Study: How To Alkalise Your Blood in 48 Hours (without changing your diet!)


I’ve just been doing a heap more research into the Q-Link as this product is our weekly offer in our newsletter (if you’re interested you can sign up here) and I can’t believe I missed this research before!

In April 2001, Dr Robert Young conducted a controlled experiment to assess the effects of wearing a Q-Link pendant on the blood. His results were quite amazing.

Dr Young hypothesised that one of the major contributor to cellular disorganisation (over-acidity in the blood) is exposure to extended periods of low Electro Magnetic Frequencies (the harmful frequencies from mobile phones, wireless internet, microwaves etc – click here to read more). A state of cellular disorganisation, or disease, is reflected as changes in certain aspects of blood composition and blood clotting ability.

Healthy blood should be separated cells (the negative ions mean the cells ‘bounce’ off one-another), whereas the blood of unhealthy individuals who live a more ‘acidic’ life will show disorganised cells, either distorted in shape or size, stuck together or filled with yeast, microforms or crystals. For instance:

Dr Young and other blood microscopists (such as Energise team member Gareth Edwards) can easily measure these changes in the blood through darkfield blood microscopy that shows the blood LIVE under the microscope, exactly as you see in the images above.

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The study was conducted to show the positive effects of wearing a Q-Link and the dangers of low-level EMF:

The study was conducted in two consecutive parts with 12 individual case studies in total. The first part (Part I) consisted of a sample group of four participants. The second part (Part II) consisted of eight participants. All micrographs were taken using the same blood procedure for each condition.

Part I: Micrographs from three conditions were taken: Baseline Micrographs before exposure to EMF, Micrographs after exposure to 8 hours of low EMF, and Micrographs after wearing QLink for 72 hours while exposed to low EMF.

Part II: Micrographs from only two conditions were taken: Baseline Micrographs before wearing the QLink and Micrographs after wearing QLink for 72 hours. No additional exposure to low EMF was conducted. (Micrographs of 3 subjects depicted above)

The Results

After conducting the study, Dr Young concluded:

“In 100% of the test group, the QLink Pendant demonstrated the ability to provide a favorable context for normal organization of blood cells which were visually showing multiple negative conditions. I perceive these negative conditions are attributable to years of stressful lifestyles.

“After wearing the QLink Pendant for only 72 hours, each participant showed a significant improvement in the quality of their blood.

“The blood of the test group wearing the QLink Pendant showed a visual, normal blood profile that I see in only 1 out of every 10,000 people. In my opinion, any person whose blood is improved to this degree will significantly improve their performance and quality of life.”

These results are remarkable. Even after being exposed to EMF for 72 hours the Q-Link after images show a noticable improvement in the blood quality.

Now, I’m certainly not advocating that you can wear a Q-Link and get healthy without changing your diet – far from it. But this study goes to show just how powerful the Q-Link is!

Read the full research article here

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  1. Dena Churchill Reply

    Thank you. I’d love to learn more about the Q-link and test it out for myself too. How long would it take to see a difference in a ph urinalysis? How does it work exactly? Could we make a necklace using a crystal wrapped in copper ourselves? What is the recipe or link to this reported magical device? How would it differ from a copper bracelet with magnets in each end?

  2. Angela Reply

    Which Q Link pendant do you recommend?

  3. SA Reply

    I remember watching a bbc programe about this, they opened it up and guess what was inside, nothing, apart from a green genie with a smile 🙂

  4. Patty Reply

    Wow the Q-Link sounds great! I’m going to have to try it out.

  5. Karel Reply

    It sounds great, having studies, and even studies from dr. Young. BUT… There is no single word about HOW these pendants work. I believe in a lot of thing alternative medicine people say, but still it is hard to imagine for some small piece to have shielding effect (how, how, how? :-)) against harmful EMF radiation or impact upon blood. I can imagine a psychological impact (when I believe it works and then it really works, I do not and it does not). There is no mention of what is inside the pendant and how exactly this traps or influences anything. How does it alkalize blood? Please, please, could you give us more info!
