The Truth About Cancer: Ross Interviews Ty & Charlene Bollinger
The Truth About Cancer Interview: Ross with Ty & Charlene Bollinger
Show Notes:
The Alkaline Diet & Cancer
The 9 Most Alkaline Anti-Cancer Foods
RIGVAR Viro Therapy
Headspace Meditation App
Prof Aina Muceniece
Insulin Potentiation Therapy (IPT)
Dr Thomas Lodi
Webster Kehr
Dr Mattias Rath
Transcription of Interview: Ross & Ty and Charlene Bollinger of The Truth About Cancer
– [Ross] Hey, guys. How are you going? I have got the guys from “The Truth About Cancer” here with me today. I’m so excited because I have been following, and working with, and supporting these guys for, I’d say, close to four and a half years now. And I’m just so impressed by everything that they’ve done.
Ty and Charlene have completely, I would say, they are changing the lives of millions, if not more, with their work. Their message is incredible and I’m just so stoked to have you guys here with me today. How are you guys going?
– [Ty] Doing well, Ross. Thanks for the kind words.
We appreciate it. So glad you’ve been able to follow us for four and a half years.
– Yeah, yeah, yeah. Absolutely. Well, I think it may…it was probably Ocean Robbins, maybe, but I know that Manny was our first introduction. Yeah, you guys, I love everything that you do. You’ve just been absolutely fantastic. And your story is so inspiring as well, and it’s such a message I feel that connects so deeply with so many of us.
It connects with me really deeply just through the tragedies of the cancers brought into my family and a lot of my friends. Can you kick off by just explaining a little bit about what brought you to this point today? What got you started?
– [Charlene] Well, once upon a time, there was a little boy and a little girl. And they grew up and they fell in love, and the boy grew up to be Braveheart.
And the girl, of course, was a princess. And they got married and living the dream. Six months into this dream, Braveheart’s father was diagnosed with cancer. The tumor in his stomach blew up. We didn’t know what that was, we just knew there was a lot of pain.
We took him to the emergency room and doctors cut him open expecting gallstone problems, and found cancer. Two and a half hours into the surgery, the doctors came out and said, “We’re halfway through the surgery, but just wanted to touch base. It’s cancer. It’s so advanced and he’s so young.” And at that point, we were steeped in the system and we didn’t know what we didn’t know at that point.
We just knew that cancer meant death. So, 25 days later, and we went through a lot during that 25-day journey, he died. And we believed at that time, out of ignorance, it was the cancer. But in hindsight we realized it was a botched surgery. He bled to death. So, he died from the surgery, from the treatment. Six months after that, we lost Ty’s father’s father, and then six months later, his father’s brother and his cousin Glen.
And then a few years later, we lost his mother’s mother, then his mother’s father. And finally, in 2004, his beautiful mother, which was my mother-in-law and my best friend. And that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. From the very beginning, we both are avid researchers, we researched. We were finding so many truths that were horrifying. And so, when we lost his mother, we realized we had to compile these truths into a book to save lives.
We knew we had to save lives. So, everything that we did was with that goal in mind, to get the truth about cancer to the ends of the earth and back again. So, through that book that we self-published, we were able to reach hundreds of thousands of people. And then in 2014, we started making documentaries, and through our documentaries we’re now reaching millions. And remember, the goal is to reach everyone on planet Earth.
We still have a little way to go.
– Yeah. And it’s been such a difficult, I guess, journey for you to come from that place, yet such an empowering one. And through the docuseries, you can really see the lessons that you learn through your journey, coming into the questions, and the type of experts that you were seeking out, which were from all manner of…all walks of the paradigm, I guess, of cancer sort of treatment.
Can you explain a little bit more about the documentaries and the types of experts that you’ve been talking to?
– Yeah, sure, Ross. So, the first documentary we produced at the start of our mission in 2014, it was called “The Quest for The Cures,” and that was done very quickly and there’s only about a dozen, 15 experts, that I interviewed there. And then the success, it was just something that people needed, right?
It was very successful, lots of views, you know, hundreds of thousands of views. And we were like, “Whoa. There’s a need for this information.”
So, six months later, we released “The Quest for The Cures Continues.”
– And I just want to add really quick and I want you to continue, but with the first one, he said it was really quick. It was literally from the time Ty started flying with Alan, our first camera guy who’s still with us and we love. It was six weeks later from that first interview that we actually released the entire thing. And we were still producing it as we were getting ready to air it.
But Ty, I have to tell you this from behind the scenes, I remember specifically Ty telling me, “Honey,” you know, because we wanted to make it beautiful. We didn’t have the time to make it to the level that “A Global Quest” is. “A Global Quest” really is a work of art and beauty just straight from heaven above. We’re very pleased with the way that that has come out. But the first one was just really quickly done, but it had really great information.
And Ty said to me, “Honey, if we don’t release this now, somebody will die.”
– Yeah. But that was why we released it. It wasn’t great, but it was informative.
– And we meet people now…we meet people now that say that it was the first “Quest for The Cures” that saved their lives. And Ty was right, we meet these people. They’re alive today because of that documentary. So, I’m sorry, go ahead. I just needed to say that.
