Horses for Courses, Houses for Bellies Part 2


OK I couldnt help it – I have been totally hooked by Alchemic Spot’s article and I have had to try and find out if the same is true for the UK.

And while I am restricted in what I can do visually (thanks to image shack) – here is a rough image of the graph:

Granted the variables are not exactly the same (house size measured in number of bedrooms rather than sq. feet) – but the essense reveals a similar result.

Regardless of the conclusions that either Alchemic Spot or myself have drawn from these statistics – the main worry is clear – as a nation we are becoming more and more obese.

Edit: it is important to note also, that the growth in obesity in the UK and the US is almost exactly the same since 1993 – the Alchemy graph looks more dramatic as the Y axis are spread over a greater range. People knock the Americans for being a fat nation – but it looks like we (the UK) no longer have the right to do that.

order the alkaline life

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  1. Mark Reply

    That is very surprising, although I suppose it should not be. In the UK we are spending more and more time in front of the television rather than outside doing things. There are less physical activities and clubs for kids now and so the seeds of obesity are being set at an earlier and earlier age. Unfortunately this is only made worse by the awful foods that are created and marketed at kids under the guise of being good for them like sunny delight and those cheese and ham lunch snacks (and they are also marketed to make kids pressure their parents to buy them).

    It is hard to see this trend ever ending really, which is quite worrying.
