Alkaline Recipe #49 Aubergine ‘Pizza’


This week I’m bringing you one of my all-time favourites! I can’t recall where I first saw this idea but it has been adapted many, many times to make what I think is an awesome snack, side or main!

It is flavoursome, easy, quick and very very filling. You can make as much or as little as you like and I promise you wont be disappointed. The beauty of it is that it is one of those recipes that all you need is the aubergine (eggplant) and then you can top it with whatever the heck you’ve got in the fridge. It is a ‘fridge clearing’ recipe – you can use it to use up the last bits and pieces of whatever you’ve got before you next go shopping!

Great stuff! So here it is:

Aubergine Pizza

Serves 4


  • 1 Large Aubergine (eggplant)
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 2 Cloves garlic
  • 1 Red or green pepper
  • 1/2 Red onion
  • Tomato paste/puree
  • Handful of black olives
  • Handful of basil
  • Enough rocket to add a little to each pizza
  • Coconut oil to cook with and olive oil to dress with


Firstly, preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Now cut the aubergine into 2/3 cm slices, brush with oil and soften in the oven for about 15-20 mins – keep testing them to make sure they’re softening up. If it is taking too long or you’re impatient you can do them in a griddle pan – this way only takes 5-10 mins.

Next, you just want to soften the toppings, so put the chopped tomatoes, garlic, pepper, half of the basil and red onion into a small pan with a tiny bit of coconut oil and a tablespoon of water. Soften these down for just a minute or two. Now place bundles of the ingredients onto the aubergine slices and put back into the oven for about 5 minutes.

Once it is all looking hot and tasty, remove from the oven, top with the rocket and remaining basil, drizzle the olive oil, add a little S&P and enjoy!

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  1. jamie Reply

    I just made this last night for the 1st time &…it is amazing!!! It really tastes like a pizza, but better & better for you!!! Thank u 4 the recipe! 🙂

  2. Nemi Reply

    Rocket = Arugula in America I think, if that’s where you are of course!

  3. jakie Reply

    would love to see a picture of this work of art! well done!

  4. Sunna Reply

    Made this tonight and my husband and I loved it. Our 2 and 4 year olds enjoyed “painting” the eggplant but when time came to eat it, they were turned off a little by the soft texture of the eggplant. Don’t know if it would work to bake it less.

    • lol Reply


  5. Angele Reply

    Amazing recipe! The flavors married quite nicely. I cubed some tofu to combine with the onion and red pepper, drizzled some olive oil and flavored with oregano, basil & thyme. Great idea for eggplant!

  6. Linda Reply

    what is a rocket???

    • Ross Reply

      Rocket is a salad leaf. It is quite peppery in taste:

      It is used as a leaf vegetable, which looks like a longer leaved and open lettuce. It is rich in vitamin C and potassium[9]. It is frequently cultivated, although domestication cannot be considered complete. It has been grown in the Mediterranean area since Roman times, and is considered an aphrodisiac. Before the 1990s it was usually collected in the wild and was not cultivated on a large scale or researched scientifically. In addition to the leaves, the flowers (often used in salads as an edible garnish), young seed pods and mature seeds are all edible.

      It is now cultivated in various places, especially in Veneto, Italy, but is available throughout the world. It is also locally naturalised away from its native range in temperate regions around the world, including northern Europe and North America.[2][6] In India, the mature seeds are known as Gargeer.

      It has a rich, peppery taste, and has an exceptionally strong flavour for a leafy green. It is generally used in salads but also cooked as a vegetable with pasta sauces or meats in northern Italy and in coastal Slovenia (especially Koper/Capodistria), where it is added to the cheese burek. In Italy, rocket is often used in pizzas, added just before the baking period ends or immediately afterwards, so that it won’t wilt in the heat.

  7. Rick Tomsick Reply

    Looks good, but what is “rocket”?
