cacao bliss balls

Smash the remaining pistachios and roll this raw mixture into small balls and roll in the crushed pistachios to coat them.


These will keep in the fridge for seven days, and are a great grab and go snack offering dense, filling nourishment to keep you going until your next meal.

Do you have a bliss ball recipe you want to share? Or a variant? Do you love it with more cacao, less coconut, added goji berries, raw or baked? Let me know in the comments below!


SEE ALSO: the Alkaline Guide to Nuts

alkaline recipe system image

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Kathleen Reply

    I don’t want a digital book. I want a book I can hold in my hand

  2. Sherrill Callender Reply

    Hello, I was wondering if I could buy the paperback book instead of the Digital download version? Thank you.

  3. Parmi Reply

    Can I swap some of the nuts? And leave out the almond meal? Thanks

  4. Michelle Reply

    These are absolutely delicious! Perfect for a quck snack or chocolate craving and so healthy! I even gather up remaining nuts and crumbs to top my porrige or alkaline cheesecake .

  5. Jess Reply

    If I don’t like to eat dates, any other choice can instead of it please?

    • ross Reply

      You can try using almond meal (for ‘sticky-ness’) and rice malt syrup for sweetness.

  6. Pixie MacLeod-Hodgson Reply

    Hi Ross
    Firstly, I want to say thank you for being here for us 🙂
    I absolutely love these Bliss Balls.
    I have made a variation – I used half of your pistachios and added a tbsp (or so) of organic fennel seeds – so good 🙂
    If you like fennel, try it – I think you’ll love them too
    Love and peace
    Pixie x

  7. Surjit Reply

    What can be used instead of pistachios as I am allergic to them?

  8. Julie Reply

    I really sympathize with you. As the saying goes…”you can’t please everybody”

    • ross Reply


      • Erika Reply

        Hi. It does not list the dates in the ingredients list.

  9. Denise Harp Reply

    Yum yum yum. The Bliss Balls are devine.

    • ross Reply


  10. Rita Reply

    The bliss balls are delicious , but it is very difficult to make them because the mixture is very dry, it feels like it needs more liquid

    • ross Reply

      Feel free to add a little more of the liquids, for sure.

  11. Zarina Reply

    Hi Ross, I’m diabetic, what recipes do you recommend and also am I ok to use medjool dates in the bliss balls. Thanks. ,

  12. Barb from Texas Reply

    Love them!

  13. Kay Colahan Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Is your recipe book available in hard cover?


    Kay Colahan

  14. Laura Ross Reply

    I’m allergic to almonds so what can I use in place of the almond meal?

    • ross Reply

      Coconut flour works well in this one.

  15. Sandra Fernandes Reply

    Hi Ross

    I have put off making this snack for some time now as I have an intolerance to Almonds – swelling up around the eyes! Can I use Cashew nuts instead or any other nut meal?


    • ross Reply

      You definitely can sub the almonds for cashews, yep 🙂

  16. Sue Reply

    Hi Ross – I finally got the nerve to attempt this recipe! Just one thing – it turned out a wee bit too moist and wouldn’t hold its shape when i tried to roll the mixture into balls. Any idea what i could have done? It’s quite edible, just a tad moist.


    Sue in Toronto

  17. fielker Reply

    please tell me what cacao can i use,carob or normally they can use to do chocolate.thank you

  18. Barbara Kolander Reply

    These are fantastic!

  19. Sandi Reply

    I’d like to order your Alkaline Recipe System offer for 29.99 which includes bonus books –
    but I don’t really want to download them – I’d really like to have the full offer in REAL books.
    I’d like to be able to take the books with me when I travel plus I just really like to sit down with recipe books to decide what to make. The photos show each of these as books but I haven’t found where on the order form to request real books to be delivered?
    Since you are helping me – one more question. How is it best to organize all the downloads? I feel overwhelmed trying to find recipes, etc very easily.

    • Revis Reply

      Sandi – I know it’s two years later, but I was just browsing the site and saw your question. I was curious as well. Did you ever get a response back from Ross?

  20. Mirka Reply

    LOVE those, I actually make a homemade almond milk ( absolutely the best for your chicory ‘coffee’ and use the left over almond meal for these balls.

    • Julie Reply

      wow! that’s definitely “a bird in the hand..” Great way to get the best use of everything…no waste! I love that!

  21. Lindsay Reply

    Could you please give your bliss balls recipe in grams so that everybody can make them. I have no idea what a cup measures!!

