Alkaline Recipe #166: The Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie

Anti-Inflammation Smoothie

One Simple Smoothie That’s an Anti-Inflammatory POWERHOUSE!

After I posted my Anti-Inflammation Diet Guide yesterday I have been overwhelmed with the response! 130,000+ people read the post in 24 hours and it spread like wildfire over Facebook!

And the biggest question in my inbox was this:

—> Send me some Anti-Inflammation Recipes, Ross!

Well, ask and ye shall receive!

These natural ingredients WORK!

This is a delicious, alkaline-rich, incredibly anti-inflammatory smoothie that will knock your socks off.

No special ingredients or funky kit – it’s simple food used for it’s raw, delicious power.

Alkaline Reset Cleanse Book

Many studies have shown natural foods, especially ginger and turmeric to be MORE effective than prescription drugs (especially NSAIDs) in fighting inflammation!

This research from the Journal of Phytotherapy Research in 2012 found that when comparing turmeric to the NSAID diclofenac:

Interestingly, the curcumin group showed the highest percentage of improvement and these scores were significantly better than the patients in the diclofenac sodium group.

More importantly, curcumin treatment was found to be safe and did not relate to any adverse events. Our study provides the first evidence for the safety and superiority of curcumin treatment in patients with active RA and highlights the need for future large-scale trials to validate these findings in patients with RA and other arthritic conditions.

Other research in the journal Surgical Neurology International found that:

Although nonsteroidal medications can be effective, herbs and dietary supplements may offer a safer, and often an effective, alternative treatment for pain relief, especially for long-term use.

There is a lot of conclusive evidence that turmeric, ginger and the other foods discussed in my guide earlier in the week are all safe and effective at supporting inflammation with none of the side effects commonly associated with NSAIDs.

The Anti-Inflammation Smoothie!

Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Serves: 2


1 inch of fresh ginger, grated
1 inch of fresh turmeric, grated
A handful of baby spinach
A handful of watercress (or rocket/arugula)
1 small avocado
1/2 bell pepper
A big handful of flat-leaf parsley and/ or coriander
1 cup coconut water (or filtered water)
Big pinch of cayenne
Pinch of salt


  1. Grate the roots into the blender and add the avocado and coconut water
  2. Blend this to form a base
  3. Next add the remaining ingredients and blend until smooth

I hope you love this!

I try to have these ingredients as much as possible anyway, but this is a perfect way to get all of these incredible anti-inflammatory ingredients in one delicious smoothie!

If you do have any inflammation, try having this juice daily along with your regular diet for a few weeks – you might get a whole lot more energy too!

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Sandra Reply

    Hi Ross

    This looks really good,, but I do not see a way to print it(on email). Could you tell me how to do this?


  2. Caterina Penno Reply

    I came across this information after looking for the best alkaline foods to eat as I have recently been diagnosed with GERD , and would like to reduce reflux. I thought it may be beneficial to eat more alkaline foods and have wanted to reduce inflammation in my body through diet and Iโ€™m excited to have found this website.
    My question is do you know if eating more alkaline food would help reduce reflux symptoms?

  3. Rav Reply

    Want to start cleanse please guide me thanks doing the 7 day challenge

  4. Genevieve Forde Reply

    Thanks Ross!

  5. Debbie Reply

    I thought coconut water was acidic so I have been avoiding it , also , I have reflux and spices tend to set it off unless I have my Pepcid in me .. but I am working on detoxing and trying your way to get off of the med. sooo, will this smoothie still help me or irritate me. Thanks

  6. Aleksandar Reply

    Sounds amazing.

    Thank you Ross

    I will try this

    • ross Reply

      Always a pleasure my friend!

  7. Dorothy Reply

    I canโ€™t eat bell pepper. They are too strong for me & cause indigestion. What can I sub?

