Losing Weight with Fats!

weight loss

How The Right Fats Can Actually Make You Thin

Article by Bibi!

Would you like to have the best of both worlds?

How about losing weight whilst improving your athletic performance at the same time?

If the answer is YES then then we might just have the answer. You might think: “how is it possible to lose weight with fats and become fitter and leaner at the same time?”

Now we’re not usually one to be pushy with a product, but we can honestly say that this is really achievable with our favourite oil blend! The Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is a certified organic blend of unrefined nutritional oils, free of the contaminants and damaged constituents found in processed oils.

Numerous health benefits of the Udo’s Oil blend have also been proven in several independent research studies and have notably been recognised at the ‘Men’s Health Annual Supplements Awards 2009’ as the winner of the “Best for Losing Weight” Award!

The Udo’s Oil Blend and Weight Loss

A panel of Britain’s leading Nutritionists and Trainers who judge the merits of supplements available in the UK have named ‘Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend’ the Winner in the “Best for Losing Weight” Category at the Men’s Health Annual Supplements Awards this year.

The panel found that the “healthy fats” (Omega 3 Alpha Linolenic Acid – ALA and Omega 6 Linoleic Acid – LA), that make up the Udo’s Oil are an important factor in losing weight. Apart from that they have also highlighted the high quality of the ingredients in the oil blend.
Some of you might be quite surprised by two facts: Firstly, that fat can actually be good for you and secondly that you can lose weight at the same time!

Here is a quick explanation as to why the intake of healthy fats can help us lose weight:

We are often told by so-called ‘health professionals’ and the press how bad fats are for us and that we should generally avoid any intake of fat. This is simply untrue and sends the wrong message out. Healthy fats are extremely important for our health; they provide us with a number of health benefits and can greatly contribute to weight loss. This is particularly important at the moment, as the UK has one of the highest obesity levels in Europe!

The first key point is that our bodies need the right amount and type of fat to function properly. After oxygen and water, fat is the next most critical component of a healthy, fit body.

The second key point regarding eating fat and losing weight is to use fat as fuel. According to Dr Robert Young, one of the pioneers in the field of the Acid/Alkaline Balance, fat creates six times more energy than burning sugar or protein, while using much less energy in the process.

Which are the ‘healthy fats’?

There are four types of fat, however the so-called ‘Polyunsaturated Fats’ can bind more acids in the body than any other type of fat and are the best fuel for the body to generate energy. One subcategory of these fats is the so-called ‘Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)’, which are essential and vital for good health and optimum cellular performance.

Alkaline Diet Recipe Book BannerThe key healthy fats are the Omega 3s (Alpha-Linolenic acid (ALA) and the Omega 6s (Linoleic acid (LA). Unlike the other fats, the body cannot produce them itself and yet they are essential to the proper working of the cells that make up our body. They must be provided by food, which makes the Udo’s Oil Blend such an important supplement.

These EFAs help build cell membrane, support the work of white blood cells, lubricate joints, improve brain function, improve blood circulation, protect against heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and diabetes, just to name a few core benefits. They can also help relieve secondary symptoms of asthma, arthritis, allergies and skin conditions.

Various studies have strongly implicated that deficiencies of Omega 3s and Omega 6s can be the cause of serious disease – and obesity!

Omega 3s make the most important part of the EFAs, as they soak up the most acid, which is the single most contributing factor in piling on the Kilos.

In fact, fats are the single most important food you can eat to regulate your weight!

The Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is one of the finest oil blends available on the market. Dr Udo Erasmus, the founder of the Udo’s Oil and an international authority on fats, oils, cholesterol and human health, has created this oil blend with the formula 2:1:1. This is the perfect ratio of Omega 3, 6 and 9s.

The key benefits of the Udo’s Oil Blend are:

• improved skin, hair and nails
• more energy, stamina and recovery
• better weight management
• improved heart health
• boosted immune system and
• sharper focus and concentration

Udo’s Choice Oil and Improved Athletic Performance

Two recent independent research studies have also found that the Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend plays an important factor in the improved performance of Elite strength and endurance athletes.

The key findings from these studies are the following:

Endurance –

  • Athletes reported increased muscular endurance during strength training
  • They also reported increased cardiovascular endurance and in a few cases, claimed they could run farther, faster and longer

Strength & Power –

  • Athletes reported increased explosive power, speed and intensity
  • They reported increased lean body mass and thermogenesis

Recovery –

  • During strength training they reported faster, more complete recovery between weightlifting sets and following workouts
  • Less joint pain and tenderness
  • Some athletes reported reduced inflammation and the accelerated healing of injuries.

Flexibility –

  • Athletes reported improved flexibility with an increased range of motion

Energy –

  • Athletes reported improved energy intensity and sustainability

Athletes from different fields of sports like Bodybuilders, Powerlifters, Thriatletes, Cyclists, Boxers and Rugby Players are taking the Udo’s Oil Blend, as it noticeably enhances their overall performance as I have highlighted above.

As an example the world record holding US cyclist Anthony Galvan, has praised the Udo’s Oil and the effect it has had on his body in the same year as he became Silver medalist in the World Championships.

All the information above has emphasised the importance of good fats for optimum health and the fact that we can lose weight and become fitter, more powerful, stronger and energetic with the regular intake of a good oil blend.

The Udo’s Choice Ultimate Oil Blend is the perfect choice and probably the best quality oil blend available on the market!

Just pour it over your steamed vegetables, or make a delicious salad with the Udo’s Oil Blend, a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and seasoning.
I use it all the time and absolutely love the taste of it and the effect it has on my body!

P.S. Also have a look at all the other great products from the Udo’s Choice range, which range from high quality probiotics for adults, children and infants, digestive enzymes, to the ‘Udo’s Choice Beyond Greens’ green drink.

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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Sandi Reply

    I’m trying to lose a significant amount of weight. 100lbs. I have about 2 oz of avocado a day. Will taking a tablespoon of udo’s oil slow down my weightloss?

  2. Chrissie Reply

    It you are eating plenty of flax, sunflower and hemp seeds, plenty of avocados, and adding coconut and olive oils, is it really necessary to also take supplements?

    • Ross Reply

      Hi Chrissie

      If you can – it’s always best to get all of your nutrition from whole foods – absolutely, but this is almost impossible for 99% of people. Plus, your consumption of sunflower, avocados and olive oil means your ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 is waaaay to far in balance to where it should be (3, 6 and 9 should be consumed in a 2:1:1 ratio if possible). Make sure you have lots more flax than the other ingredients there.

      I take Udo’s because it guarantees that I am getting enough of a nutrient that is too important to miss out on…