– Yeah. And then, so six months after The Quest, we released The Quest Continues, which we had maybe another dozen interviews or so on that, and it was mostly domestic. And it was after that that we felt like we needed to go global. And so that’s “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest,” that’s our big documentary that we’re talking about here that we’re re-releasing in October here of 2018. But that’s where we have interviews from nine different countries.
And so, USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Latvia, United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands. So that was more of the “Global Quest” and so we had interviews from doctors, from patients, from researchers, all over the world. And they’re all options. The chemo, radiation, and surgery are not your only options.
You have a lot of other options out there that maybe you don’t know about. So, it’s our job as, you know, film producers to educate people that they do have options. So that way if you’re one of the, you know, if you’re one of the people with this diagnosis, you know that it’s not a death sentence and that you can do something outside of the protocol, the big three protocol, that can be very successful.
We just want to give people hope.
– Yeah, absolutely. And there’s a lot in there that you’ve just said in that last minute that I want to unpack. So, starting just with you’ve spoken now to, what would you say, 50, 60 different experts, doctors, nutritionists, treatment experts, patients, and so much more. What were some of the biggest lessons that you’ve learned in there and who are some of the teachers that really stood out for you?
– Yeah. Great question, Ross. And including my recent trip to Asia in July this year, the total of the experts and patients is about 190 now.
– Wow.
– Maybe 200. So, we have interviewed a lot of people. Some of the things that I think that have stood out the most for me have been the cancer survivor stories, you know. It’s amazing that we’ve interviewed people all over the world with the same story. “I was diagnosed with late stage cancer.
I went to the doctor,” whether it’s the United States, whether it’s Canada, whether it’s the Netherlands, whether it’s Japan, New Zealand, it doesn’t matter, the stories are always the same. “I was told I would die. And I decided not to do chemo and radiation because they said it would be palliative at best and might give me an extra month or two. And I did X, Y, or Z. Or X, Y, and Z.”
Or whatever it might be. They did something that the doctor laughed at them for or said that it’ll never work, and they’re alive to tell their story. That’s the thing that really sticks out to me the most, is the survivors all over the world that all have the same story. Diagnosed, told terminal, did something that was supposed to be quackery, right?
And they’re alive to tell their story. It’s just a common thread that we see all over the world.
– Yeah, absolutely. And it gives so much hope to people as well. Because that first…the first few dizzying days after diagnosis has been made can be make or break. And that’s why I love what you guys are doing, because you’re giving people that media package of education. What would you see are the most important first few steps for someone after they’ve been given a diagnosis like that?
– There’s so much that they can do, but there’s always also so much that they shouldn’t do. And I would say upon diagnosis, the first thing that they shouldn’t do is jump into a treatment because someone said if they don’t, this thing will happen. So, cancer takes time to grow in the body, and so there’s really not a big rush to get something done today or tomorrow, or even the next day.
So, I would encourage people to wait until they research, and they feel confidence within their own heart and spirit this is the route that they need to take. So, the first step they need to take is to wait and to educate themselves. And that’s why we do what we do to help them to learn the truth, so that they can then make an educated decision based on their situation and who they are, and what they feel right about.
And while they’re waiting and educating themselves, clean up their diet. You don’t want to eat anything with sugar or processed foods that feed cancer. When it goes into the mouth remember, I’m either feeding disease or I’m fighting it. So, everything that they take in needs to be clean, GMO free, organic, real food.
The water needs to be as clean as they can get it. They need to exercise. And they need to free their mind from negativity, and roots of bitterness, and anger, and resentment. Those things take root in the spirit and they manifest themselves in the body. So, it’s cleaning the mind, detoxifying the mind and the body, eating clean food, organic food, while they research.
And sometimes when people do that… And exercise, rebounding is the best exercise, move the body. Sometimes when people just do that alone, they find themselves going to a doctor for a cancer test and find that the cancer just is no longer there. So that alone is very helpful. But while they research, they can find different clinics, different protocols, different treatments.
There’re so many options. And then they can pursue those options when they’re good and ready.
– For sure. I think that it’s a really undervalued point you’ve just made about simply waiting and not saying that something has to happen the next day. Because that’s the message that you get from the conventional treatment side, is we need to get it, we need to hit this hard, it has to be now. Whereas, when people just take their time to just breathe and stop and assess, the mind relaxes.
And that’s almost a treatment in itself, is just allowing the mind to relax and embody this new situation, and take it on at their own pace, in their own way. This is a slight digression but it’s related, so it’s a good time to bring this in. How about…this is something I would expect you’d have heard more from the success stories and the people that you’ve spoken to that have been on the other side, which is a loved one.
A partner or a husband or a wife or a parent. What should the loved one do? How can they help support the person that’s had the diagnosis? Is there anything you’ve learned in that area?
– Yeah, I think the best recommendation, Ross, is that they support the choice that patients do change the decision that a cancer patient made. Telling them it’s a bad decision. Telling them that it won’t work. Because that mental negativity, that stress that you’re creating, can actually compromise the immune system.
We know that. We’ve done a lot of blood analysis that proves that stress and fear cause the immune system not to work properly. So, I think the biggest thing that you can do if you’re the loved one of someone with cancer is support their treatment choice. Whether it’s an integrative approach that combines chemo and radiation with some natural stuff, whether it’s all natural, or whether it’s all conventional with chemo, radiation, and surgery.
