Alkaline Recipe #32 (Fibre-ful) Tuscan Bean Soup

tuscan bean soup image

This is a fantastically filling soup, with each serve giving you a whopping 13g of fibre – that is over HALF of your recommended daily amount. That’s right HALF of it! It is also high in healthy fats, high in protein and full of celery, garlic and tomatoes – which give you an alkaline kick. Cannelini beans are also high in manganese, potassium and magnesium – which are highly alkaline minerals.

So fibre + protein + alkaline minerals = winner.

Alkaline Recipe #32: Tuscan Bean Soup

Serves 6


2 Tbs (30mL) olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped
1 carrot, chopped
3 cups (680g) chopped tomatoes
6 cups (900g) tinned cannelini beans
5 cups (1.25L) water
1/2 tsp (3g) Himalayan Salt
Freshly ground pepper, to taste
1 cup quinoa
1/4 cup (9g) fresh basil leaves, coarsely chopped


Firstly, you need to steam fry the onions, celery, and garlic until tender. Do this in a few spoons of water in a large pan. Once it is all nice and tender you can add the chopped tomatoes (juice n’ all) and carrots and warm this over a medium to low heat, breaking up the tomatoes so that it is all chunked down in nice small chunks. Cook this all together for about fifteen to twenty minutes.

Now you can add the lovely creamy-textured cannelini beans, the water, salt, pepper and cook over a medium-low heat for another twenty minutes. Once the beans are soft you’re good. Now you can add the quinoa and cook for another ten minutes until it is al dente.

Once the soup has cooled a little bit, stir in the olive oil and add the basil leaves.

This soup rocks, I urge you to try it!

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  1. Barbara Reply

    All that I have been reading about rosacea and foods to avoid all mention tomatoes as being one to avoid. Do you agree.

  2. Lori Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I got sick 11 years ago and you and your website put me in remission for pulmonary/neuro sarcoidosis. Could you please recommend a swap for olive oil and ginger. I can’t stand olive oil and have a serious sensitivity to ginger. I’m trying to find a good salad dressing. I like grapeseed oil.

    Thank you for helping so many people.

  3. Mariab Reply

    What do you think about the nightshade food for people with arthritis rheumatoid ? Are these foods aloud in the alkaline diet?

  4. Hina Reply

    I am gong to make this soup for second day of cleanse and just avoid the quinoa.
    Is that ok? For it. Thanks

    • ross Reply


  5. Kathy Kaney Reply

    why stir oil in at the end rather than saute the vegetables in it?

    • ross Reply

      Hi Kathy

      You want the fat as it’s healthy, but cooking it destroys the benefits – so I prefer to add once cooked 🙂


  6. Arlene Cohen Reply

    Are the cannelini canned?

    • ross Reply

      Ideally not, but I appreciate people are often time-poor and in a hurry and so it’s acceptable if you do use canned, ideal if you use dried, rehydrated before cooking.

  7. Donna Preddy Reply

    I did your quit sugar yesterday learned a lot. However mornings are very rushed for me. Is there a smoothie or quick breakfast bowl that has all I need in one?

  8. Lisa Abouhassan Reply

    Does heating food change its alkalinity

  9. susan Reply

    we would love to use some of your recipes but my Mother has cancer and is on a strict %’s PH diet so it would be really useful to know the pH of either each ingredient or the overall meal

  10. Sunna Reply

    Recipe calls for 1/2 cup (75g) quinoa — your directions say to add spelt pasta… I am confused. Which do I put in or do I put in both?

    • ross Reply

      Quinoa – have moved away from all gluten containing grains since I wrote this in 2010.


  11. Francesca Reply

    I would love to try this soup (Tuscan Bean) but there is no printable format. I notice for some of your recipes there is now a printable format. Good work But can this be provided for all your great recipes please?

    • Stephanie McRobbie Reply

      Hello Ross, Can you suggest alternatives to Basil, that you may have tried. Yes I could experiment, but to save ‘off flavours’ your ideas would be appreciated.
      Perfect question re ‘spending less time in the kitchen’ so good to have those backup foods – its my issue too.
      ON another note I have been on this alkaline track since April, I have your alkaline diet recipe book vol 2 and The definitive acid&alkaline food chart – so making good progress, did fall off the rails for a week, however back now, and can’t wait for my Chanson deioniser to be installed this week!
      All your emails are really helpful thank you Regards Steph New Zealand

      • ross Reply

        Hey Steph

        I am presuming you can’t have basil from a taste point of view? My next best for this type of soup recipe would be the other earthy herbs such as oregano, thyme, parsley. For Mexican or Thai just use more coriander/cilantro.

        Keep on going and don’t beat yourself up if you have an off day or week 🙂


    • ross Reply

      Am getting there Francesca! Will have them all done soon I hope!

  12. pradnya Reply

    amazing it is delicious

  13. peter Reply

    very good website`

  14. Dr Lilia Otero Reply

    Please send me information for Alkaline Food Charts – plus TEN Delicious Alkaline Recipes in Spanish for Puerto Rico. Thanks, Lilia 787-594-2915

  15. emmanuel Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I wish you all an happy new year.

    The best and most natural way to alkalize your body and getting healthy long term generally is raw food as heat destroys energy bond on food (heated food is highly altered, see a steak is no more red but black, no more soft but harder, and in fact dead, same for fruits and vegs) and alter the molecules of nutrients thus brings in toxins see



    • Energise Ross Reply

      Thanks Emmanuel

      Anything that moves food away from nature does chip away at the nutrient profile of the food, but I’m too big a believer in making health realistic, fun and enjoyable – raw food makes up about 50-60% of my diet, but there is a place for cooked too.


  16. Carol Mast-Ingle Reply

    I have already submitted a face book share, but would like to re inforce my comments – that Ross’ advice and information is trust worthy – I have already tried the lemon water as an alkaline drink I can have any time ! And also because he offers most of his information freely to the whosoever ….. whether one is jobless, or even homeless, his simple recipes can be followed.

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Thanks Carol!

  17. Mo Reply

    Ross, thank you so much for such a delicious rich soup recipe, hopefully I’ll have it for my dinner tomorrow.

    • Energise Ross Reply


  18. Diane Reply

    I’m following a diet of 80/20 alkaline and acidic diet for osteoporosis which I probably don’t get quite right but my list have cannelini beans and spelt on the acidic list (haven’t seen any pasta anyway without another acidic grain added) so the amounts used in this recipes sure like the whole thing would end up being acidic. It gets confusing when different lists don’t agree with each other. I will still try the soup and maybe leave the pasta out and replace the water with vegetable broth for extra flavor.



  20. Wonderful recipe, Ross-thanks so much-I have put a link to your site on my site (title says it all & it also has a Facebook page)- which aims at empowering people post cancer dignosis through diet as well as a lot else- it has had some great feedback and CANCERACTIVE, the big UK-based Charity but with world-wide contacts, are going to put the link on their patient pages–cancer is not necessarily a temrinal disease; it can be a wakeup call. So thanks again for helping people wake up, and live their best lives…

  21. Kim Reply

    “Cook beans till soft” …. Is this canned beans or dry?
    Canned are already cooked and soft. Please specify. Thx!

  22. Pat Reply

    sounds really good I will give it a try thanks for sharing.


  23. Lyle Lee Reply

    I like everything about alkaline meals, so thank you for the helpful tips in preparation;

    Lyle Lee
