Alkaline Recipe #160: Coconut Chia Cream Pot

chia pots breakfast

Alkaline DESSERT OR Breakfast Recipe: Coconut Chia Cream Pot

Oh. My. Gosh.

I am predicting this might be my favourite recipe of the year. My Coconut Chia Cream Pot has been tested on some of my most happily unhealthy friends (heh) and they LOVED it. My most healthy friends? They loved it too!

It’s an alkaline, delicious dessert you can serve to the family, at a dinner party, you can take it to work in your packed lunch…

And it packs a whole lotta omega 3, fibre, alkaline minerals, vitamins, antioxidants…it’s amazing.

There are a couple of not 100% alkaline ingredients in here, but they are outweighed easily by the alkaline ingredients. But they add some delicious flavour and make this a huge hit.

Remember, we’re never aiming for perfection, we’re aiming to make being healthy a fun, enjoyable and delicious experience for life πŸ™‚

Here’s how you do it:


Alkaline Recipe #160: Coconut Chia Cream Pot

  • Author: Ross




1 cup of (organic) coconut milk
1/4 cup of chia seeds
1 date
1 cup of coconut yoghurt
1 tablespoon of flax seeds, ground, or 1 tablespoon of flax meal
1 tsp of sesame seeds
1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

Toppings for 3 varieties:

1 handful of blueberries
1 handful of mixed nuts (almonds, macadamia, pistachios, brazil nuts etc)
1 tsp of ground cinnamon
1 fig


Instructions to Make the Chia Cream Pots!

Firstly, sweeten the coconut milk by blending with the date. This little touch of sweetness and flavour from the date makes a huge difference!

Next combine the coconut milk in a large bowl with chia seeds, vanilla, flaxmeal (ground flax) and sesame seeds.

Put into the fridge for 20-30 minutes until the chia has expanded.

To serve, fill a small glass with a layer of coconut yoghurt, followed by the chia mix, then a little extra layer of coconut yoghurt.

Top with your choice of toppings!

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The three varieties I love are:

  • simply with blueberries (a fruit that is very mildly acid forming, but delicious with this mix and the dish is still overall alkaline forming)
  • with mixed nuts and cinnamon – yum!
  • with fig for a sweeter, more exotic flavour to complement the coconut!

A final variation would be to mix 2 teaspoons of raw cacao powder in with the chia or with the coconut milk (when you blend in the dates) to make it a chocolate chia cream pot!

Enjoy and test it on your family and friends!

It’s creamy, delicious and alkaline!

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Recipe rating

  1. Abby Reply

    This was delicious! A new breakfast staple for me, for sure πŸ™‚
    Thank you!

  2. Anne Hubbard Reply

    Would the fact that putting flax seeds in a little warm water water releases the flax oil mean that when you eat whole flax seeds, body warmth would enable the oil to be released and therefore it seems to me that it doesn’t matter if the flax seeds are whole or ground…??

  3. Anne Hubbard Reply

    I made the chia and banana bread the other day – it was somewhat heavy, but tasted good.
    I have the makings of chia pots for tomorrow’s breakfast in the fridge.

  4. Maria Reply

    Hi Ross!
    Reading this recipe, i got inspired and i made already thee of them in a 16oz Mason jars, for today, tomorrow and after tomorrow
    I maid my coconut milk from coconut water and coconut chunks in a blender ( i didn’t stained the milk) I didn’t have fresh figs and i use dry figs.
    Also instead of coconut yogurt i used my home made cashew yogurt.
    As a tapping i used sliced almond and broken cashew, tapped with cinnamon powder and Frozen wild blueberries
    While i am writhing to you i am eating it. Delicious.
    I made this kind of breakfasts recipes in a jar very similar , but i used ripe banana and sometimes i added honey and oat meal too.
    Now, that i signed for ARC i stay away from sweet.
    Thank you for inspiration
    QUESTION; What is your opinion about cashew yogurt?

    • ross Reply

      Depends on the brand. If the ingredients look clean then you’re good to go πŸ™‚

  5. Paula Feldman Reply

    Are the quantities in these recipies suitable for a 5 foot 100 pound women

  6. Cathy Reply

    Hi Ross
    I’d love to make my own coconut yogurt. Do you have a recipe for how to do it please?

  7. Brunhilde Obrien Reply

    I love what you are doing and I really like your recipes. Is your new recipe book available in hard copy?

  8. Cheryl Challis Reply

    Thanks Ross, sounds yum i will try this.
    Every morning i soak my oats with chia seeds pepitas sunflower seeds LSA and chopped dates. I warm it up with oat milk and enjoy.
    I am vegetarian (have been for over 10 years) and i try to eat as healthy as i can. I use coconut oil for everything even to butter my toast. My grand daughter loves it on gluten free raisin toast . But my last blood tests showed low iron and elevated LDL levels. I’ve never had high cholesterol before. Dr sugests I have an Iron supplement.

  9. Kathy Reply

    When you say coconut milk do you mean ALPRO Coconut milk in carton or is it the tinned coconut milk? Also I cannot find coconut yogurt can I use Greek yogurt instead?

    • ross Reply

      The tinned stuff. Needs to be thicker than the milk alternative version.

