Interview: Neil Gupta on Unleash the Power Within (UPW) – The Tony Robbins Event


As anyone who reads this blog regularly will know – just over two weeks ago now the Tony Robbins‘ event, Unleash the Power Within, took place in London.

This is an amazing event that helps people to make a massive positive change in their life and is attended by over 10k people twice a year! It really is a total party and like no other event on earth!

Anyway, you’ve all heard me rave about this in gazillions of blog posts, forum posts, and articles – so I thought it would be good to hear about someone else’s experiences. That’s when Neil stepped in!

Neil is a great guy and he was more than happy to answer a few questions about the event.

The great thing about this interview is that it is real. Because the focus in life is so often on money as a measure of success – the temptation is always to try and find some multi-millionaire hotshot to interview so that it looks like ‘wow – he goes to this event and look what he earns’. But frankly, that kind of thinking is bulls**t. I don’t know what Neil does. Who knows, he could be a multi-millionaire guru property investing, trader, a superstar for all I know!

But his answers, to me, show that this event – and life – is about more than that. It is about who we are and what we create in our lives that matters – and that is, in my mind, the essence of this event.

Anyway, enough of the rant – here’s the interview:

Energise Interviews Neil Gupta About Unleash the Power Within!

[Ross] Hi Neil – thank you so much for taking the time out to answer these questions for us. From what I understand you had an amazing time at UPW this year! In fact, this wasn’t your first UPW was it? What made you want to go again – and will you go to another?

[Neil] Hi Ross. This was my 2nd UPW visit. I wanted to experience again the excitement and the atmosphere that Tony creates and there was so much information to take in from the 1st time that I HAD to go again!

I love the passion, energy and motivation Tony creates and I was really energised from my 1st UPW but wanted more. I also enjoyed meeting and getting to know so many excellent people all there who just want to improve the quality of their life in some way. I thoroughly enjoy Tony’s books and CDs so UPW is just an integral part for me to take that to a higher level.

I am already booked for my 3rd UPW although I may consider crewing if I don’t participate.

[Ross] What made you want to go to UPW the first time you went?

[Neil] I received “Notes from a Friend” by pure chance. After many months I eventually read it (back in 2004). This book moved me so much I wanted to read more.

I was very interested so decided to read “Unlimited Power”. After reading several chapters – I was hooked! It took me some time to read and digest this book, but I was really intrigued and really interested what Tony had to say. From reading this book I made some very minor changes in my attitude at work and as a result I was feeling more confident and motivated to be at work.

I then heard about the live UPW course. I was thus interested to know what the course can offer in addition to reading his book. I have always wanted to better my quality of life and learn how to improve my confidence but I just did not know how to do it in practice.

Going to my 1st UPW changed all my internal beliefs and I almost feel reborn.

I have a belief that if you like something and really want to learn more then the only was is increase your knowledge by learning. Hence when I learned about UPW I really was excited – I was in fear “of what I could lose out on if I don’t go”.

In 2005 my life was challenged in every way through a series of major personal changes (cancer in the family and a divorce at the same time). Without some of the basic tools I have learned from Tony’s work there’s no way I would have been able to get myself through these major challenges and achieve my outcomes. Thus for me I have gained my life back but a happier and more enjoyable one that wants to LIVE!

[Ross] Do you have any of the Tony Robbins audio programs? What does the live event give you that these do not?

[Neil] I have Get the Edge, Unlimited Power, UPW, The Giant Within and others all on audio CDs.

I love these CDs and listen to them very often.

The live event lets one experience the passion, energy, amusement and laughter that Tony creates with 10,000 people. At the live events you do various exercises to learn and experience basic human psychology tools. You meet people from all different cultures, ages and backgrounds with one common goal – to improve/better their life. You cannot experience this mind blowing and totally awesome experience at home. I tell friends my analogy to UPW is like driving car – reading Tony’s books is like improving your life to 1st gear. If you want to go to 5th gear then UPW will do that for you.

[Ross] Did you go with friends?

[Neil] No. Since my first visit I met so many people each time that I have now made many friends and that is one of the reasons why I cannot wait to get back just to see them!

[Ross] So you made lots of friends there at the event? Are you still in touch with anyone you met?

[Neil] Yes. I have met many excellent people during my visits to UPW, many I still keep in touch with. They are very special people and I am so happy to have met them in my journey of life.

At my 1st UPW I room shared with a guy who had been to UPW before. Since Feb 06 we have become good friends and keep in regular contact helping each other and sharing stories of how our lives have changed for the better.

[Ross] Which section did you sit in? Did you find that it makes a difference?

[Neil] At my 1st UPW I was in the diamond section. However, when I attended my 2nd UPW I was upgraded to 1st row!!! It was a dream come true as I did not expect this at all. Before my 2nd UPW I felt closer to Tony’s work and more passionate about life so sitting at 1st row was just a surreal out of this world experience.

[Ross] That sounds awesome! So, what was your favourite day?

[Neil] Each day is a favourite day at UPW for me. However, on the firewalk (the first day) it was only until I reached my firewalk lane I realized that Tony was there in charge of my lane helping everyone reach their peak state. I was overwhelmed and had to hug him to just say thanks for all the benefits and changes I have received as a result of his work.

[Ross] Wow, that sounds like an incredible firewalk – how did you find this part of the event? Was it scary?!

[Neil] The firewalk is the easy part of the event (for me)!! The first time I was slightly nervous but Tony prepares you emotionally and physically for the event. The style he does that is amazing and totally enjoyable. When I met and hugged Tony at my 2nd firewalk I was automatically in peak state. The firewalk can be scary for first timers, but that is the reason why Tony includes it in the course – as method to show one can overcome their fears and do anything.