If they’ve made their mind up to do it, the last thing they need is somebody yammering at them saying, “This will never work. It’s not going to work.” That’s the worst thing that you can do. There’s a reason that they have to account for the placebo effect in medicine. The reason they have to account for the placebo effect in medicine is that sometimes the mind is so powerful that it doesn’t even need anything to heal the body.
Just the mere thought that you’re going to be healed is the placebo effect. And sometimes the placebo effect works, you have to account for the placebo effect. You might have just been fed a sugar pill, but it might have healed something because you thought so…you were so convinced that it was going to work, that it did. So, the worst thing that a cancer patient can have is someone that’s not supporting their choice of treatment.
– Yeah, absolutely. And in fact, this interplay between conventional or natural approach or something in between, where do you see…how can you see those two sides working together, a natural approach and a more conventional approach?
Because inherent in the conventional approach is elements that would be undoing the natural approach. Is there room for both do you think?
– Yeah. I’ll let Charlene begin, if you want to, and then I want to discuss what I learned in Asia recently about that.
– Yeah. Well, from what we’ve learned, massive amounts of chemotherapy, for example, actually aids cancer stem cells. Now, it kills fast dividing cells. So, what it does is it…tumors are fast dividing cells, so it kills tumors. Now, tumors are really a beautiful and wonderful gift from God, because it contains these cancer cells and stem cells from spreading throughout the body, metastasizing, and killing the patient, the person.
But the chemotherapy will kill those, and it will shrink tumors. And that’s why the hair falls out, it’s fast dividing, but the immune system is also fast dividing. So, what happens after they go through so many rounds of chemotherapy, they say, “Oh, your cancer free.” Well, really the stem cells, that’s the mother of the cancer, they go and hide.
They go all over the body and they’re doing a happy dance, it’s because they’re being fed while the immune system is being stripped. So then when the cancer patient thinks they’re cancer free, the cancer, a lot of the time, more times than not, comes back with a vengeance. And then they don’t have an immune system intact to fight the cancer because the cancer was just fed, it’s like pouring gasoline on a fire.
Chemotherapy is just like sugar. So, chemotherapy has been shown to cause massive amounts of cancer and it’s really tragic. There are ways to utilize chemotherapy when it’s a low dose and it’s a delivery system that really targets cancer cells, there’s a different way to use that.
There are conventional protocols that if they’re used in the right way, by the right people that understand the holistic approach to the body, they really do work. But the way that the chemotherapy, for example, or radiation is used, they’re just…it’s like throwing jello to the wall hoping that it sticks. And most times it just doesn’t.
So, we see great power in the holistic approach, approaching the spirit, the mind, and the body with nutrition, with real food, with things that nourish the body and target cancer cells and actually kill them, such.
– Yeah. That’s a good answer, sweetie. I want to kind of comment, I want to comment on that real quick, Ross, if you have a second. Because one of the things that I learned in Asia is they don’t really look at medicine as conventional or natural. Here we have this bifurcation in the United States that’s either natural or it’s conventional, but never the twain shall meet, right?
And if you do them both, it’s called integrated. In Asia, in Japan, in Taiwan, in Philippines, and also in I think it’s Thailand but it might be in Malaysia, I can’t remember the country, there’s four other countries we visited they had laws on the books that say doctors can use whatever works for the patient. It’s not considered traditional, it’s not considered natural, it’s just medicine.
And so, if it works, they’re allowed to use it. And so, doctors don’t look at, “Well, I can only draw from this basket or I can only draw from this basket.” It’s just, “Here’s everything, what works for this patient?” And it might be that for this patient, what Charlene was talking about, IPTLD, insulin potentiated low dose, targeted chemotherapy. It might work. You throw on some herbal treatments with that and some hyperthermia and some ozone, and you put it all together and it works.
Well, what was that? Was that conventional? Was that natural? It was just doing whatever works for the patient. And so, doctors in Asia are much freer to not look at cancer treatments as, “You’ve got to choose from this basket or from this basket.” It’s just all potential things that could work for the patient, and they figure out what works for that particular patient and they do it.
And they have great success at treating cancer patients because they just use what works.
– And the wonder of wonders, I have to say about the doctors of Asia, there was one specific doctor that actually said these guys are dealing with… They don’t get paid a lot, some of them, they don’t make a lot of money, and so they’re treating cancer patients. The cancer patients themselves don’t have a lot of money, with things that don’t cost a lot of money.
So, they’re very frugal, they’re brilliant people, but they’re cutting edge as well. And to get their cutting-edge protocol, they actually visit our website,, to find the latest research and the newest protocol that they haven’t yet heard about. And for us, that is so encouraging, because not only are cancer patients worldwide learning from our work, but also the doctors that are amazing. And there was one doctor in Asia that, when he met Ty, he had followed us so much and read from our website and watched our documentaries, they’ve got our books, he said, “Wow, Ty, you’re my hero.”
And Ty, I mean, Ty just does what he does to help people and he’s not in this to be a hero, although he is the hero of my heart and my life. But this doctor said that he was his hero, and Ty just said, “You’re my hero.” And the guy just hugged him so tight because he was just so happy to meet him.
