Colloidal Silver Used to Disinfect Trains


According to NewsTarget, UK train companies are considering the use of a colloidal silver spray to disinfect communter trains and stations.

The spray – a non-toxic disinfectant, called nano silver-titanium dioxide coating (NSTDC) – is currently used in the Hong Kong metro system. It is sprayed on ticket machines, hand rails, escalators and elevators and is helping the country to fight flu viruses and other illnesses that are passed between passengers. The MTR in Hong Kong who administer the silver spray stated that:

“Germs and diseases are most commonly transmitted through the hands…They (commuters) pick up bacteria from public surfaces, which may then be passed into our bodies if we rub our eyes, nose or mouth before washing our hands.”

The spray has been certified as effective at killing wide ranges of bacteria, mold and viruses – which begs the question as to why the FDA treat colloidal silver with such suspicion.

In the UK, Transport for London (TfL) have announced that they are in the process of developing preventive measures to lower the incidence of germs being spread on London trains – and that the NSTDC spray was a definite consideration:

“We are in regular contact with other metro networks from cities around the world, including MTR in Hong Kong, and we share the best practices and technological innovations. We would, of course, be interested in any measures which could be shown to be effective,”

MTR is currently bidding for two UK rail franchises in the west Midlands and London – and a spokesman said that if the pilot was successful then the silver spray is likely to be introduced in Britain!

According to Ben Mascall – who is a spokesperson for MTR – the preliminary tests conducted in Hong Kong show that the disinfectant has reduced the amount of bacteria present by 60 percent. And what is more, it only has to be sprayed once every three years!

For me, this just goes to show the huge potential of using silver as an anti-bacterial that is totally safe for human consumption.

As you probably know, at Energise we are big fans of colloidal silver (which has had some bad press in the past). But this is a big claim for it’s effectiveness!

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  1. Opiate Detox Reply

    Public means of transportation are the places where most bacteria and viruses exist. This product presented here is a way of disinfection, which reduces the risks of getting ill. It would be great if it were expanded.
