St Ivel False Claim Reports? Big News…


I received a very interesting email from Tony Bishop-Weston of Foods for Life (no relation!) about St Ivel’s latest claims regarding their newest butter product.

According to Tony:

Last night on the TV CH4 St Ivel claimed their new butter product was made with a special “source of omega 3 only found in fish” and “the best type”

He continued to state that this is not actually true and that vegan Omega 3 DHA and EPA is now available from environmentally friendly sustainable source Algae.

This certainly strikes a chord with me. Having looked into the research provided by Udo Erasmus in his publications, it is evident that the dairy and ‘spreads’ industries have long been duping the public with their claims about the health properties of milk and margarine. Although I do not know the academic sources off the top of my head (I will try to find them later) it is without doubt that any potentially beneficial fatty acids in margarine are destroyed and actually become toxic during the process of making the margarine solidified and yellow in colour. Heating fats and oils turns them toxic and destroys their health benefits because the heating process (and the light and oxygen exposure) alters the structure of the fats. However, this toxicity cannot be measured accurately and therefore to claim that the ‘good fats’ were part of the ingredients is not actually false advertising – so they can get away with it.

It is an unbelievable lie that many, many companies have gotten away with for a long, long time.

So, while I digress slightly away from the heart of the St Ivel claim matter, it is to show that this is just another in a long line of masked facts and marketing spin.

Tony is urging people who feel strongly on this matter to contact the ASA to:

…stop the dairy industry’s cruel and unsustainable use of the world’s resources and their pathetic attempts to make cow’s milk more suitable for human nutrition.

You can get in touch with the ASA here.

I’m right behind you Tony!

order the alkaline life

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