[Ross] I agree – the firewalk is my favourite part, as much to see how much it effects everyone else! Anyway, when I went to UPW the first time I set some pretty lofty goals, many of which I achieved within a year – what goals did you set last time – and did you achieve them?

[Neil] My first UPW experience was more or less about setting new beliefs rather than goals, although my initial goal was to gain and improve my current health. Maintain my weight loss and try to improve my peer group. Also to make sport an integral part of my life and follow through my dreams to travel around the world (a dream I am going to fulfil very soon!).

[Ross] What goals have you set this time?

[Neil] Goals I have this time are to further strive for better health and fitness. In addition to be able to bring further inner peace within and learn how to contribute more to help others.

[Ross] Sounds quality. What was your biggest breakthrough at the event?

[Neil] Learning to overcome my fears and realise my own self-limiting beliefs. Appreciate that it’s in my control if I want a better quality and happier life. Realising that if I can be happy and love my own life this will reflect what others see of me.

[Ross] What was your favourite exercise at the event?

[Neil] Hmmmmm, interesting questions!! I really enjoyed playing flat out with the weird and fun dancing Tony asks us to do. At first I was very sceptical at my 1st UPW to dance like a monster or dance with passion to Brittney Spears! But hey, everyone else was doing and it was great fun! You learn what fun it is to move your body and the real effect it has to your emotional state.

At my 2nd UPW visit I was just flat out and loved dancing like a monster – weird huh! Enough said don’t want to spoil all the fun and excitement for first timers!

[Ross] I hear that there was an incredible, hour long standing ovation for Tony on the Sunday night – what was that like, can you describe what happened?

[Neil] The standing ovation was totally unbelievable. I was right at the front and all I can say is it was an amazing experience. Everyone was shouting out, clapping and dancing – it was a truly deserved ovation for Tony. There were so many people at the front to cheer on Tony I had to stand on my seat just to get some space! At the Feb 2006 UPW no such ovation or water fight took place. He is an amazing man whose work has allowed many people to make changes to live a better quality life. The water fight that followed was a remarkable fun way to show Tony’s humorous side!

[Ross] What happened with the girl Laura? I hear it was an incredible experience?

[Neil] Laura was a young girl who had serious indifferences with fellow kids at her schools. Unfortunately this had led Laura to think her life was not worth living, and thus she confessed to trying numerous times to take her own life. Tony helped her change her internal beliefs about herself. Tony helped Laura to realise that there are so many more opportunities and people in meet to make life worth living. He got her on stage to sing and she was truly awesome – like a born natural! I personally found parts of Laura’s story very touching and could even relate to, and sure so did Tony and many others.

[Ross] Do you think you will go to any other Tony Robbins events?

[Neil] Yes. I am booked for Wealth Mastery in 2007 and likely to attend the international courses.

[Ross] Did you have favourite song from the event? Personally, I was whistling Haddaway for days!

[Neil] I enjoyed a lot of the music from the event. Can’t say I have a favourite but I enjoyed dancing to them all.

[Ross] You said that ‘Learning to overcome my fears and realise my own self-limiting beliefs’ – was your biggest breakthrough – what difference do you think this will make to your life?

[Neil] My biggest breakthrough was really learning that to enjoy and be happy in life I have to love and be happy with myself. This made me more self-aware of my diet and health. In addition to realise that if one wants to feel loved they have to give love. Biggest breakthrough was realising that I have more within me that I am actually feel and can do. Realising that I am a degree qualified experienced young man who has the potential to do whatever I wish in life. Before I always had a internal belief that others were better than me and I was the inferior one at work and at home. Now I just get on and do what I want and when I want in life. For example very shortly I am going on my holiday of a lifetime to Asia. I have always wanted to “backpack” since I was 18 but never made my dream materialise because I was always held back my internal beliefs. Now anything I dream of I make it HAPPEN! Life is so exciting and adventurous.

[Ross] What is your lasting memory of UPW September 2006?

[Neil] Lasting memory for me is sitting at the front row!! Seeing Tony’s directly. No way the same as watching on the screen. Giving him a hug and also I received a high five from him as he came of stage. Also meeting some excellent new friends whom I can’t wait to meet again later this year.

[Ross] And if you could take anyone on earth to the next UPW – who would you take?

[Neil] My sister.

[Ross] And if you gave the event a score out of 10…..?

[Neil] 10000/10!!!

Quality stuff Neil. Thank you so much for your time.



We have developed a free 80 page UPW momentum workbook for all of you – click here to grab your copy.

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  1. Ross Reply

    Heh – quality – the energise t-shirts were everywhere!!!

    We may just have to send you some for next time… 😉

    Have a great day Amit

  2. Amit Reply

    Actually, now that you mention it, I do remember seeing people wearing those t-shirts! Awww It’s a shame I didn’t get to meet you before the event, that would’ve been fun! But then again we’ve got next year to look forward to! 😉

  3. Ross Reply

    Hey Amit

    I think Neil is def going to be there. We will be too – over 200 of us are going with our Team Energise shirts, bags, and bottles!

    Did you see us there at the one just gone?


  4. Amit Reply

    Hi Neil,

    I was there too although much closer to the back. I had an amazing time and I definitely will go again next year, I went by myself but I’ve so far convinced about 10 of my friends to go with me next time.

    Who knows maybe I’ll see you guys there! 😉