Because Ty, to him, is a hero bringing these great protocols and the truth to the forefront, you know. It was always our goal to put this information into the mainstream. It’s criminal that it’s been suppressed for so long. But we really are making a difference and these doctors are so appreciative, and they’re just precious people doing great things.
– Yeah. And it’s interesting, Ross, like for instance in Manila, Philippines, where we visited. The standard of living is very, very low. It’s a third world country, the Philippines, very poor people in general. The average doctor, the average medical doctor there, makes $1,400 a month, $1,400 U.S. a month.
That’s not much. That’s literally on the level of poverty in the United States, but it’s what the doctors make there. You can imagine what the other people make there. Much, much less than that. So, they’ve had to develop protocols that are very inexpensive. You know, protocols that your average middle income American or Australian or New Zealander or UK can afford, they can’t afford it. Not even middle-class treatment.
So, one of the interesting treatments that I got down there was from an older doctor, medical doctor, 89-years-old, Dr. Jaime Dy-Liacco. You’re familiar, Ross, I’m sure, with the Kelley protocol, Dr. Gonzalez’s protocol, with the proteolytic enzymes.
– Yeah.
– People in the Philippines can’t afford $150 a month for enzymes. That’s what they make, that’s their living expense for the whole month for their family. So, what do they do? Dr. Dy-Liacco’s developed a protocol that it’s raw pig pancreas. That’s where they get the enzymes to create the proteolytic enzymes, it comes from pancreas, but they don’t have the money for the supplements.
So, he chops up pig pancreas and he’s got thousands of cancer patients in the Philippines that have reversed their cancer with pig pancreas. Costs pennies. So, it’s just interesting that these doctors, they’re not only using treatments that are effective, they’re using treatments that are affordable for the people that live in their locations.
Because they all want people to have access to treatments. It’s got to be cheap if it’s in the Philippines because the standard of living is so low. It’s just very interesting to see that these doctors, you know, doctors get a bad rap. It’s like, “Oh, they’re only in it for the money. They’re driving their Mercedes and living in their mansions.” Well, many doctors in the United States are that way, but across the world that’s not the way that most doctors live.
A lot of doctors are not wealthy, they’re just doing it because they want to help patients.
– They’re true heroes.
– Yeah. And I think it’s within that context that you’re getting real creativity and real truth. And it must just be so fascinating to see such a full gamut of different societies all tackling the same problem, and it’s a human problem. And it’s just beautiful that he recognized you as his hero and you as his.
That’s just such a beautiful little story. I love that. And I think another point that you’ve touched on there is that there can be this interplay between appropriately used conventional treatment alongside a natural approach as well. And I think that’s something that will give and does give so many people confidence and heart stepping forward. Because it is a scary decision to sort of say no to your doctor.
It is such a scary decision. In that natural side, and we can talk about the fundamentals, things like juicing and exercise and hydration and these types of things, what are some of the more… What would be the best way of saying it? Unique or maybe less well-known natural sources that people are going to have to try to prevent and to recover from a cancer diagnosis?
– Probably I’d say the treatment that is the most unique treatment, which actually that’s improper grammar. My mom was an English teacher. She would tell me, “You can’t qualify unique. It’s either unique or it’s not, but you can’t have really unique, you can only have unique.”
– Okay.
– It’s either unique or it’s not unique. But a unique treatment that I’ve learned about – it’s a healthy virus that is effective at treating several different types of cancer. RIGVIR is short for Riga virus, it’s a virus that was discovered by a professor named Aina Muceniece in Latvia in the 1970s. And Professor Muceniece started a clinic and we had a chance to tour the clinic and learned about the treatment.
Very effective in treating cancer, selectively toxic towards cancer cells. Doesn’t have any side effects. It’s been recently passed by the Latvian equivalent of the FDA here in the United States as an allowed treatment in the oncological centers in Latvia, as well as Georgia and Armenia. So, there’s three countries now in Europe that allow this treatment to be used alongside of the chemotherapy, radiation, and so forth.
It’s covered by insurance. But it’s just a healthy virus that is selectively toxic to cancer cells. That was one that I would have never thought of a virus treating cancer. Because we think of viruses as being bad, right? Like, kind of the same way that we think of bacteria as being bad. But we now know that the good bacteria in our guts outnumber the bad two to one.
Well, there’s a lot of good viruses as well, and this is one that we learned about in Latvia that is effective at cancer.
– Yeah. And the name of that again, sorry?
– RIGVIR, R-I-G-V-I-R. It’s short for Riga virus.
– Wow. And for everyone watching, there are lots of links below this that will go deeper on all of these topics that we’re talking about. That’s quite incredible. And this is, again, one of the wonders of the work that you do, is that you’re giving an audience access to these types of treatments at so much of a faster rate than we would have had before.
How long would it have taken people in the UK, and America, and Australia, and Canada, and everywhere else to have heard of this type of treatment if it weren’t for the work that you guys are doing? So again, just so grateful for what you’re doing. Because I have people in my life that need this information now. Touching on CBD oil or hemp oil, or under its many different names, because it became very wildly popular and then sort of, I think the medical community tried to dull it down a little bit, but there is really power there, isn’t there?
