Cleanse Recipe: Digestive Cleansing Juice

Digestion Juice

Cleanse Recipe: Digestive Cleansing Juice

I absolutely LOVE this juice! It is so simple, powerful, and gently soothing and cleansing to the digestive system.

The combination of the ingredients in this juice: the chia, kale, cucumber, spinach, cilantro and more gives you a perfect blend of minerals, vitamins, fibre, protein, and healthy fats. It’s literally ideal for your digestive system from start to finish.

It is also one of the most popular juices in my Alkaline Reset Cleanse Coaching program – and it works!

If you’re interested to learn about how to do my Alkaline Reset Cleanse, I am running a free 60-minute webinar where I’m teaching it start-to-finish, step-by-step right here.

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Digestive Cleansing Juice


  • 2 tsp chia seeds
  • 100g kale
  • 100g baby spinach
  • 1 cucumber
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1/2 bunch cilantro
  • 1cm ginger root
  • Coconut water & filtered water to taste


Simply run everything through your juicer, including a little water at the end to wash the last bits through, and then stir in the chia seeds and top up with coconut water to taste!



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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. rosemary Reply

    Please could you tell me which juicer or juicers you would recommend

    many thanks


    • ross Reply

      Hurom 🙂

      Either h100 or h200

  2. Sonia Baker Reply

    Can you also put the recipes in tsp., cups, oz.? That would so helpful.💕

  3. Nushrat Reply

    Thank you so much Ross for sharing all these powerful, useful and helpful receipes
    I wish I could join your coaching but cannot afford it for the time being
    So Your receipes are doubly appreciated 🙏🙏🙏
    Best regards

  4. Angela Keller Reply

    What can you use instead of cucumber and cilantro??

    • ross Reply

      Extra celery, and just leave the cilantro out

  5. Pa Reply

    What can I use if I don’t have a juicer? I have a Vitamix blender but right now I simply cannot afford a juicer.

    • ross Reply

      You can’t really. Save up for a juicer – any slow press juicer from amazon for around $80-$100 will do.
