Alkaline Diet Recipe #125: Coconut Quinoa and Sweet Potato Curry
This one is a WINNER! Quinoa was my personal big discovery last year – and now I can’t get enough!
Quinoa is known for being a complete protein and perfect of course, for vegetarians/vegans. It is also a good source of the very alkaline mineral – magnesium. Combine this with Sweet potato which is much more alkaline than normal potato (and much more delicious) while also being an anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and a good blood sugar regulator. All these are packed with nutrients and definitely something to try.
Alkaline Coconut Quinoa and Sweet Potato Curry
Serves 4-5
1 can chickpeas drained
1/2 cup dry quinoa
1 medium-large sweet potato, peeled and cubed
1/2 medium onion, chopped
2 to 3 cloves garlic, minced
2 to 3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon turmeric
3/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon cayenne
1/8 teaspoon cardamon
1/8 teaspoon ginger
salt, to taste
pepper to taste
1 can coconut milk
1. Prepare quinoa, chickpeas, and sweet potatoes. In a saucepan, add chickpeas, quinoa and 300ml of water. Heat over medium-high heat to bring chickpea liquid to a boil. Cover with a tight-fitting lid and reduce heat; simmer for 15 minutes, or until quinoa and chickpeas have softened. Now steam the sweet potato until it is tender (about 15 mins).
2. In a skillet/pan, heat coconut oil over medium heat. Add onion and garlic and saute until the onion is translucent.
3. Add all of the spices (coriander, cumin, turmeric, garlic powder, cayenne pepper, cardamon, ginger, salt, and pepper).
3. Add the chickpea-quinoa-sweet potato mixture to the skillet.
4. Add coconut milk
5. Mix well and allow to boil over high heat. Reduce to low heat, cover, and simmer for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring every few minutes, until the milk has condensed into a nice curry.
No rice needed as quinoa provides this taste and texture, while being much better for you. Quinoa is actually a grass, not a grain so is much more alkalising!
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This is one of my favourite recipes and have made it many times – delicious
However I have to question re the photograph of finished dish – what is the green element and
resume the tomato is an add on at end?
Thanks Christine
Hi Ross
Will you ship you book to Ireland
Looks good, shame I have never seen quinoa in my part of Spain!
Oh – it’s worth ordering in from the UK if that’s the case 🙂
Just had this for dinner. great flavour and wonderfully warming. prob only thing I would alter is I would use half the amount of coconut oil next time because it was a bit too oily for me (esp once you add in the coconut milk) but some people will like this richer version. But for me, next time I’ll halve it. otherwise yummy!
Nice one! Thanks Jane – yep these recipes can often need a tweak here or there to suit personal tastes. Thanks for sharing and saying hi!
I have green curry paste, would this work with this recipe instead of using all of the different spices? Thanks for all of your recipes! They are wonderful!
I will try your recipe but without coconut oil and milk. I cannot stand the smell of coconut oil and taste of coconut milk. Can one find coconut oil which does not have the smell of coconut? I will try it with other cooking oils like olive oil and see.
Hi Ross,
Thank you very much for this lovely coconut quinoa and sweet potato curry recipe. I have not tried it yet, but I’ll certainly try this very nutricious alkaline dish. I can’t wait!
I would like to know if I could substitute the coconut oil with any other oil. Also, are chick peas alkaline food? Please advise.
Again, thank you.
Regards, Carol
Just made this – lovely, comforting and good way of ‘hiding’ quinoa!! not the biggest fan of it…but this even felt healthy eating it…cheers.
Made for lunch today, simply delicious.My husband also loved it.
Thank You
I love your recipes, they are delicious. Please send more. Thank you
Have already made this once and it’s dee-lish.
Keep the recipes coming, Ross.
Hi Ross,
This sounds so tasty!! I’ll have to try it. I made a coconut butternut squash curry several weeks ago. I used a lot of the same ingredients you use for this one, but I used fresh coconut to make the coconut milk; I used butternut squash instead of sweet potato, and I used speckled butter beans not chickpeas. Oh, and I had brown rice, not quinoa. I can’t wait to try your recipe. Thanks so much.
Hi Ross,
Thanks for the recipe. Will definately be trying it out! Look forward to more!
Sandy x
thank you for your help in keeping the alkaline “works” going. I will try this …as I am trying to be alkaline and just need little nudges like this . Judy
I went into the alkaline cookbook but the password I was sent doesn’t let me open it. I wanted to check to see if the quinoa, sweet potato recipe was there. Help!!!!
I want to be able to leave the cookbook on the computer rather than printing it out.
I am new to the knowledge that we need to balance our blood pH. I am in the process of devouring all of the info that I can possibly read about it and I have purchased stripes to test my pH. (I’m acidic). I love this recipe! I see that it is #124. Where can I find other recipes (maybe the other 123)?
Thank you,
Thanks Ross, I will be trying this one as I like mild curry. What is Quinoa as I have never seen it in a shop. sounds like a dish my little one and husband would eat. Trying to get whole family eating right as my son very picky and my husband will drink coke if we are out somewhere, maddness!, as he has high collestrol and has to watch blood pressure. I am jucing myself and adding beetroot, carrots, cellery, spinnag, peppers, tomatoes and I add lemon juice or lime juice and organic green powder. How often and how much should one drink. I am petite and just under 5ft. I have to be careful with my weight (although under 8 stone) as the medication I am on brings on early menopause and causes weight gain. I drink warm boiled water with lemon in the morning first thing and have stopped normal tea and coffee for over 3 weeks now. I have organic red bush tea but dont have it too often as I now find it too strong. I dont miss the tea. Should I drink red bush tea as a health benefit. Kind regards, Marion. Ps. Any ideas on how to wake up not tired in morning as I struggle to get up. I have more energy in evening.
Address if you have any recipies you could post. Marion Kiely
Lissoybhane, Emly, Co. Tipperary, Southern Ireland
I want to purchase your Alkaline Diet Recipe Book, but the system doesnt allow me to enter South Africa as a country.
made this last night , to me it was perfect comfort food :o) Yum !
Hi Ross.
I’m not really into soups, although i dont mind them occasionally. But the Coconut, Quinoa, & sweet potato Curry looks very good. I will definately be making that one!!
Thanks for taking the time and effort to source such appealing recipe ideas – please keep them coming, one a month would be brilliant.
Regards, Yvonne.