    • ross Reply

      Feel free to simply leave it out of this recipe ๐Ÿ™‚

  8. Leigh Damkohler Reply

    If using powdered herbs, what is the quantity?

  9. Louisa Reply

    Does any cruciferous needs to be lightly steamed before making into smoothies or juice?

  10. Joy Leslie Reply

    My granddaughter has been off and on chemo treatments for two years. How would she begin on this diet? My concern would be detoxing too fast. But maybe this is just what she needs. At this point, anything that she eats…salad or processed food causes some pain in stomach.

  11. Diya Ganapathy Reply

    Hi, my husband suffers with severe pain and tingling.. it has been going on for few years now. He has osteoarthritis in the neck and the pressure from there seems to be pressing on his nerves. I havenโ€™t explained it very well. Heโ€™s in a lot of pain and it flares up every few weeks and the doctors are unable to suggest a suitable treatment to help him. Any guidance and suggestions ? Iโ€™d be really grateful. I would really like to help him.

  12. susan Reply

    I just tried the anti-inflammatory smoothie and Loved it. Did not blend it til smooth but chunky and ate with a spoon, felt more like a meal. Thanks, Susan

  13. MIRJANA Reply


  14. Jilll Skerritt Reply

    would this anti inflammatory smoothie help to keep the flu away during winter. These past few years I have been getting nasty colds, with a lot of coughing and they last for many weeks and have noticed the cold I had last year I have not really got over that cough. It just does not want to leave me. May be my Immune system is down. I would appreciate a reply and thank you.


  15. samantha stent Reply

    I have started incorporating avocado, rocket & watercress into my daily diet..Since starting an optimum nutrition style diet (primary to aid healing of a large ulcer on my leg) cutting right down on eggs, dairy inc. cheese, literally zero red or processed meats and also chicken but having oily fish instead my sleep is better and my skin is amazing and the healing process is so rapid it is astounding nurses and myself. As an aside, I have been rubbing coconut oil on my skin, but it now occurs to me to use coconut products more in my food and cooking…also use my of ginger and tumeric will be increasing from now, I already use plenty of garlic… also I love bell peppers and gazpacho soup with plenty of all colours blizted in is a favourite of mine with a watercress, avocado and seed salad on the side. Keep up the good work. I love the fact you explain exactly which nutrients, minerals, vitamins etc. are in the foods you recommend as I wish to study Nutrition at University level once I have completed chemistry a-level so it’s ultra useful to know I will have a head start using you site as a valuable resource.

  16. Murial T Henry Reply

    I have bulging disc…17 of them, causing me excruciating pain on my right side from my butt to my ankle. Will this concoction help relieve this?

    I’m trying to figure out how because the disc are pressing on the nerves, which is causing all the pain. I just left physical therapy with no relief.

    I ABSOLUTELY ABHOR Avocados…they remind me of LARD, but I am DESPERATE for some kind of relief, ANY relief!!!!!

  17. Theresa Di Dea Reply

    I was diagnosed with acid reflux. Ginger n Tumeric are very strong so is cayenne pepper. Should I eliminate these from the smoothie?

    I had a food that was somewhat hot last night n it did bother me. Certain food combinations bother me.

    I discovered that celery juice helps. It calms the symptoms.

    What do u advise?

  18. Mary Costigan Reply

    Will you be doing your 14 days to Alkaline again,
    I cannot join you on the 30th.
    Also, are the benefits much greater in fresh Turmeric to powdered Turmeric.

    Many thanks.

    • ross Reply

      Hi Mary – if you register for it, you’ll get the replay of the session. The only thing you’ll miss is the chance to ask me a question directly in the Q&A ๐Ÿ™‚


  19. Richard Johnston Reply

    Just had the smoothie tasted great would recommend it thanks Richard.Have been feeling very tired for a while hope this will help improve my wellbeing.

