Alkaline Course Testimonial: Glad I Did It!


I just received this email from Shola who has completed the alkaline diet course and has experienced significant benefits with joint pain she was told “nothing can be done”

She is now pain free and able to have fun with and take care of her Granddaughter! What a result!

“Glad I Did It”

It has been fulfilling embarking on this course which I intend to make my lifestyle . I started taking the MegaGreens before I started the course and saw a great relief to the arthritis in my knees. My knee joints (esp the right) were very painful and sometimes lock when walking or trying to stand up. I had coped with it for years because I was told it is a degenerative disease and nothing can be done…

To cut the long story short, I went to your website and was facinated at the idea of having weekly intructions and menu. My goal was to be healthy, lose weight, be free of pain in my joints so I could to take care of my grand-daughter. The course opened me up to various good foods…(and) I am pleased with what I have accomplished so far. I have lost weight and the pains have drastically reduced.

I can now bend and stretch my knees without pains. I can walk, sit and get up without thinking of my knees locking.

I wish to say ‘Well done’ to you Ross and the rest of the team for putting this alkaline diet together. Thank you. I have been recommending it to people.

Warm regards


order the alkaline life

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