    • ross Reply


      • Sue Reply


  22. Julia Carryer Reply

    Hi Ross
    I attempted to make these a couple of weeks ago but didn’t have almond meal. I ground up some almonds but then was short on whole almonds . Anyway cutting a long story short I couldn’t roll them so instead I put the mixture in a container in the fridge and ate it with a spoon ! Utterly delicious ???? but I will make them again into balls with the correct ingredients very soon .

  23. Richard Pinnegar Reply

    I am on a blood group o diet.
    There are only 2 items on this list I can eat,
    chia seeds and cocoa powder.

  24. Lindsay Reply

    Why are your recipes in ‘cups’ only? Could you provide measurements for us British people please. It really puts me off a recipe straight away.

    • ross Reply

      Hi Lindsay

      If I had everything in grams, or lbs, or ounces, or….you get the drift…it would be unsuitable for someone else. I can’t possibly put every measurement type for every ingredient on every recipe. Sometimes it’s grams, sometimes it’s ‘handfuls’, other times it’s cups (which is 250ml btw).

      Remember you’re on a site getting stuff for free, and also I recommend simply a google search as they have a built in convertion thing nowadays.


  25. Emma Louise Folbigg Reply

    Hi. Could you please recommend a good alkaline water filter.

    Many thanks regards Emma

  26. Sandie Reply

    these bliss ball sound wonderful except for the dates. is it acceptable to use sultanas instead. i think in the U.S sultanas are called golden raisins.
    Thank you, Sandie

  27. Deborah Becket Reply

    Got the book. Do you have a book with lots of recipes?

  28. Lori Anne Reply

    Kia ora Ross – wondering what you might suggest adding in place of 1/3 cup of cacao as I don’t seem to tolerate ‘chocolate-based’ ingredients (can trigger migraines & discomfort). Thank you – loving your book and recipes! Cheers, Lori 🙂

    • Annabelle Reply

      Hi Lori
      Did you find something to substitute the cacao with? I suffer from chocolate-based triggered migraines too… Thanks, Annabelle

  29. Cindy Reply

    I have made these balls twice and love them. A good alternative to my usual brownies or chocolate chips cookies. I also roll mine in toasted coconut for a little bit sweeter flavor.

  30. Vicki Reply

    These are brilliant. I’ve been making these for over a year now and have a couple as my mid afternoon treat. I make in bulk and store in freezer. When i dont have pistachios on hand I substitute between pepitas and sunflower seeds. Would be lost without this recipe!

  31. Brigitte Haworth Reply

    I bought the book, which is fine, but I expected more recipes in the book.

  32. Amy Allen Reply

    Are all the recipes plant based? Raw?
    Do you give suggestions for replacement ingredients? Asking due to food allergies. Unfortunately I’m allergic to some health items that are used frequently in recipes . Most of the time I’m only able to use a few recipes in a book.
    Thank you for your time!

  33. Suzanne L. Faulkner Reply

    Goodmorning Ross,

    I’m reaching out to you because I purchased your book a few weeks ago through Amazon
    and was looking forward to receiving your amazing offer of info. (a $300. value), plus extras.
    The instructions indicated that I needed to send you a receipt. When I received the book,
    there was no receipt. I love your book and am enjoying some great results from your advice.
    I would like to receive the rest of your offer, if possible! I really like your thinking on the importance of resetting the G.I. system. I do have a malrotated colon and keeping my system in good working order has always and will continue to be a top priority for me.

    I look forward to hearing from you or one of your staff on this matter.
    Thank you for your time and keep up the great work you do!

  34. Natasha Harvey Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I have purchased your book on Amazon but I cannot take advantage of being able to download your recipes etc as offered with the purchase of the book because I am not on Facebook. Can you please advise. Many thanks for everything you are doing.

  35. Karin Reply

    Coconut oil, dates and chia seeds are the only ingredients I can have 🙁 🙁

    And I am sooo tired of trying to figure out what I can substitute the no no ingredients with. Makes me not wanting to cook anymore. And I am tired of always eating the same stuff but finding receipes with ingredients that I am not allergic to is just about impossible.

    Any advice?

    • SAMANTHA Reply

      why is it that you can’t have the other ingredients ? if you can have coconut oil then why can’t you have shredded coconut ? I hope I don’t sound rude asking. The almond taste could be got by using fennel seeds, aniseed or star anise maybe…

  36. Catherine Weeks Reply

    I just saw your webinar on Tuesday and bought the book – got it yesterday. Will check to see if you have a book with more recipes. I am not sure if I can do the cleanse itself as there are several things that I can’t eat: cilantro, cucumbers, bell pepper, cashews, arugula, beets, cayenne. And I rarely eat onion ad garlic because they upset my stomach esp raw. And I don’t like vegetable juices. I am looking forward to trying the soup recipes. Have cut out my fruit smoothies and am changing my breakfasts. Will implement as much as I can.

