3 Mindblowingly Delicious, Vegan Cashew Cheese Recipes

cashew cheese recipes

I am always looking for ways to make the alkaline diet – and getting you to your health goals – easier, more achievable and more do-able.

And having recipes like these really ups the flavour and makes your “mostly-plant-based” meals delicious.

That’s one of my rules with eating healthy – it has to be ridiculously tasty.

So many people start the alkaline diet and end up eating a plate of steamed veg, or a super-plain salad every meal and then wonder why they’re giving up after 48 hours.

To turn this around, always remember that even the most simple meal can be made exciting and delicious with sauces, dips, dressings and sides, and these three cashew cheese recipes certainly do that.

They’re all from a similar base, but have their nuances that change the flavour, consistency and use. And you can make them in a decent quantity and store in the fridge too for use throughout the week – which is very handy when you don’t have a lot of time to spend in the kitchen every day.

Let’s get into them – let me know which one you’re going to try first in the comments below!

Three Delicious, Alkaline & Vegan Cashew Cheese Recipes

1. Cashew Cream Cheese Spread

cashew cream cheese recipe

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2. Baked Cashew Cheese

baked cashew cheese

[yumprint-recipe id=’92’]

3. Firm Cashew Cheese (Sliceable)

firm cashew cheese recipe

This one is a little more ‘involved’ that the other two, but is well worth it!

[yumprint-recipe id=’93’]

Recipes Like These Make It SO MUCH EASIER!

P.S. Take a look at the Alkaline Recipe System. With hundreds of easy-to-prepare Alkaline recipes PLUS 7 goal-based meal plans each with itemized shopping lists (for goals including weight loss, more energy, better digestion, clearer skin and more) – it makes reaching your health goals SO easy!

+ Make sure to sign up for our free newsletter to get our latest alkaline recipes delivered weekly (it’s free).

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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Denise Reply

    Does the baked cheese taste like cheesy bread?

  2. Alisa Reply

    Ross,thanx a lot for what you do and how you do that!!
    There is so much passion, love and use from ur sharing)))
    Right now I’m soaking the cashew nuts for the first recipe as I find it the simplest.
    Hi from Russia

  3. Peggy Berwick Reply

    I would love to see more videos on how to prepare things. I am a visual learner and I can’t seem to get up a head of steam to do all the things I know I should be doing. You are great and very good at what you do. Keep up the good work. Peggy B.
