Alkaline Recipe #214: Broccoli, Ginger & Mint Soup (10 Minute Meal)

broccoli healthy vegetarian recipe vegan

Super-Fast Cleansing Broccoli Soup Recipe

Sometimes you just need nourishing. You just get that craving for greens and goodness.

Other times you just need something QUICK, that is warming, filling and will keep you going – but not take hours to make.

This Cleansing Broccoli Soup is BOTH!

It takes just 10-15 minutes from start to finish, creates very minimal mess – and has been road-tested with my 1-year-old, 5-year-old and 9-year-old, all providing thumbs up. Well, the 1-year-old showed he liked it by eating it without much fuss, rather than throwing his spoon on the floor and tipping the soup everywhere. Result.

It’s vegan, vegetarian, alkaline, healthy – contains no dairy or cream, yet it’s super-creamy…amazing.

Cleansing Broccoli Soup with Ginger, Mint & Spinach

Serves 2

  • 1 large head of broccoli, roughly chopped(approx 400g)
  • 1 small brown onion, diced
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 bunch of fresh mint, roughly chopped
  • 2 large handfuls of spinach
  • 1/2 cucumber, roughly sliced
  • 1.5 cm of fresh root ginger, grated
  • 3-500ml of organic vegetable stock
  • Himalayan salt & black pepper to taste
  • 1 tbsp coconut or avocado oil


  1. Start by gently sauteeing the onion and garlic in the oil in a large pan for around 2-3 minutes, and then add the chopped broccoli
  2. Continue to gently warm through for another 1-2 minutes and then stir in the ginger, mint and pour over the stock – you can start with just 200-300ml and if this covers the broccoli, save the remainder for once you’ve blended it, to get the consistency you want
  3. Let this simmer for 3-4 minutes until the broccoli just starts to soften.
  4. Transfer everything to a blender, and add the spinach and cucumber (raw), and blend on high speed until everything is completely smooth
  5. Add more stock to get the consistency you like and serve with a sprig of mint atop each bowl and a little drizzle of avocado or olive oil

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  1. Misty Reply

    helpful. I usually use coconut oil extra virgin olive oil or avocado oil in morning. I add kale, broccoli,avocado. I put them in and after several minutes add my eggs. Sometimes Swiss cheese. Am I losing to many nutrients from the green veggies? I top with chia seeds and ground flax.

    • ross Reply

      No nutrient loss – but try to not have eggs/dairy every day.

  2. Elin Hansen Reply

    I’d like to know if going on a raw alkaline diet would be my best bet for getting rid of my psoriasis? I could/would definitely find this easy to do so.

  3. Susan C Hansen Reply

    is there any way of printing these recipes, thanks

    • ross Reply

      It’s coming πŸ™‚

    • Elin Hansen Reply

      Actually, Susan, these days, with so much of our lives revolving around wifi, and children who are no longer taught cursive, it’s good for our mind body connection, to pick up a pen or pencil and copy down a recipe.

  4. Lillian Gibson Reply

    Is it to be served cold or hot, or does it matter ?

    • ross Reply

      The steamed broccoli makes it warm, but you can have it either πŸ™‚

  5. Julie Reply

    Have you tried adding avocado to the alkaline broccoli soup and if so, does it turn the soup brown?

    • ross Reply

      It makes it a yellower-green, and more creamy.

  6. Julie Anne Moran Reply

    Absolutely beautiful…just eaten the lot …to myself!!

    • ross Reply

      Awesome πŸ™‚

  7. Stephanie Bokor Reply

    I have acid reflux and have been following an acid watcher diet for about 3 weeks. We have been told to cut out onion, garlic and mint. I’m afraid to try this soup because of that.

    • ross Reply

      Do those foods actually cause a noticable reaction for you? Only reduce foods that you feel a reaction to, we are all different. And yes, if you get a reaction to a food, don’t consume it until you feel you’re back in balance and your body can tolerate it again.

  8. Visar Reply

    I thought Broccoli wasn’t alkaline?

    • ross Reply

      It’s perhaps one of the most alkaline foods there is.

  9. Dana Charetre Reply

    I would like to join your sessions June 4-9 but your system is not allowing it !?!?
    I’m in desperate need to go alkaline and don’t know where or how to start with having violent withdrawals! Please help!

    • ross Reply

      Hey – try again now, there was a temporary issue with the system but it’s all fixed now.

  10. Belinda Bentick Reply

    Hmm Sounds delicious, I am going to try it before I serve it to my soup group next weekend, where I will introduce you+ all the good work you are doing. Thank you

  11. Arleen Reply

    I will try this

  12. Tekela Reply

    Why would you not add the mint at the same time as the spinach leaves?

  13. Jack Reply

    Hi Ross. Is broccoli ok in Hyperthyroidism?

  14. Jill Welch Reply

    Hi..not a fan of mint, can I substitute with fresh Dill ?
    Thanks Jill

    • ross Reply

      Definitely – sounds delicious!