  37. Rosemary Reply

    My 40 year old niece has just had such a huge problem with vast numbers of gall stones that her gall bladder has been removed. Ross, can you comment please? I don’t know what to tell her (or how or where to start) about her diet. Before the op she could only tolerate a handful of foods.

  38. Dianne Reply

    Hello Ross
    My bliss balls are
    Pumpkin seeds
    Sunflower seeds
    Rolled in chopped coconut flakes
    They soften out of the fridge or harden in the fridge

    I am loving your recipes thank you

  39. Susan Reply

    I am making these today for a trip I am going on, I just noticed you said to keep them in the fridge – do you think I could leave them out of the fridge because I might not have fridge access all the time.

    • ross Reply

      For a day or so would be fine.

  40. Bente Petersen Reply

    too much oil not good for you know what…. tmmy quite sensitive…
    I use the egg white…. beat it… that is inspetad of the cocos oil…-

    also add teaspoon of honey istead of dates….

    form it all into a bar like roll cover it with lots of shredded cocos…
    and leave to –dry– some hours… tastes like a cocos-chocolate bar….


    Hi Ross, I love your articles but would love your alkaline meal planner. I cant watch it online because I live in South Africa and it shows at 2am our time. Please can you organise to have the meal planner printed out so we can have it emailed to us or we can print it out from your site. There are so many of your articles I would love to watch but they are always shown at 2am our time.

    Warm regards

    • ross Reply

      Hi Marianne

      The meal planner is this guide – the webinar covers this type of stuff too – but is a bit different. Definitely register as if I do another session or a replay you’ll be the first to know.


  42. Cali Reply

    I love these and often just slightly vary them by adding pepitas and different nuts eg walnuts, Brazil nuts. I also sometimes add a couple of drops of peppermint 100% essential oil and my kids love them that way too! Super easy to make and one of the best go to snacks ????

    • ross Reply

      Awesome Cali – glad you’re loving them and great tip about the peppermint oil! Doterra?

  43. robyn brown Reply

    You say how much there is..this what consumes me..most of my life when I hear the word sugar it’s always thinking table sugar or from the cane…which I avoid…because I love nature I feel sweetness that comes from nature is acceptable in moderate amounts…but now nutritionist are saying sugar is sugar where ever it comes from…what do you think…is will try the bliss balls

  44. Sue Reply

    Hi Ross, just burnt my blender motor out making these!!! They taste great though ???? Am I supposed to melt the coconut oil first or just add it solid?

  45. Kathleen Reply

    Thanks for sharing so many recipes with us.

    My bliss ball:
    1 c coconut oil
    1 c raw shredded coconut
    1 c dark cocoa powder
    1 c chopped almonds
    1/5 c raw honey
    1 T real vanilla

    mix, make into balls, put in freezer. (very messy) I call them “chocolate balls” but my kids call them “poop balls”. (smile)

  46. Phil Reply

    I followed the directions, pretty simple and the mixture tastes great. The mix though was wet and unformable. I let it set, even added more almond meal and put in the fridge. Still couldn’t form into balls and roll in pistachios. Any thoughts?

    • Bente Petersen Reply

      yes messy .when I used cocos nut oil – but I put them into an icecube form covered in or with shredded cocos – left it all in fridge for some hours… easy to get out of the icecube form… using maybe a knife to push them out…. … now I use egg white beaten instead of cocosnut oil… make them less messy… (fluid -sticky).
      They save me every time I am snack hungry !!!!

  47. Dove Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Can you recommend anything that would help ease the PAIN in my legs when walking, usually only after just a few minutes of enjoying this activity?
    Thank you for all the great information you give on your web site, helping people (and me) to enjoy healthier lifestyles.

  48. Sharon Reply

    Are the pistachios raw? salted/roasted?

  49. HELEN READE Reply

    Hi Ross or anyone who can answer me,
    I don’t know what almond meal is and where to get it, I live in the UK.
    Looking forward to trying these!
    Helen 🙂

    • ross Reply

      Hi Helen

      It’s ground almond – it should be in health food stores.


      • HELEN READE Reply

        Ross, thank you, I’ve been out to buy the ingredients and will now make them.

