Clandestine Foods…


Everyone harps on about how many spoons of sugar is in each can of Coke, but what about other foods…? I was just catching up on a few blogs that I had left untouched on my bloglines account for a while and this one from Seth Godin stood out.

Normally I read Seth for his witty and thought-provoking marketing insights – but this one spilt over into my health obsession too!

Seth highlights that at Starbucks:

the Large Java Frappuccino has 29 packets of sugar and the equivalent of 11 creamers in it. In one, not in a dozen.

With the obesity crisis looming over manufacturers everywhere, it is strange that companies such as Starbucks, Wellbeing and your average coffee house or pattisserie are seemingly getting off scott-free – whereas Coke, McD’s and other companies are being slammed left right and centre. That is not to say that they do not deserve this wake up call too – but it seems that how products and brands are positioned in the market actually goes a great way towards how we feel about consuming them. To your average consumer or someone on a diet – a coffee and a treat is often seen as an acceptable snack or reward – whereas a Big Mac and a can of Coke would be the work of the devil.

As Seth points out, ‘Most people feel pretty virtuous at Starbucks…If you watched them mix it up, you’d feel different about it, no doubt.’

What other foods could have these hidden dangers?

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  1. Janice Reply

    holy crap! i just had a venti-sized greentea frappuccino this afternoon. eh, well, it was way too hot and dry to resist a nice cold drink. maybe next time 😛