  15. Margaret Reply

    HI Ross . I’ve just made this soup and had some for my lunch. It’s gorgeous. Thankyou just wondered, can it be frozen?

  16. Genevieve Forde Reply

    Thanks Ross! I will definitely make it!.
    Just one question – since I am new to blending. Is it ok to blend warm food / liquid?
    Genevieve Forde
    Aotearoa NZ

    • ross Reply

      Absolutely πŸ™‚

  17. Sandra Sammartino Reply

    I love your recipes. We have favorite ones we use over and over again. Been so helpful for my health. Food is now my medicine. I find them easy to make, and my family likes them.i print them off and keep them in a drawer in the kitchen. And over time have learned how to put everything in the pot at once and cook slightly. Also how to substitute veggies that I have on hand. We now eat so many veggies. Your recipes are amazing!!! Thank you Ross.

    • ross Reply

      So great to hear from you Sandra and so happy you’re still going well!

  18. Daisy Nafula Reply

    Hello Ross, I am looking forward to trying this out. If I do not have the vegetable broth can I use ordinary water? and are there alternatives to the coconut/avocado oil?

    • ross Reply

      Yes, you can use water if you like, you might need to season it a little more though. Why not coconut or avocado oil?

  19. Tirtha Reply

    O my God, I made this yesterday but I added Corriander leaves instead of Mint.

    • ross Reply

      Glad you like it!

  20. Pat Reply

    For people on warfarin, spinach and kale are a no no.

    • Ross Reply

      Absolutely not true. Synthetic (supplement) vitamin K operates very differently in the body to naturally sourced from food.

  21. Judi Reply

    Good morning (my time) Ross, I bought your book Alkaline Reset Cleanse and love it thus far. However, I bought it at Barnes and Nobles and no longer have the recent. I can try to call the store to see if they can print one out for me. I truly hope if I can’t get a receipt I can get recipes from you and info.I tried yesterday to get recipes sent to me via email. I was told I’d receive an email but never did. I also noticed on face book people asked questions and I don’t see a response from you:-( Can you please let me know how to get more recipes and info?

  22. Julie Kay Reply

    I’m really sold on your broccoli,mint and ginger soup Ross…Looking forward to the book…really special. Thank you.

    • Judi Reply

      Good morning (my time) Ross, I bought your book Alkaline Reset Cleanse and love it thus far. However, I bought it at Barnes and Nobles and no longer have the recent. I can try to call the store to see if they can print one out for me. I truly hope if I can’t get a receipt I can get recipes from you and info.I tried yesterday to get recipes sent to me via email. I was told I’d receive an email but never did. I also noticed on face book people asked questions and I don’t see a response from you:-( Can you please let me know how to get more recipes and info?

  23. Ty Reply

    Completed a 5-day water fast ahead of starting on an alkaline diet and this was the first thing I made (after a day of juicing) and it hit the spot! I threw in some baked chick peas to give it more texture (and to slowly re-introduce some solids) and I’m definitely going to make it again.

    Oh…and it definitely lives up to its name. πŸ™‚

    • ross Reply

      This is AWESOME Ty – keep up the good work (and nice tweak to the soup too πŸ™‚ )

  24. Ren Reply

    I tried this recipe and it is DIVINE. It’s a really easy way to get tons of veggies in without it feeling like a chore. I added extra ginger and the results were just as delicious. One time I even added an avocado when I needed to stay full longer before my next meal, and the texture and taste were less delicious than the OG recipe but it was still aight and definitely filling! Thanks for this recipe, Ross!

  25. Gerrie Reply

    Can you list the amount of carbs in your recipes for those of us who are diabetic and have to count carbs? I also would appreciate it if you could put the measurements in your metric measurements but also in our American measurements. Thanks – can’t wait to try this recipe!

  26. Louise Reply

    Please give us the ml equivalent and cm also for Americans – save us all googling this, PLEASE

    THANKS !!!

  27. Magic Dragon Reply

    This recipe is fantastic!! And, I can confirm too, that my toddlers loved it as well. Winner! Thank you. πŸ™‚

  28. Joe Morris Reply

    Hey Ross love your movement and motivation and recipes .
    Recently I heard from Dave Asprey’s site that garlic are good for specific treatment but on regular Basis they hinder some functions of brain. U can verify and research more on that.Thanks

  29. Sanjay Reply

    Gorgeous recipe – thank you. I love adding spinach and cucumber and leaving them raw. what a fab idea.

    Interested that you don’t add the ginger with the onion. Is there a reason for that?

    I normally add garlic right the end, and almost not cook it at all. That way you get to have the (antibiotic) alicin, which is very easily destroyed by cooking.

    Love your work – thanks again!

  30. Heather Reply

    The recipe above forBrocolli soup is absolutely mind blowingly awesome. The flavour is superb!
    Thank you

  31. Pauline Reply

    Sounds great. Shall definitely try..