        I’ve been doing so well for the past 2 weeks with eating more alkaline, finally, after being interested in and researching nutrition for decades and then alkaline and your site in more recent years! I have eaten well on and off most if my life.
        I was feeling so much better, I was so pleased then I had a temptation blip. I am well and truly addicted to sugar (emotional ‘comfort’) in it’s many forms, alongside fats and not too keen on too much spice as alternative flavouring unfortunately! I do however LOVE salads and don’t feel right if I haven’t got vegetables or salad with my meal. I am bored with my salads as they are too similar so am going to try to vary them gradually as I go along with the help of your recipes, thank you, I think a bit of boredom is where my temptation blip partly came from.
        I will continue to read the articles on your site and not allow myself to fall backwards after my chocolate/crisp blip! 🙂 My will power and focus on my health does go in and out depending on my emotional state but I am wanting to listen to and respect my body more where it tries so hard to look after me! It is now showing signs of struggle as I am now getting older and cannot ignore it’s needs so thank you for all your enthusiasm, research, information and encouragement, I really value it.

        One question I would like to ask is do you know of any research or information about healing the tendons/cartilage/ligaments/connective tissues in the body? I have had issues with my shoulder joints for the past 3 years and I was wondering if there was any chance of healing them nutritionally. For instance I know vitamin C is important in tissue repair.

        Thanks Ross

        • ross Reply

          Hey Helen

          Great to hear you’re going well 🙂

          FOr connective tissue repair check out this post from the wonderful Ben Greenfield

          He lists a bunch of nutrients that help speed tissue repair. You will get a ton of these nutrients from eating alkaline foods – you’ll get an abundance of them. The body works most optimally when it’s in balance and can work effortlessly. This is what a mostly alkaline-forming diet will do.

          I know it sounds a little ‘general’ – and most people want to hear – eat this specific thing or take this specific supplement – but it’s true. The majority of these nutrients are abundant in the most alkaline foods.

          However, Ben has listed, I believe 18 nutrients there and you can certainly get a lot of these in supplement form too. My priorities would be the omega 3, glucosamine and Q-10 if you DO want to supplement too to speed the process.


  50. Ruby Reply


    I desperately need some
    Alkaline snacks so just looking at your recipe but I understood dates are very high in sugar so can you please clarify how the snack is alkaline? Much appreciated!

    • ross Reply

      Hi Ruby

      Works out at only a gram or two of sugar per ball (approx 1.3g). We’re not aiming for perfection but rather a good balance, and overall having these snacks as part of your diet will help you to stay healthy and alkaline. The sugar in here is absolutely minimal.


  51. Kirsty-ann Allman Reply

    Hi Ross
    I’m in the same boat as a lady that commented below only I’m in England not Australia. I accidentally ordered the books twice and so emailed you.Your team were great and sorted this mistake for me immediately. So, ordered 2 lots,had 1 lot refunded but received NO books! And it’s been a good few weeks now. Really desperate for them. I have though had the raw alkaline juice EVERY SINGLE DAY since making this decision. My recipe is different though. But have my son and carer drinking it also. And it HAS completely solved certain health issues so I must be doing something right
    Hope you can help get my book to me
    Congratulations by the way
    Many thanks
    Kirsty Allman

    • ross Reply

      Hey Kirsty – def email us on [email protected] and we’ll get this resent to you.

      Sorry for the delay.

  52. Ingrid Reply

    I make a recipe for energy bites with goji berries, walnut and hemp seeds. Hemp seeds are one of nature’s richest sources of easy to digest vegan protein.
    The Goji berry is an adaptogen which means it adapts to what your body needs. It provides energy when you’re tired and calms you down when stressed.
    Here is the recipe.

    • ross Reply

      Great recipe Ingrid, thanks for sharing!

    • Angela Reply

      I have read that walnuts are acid forming, any information on this please?

  53. Karen Blystone Reply

    I am allergic to coconut what can I use for the oil.

  54. Susan White Reply

    Hi Ross
    At the end of April I purchased your books.
    As of today they still have not arrived.
    Is that usual when sending to Australia? I love the sound of those balls.
    Kind regards
    Susan White
    Perth Australia

    • ross Reply

      Hey Susan – can you email [email protected] about this? We’ll get you looked after asap.


  55. marion Reply

    Sound Great!
    Look forward to trying them soon!

    • ross Reply

      Hey Marion – give them a try – they’re really easy and super-delicious!

    • ross Reply

      Did you get to give them a try?

  56. Robin van Leuffen Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I love your recipes! Question: is your recipe book also available on hardcopy?
    Hope to hear from you.

    Big hug,

    • Janet Reply

      Robin I have a hard copy of The Alkaline Diet Recipe Book. I think Ross may have another one, but not sure if that is a hard copy or not

    • ross Reply

      Hey Robin

      Officially it’s now just the digital Alkaline Recipe System – but I do still have a couple of the paperback books left at my warehouse. Drop my support team an email on [email protected] and we can get this sorted for you 🙂

