Alkaline Diet Recipe #47: Bright & Breezy Salad


With the winter looming over us and shops shockingly setting up for Christmas already, we need some summer sun back in our lives! This cheery collection of coriander, cucumber, capsicums, celery, carrot and lots of other c’s is just such a nice, bright, crisp and flavour-ful dish. I absolutely love it and it goes really, really well with a simple dressing of lemon juice and olive or avocado oil.

Delicious, highly alkalising, raw, crisp and an easy way to get a big hit of veggies.

Bright & Breezy Salad

Serves 2


1 Bunch of parsley
1 Handful of coriander
1 Small red onion
2 Red peppers/capsicums
1 Cucumber
1 Small can of sweetcorn
2 Celery Stalks
1 Carrot


Finely chop the parsley and roughly chop the coriander. Now dice the red onion, peppers, cucumber and celery. Grate the carrot and throw it all in together with the sweetcorn into a giant bowl and mix with your hands.

You can dress with lemon juice, olive oil and garlic or use our garlic dressing or another dressing from our recipe archive!


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  1. Sonia Reply

    I deleted the can of corn and added 2 ears of fresh corn. Another time I used small bag of frozen corn (thawed). I also added lots of fresh basil!!! Covered in Greek olive oil and white vinegar for dressing. Delish!!

    • ross Reply


  2. Irina Reply

    I could not stand celery unless it’s well cooked. I decided to give it a try hesitating. This salad sounded so good. It proved to be amazing ! I can’t even taste celery, it’s fantastic, perfect for getting the greens in. thank you so much.

  3. theresa Reply

    How do i find dressing recipes

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Theresa

      There is a search bar over on the right column.

