Powerful Way to Guarantee Alkalinity – Crushing Acids


How to Lock In Your Alkalinity, Every Day

ROSS WITH GREEN DRINKStarting the day right is the most critical thing you can do for your health…and it’s my secret special path to alkalinity that so many people forget, or get wrong.

I place a lot of emphasis on psychology and the way the brain works. I’ve been the victim and the benefactor of that little internal voice, and I know that the brain works on the concept of ‘one thing leads to another’. It’s really really powerful stuff when it comes to health, alkalinity and especially weight loss. (note there is the best weight loss tip ever in point 3 below!)

The brain likes to work in flows. It likes to stick to what it knows. It gets into a rhythm. And for 99% of people, the first two hours of the day set a rhythm or a flow that the rest of the day follows – directed, of course, by your brain. The conscious, and more powerfully, sub-conscious decisions you make about your food choices, exercise choices, drink choices and all health decisions are largely determined by the first two hours of the day.

Picture these two scenarios:

Scenario One: you wake up tired, hit the snooze button three times and finally drag yourself out of bed. You’re late for work and behind schedule already. So you just get the bare minimum done to successfully get out of the door. You find the easiest clothes (that don’t need ironing), you do the easiest thing possible with your hair and you grab a picece of toast and take as much of a drink from your tea as you can without spilling it or burning your mouth and you’re out of the door.

How healthy do you think this person feels. How high on their hierarchy of importance is their health right now?

Scenario Two: you get out of bed on the first alarm (which you set 15 minutes early last night) and you go straight to your water filter and drink 500ml of water. You get straight into 15 minutes of yoga or stretching and because you got up straight away (and a little early) you have time to make a healthy, delicious breakfast. After breakfast you take your supplements with another glass of water and feel hydrated and energised. You arrive at work refreshed, focused and in a fantastic mood.

How healthy do you think this person feels. How high on their hierarchy of importance is their health right now?

NOW, the next question.

When faced with some mid-morning hunger, or a tempting cookie jar, or the offer of a coffee or some birthday cake (which seem to come around every 10 minutes in every office I’ve worked)

– how likeley on a scale of 1 to 10 will the first person say yes to the unhealthy choices
– and now think of person 2

And imagine if person 2 had also been for a run that morning too (I didn’t include that in the scenario – let’s take baby steps.).

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Setting Yourself Up To Win

You see, it’s all about setting your self up to win, setting yourself up for success, giving yourself the best possible chance of making progress step-by-step, day-by-day.

Now, I know it’s not possible to be that awesome every single day, so if you DO have a bad start or if you have a decent start but DO slip up – DONT WRITE OFF THE DAY, WEEK, MONTH OR YEAR!

Just enjoy the treat or naughty little thing you just did and then take a deep breath, relax and think about what you’re going to do next. Never give yourself permission to say:

“Oh well, I may as well just do whatever today and start again tomorrow” or worse, start again next week.

This is completely nonsensical. It makes no sense. WHY!? Why wait, why start again, why do any of that – just get back on track. Go have a big tall glass of water, go for a walk, have a juice, go eat a salad, do some breathing exercises, whatever you need to do to get yourself back on track.

A powerful thing you can do here is re-read your goals or your visualisation statement if you have it – hint, hint – keep a copy on your smart phone.


Alright with all that said, here are my suggestions for starting the day the right way:

  1. Get Hydrated as Quickly as Possible the Moment you Wake Up

    Your body has just gone through a 6-9 hour fast and will be very very happy if you replenish your cells with delicious, refreshing, hydrating water as quickly as possible. I aim to have 300-500ml within 120 seconds of waking up.

    This will typically have ? of a fresh lemon squeezed in and topped up with boiled water to make this drink lukewarm.

    The reason I do this is because the warmth makes it easier for the body to digest (hot or cold water takes quite a lot of effort and energy for the body to cool or heat) and the lemon makes the water a little more alkaline (not a lot, but a little) and helps to get the metabolism going.

  2. Get a Green Vegetable Juice

    green drinkOh my, I could talk about the benefits of green juices all day long…and probably will next week some time, but for now I just want you to imagine having the nutritional hit of 7-8 serves of fresh vegetables before you even leave the house in the morning?!

  3. Eat a Breakfast Containing a Little Protein and a LOT of Alkalinity

    Breakfast is a hard meal to make truly healthy without totally rethinking what ‘breakfast foods’ are. I know the thought of salad or veggies at 7:30am is difficult, so check out my guide to transitioning to an alkaline breakfast here. You’ll find breakfast ideas, recipes and a 14 day roadmap to alkalinity! The ‘little’ protein is especially important if you’re on a weight loss journey – this one thing alone will make a massive massive difference – I promise you. Get a little protein in within 30 minutes of waking up and you’ll see a huge leap forward in your weight loss goal.