  10. Dawn Tucker Reply

    Please Ross, help me, I know Alkaline is the way to go and I am doing it. I am also exercising everyday but I have completly stopped losing wight, my stools are floating, I’m belching after almost everything I eat and I’m bloating and getting a painful belly from eating. I’ve looked into it and I am certain I have fat malabsorption. What do i do??? Nothing is helping and I’m not feeling well. (I am still sticking with the alkaline diet) I am new to email and ordering on the computor a friend set me up. I tried to order from you but don’t know if it went through. If so will the books be coming in the mail? I hope so.
    Sinceraly, Dawn Tucker, 8529 N County Road 700 E, Campbellsburg, Indiana, United States 47108

    • Alex Reply

      Hey, I am definitely no authority on the subject, but I do know that when poo floats it has to do with fat. It could be malabsorption (which I am not familiar with), or the result of a diet with a lot of fat on it (this happens with a keto diet). Personally I get the painful, bloated, swollen intestines if I eat too many raw vegetables. I really wish I could eat my veggies raw, but it’s too hard for me to digest. But I have found that having a “balance” (and I mean just eating both unless you are diabetic) of fiber sources coming from both cooked vegetables and alkaline whole-grain sources has really improved my stomach issues, of which I had maaaaaany. Also my stools have just the right texture now, even though I eat a lot of fat. I’ve found that my limit for eating raw veggies is two meals or snacks a day (a green smoothie and a salad), if I go over that I suffer the consequences. You can try and see if maybe your issue is coming from the veggies? Try focusing on eating mostly cooked veggies, any kind is fine, but I think technically steamed is best. (I use a combination of sauteing, steaming, and roasting).

  11. Alison Reply

    Hi Ross
    Do you have any quick snack recipes for toddlers. My daughter has a 2 1/2 year old that is always hungry. She finds it hard to come up with different healthy snacks.

  12. Aardy Willow Reply

    Hi Ross, have been reading your emails and am not on the program as yet but hoping to get there soon because I think it is valid. I do have a concern about protein as it seems dense protein is the only food that really quells the hunger pangs. I’ve tried a lot of diets and it is always the same thing … eat a piece of chicken breast or fish and its so much easier to stick with the program. I see in your writings that meat is not alkaline so that is a major concern of mine. I work long hours and already eat light but am always hungry until I get that dense and acidic source of protein it seems. Thanks. Aardy

  13. Loraine Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Sorry to say – I was liking the sound of your Coconut Chia cream pot- until I saw it, just reminds me of Frogspawn !! Pity because I love the ingredients but, the feeling on my tongue, not for me.
    My apologies,

    • Ludia Booth Reply

      When you refer to coconut milk in the recipe for chia pots, are you using the canned variety, or the coconut milk beverage?
      Thank you!

      • ross Reply

        Canned makes it more creamy, but the drinking kind is fine too.

  14. JoAnn Miller Reply

    Gosh darn there are so many recipes that call for “some sort of COCONUT”- but I am highly allergic to coconut of any form. Please tell me some SUBSTITUTE for COCONUT. Thanks for your help

  15. Sue Reply

    Can I just ask about coconut milk please. I’m in the uk, not London area and all I can find are the tins (which separate very definitely into solid and liquid) and cartons which all seem to have sweetener of some sort in them. When you use coconut milk in recipes such as smoothies, dinners, chia pots etc are you meaning tins, cartons or is there something else on the market not available here in middle earth?!!

  16. Wendy Reply

    I love your site and recipes (It would be nice if they were printer friendly though)
    I’m just wondering if your book is available in hard copy?
    Kind regards,

    • ross Reply

      Hey Wendy

      Am slowly going through them all to make them printer friendly. It is taking a while πŸ™‚

      The book is nowadays in digital format. Allows me to add new recipes/update, add new bonuses as I make them etc. plus customer feedback was that everyone was just reading it in their kitchen on their ipad or phone nowadays.

      Hope you still want to grab a copy!


    • Alison Reply

      I just highlight the recipe and copy it and then paste into a word document and save, and then you can print from there if you wish.

  17. Mia Reply


    Thanks for great recipes! I read that flax seeds can be toxic, what’s your take on that?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Mia – I don’t believe this is true at all.

  18. Cassie Reply

    How much of this good kind of water should we drink a day? Is 8 glasses a day still suggested?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Cassie – 8 days really is the minimum. You ideally want to be aiming for more than that and up to 3-4 litres per day.

  19. Jeannine Oechsner Reply

    Can never find anywhere I can go on chat even though your site says you can chat. Also, where is the recipie for Alkaline Springtime Soup. It’s not in the book and it messes up my first day.

  20. siggi ragnarsson Reply

    I like to thank you for your wonderful work to help all of us to get healthy and feeling good. You are amazing love your work..

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Thanks Siggi for the lovely comment!

      Keep up the good work, great to hear you are all feeling healthy and good!

      Stay alkaline

  21. Ilona Reply

    hi there! the instructions mention water – quantity? making it now! πŸ™‚

  22. Jayne Reply

    How much water in this Ross? looks good..great Night Duty pick up..Many Thanks for all your info….Jayne

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Jayne

      I edited my recipe while I was testing and tweaking as I went and opted to use coconut milk instead of cream + water at the last minute with my final batch – keep it simple!

      Cheers for the heads up

  23. Jacqueline Nevels Reply

    what is a coconut yogurt.I have never heard that before

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Jacqueline

      It’s this:

      Basically coconut milk with an added vegan thickener to make a delicious, creamy, alkaline yoghurt!


  24. Lori Rogers Reply

    It’s hard to convince my boyfriend about alkaline water. He says it doesn’t
    Turn your body alkaline. What research do you have
    Or articles do you have to show me so I can show him

  25. Nancy Kaps Reply

    Wouldn’t the flax seed and sesame seed be more beneficial if it were ground? Can not receive any nutritional value from flax seed if it is not ground. Probably not from sesame seed either.

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Nancy

      Yep, would be more beneficial. I try to keep my recipes simple and not too complex, but I may change the flax to flax-meal to help people keep it quick and easy.

      Thanks for the suggestion

  26. steph Reply

    How much water do you use, amount was not mentioned?