Is there anyone you’ve spoken to, what lessons you’ve learned around this and the appropriate use of it as a treatment?
– Sure. We’ve dealt with many cancer patients that are using CBD oil. And not just CBD oil, cannabis oil, which would include the THC as well. CBD smoke or cannabidiol, THC is another of the cannabinoids in the plant.
It’s the one that’s psychoactive, so that’s the one that gets the bad wrap that if you smoke cannabis, or it’s called marijuana. But we don’t like to call it marijuana because that was a term that was created by the DEA in the United States to scare people of this healing plant. If you smoke it, it will get you high. But there’s thousands of uses for it, there’s medicinal uses for it. The government of the United States actually has a patent on the medicinal uses of the cannabis plant.
So, it’s very medicinal. Even though at the same time that the United States government has a patent, the DEA has it scheduled as a Schedule I, which by definition can have no medicinal uses, but the Department of Health and Human Services has a patent on the medicinal uses. So, it’s like our government is clueless about the healing benefits of this plant.
But our research has shown more studies on the effectiveness of cannabis at reversing cancer than almost any other plant on Earth.
– Yeah. From our research in all the herbs that God has given us, and there’s some amazing healing powers in all of them, it seems that all of them have something in them that help the body to fight cancer specifically. Cannabis has more power packed into that little plant than all others. Before it was demonized and outlawed by our government, the pharmaceutical…you would go to the…
– The pharmacies.
– Yeah, the pharmacies. Thank you. The pharmacies all had tinctures to heal this, that, and another thing, and the base of them all was cannabis oil. And everybody knew from hundreds and thousands of years ago that this is just an amazing plant. Back and you can see in the founding of America, the documents, our founding documents, were written on hemp paper. The Declaration of Independent, the Constitution.
In Virginia, George Washington grew hemp, the founders all grew it. In Virginia, actually, if you were a farmer, it was against the law not to grow it, it was such an amazing plant. Industrial uses and medical uses, it’s like every cell in our body was created by God to receive this gift. But we’ve outlawed this gift, and that is just unbelievable that we’re in this place.
But, again, that’s why we’re doing what we’re doing. And we see a shift happening in our country, state by state, states are starting to legalize it. Not only for medicinal purposes but recreational purposes. We believe it’s an issue of freedom and liberty, especially with our health, when it concerns our health. Children with the seizure disorder, it helps with the seizure disorder. It’s amazing, it stops those seizures.
And with cancer, and many other things as well, so we’re seeing a shift and we hope that all 50 states come on board and the people need to put the pressure. They need to be educated and they need to get in touch with their government officials and their representatives, and let their voices be heard. If enough of us do that, they’ll have to do something about it.
– And let me kind of clarify the terms. Because I know a lot of people may be watching and are like, “What are they talking about? Hemp or cannabis or marijuana?” So, hemp, we use hemp and cannabis interchangeably. The plant is actually called cannabis. If it’s really, really low THC and it’s higher in other cannabinoids, we think of it as what would be called industrial hemp.
It’s really the cannabis plant, but the cannabinoid ratio is different. If it’s really high THC, and depending upon the strain, because there’s different strains of cannabis, so there’s Indica and there’s Sativa, and a lot of strains, and there’s different levels of cannabinoids. That’s the strain that might be called marijuana, but that’s a slang term.
It’s really the cannabis plant that’s high in THC. So that’s why when we say, you know, this was a term that was literally created by the DEA. Marijuana was a term that was not known in the United States in the ’30s when it was made illegal. The DEA called this plant marijuana because, well, they made it up because it was the most
It is a popular Hispanic name, called it marijuana. Nobody knew what it was. And the reality is that they knew what it was but we didn’t know that. If people had known what it was, they would have laughed at all of the accusations, right? We had this new drug that’s going to turn you into an axe murderer or a rapist called marijuana, when anybody knows that’s not what the effects of marijuana are.
But people didn’t know what it was and so they made it illegal. And it was only after it was made illegal that one of the advisory boards for the American Medical Association testified before U.S. Congress that if the AMA, the American Medical Association, had known that marijuana was actually cannabis, they would have fought against it being made illegal because they all used it in their practices until then.
But once it was made illegal, you know, the cat was out of the bag. There’s no going back. But they didn’t even know what it was because it was a term that had never been used until the DEA made it up.
– Wow. We could go down the rabbit hole on this type of stuff, because it drives me crazy. There’s so many lies and mysteries and things out there that it’s, you know, when we’re on the topic of cancer, it literally is killing people. And it’s criminal, it really is criminal. But yes, I won’t allow myself to go down that rabbit hole now because we could be here for hours.
But you’ve sort of mentioned there, the therapeutic benefit there. Every cell in our body is receptive to this, it’s crying out for this particularly in times of trauma. Are there certain things that everyone should do despite the diagnosis? Whether it’s breast cancer, prostate cancer, or any other cancer regardless of stage, are there fundamental rules that you believe that everyone should follow?
– Well, yeah, I think we would agree that it’s cleaning up the life. The mind, the body, and the spirit, with clean water, clean food, real food. Detoxifying your environment, your home, the things that you use to clean with.