  4. Get Alkaline Mineral Salts into your Body – Before 9am

    I like to finish my breakfast routine with 300ml of alkaline water (or at least filtered water) with an alkaline salt blend, such as pHour Salts.

    This infuses the body with alkalinity from the sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium bicarbonates and this rapidly buffers acids and helps to alkalise and detoxify.

    This really sets you up to win!

So between 6am and 9am I have given my body the following gift:

1) 1.3 litres of highly alkaline hydration (500ml lemon water, 500ml green juice, 300ml mineral salt water)

2) consumed around 8-10 serves of fresh, alkaline vegetables and fruits (6-8 from the juice and 1-2 from the breakfast)

3) revved my metabolism to the max, getting all of my organs functioning optimally

4) given my body all of the tools it needs to buffer acids, alkalise my system and detoxify.

If nothing else, I’ve had nearly double the recommended 5-per-day before 9am. Awesome, yeah?

Easy Breathing Exercises Tops This Off!

The final thing you can do is 5 minutes of breathing exercises. This really amps things up because it helps get your lymphatic system going too and helps you focus your mind on your goals.

The essence of it is to breathe like this:

– breathe in for a count of 4
– hold for a count of 16
– breath out for a count of 8

You can do it for any time you want, but it is in a 1:4:2 ratio (i.e. you could do it in for 2, hold for 8, out for 4 or in for 8, hold for 32, out for 16 etc).


And that’s all there is to it. Again, I know that you’re not likely to do this every single day (life just ain’t like that!) but if you can do this at least 50% of the time you’ll know it and you’ll feel it! And when you feel it like that it will have the motivating effect of pushing you to do it 70% of the time, then 80% and so on.

This is why I always talk about taking it slowly, transitioning and day-by-day because the more you can do today, the more likely you are to keep it going tomorrow.

Don’t worry about the rest of eternity, worry about today. And then take tomorrow when it comes.

And once more my mantra – don’t try to be perfect from day one! Go at a comfortable pace. You’ll get there a lot quicker.


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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Debbie Reply

    Ross, Love this article. Thanks for sharing what you do from 6-9am to maintain an alkaline lifestyle. Would love to know what you do for the rest of the day too. Thanks, Deb

  2. chris Reply

    You rock, Ross. I tell everyone I know about you.

  3. Sofia Reply

    I love you!

  4. Shirley Reply

    I have benefited greatly from your Alkaline Diet, but don’t need to lose weight. How do I balance this out?

  5. Julie Reply

    Hi Ross

    Your website is great, I’m loving the diet and have never felt better. I can’t, however, see much under the tweet panel. It is very annoying.

    Can you remove it?


  6. Solomon Osayi Reply

    Thanks for the stuff…but just want to know how to do liver and gullbladder cleanse in addition.

  7. a. kelly Reply

    good morning to you!
    first question: is bottled lemon juice, being organic and not from concentrate as efficient as a freshly squeezed lemon for alkalinity purposes?
    second question: why wouldn’t bottled unsweetened cranberry juice (straight up; not from concentrate and not even apple juice added as sweetener) not act in similar fashion? it does make water dry (just like a dry sherry) and tart, but good for kidneys, no?

  8. ALAN GOWER Reply

    hi Ross,
    Like your website & emails, but the large tweet ? panel on the left side makes it almost impossible & very slow to read your emails.
    its very irratating

    Please you you move it somewhere else, its meanless to me.
    keep up the good work. Alan

    • Christine Reply

      Hi Alan,
      I’m with you also. I have many times unsubcribed because of this. Not sure why this panel on the left of the screen is there. It blocks part of the page and can’t read it.

    • Sherry Reply

      I agree, if you could just move it to the top, bottom or right then it would be much easier to read the post, thanks so much for all the information.

  9. Lorna Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I have Fibromyalgia. My mornings used to be so foggy and painful. I have been doing your Alkaline morning routine for a little while now and my mornings are better than everyone around me. I wake up fresh without an alarm. I am able to start work with joy and life. I then have a green juice at 11am which keeps my energy up ready for lunch at 1am. I cannot thank you enough for giving me my life back . Lorna

  10. Rosalie Reply

    Hi Ross, thank you so much for the alkaline diet.I came across this when doing Unleash the Power Within with Tony Robbins. I have had amazing results having loss 18kgs since end of April and have such amazing energy levels. I would recommend this to everyone.

  11. Celine Reply

    Hi there,

    I was reading about how much you hydrate, but my issues is the fact that I have acid reflux and that much liquid is impossible. It would take me at least the day to recover from a fraction of what you drink. I try to drink 4-6 ounces at a time, otherwise, it is just TOO much!!!