  20. Diane Reply

    I have gerd acid reflux ..I dont believe any rx pills as chemical or toxic… i try best to avoid spices, onions, lemon, citrus, cinnamon, etc… I lose 22 lbs weight cuz of no desserts, sweets, etc.. thank u for sharing..

  21. Beverly Jorgensen Reply

    Inflammation but cannot take the hot stuff, what else you got going for inflammation.

  22. Erika Gardner Reply

    I thought if you add black pepper the effects of turmeric increase substantially.

  23. Maurice Gaskin Reply

    Thanks, Ross. Ever since you posted your alkaline soup, i have been hooked on it. i try it every saturday using lentil peas, celery, bell peppers, spinach, kale, and a sweet potato. now i will try your other recipes. Thanks, so much for sharing your free recipes, because i know that you care so much about your fans health. God bless.

  24. Sheila Ellis Reply

    I am on warfarin and would love to use the ingredients in the alkaline smoothie but I do not think I am allowed them on this medication. Can you suggest any anti- inflammatory ingredients that are compatible with warfarin. Thank you for any advice, I believe warfarin is acidic and my arthritis is painful at 78 .

    • Patricia Cantrell Reply

      This is a good question, Sheila for many of us on blood thinners and other heart medications. I hope you get a reply, other than ask your Dr.

  25. Yasmine Cadd Reply

    Can we make a drink mixing paprika and turmeric!

    Thank you

  26. Yolanda Wise Reply

    Spelt Bread is very good! Its made with Spelt Flour!

    • ross Reply

      Understand that spelt bread is made with spelt flour – which is why it’s not a good choice. Spelt contains gluten, which causes all of the inflammatory response covered in the guide above.


      • Nadine Mitter Reply

        Since spelt flour contains gluten is there a difference if I use sprouted spelt flour?

  27. Juen Lee Reply

    Can this smoothie freeze ? If so hie long can I keep in freezer

    • ross Reply

      Yes and for weeks.

  28. Veronica James Reply

    Sometimes I make a large smoother including avocado and only drink a half at a time. When I go to drink it later it is starting to go black. Is it still OK to drink.

  29. Dorothy Duke-Nwaba Reply

    Thanks Ross for the information you provide daily. Please have you got anything for gout, asthma and weight loss?

  30. K Reply

    Could you juice these then add to the avo coco water base or it has to be all in a smoothie?

  31. tova wurzel Reply

    hi, I am allergic to capsicum is there a substitute or just leave out? thanks, Tova Wurzel?

  32. Mia Farland Reply

    I have been hearing a lot of things about leptins and how tomatos and
    red peppers or “capsium” is not good to eat – anything from the nightshade family. what is your take on all of that??

  33. Kristal Reply

    I would like a hard copy of ur book where would I find it on the Gold Coast please

  34. Laura Reply

    Hi Ross, thank you, this sounds great but can you suggest an alternative to the capsicum/bell pepper, as like some others I am avoiding nightshades as these cause problems for those with inflammatory arthritis? Thank you in advance! Laura

  35. Karen Reply

    I have heard that Turmeric can stain teeth. Is this a problem with any of the recipes you are recommending?

  36. Ann O'Brien Reply

    Hello Ross – I like toast in the morning and I usually have granary bread or a croissant.

    Is there a bread I should change to. I am stopping the croissant. – Thanks.


    • ross Reply

      Hi Ann

      Try switching to gluten-free or sprouted breads – the gluten in the bread in the morning will be inflammatory and not good for your hormonal balance (insulin, cortisol, leptin, ghrelin in particular).

  37. Suzanne Reply

    HI Ross,
    I purchased your Alkaline Recipe System and want to add protein powder to my smoothies. What would you recommend? I did buy one that is Organic and made from Sprouted Rice. Would that be ok?
    Thank you for your input.

  38. J Reply

    Hi Ross!
    Just wondering why it would be counterproductive to mix a little fruit with the any of the vegetable smoothies? Or is it only for the anti-inflammatory smoothie?? Thanks!

