How to Double Your Energy in 24 Hours With the 3 “Energy Paths”
This guide will give you three simple methods (I call them Energy Paths) to increase your energy, making an immediate impact on your quality of life. If you implement even 2 of these Energy Paths you will see and feel the difference within 24 hours. They are simple and powerful.
How to Double Your Energy in 24 Hours (FB Live Video)
Whether you struggle to get out of bed in the morning, feel exhausted with the afternoon energy slump or simply have all-day chronic fatigue you can make a big difference by implementing any one (or all three) of these Energy Paths, which form the core of everything I teach to my Alkaline Base Camp members (<-click to join the waiting list).
This is Why Energy HAS to be Your #1 Goal
The core premise of everything I teach here at Live Energized is that ENERGY should be your number one goal.
When you have more energy every other area of your life improves: your health (by default), mood, mental acuity, relationships, finances and career, your ability to handle problems and find solutions, your capacity to learn, the amount of time you have available…
It all gets better when you have energy. Energy = positivity. It enables you to be the best version of yourself in every area of your life, every day, every encounter and every minute.
When you direct your focus to getting more energy and out of fatigue you will solve almost every other health challenge you have.
By eating for energy you will nourish your body and give it every tool it needs to repair, rebuild and thrive.
So if your goal is weight loss, weight gain, increasing stamina, strengthening your immune system, beating inflammation, getting rid of candida, eczema, low libido – no matter what, eating this way will get you there, while giving you that sustained, enjoyable, all-day, energy.
So make energy your goal and the rest will follow, effortlessly and very, very quickly.
Energy Path #1. Hydration
A 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people
Dehydration is probably the leading cause of fatigue. Not only because of the fact that being dehydrated directly causes the body to work at half-capacity, but also because of the knock on effect of dehydration on your liver, kidneys, adrenals, thyroid, digestive system and more.
When you’re dehydrated you are starving your body of one of, if not THE, most important tool it needs to do it’s job.
Dehydration causes inflammation, hormonal imbalance, digestive blockage and so much more.
If you’re not drinking AT LEAST 2-3 litres of good quality, filtered and preferably alkaline water each day, you are currently missing a massive source of energy.
BUT if you’re in this situation of being chronically dehydrated (don’t beat yourself up, I find that 85% of people are) then HIGH FIVES because you can completely turn your energy around in the next 24-48 hours.
Here are just a couple of the ways that dehydration is causing fatigue in your body RIGHT NOW:
- Dehydration & Digestion-Based Fatigue: when you’re dehydrated the digestive system pretty much grinds to a halt. Proper digestion is required to ensure that the foods you’re consuming can be effectively processed, the nutrition extracted and the waste eliminated (with the toxins being processed by the liver and kidneys along the way).
Intuitively it’s easy to see that constipation could be caused by dehydration, but it goes much deeper than that alone. When dehydrated the volume of digestive juices goes down significantly.
These juices, plus water, mucus and electrolytes (and lower electrolytes is another symptom of dehydration, of course) all work together in the duodenum (the stage of digestion directly after the stomach) to break down the food and prepare it for the nutrient-extraction phase in the small intestine.
Without water and electrolytes, this process is dramatically less effective, meaning that the foods you consume can often pass into the small intestine ill-prepared for proper digestion.
The result of this? The nutrients you eat are not extracted. The result of THAT is fatigue (among other things).
Bottom line: when you’re dehydrated you actually get a very small percentage of the nutrients you’ve worked so hard to consume
- Dehydration & Inflammation-Based Fatigue: it has long been known that dehydration is a leading cause of inflammation, and inflammation is a huge contributor to chronic fatigue syndrome, Hashimotos, rheumatic disease, leaky gut and lots more.
When for any reason the body cannot deliver nutrients to the cells and carry away metabolic wastes, we set up the conditions for fatigue, inflammation and disease.
Dehydration directly leads to this because the transporting of nutrients and wastes is dramatically reduced and even cut off at the most important points in the body (such as the digestive system, liver and kidneys).