    Any thoughts or suggestion(s)?

    Thanks for the information. It is helpful!!

    • Claire Reply

      Hi Celine, I’ve suffered with acid reflux previously and had similar issues with the quantity of water but starting to increase it slowly works and I’ve found that the lemon juice is a dream at counter-acting my acid reflux. These days if I even get a suggestion of indigestion or reflux I head straight for the lemon (or lime) juice & water (I used to take 3 lanzoprazol a day).

  12. Jane Reply

    You have the BEST ideas and even better.. they are usable!!!
    who knew about breathing. I am already doing the 2 8 4


  13. Dee Dee (Diana) Sjogren Reply

    Thank you Ross…your info is so well presented, your personality shines through…You have become my go-to site for insiration and preparation. You just make a person feel good…literally!

    • Ross Reply

      Thanks so much Dee Dee! You’ve made me smile and have a very nice start to my week 🙂

  14. mame Reply

    I have brown rice, almonds, berries, and almond milk. Am I fairly alkaline? I have been doing the urine/alkaline strips in the morning. I’m pretty green. For lunch I usually have some kind of fish, fish tacos or salmon tacos and a veggie and maybe some brown rice or in the case of fish tacos, corn tortillas. Dinner is all veggies. I try to do at least one cruciferous, one green, one red, one orange, one white and so on. I think the alkaline target is working!

  15. jette Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I love all the information you provide to help everyone; this is so very wonderful. I have been struggling with face rashes; allergies to foods and other things; poor liver function so after deciding not to go the medical route, I am trying to heal my body by doing liver cleanses and eating more alkaline. Thanks once again for providing such great information.

  16. vittorio Reply

    con gratidudine,grazie

  17. Edgar Hutchings Reply

    Seeing that your stomach contains hydrochloric acid, will this acid not undo the alkaline effects of say lemon water, and end up neutralising the alkaline water?

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Edgar

      The stomach produces HCl on demand, so if you consume alkaline foods it doesn’t need to make this acid. It is actually quite stressful on the body to produce lots of it – and we evolved eating a mostly alkaline diet (no Cola back in the old days). When we demand on the body to make too much by eating the modern western diet, this excessive Hydrochloric Acid has to then be buffered by the body producing bicarbonates by pulling sodium, calcium, magensium etc from other areas of the body, which again is incredibly stressful. THe body can only make so much bicarbonates and when there is too much HCl left over……that’s when you get acid reflux/GERD among many other things.


  18. Jose Ortega Chacon Reply

    Hi Ross,
    What a good job you are doing, I am impressed and feel very pleased when Dr. Pernille Knudtzon talks to me about the good work you are doing, also about Chris Carr´s approach to life


  19. Jennifer Reply

    Great ideas. What green drinks are wheat and gluten free?

  20. Jennifer Reply

    What green drinks are wheat and gluten free?

  21. Frances Carre Reply

    Dear Ross,

    I started the Allkaline programme 2 months ago. bought the book Honestly Healthy.

    I drink Allkaline water 4 litres every day and never put a foot wrong.

    I have lost 6kgs and I have never felt better or so poitive in my whole life.

    I am nearly 63 years young.

    I was told by my Doctor that I had a very high Uric Acide Count but since I started eating as you have suggested my Uric Acid has come down considerby.

    I was a tea junkie but now I never touch tea or coffee or any meat I just love my pulses ect.

    I am enjoying reading your e-mails, also now my husband has joined me and he has lost 5kgs.

    Again, Many Thanks,

  22. Tadas Ta Daa Reply

    This is so awesome, that I’m now back on track!

  23. clara Reply

    Thanks 4 dese tips,wud try it since am tryin to loose weight fast

  24. Pauline Reply

    When diagnosed with heliobacteria, you have been a great help with your guidance of Alkaline/acid foods.
    Now cleared but I continued with as much as Alkaline food because I feel years younger at age of 73! Able to do a jig. No indigestion so far. Many thanks, Ross : Pauline

    • martie stutz Reply



  25. Maria Reply

    An excellent article, as always Ross, with easy ideas that can be implemented into one’s daily routine. It’s true that we all need sufficient protein to keep us energised, something too many of us tend to overlook. I simply can’t manage my morning without injecting some into breakfast.
    I am looking forward to doing the breathing exercises – almost doable on the way to work!! Thanks again.

  26. Jennifer Reply

    Awesome! Now this I can put into action. Thank you SO much!!

  27. Angela Reply

    Hey Ross,
    I plan on adding in this healthy info. into my diet / life a little bit at a time .
    Thanks for sharing your wealth of knowledge and encouragement: )Angela