The shampoos and lotions that we put on our body. The mind, the things that we think about and dwell on. Are they causing anger and resentment or are they causing joy and peace? So, it’s just cleansing the body from top to bottom. And you can’t go wrong no matter who you are, no matter how healthy you are, or how sick you are. No matter what the disease is that you’re facing, those are fundamental principles that if we follow them, we will be well.
– Yeah. And if we think of cancer as a disease, there’s two root causes. A deficiency coupled with toxicity. So, cancer is a deficiency of nutrition. So, if you remember that, everything that you, if you’re diagnosed, everything that you put in your mouth, you should think, “Is this feeding cells or is it going to harm me?” Is it, “Am I eating life or am I eating death?” Most people have a pretty good idea. I mean, this Twinkie is probably going to nourish me, right? So, people know that. So, eat healthy foods, eat organic foods.
So, get rid of that nutritional deficiency by nourishing your body. At the same time, its toxicity is the other side of the coin. So, for toxic, we should stop putting toxins in our body and begin to detoxify. We can detoxify in many ways, you know, we’re going to detox and so forth, but even simpler than this, exercise every day.
Sweat, sit in a sauna, right? At least four nights a week, hopefully more but lately it’s been about four nights a week, I sit in a sauna for 45 minutes every night and I sweat. Because your body, your skin is a detoxification organ. You have to sweat. And if we’re not sweating, our bodies become toxic. And another thing that I try to do, I try to work out at least three times a week, sometimes four.
But in-between my sets in the workout, we have a little trampoline that I jump on. It’s a rebounder and that makes the lymphatic system move, and that detoxifies the body. Just simple stuff like that. It doesn’t have to be rocket science. Just make a… I heard it, 21 days, 20 days and you form a habit.
– Twenty-one days.
– Start doing something for three weeks. And if you have a habit, then you’re going to continue doing it. And make your habits eating clean foods, drinking clean water, and detoxifying. Sweating, exercising, it’s amazing how these two simple principles can really turn around your health.
– Yeah. Absolutely. Oh, without question. And I love that it is they’re fundamentals and they would carry across for prevention as well as treatment. And it’s all about nourishing the body. It’s what I say, I may say that about 50 times a day, but it’s all about nourishing the body. People intuitively know whether what they’re doing to their body is nourishing it or depleting it, and it’s just keeping that front of the mind.
I love that you’re also talking about the mind as well and having that positiveness. Yeah, and removing those negative emotions. We talked about stress earlier very briefly and you mentioned that you’d seen it in the live blood analysis work as well, which we’re all about live blood analysis.
The relationship between stress, which is literally producing cortisol in our body. It’s not an esoteric emotion, it’s a natural physical reaction in our body. Just how important is that? Because we’re living in a stressful world right now, aren’t we? How important is stress in this space?
– Well, we know that if you’re in a constant state of fight-or-flight, your sympathetic nervous system is turned on, you’re releasing cortisol. That your immune system is not working, okay? We know that. We can measure the immune system during those periods of stress and we know the immune function bottoms out.
Just that, in and of itself, is enough that we need to relax. You know, one of the things in Thailand that they do is they practice breathing. And it’s not yoga. Well, some people call it yoga, but this clinic that I went to, it’s Dr. Thomas Lodi’s clinic there in Phuket, Thailand. He said people are afraid of calling it yoga because they think that’s a religion, but he said, “We just practice breathing. And what we do here is…”
And he said after several minutes of just deep breathing, you can measure your immune function and it’s been improved two or three-fold from what it was 10 minutes before. And the only thing you did differently was you breathed. You breathe deep in, you try to take twice as long to breathe out, and that makes the immune system work.
So, he said, “What we practice here is deep breathing.” That’s something that people don’t think about. You know, there’s so many simple things that you can do on a daily basis. Sweat, jump on a trampoline, spend five minutes deep breathing. You know what else you can do? Watch a comedy and laugh. We love to watch Andy Griffith, it’s our favorite show pretty much.
– With the kids, yeah.
– Laughing stipulates the immune system. So, there’s simple stuff that you can do to help your health. It doesn’t have to be rocket science.
– Absolutely. And I love that and all about the rebounder as well. Absolutely. I love that you’ve mentioned that. Rebounding is just magic. Putting yourself back in a beginner’s shoes, when you made that first documentary, you were going into this not as a total novice, but without the knowledge that you have today. How would you be someone going into, putting yourself into that mindset, going into watching “The Global Quest?” How should people approach this docuseries? Because it’s coming up, it’s just around the corner, and I’m pretty sure everyone watching this interview is going to be signing up and watching the docuseries.
What sort of thoughts or questions should people have going into that?
– You know, I’d recommend that people just sign up to watch it and think about it’s a twofold purpose. You can not only be educated, but you can be entertained, right? We live in a world where people want to be entertained. So, this is actually a pretty entertaining documentary. It’s, you know, nine episodes, about an hour and a half each night.
We take you to nine different countries. You’re going to see our travels, you’re going to see the treatments that people are using. You’re going to see interviews with cancer patients. It’s got some good music in it, got a lot of B roll. Think of it as a travel documentary. You’re going to go to these different countries and be educated. And in light of the fact that, you know, about 42% of people watching today are going to face cancer, it’s probably worth your while to spend a couple of hours for nine days to educate yourself.
