Date with Destiny: Gold Coast 2008



I got back from the Tony Robbins Date with Destiny event on the Gold Coast yesterday morning and I am still totally buzzing. The shift that has happened in my body and my heart is truly mind blowing and Tony was right – the reason I THOUGHT I was going to this event was soooo wide of the mark!

For those of you who have no idea of what Date with Destiny is – read this and watch the video.

I have learned so much about myself. There were just so many moments of absolute clarity. Even in areas I did not expect at all.

I will never forget the rush when things suddenly clicked into place. It all just suddenly made sense and I realised how much everything was linked. My psychology and physiology are already completely different and you can’t half notice! People are reacting so differently to me in so many ways. I was a nice guy before but now people just seem to want to stop and talk and connect with me like never before. Ha ha ha, I’m ranting on a bit and might seem a bit ‘loved up’ by the whole thing (and am still very sleep deprived – but hey, who needs sleep) but it is true.

One of the most amazing things was that I was lucky enough to be there with my bro and we have literally spent the last 48 hours connecting and bonding and, man, I’ve never felt so close to him. The difference in our relationship is already obvious. And after spending so much time since Friday night talking to him about the event (we barely actually saw each other all week because we had the best buddies ever!) it is insane how much we are the same and had been conditioned into our old values and rules by strikingly similar experiences and fears – and the more we share the more unreal it becomes. We have literally been following the same patterns in all areas of our lives. Our fears and beliefs have been identical. It is freaky stuff!

I am going to share quite a bit about the event over the next few weeks and am happy to share my experiences and help you to try and go through some of the amazing exercises we covered at the event, but I really urge you to go. I don’t make any money or get any financial gain from you going so take this as a message from my heart – GO. It is on twice a year, once in the states and once on the Gold Coast in Australia. If you have ever been to UPW you will know what a change Tony Robbins can make, but DWD makes UPW seem like play school. It really does.

I was one of those people whose life was ‘good’, ‘easy’, ‘comfortable’ and I didn’t realise how much pain this was actually causing. But seriously, life will never be the same again!


order the alkaline life

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  1. Ross Reply

    Hi Hot Alpha Female!

    It is fantastic to hear you so fired up about it all! I had such an amazing time and it has totally changed my life. I say that with absolute conviction even now 6 months on. I’m still rocking.

    Get you and your family up there and remember to come back to let me know how you got on!

    All the best

  2. Hot Alpha Female Reply

    Hi there,

    I would love to have commented on your other DWD post but I couldn’t!

    So i’ll post here.

    Firstly I want to share with you my commitment. I want to take my whole family to DWD this April in the Goldcoast.

    I want to pay for the whole trip all expenses included and I want Anthony to do an intervention between my parents.

    We all live in Sydney so going to the goldcoast is a short trip. An hour flight!

    I never thought that i would go with a DWD but this is an absolute must for me this year esp since this is going to be his last year in aust!

    I cannot miss this for the world.

    Thank you for sharing your story about DWD im sure it will be a life changing event.

    I have been to UPW twice but im sure that DWD is going to be a completely different experience.


    Hot Alpha Female

  3. Ross Reply

    Hey Colin

    It is a truly life-changing event, and well worth trying to get to. I understand that it is expensive though!

    If you keep asking your mind the right questions then it will look for answers so keep asking ‘How can I find a way to attend Date with Destiny in 2009).

    If you do find a way then I will see you there!

    If not, have you been to UPW? It is also amazing, and teaches SO many great skills.

    Good luck!


  4. Dr.Colin Jones-Wills Reply

    DWD I would love to attend, however just started a new business. Watching the video of Tony and hearing him speak about life changes lets me know it time for me to get moving. I pray I’ll be able to attend sometime in the near future.

  5. Ross Reply

    Hey Lizza!

    You’re absolutely spot on, it is f***ing cool! I’m still buzzing, such a fun and happy but powerful weekend.

    I’m going to make up a DWD music list too – there were definitely a few new ones in there!

    Still singing Seven Nation Army in my head all the time!

    I’m just going through my workbook now over the next few days, really understanding everything, doing incantations and trying to really ingrain this stuff into my heart and mind. It is who I am, but its going to take a while to undo a lifetime of disempowering values and rules.

    Once I have really cracked it I’m so looking forward to sharing the exercises and my decisions here. Gives me some accountability!

    Can’t wait for next year! Probably going to go to either Wealth Mastery (you’ve gotta love Joe, that guy gets me totally pumped) or do another UPW.

    I think after DWD I would get so much more out of UPW because I know the bigger picture, I know my blueprint.

    Either way, I’ll be dancing on chairs, high fiving and massaging again soon!

    Enjoy your new power!

  6. Lizza Reply


    I stumbled on your website today as I was searching for the music from DWD. I was also at the Gold Coast last week and had an amazing time. You are right! DWD makes UPW seem like child’s play.

    This morning I was thinking about everything that had gone on and was happy that I had reconnected with who I am at my core, but a little disappointed that it wasn’t like UPW where I had resolved to take massive action. Then it clicked. Now that I know who I am, what values I have, my mission statement – I have the power to shape my destiny! How f*cking cool is that? I shape my destiny. Woo hoo!

    Now that’s power.
