Free Tony Robbins Goal Setting Plan for 2011


Hey guys and gals!

It’s 30th December and the perfect time to be setting some goals for 2011. I am going through this process over the next few days and I strongly urge you to do the same.

Planning out what you want to achieve over the next 12 months (and beyond, but in some detail for the next year) is so valuable. I’d say that if you spend three hours doing this today, they will be the most valuable three hours of your year. It makes all the difference.

I know most of you know how important and powerful goal setting is, but I also know that SO many people DON’T do it, even when they know how good it is – and one of the main reasons why people don’t do it is because they don’t have a process or don’t believe in their process.

FREE Tony Robbins Goal Setting/Planning Process Download

To help you out I am republishing (I do it every year) the absolutely FREE planning process that Big Tony put out a few years ago. Its pretty awesome, simple yet powerful and can really help get you motivated, focused and fired up for your best year yet.

I strongly, strongly recommend you download this PDF and go through this exercise so CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE POWER OF MOMENTUM

And remember: you are not tied to these goals! Relax – if you want to change them later you can!

I hope you enjoy this and I’d love to hear your experiences and ideas in the comments below!


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  1. Morag A Hutton Reply

    Recently watched a Tony Robbins DVD and heard for the first time of the Alkaline diet. I have been implementing recommended changes in the diet to “go green”. Not 100% yet but the rise in energy and positive mind set very noticeable.
    Thank you Ross,

    Mrs M. A. Hutton
    Writes a M.A. Campbell

    • Jean Reply

      Good for you Mrs. Hutton, I too recently started – end of October 2011. The holidays and family gatherings were and are still difficult, but I keep my chin up and have slowly (two steps forward, one step back) improved. Don’t give up and keep the 80/20% idea in mind (rather than 100%) when filling your food plate.

  2. Rock Anderson Reply


  3. Deb Reply

    Great site and I’m such a fan of Tony Robbins. Just downloaded the TR plan for 2011 (2006 – what does the date matter???) and looking forward to going through it. I’m currently going through the Personal Power II 30 day challenge for the second time and am getting even more benefit than the first time, I think. I did a day-by- day review on my blog, if you’re interested!
    Haven’t had a chance to check out some of the alkalizing diet suggestions, but I absolutely agree about the importance of diet.. We are alkaline by design and acid by function – so therefore,
    it’s important to keep replenishing our alkaline reserves to put the least amount of strain on our bodies.. Thanks!

  4. Genna Reply

    Fantastic timing guys!!! Well done 🙂

  5. Jenny Reply

    Thanks for a great and inspiring source! All the best! :))

  6. Noel Dobson Reply

    New Year – new ideas = new way forward !!!!
    Very disappointed your posting a 2006 goal setting planner on what otherwise I considered a “fresh approach” well managed site. You may have seen (heard) the last of me.
    Cheers, Noel D.

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Noel

      Apart from the title of the file being 2006 – why would you not think this is useful?! It’s a process that is totally non-specific to any particular year. It’s a free, extremely effective process from Tony Robbins that I’ve been using every year since it was first published (04 I think) and it has made more of a difference to my life than any other one thing.

      If having 2006 in the file name puts you off that much then I really don’t know what more to say. Such a shame because this workbook and process is just flipping awesome.

      In fact, as noted above I even said:

      To help you out I am republishing (I do it every year) the absolutely FREE planning process that Big Tony put out a few years ago.

      Sad that you’ll miss out because of the file name.


    Please disregard last comment; download fine.


    Hey guys love the goal setting brief, trying to download the power of momentum and having difficulty.. is it me or is it the link???

    Keep it up guys… love what you are doing

  9. Harry Reply

    Great workplan.

    You may also check out a new web 2.0 goal setting app: GoalsOnTrack