  39. Tim Reply

    Yes Ross great job but please answer some questions!
    I responded twice to your requests and asked for detailed cleansing meals for this week.
    Can you mix fruit and vegetables in a smoothie or is this countet productive?

    • Maria Reply

      Hey Tim,

      From my study of Ross and Dr Young on the Alkaline diet, Juicing Fruit and Vegetables together is counterproductive.

      Use lemon and limes to make your veggie juices more palatable, that way you’re getting more health benefits :)!

  40. suad Reply

    is fresh tumerics more beneficial than cooked?

  41. Te samnang Reply

    Think Ross how I get this recipe everyday or a week and sure I get when empty stomach or after meal

  42. Jack Reply

    Looking for a smoothie for high blood pressure and for prostate.

    Blood pressure is around 149/71 – 160/79 it varies during the day.

    Urinate several times during the night and day.

    I’m combining a blood pressure nutrient and prostate nutrient after meals.
    Doesn’t seem to be working

    Thank you for your assistance. I will share your information with many.

    • Maria Reply

      Hi Jack!

      I’m not a doctor or health nutrition expert, But i have done many years of personal study on nutrition and health. Adding 2 tbsp. of Golden Flaxseeds to any of Ross’s Alkaline Green Smoothies, and especially this anti-inflammatory smoothie, will assist in lowering your blood pressure as well as helping stop prostate tumour growth.

      This smoothie is great for what you’re asking with an addition of 2 tbsp. Flaxseeds

  43. christina Reply

    Just want to say thank you for everything you do,, you are amazing

    • fmc Reply

      Cn u tell me I hv gastric problem n intestinal problem, cn I take turmeric powder,pls advise

  44. Dr Judith Edwards Reply

    Hi Ross and All, Great recipe this–and thanks for the tip re where to buy fresh turmeric root-I would be happy if someone apart from me put this recipe on (also on Facebook & Twitter) for those wanting to live vibrantly after the trauma of cancer diagnosis and treatment-now getting over 10K hits a month with an international reach- built by users and selling nothing except self-empowerment-thanks so much!

  45. Elicia Reply

    In exploring my bio-individuality, I’ve discovered that I feel much better following the blood type diet. I have AB negative blood and therefore don’t produce enough stomach acid to break A LOT of foods down. Even A lot of “healthy” superfoods and blended smoothies are too much to digest. I’ve tried every digestive enzyme and HCL with no luck.
    I’m wondering how does a alkaline diet affect my system. Should I be getting more acids???

    • Clarene mead Reply

      My question is ,,,, I LOVE avocado but it hates me. Makes me throw my heels up. And I LOVE my teeth. Is there something I can replace it with???

  46. vera krivitsky Reply

    So many great questions. Would be nice, if Ross answered them. Thanks a lot.

  47. Jaqueda Pruitt Reply

    Hello Ross
    I live in the usa, do you know how I can get fresh turmeric root?

    • CD Reply

      Turmeric root is normally to be found in standard Indian stores / food provision shops in most cities.
      Be wary of pre-ground versions of Turmeric, as these can be either contaminated with other cheaper ingredients (often by capsule makers) or stale / dried out and valueless healthwise.
      Hope this helps.

  48. Karen Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I follow and love your recipes, but just like v.m. mentioned turmeric is a definite no go with my frequent gerd and heartburn problems ๐Ÿ™ Any suggestions for replacement?
    Also does it matter what colour capsicum I use?
    Many thanks

    Guys, if you live in UK you can get fresh turmeric in Morrisons! They have it in stock all the time. ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • munib Reply

      karen, thank you so much!!!

  49. Jo Reply

    Hi I’m after receipes or smoothies for menopause. Hot flashes sleepless nights. Do you recommend anything. Pleaseeee!


