Why You Should Ditch The Regular Table Salt And Switch To Pink Himalayan Salt

Article describing benefits of himalayan salt

Salt is salt, right?

What’s the big deal?

Why choose another kind?

Well, it turns out, there are lots of different kinds of salt, and that pink Himalayan crystallized salt is pretty much the best one for you. It’s natural of course, comes from the Himalayan mountains as you might have guessed and is packed with powerful health benefits.

Pink Himalayan salt contains 84 trace minerals and elements.

Even more impressive, each one of the minerals is found in the human body. Pink salt is rich in chloride, sulphate, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Its sodium level is also lower than regular table salt because it’s less refined and the pieces are larger. In addition to containing minerals useful for the body, pink Himalayan salt:

Twelve Benefits of Himalayan Salt

  1. Improves vascular health
  2. Supports a healthier respiratory system
  3. Promotes good pH balance
  4. Reduces the ravages of time
  5. Promotes healthy sleep
  6. Increases the libido (bow chicka bow wow)
  7. Helps prevent cramping
  8. Hydrates the skin and organs
  9. Strengthens your bones
  10. Helps to lower blood pressure
  11. Eliminates heavy metals from your body
  12. Improves your cardiovascular health

Seems like a set of good reasons to make the switch! Give it a try and let us know what you think.

[Source: Higher Perspective]

Ross’ Opinion on Himalayan Salt

I’ve long been a big believer in the benefits of Himalayan salt. It’s been clear for decades that not all salt is created equal, and just as there are good fats and bad fats, there is good salt and bad salt.

Back in 2006 Robert Young (pH Miracle) posted about the Salt that Heals, Salt that Kills – and it’s clear that the mineral-rich salts that are unrefined and unprocessed are amazingly beneficial and highly alkaline!

Sodium Chloride (table salt) has been proven to contribute to high blood pressure, impaired nerve and muscle function, kidney problems, osteoporosis, fluid retention, intestinal disorders, fatigue and so much more.

table salt mountain

Going from sodium chloride to Himalayan salt is a super-simple change, that doesn’t cost the earth, that anyone can make TODAY and can not only take the harmful sodium chloride (table salt) out of your diet, but replace it with alkaline, mineral-rich, health-giving salt.

Do it!

Other Resources

Mercola Discussing Himalayan Salt – Well Worth Watching:

NaturalNews‘ Poster Summarizing the Benefits of Himalayan Salt


order the alkaline life

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  1. Syeda Reply

    Ross, thank you for the wonderful article and all your amazing work! And for all your positivity and loving spirit!
    As for the origins of Himalayan Salt. It does primarily come from Pakistan, which is a beautiful place on our very own Mother Earth. Wonderful, miraculous and healing things, and sweet loving people come from there and all these for us to discover and share.
    And all that is 100% positive. We should feel confident about Himalayan Salt coming from there.
    The first step to an awesome gut is good feeling towards ourselves and other people, other places on earth. 🙂

  2. Wilma Reply

    How do you grind down the salt to use on food?

  3. sandie measday Reply

    Have just noticed the ‘Himalayan’ salt I ‘ve been buying from local health store for a while now has a tiny sticker on it saying origin Pakistan…now what’s that about??!!

    • ross Reply

      Hey Sandie

      From Wikipedia: “The Himalayas span five countries: India, Nepal, Bhutan, China (Tibet), and Pakistan, with the first three countries having sovereignty over most of the range”

      There you go! Learn something new every day 🙂

      Thanks for your comment – expanded my knowledge of Himalayan geography 🙂
