The Psychology and Brain Science of Weight Loss

Why is it that people in America alone are spending $61 billion dollars each year trying to lose weight, and yet the percentage of our population that is overweight or obese is about to reach 70%?

It’s crazy!

And research from UCLA has proven that over 95% of people who go on a traditional ‘diet’ will end up heavier, and more food-obsessed than before within 4-5 years.

If You Have Ever Struggled to Lose Weight and Keep It Off, Read On…

Over the past couple of weeks, my friend and someone who I have a huge amount of respect for, Dr Susan Peirce Thompson, has sent out a series of free training videos teaching the connection between weight loss and the brain.

As a brain & cognitive scientist, and formerly long-term overweight sufferer herself, Susan knows how important the link between the brain and weight gain (and failure to lose/keep it off) is.

And the thing that always impresses me the most about Susan is her capacity to be able to explain things in such simple, easy to understand and easy to implement terms.

She gets it and is simply a brilliant teacher.

Here’s Susan giving a quick introduction:


There are four tutorials in the series, it’s totally free and videos 1-3 are out right now.

If you have ever had difficulty losing weight, or keeping it off, I highly recommend you check these out.

  • VIDEO ONE: reveals the two key words that prevent 99% of people from losing weight and how you can change just these two simple things to unlock your body’s innate desire to gravitate to your ideal weight. — Click here to watch now
  • VIDEO TWO: reveals the one huge mistake that most people make with their weight loss. If you make this mistake it means that no matter how hard you try, it will be almost impossible to have sustained, long-term weight loss. — Click here to watch now
  • VIDEO THREE: explains how the brain can easily be re-wired for rapid and sustainable weight loss, accelerating your efforts and making it easier than ever to get to your dream body. — Click here to watch now

Video 4 is just around the corner, but in the meantime I highly recommend you put aside about 40 minutes and go watch this training series now.

It is phenomenal, and will only be available online for another 4-5 days.


Enjoy, and stay alkaline!

alkaline water workshop

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