    • Kim Reply

      Hi Jo,
      Yes I know what you’re going through! I got to a point were I was so ill with it.
      I went to my local health shop and they recommended ” Harmony Menopause”
      As soon as I started taking it , I noticed an improvement and within 3 days I didn’t
      even notice any symptoms, it’s brilliant!!!! It has a blend of Chinese and Western herbs. I now sleep well at night and don’t even know I’ve got it during the day.
      Try it,
      you won’t look back.

    • Maria Reply

      Hi Jo,

      Try these two smoothie recipes for managing Menopause symptoms:

      Smoothie 1:

      1x 1/2 medium Avocado (70g)
      1/2 cup Silken Tofu
      2 tbsp. Flaxseeds
      2 cup Frozen Broccoli
      1 cup Spinach
      1 cup kale
      1 lime, peeled
      1 medium cucumber, peeled
      Stevia (for taste)
      1/2 Tray of Ice (optional)

      Smoothie 2:

      2 cups silverbeet (collard greens)
      1 tbsp. flaxseeds
      3 brazil nuts
      1 tbsp. Almond butter
      1/2 banana
      1/2 cup raspberries


  50. v.m. Reply

    this is great for most but my personal experience with capsicum and turmeric are that they burn severely if you have any stomach issues like gerd or heartburn. what else can be used instead of these two? I have a condition called barretts esophagus and nothing can fix it im told not even surgery to correct a birth defect that caused it.

  51. jeanerre Reply

    Do you grate just the inside of these, or do you leave the tough outer skin on also?

  52. Bev Reply

    I assume ‘capsicum’ is some kind of pepper? If so, I would have to use a small amount as spicy foods give me gas.

  53. Rae Reply

    What is capsicum? Isn’t it a nightshade plant? Nightshade cause more inflammation? I have been avoiding potatoes, peppers and tomatoes beaches they are nightshades.

    • Maria Reply

      Yes, Capsicums are a nightshade, I avoid them too and have felt so much better!!!

    • Jan Reply

      Hi Ross,

      I love your website and I’m trying to go alkaline as much as possible. Thanks for your help.
      Can you please tell me if oats are O.K. I love my porridge. Can you also tell me if I can find your alkalising water filter in Perth W.A. I want to to see it in action before
      I purchase one
      Thanks for everything


  54. Diane Hendler Reply

    Hi Ross!
    I’m not sure what this means in your recipe:
    1/2 capsicum

    Is it missing an amount, like 1/2 teaspoon?

    • Julie Reply

      Diane, I am wondering the same thing. 1/2 of a pepper? 1/2 teaspoon? 1/2 Tablespoon?

    • Pamela Killick-Calver Reply

      Capsicum is bell pepper – so, half a bell pepper.

      • Energise Ross Reply

        Thanks Pamela ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Silke Reply

    I live in the UK but have never seen fresh turmeric root. Any tips/advice on where to find this? Otherwise same question as Julie – can you use powdered turmeric instead? Thanks!

    • hazel Reply

      Hi Silke You can get fresh turmeric from abel and cole on their website

    • Chris D Reply

      Sainsbury’s sell fresh turmeric in a packet, it’s usually kept in the area near to fresh ginger and herbs. Hope this helps.

    • Mast Shpoon Reply

      Go to any Indian grocery shop in London & it’s there, and inexpensive.

  56. julie Rutter Reply

    Well Ross, you came up with this at EXACTLY the right time!
    Just took a fall on the stairs – lots of past sports injuries so
    Now my one knee just gives out every so often.
    I will be very interested to see how this smoothie works.
    Just one question- i don’t know where to get whole tumeric
    Locally. Can I use powdered? Thanx a million for all you do.
    Love, julie

    • Tina Reply

      Hi Julie depending on where you live most Pakistani/Indian grocers sell fresh turmeric!
      My sister sent me the link to this recipe can’t wait to try it!

      Good luck

  57. Royston Reply

    Smoothie sounds great, have you got one for rheumatism