– Yeah. Absolutely, 100%. And it is, like, they’re like watching little movies, it’s amazing viewing. What were…whose… It’s hard to pinpoint one. You’re allowed to two if you want to, but which couple of doctors or people that you’ve spoken to, and they’ve really stood out as eye-opening? Or give us some little teasers.
– I’ll let Charlene pick her favorite and then I’ll pick my favorite.
– Good luck. Excellent.
– Who was your favorite in “Global Quest?”
– In the “Global Quest,” let’s see. Well, there’s so many good ones, so it’s hard to pin it down. I’ve got a couple but there’s a favorite moment of mine, and I think we put it into the “Global Quest.” You know, Webster Kehr?
– No, that wasn’t in “Global Quest.”
– I know it was in the first one.
– Yeah, that was just in “The Quest Continues.”
– Okay. So, I know it was in the first one and the second one, so let me repeat that. I was just going to say Webster Kehr, I’m not sure if this piece is included. I have to share it just because it’s indicative. Ty was really good with asking the experts, the doctors, the coaches, “If it were you diagnosed with cancer, what would you do?” These are the experts. So, Webster Kehr was one that we had followed from the very beginning that has supported us when we were just writing the cancer book, far before we did the documentaries.
And he was well known, he’s the founder of Cancer Tutor, BICRF. And he was just so supportive and so brilliant, and he’s helped so many people. And he was there for us, and just a knowledgeable, precious man. So, in the series, when Ty asked Webster, “If you were diagnosed with cancer, what would you do?”
Now, this man has helped thousands of people and he’s just made such a difference in the world. He’s one of the pioneers and giants that we stand on his shoulders. So, when he asked Webster this, Webster just got like a little kid look on his face and went, “Oh,” he said, “I’d be so excited because then I could experiment on myself.” And the thing is, he knows what he has helped people do really works, thousands of times over, and so he doesn’t fear cancer.
The purpose of what we do is to take the fear out of cancer and arm people with truth that really makes a difference and saves lives. So, that answer to me is, I mean, by far heads and shoulders above everything else. Because that’s a summation of our goal, taking the fear away and using life just simply by educating people.
– That’s a good answer. Yeah. Mine will be totally different than that and on a totally different subject, too. But the one interview that stands out to me the most was in Heerlen, Netherlands, with Dr. Matthias Rath.
– Oh, yes. This was my favorite in The Quest two, the global one.
– The “Global Quest,” yeah. So, Dr. Rath shared with us about his findings. They’ve gotten archive documents from the U.S. Government, and actually from the government of Germany, that prove that the concentration camps were actually not built by Hitler, but they were built by Big Pharma to house their slave labor for their manufacturing plants.
I. G. Farben was the conglomeration of Bayer, Hoechst, and BASF, which were the three largest pharmaceutical companies at that time. I. G. Farben had a wholly-owned subsidiary named I. G.
Auschwitz. And I. G. Auschwitz, you’ve heard of Auschwitz, concentration camp. I. G. Auschwitz had a manufacturing facility just a couple of kilometers from Auschwitz and just about five kilometers from Birkenau and Dachau.
And they built the concentration camps to house the slave labor that they used in their pharmaceutical company manufacturing plants. They were in use for over a year before Hitler realized that he could start using those same concentration camps for the Jewish people.
– And they actually used mustard gas in the gas chambers. So, when they were through with the people and there was nothing left, they threw them in the gas chambers. This was Big Pharma. And they called themselves a cartel.
– And the most telling statement by Dr. Rath was that we see that pharmaceutical companies have done this in the past. Why would we think they would change now? So, he’s been heavily prosecuted. He was forced out of the United States. He’s living in the Netherlands because that’s where he feels like he’s the safest.
And they use a very well-documented micro-nutrient therapy with lysine and proline and Vitamin C and green tea extract. Very well documented. I know that they’ve, I think, he has something like 100,000 papers to verify the efficacy of his treatment. Brilliant man.
– Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. And I love how well researched everybody is. And I love that you asked that question, “What would you do?” Really gets to the core of it, it gets to the truth. And that’s what the series is all about.
What’s the one thing you wish that everybody knew about cancer?
– That it doesn’t have to be a death sentence.
– Yeah, there’s always hope and we want people to know that.
– Yeah, there’s always hope. I love that. Now, we are getting to the end. I’m timing it. It always goes so quickly. I want to make sure as many people get exposure to this series possible. Because it is free, it’s free to people.
It’s unbelievable. It’s a free series that people can watch. Two questions to wrap up. One, I’d love to hear about your favorite success story, the most heartwarming, beautiful success story. Because I know how many you guys have got. And two, I’d also love you to just share a little bit more about what and when and how people can access this information.
– I’ll let you go first, sweetie, with your success story.
– Okay. Yeah, I’ve got a good one. Yeah, there are so many, but one that really sticks out in my mind is, again, just indicative to the power of the information throughout “The Truth About Cancer: Global Quest.” We were in Canada at a health show, it was Total Health Canada, and Ty was on the stage with a roundtable of experts.
And there was a line of people, I know you know what I’m talking about, there was a line of people waiting to ask questions. And so, this one woman, she finally got to the microphone, and she said, “Ty Bollinger, I want you to know that six months ago,” and this was when we first released “The Global Quest.” “Six months ago, my doctor diagnosed me with cancer. And he said I only had two weeks left to live, to go home and get my affairs in order, I wouldn’t make it beyond two weeks.”
And she said, “I just didn’t believe it and I didn’t agree with him.” And that’s when you, it was in October when we released “The Truth About Cancer: Global Quest, “and she said, “I stand before you here, six months after that death sentence that was pronounced over me, cancer free because I watched ‘The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest.’ I did what you said and here I am.”
And then later she came to our table to talk to us and she asked us, “Well, what more can I do?” And I just looked at her and said, “Keep doing what you’re doing. You’re doing fantastic.” So, she was just on fire, she did a great job, and within six months of that death sentence, she was cancer free. I just think that’s wonderful.
She is why we do what we do, and others out there like her.
– Yeah. Amazing.
– Yeah, that’s a great story. I remember that in Toronto. Was it late last year?
– No, it was a couple years ago.
– Two years ago? Yeah, it was a couple years ago. Yeah. I don’t know, I think the one story, the survivor’s story, that sticks out the most to me was the story of a lady named Zoya in Riga Latvia.
– Oh, yes.
– And she’d been diagnosed with terminal cancer at Saint Petersburg, Russia. Did several rounds of chemotherapy that they basically said, “It won’t work anymore, you’re going to be gone with a couple of weeks,” just like this lady. “Go home and get your affairs in order.” And her family just wasn’t ready to let her go yet. They carried her out to their station wagon, drove about six hours through the snow.
– She couldn’t even walk. They had to carry her because she was that weak.
– Yeah, she couldn’t even walk. Drove her to Riga, Latvia and started her on the RIGVIR treatment that I told you about, the Riga virus. And she said that at that point, they took her blood, they drew her blood, took it to the hematologist, and he said that this is the blood of a dead person, her immune function was so low. So, she was hours from death when she got there.
And then a month later, walking. A year later, she was completely cancer free. She said she went back to Saint Petersburg, Russia, to tell the doctor about what had happened to her. And all the other cancer patients were dead that had been doing chemo. And the doctor said that the reason that she was healed was not the RIGVIR, but it was most likely a delayed reaction from his chemotherapy that he’d given her.
– Yeah, he took credit.
– He took credit. And I was able to interview Zoya in Riga, Latvia five years from her diagnosis of being two weeks from death. So that’s one that definitely sticks out.
– Yes, that’s a good one.
– And do you know what? That highlights the point of when we talk like this for the 45 minutes or so we’ve been talking, you get filled with such hope. And that’s the best thing, that’s such a great thing, but it’s still a way to go. It reminds me that it’s still a way to go, and that’s why it’s so important that everybody shares this message and shares what you guys are teaching.
Because we’re a long way from it all. So, the goal is getting this message out there. And tell us a bit more. We talked about it a little bit, tell us a bit more about the docuseries because it’s coming right up in just a few week’s time. Where can we go? What can we do? What can we expect from it?
– Yeah, I’m sure, Ross, you’ve got a link here below the video or whatever the people can go to. All they need to do is just click the link, sign up, put your name and your email in there, and we will send you daily reminders beginning in just a couple of days. And then I think the first episode airs October 9th, and it’s nine days, nine episodes. We’ll send you daily reminders with the viewing link in there.
You can pull it up on your PC or your phone, watch it for free.
– Yeah. If you’ve got Apple TV, you can sit with your family and watch it on Apple TV. And you’ll have the link to access it absolutely free. Just sit there and watch it. And I just encourage everyone, too, when you have the link, when you have the information, share it on your Facebooks or on Twitter, wherever you can. Because you have no idea how many lives you can save just by sharing this information.
– Yeah. And you know, make a family night. You know, I remember when we first watched the series a couple of years ago when we first released it, this is a big re-release, we haven’t shown it in two years. But we pull out some popcorn, and we’d get popcorn, and have, you know, like we’re watching a movie together.
– Yeah. It was on Facebook, we’ve got a personal Facebook, we’ve got a Truth About Cancer Facebook page, and Cancer Truth, that’s where we began on Facebook. But we’ve got our personal Ty and Charlene Bollinger. And so, we would take pictures of the kids with their popcorn and then we’d take pictures of the episode and we’d post it on there. And then all of our friends, and just fans that would get on there, and post their pictures.
And it was just a lot of fun. Being that there were families gathered around with children, too, watching the series and learning, and becoming healthier as a result.
– Yeah, that’s just beautiful. Wonderful. And again, just so much gratitude for you doing this work. Really from the bottom of my heart for you doing this work. You have changed millions upon millions of lives and it just will continue to grow, and I’m so honored to be able to support you guys. And thank you so much for today as well.
It’s been amazing to chat to you. And we’re barely scratching the surface here, there’s so much depth in the documentaries. We would have to be here for days on end to really get into all of it. So, guys, everyone watching us now, just go and sign up now. It’s all completely free. Ty and Charlene, thank you so much.
All the best to you for the next couple of months. And I’m sure we’ll be in touch again soon. Have a wonderful evening.
– Thank you, Ross.
– Thank you.
– God bless you.