Of course, dehydration also leads to hormonal imbalance (which can directly lead to adrenal fatigue and over/under active thyroid which the main symptom of is chronic fatigue), an increased likelihood of low-grade acidosis, poor liver and kidney function and so much more.
Bottom Line: All of these lead to fatigue in one way or another.
You Simply HAVE to Get Hydrated & STAY Hydrated
Hydration is so simple. In fact, because it’s so simple I think most people overlook it. In fact, I know they do!
If you’re one of those people, STOP IT!
If you want to have even half-decent health & energy you HAVE to be properly hydrated.
How Much is Enough Water?
To work it out exactly, this is the “official” calculation:
1 litre of water per 40lbs (18k or 2.85stone) of body weight
For example, 12st = 4.2 litres per day
This, I have found, accurately works out to between 3-5 litres for most people each day.
And if you stick to this, every day, I promise you there will be a massive increase in your health, energy, mental clarity and vitality.
If yours comes out above 5 litres, aim for this amount, built up slowly over 2-3 weeks.
You can download my Hydration Cheat Sheet here which will help you out and show you how to do it.
The RIGHT Water?
It is important that you aim to get the best water you can get – don’t stress about it too much to begin with – this can lead to decision paralysis.
The main things to note are:
- Tap & Bottled Water Are Not an Option: both tap and bottled water are acidic, oxidising (the opposite of an antioxidant, oxidising substances and foods kill cells, cause inflammation and premature aging of the body) and inflammatory.
Both have been proven to contain hundreds of known contaminants (the Environmental Working Group’s research into tap water revealed 316 contaminants in tap water including 204 chemicals, 97 agricultural pollutants, 86 carcinogenic contaminants and 42 contaminants leached from pipes and storage tanks).
If you think bottled water is better, think again. Bottled water companies actually have LESS strict testing and controls than tap companies. Plus the bottles are stored in hormone-disrupting plastics and the environmental impact is huge. You should be planning to move away from tap and bottled water.
- Alkaline & Ionized Is Best If Possible: while filtration is critical, making your water alkaline and ionized, which means it’s not only drinking water with an alkaline pH of between 8-9, but it’s also antioxidant rich (ionized water is a stronger antioxidant than green tea) and anti-inflammatory too.
Now, again, don’t get bogged down in which ionizer, what type of filter, are pH drops decent and all of that. For now – focus on filtration to get yourself started. Ionizers are an investment and one you should take seriously. But for now a simple countertop jug filter is a good place to start. These should remove the chlorine, chloramines, bacteria, lead, pesticides etc a huge amount and make a massive difference to the taste and quality of your tap water. Look for one that adds a little pH bump too – but don’t get too caught up in their marketing hype…they’re not that good 🙂
Having said all of this – drinking 3-4 litres of tap or bottled water is still FAR more beneficial to you than being dehydrated – so don’t get inertia here, get hydrating!
Hydration is perhaps the most important, effective and powerful Energy Path. For the amount of investment needed, the payoff is gigantic. Make this a priority.
➞ Action Steps: it’s all about quality AND quantity so make your plan to get to 3-4 litres of water consumption every day and research and buy your filter or ionizer and increase the quality of your water..
Energy Path #2. Oxygen
Oxygen is essential for energy. At this stage I should make clear the difference between oxygen and oxidation. Oxidation and oxidative stress are what we are trying to avoid over-occurring in the body – this is what antioxidants fight.
”Oxidative stress (is) defined as a disturbance in the balance between the production of reactive oxygen species (free radicals) and antioxidant defenses
Oxygen on the other hand is essential throughout the body, and particularly for energy.
And of course, when we’re talking about oxygen, we’re talking about breathing – with the body taking in oxygen and releasing waste gas in the form of carbon dioxide. This two-part process is called respiration and humans use what’s known as aerobic respiration. And put simply, in aerobic respiration, oxygen is used within the cell to help create energy.
When you breathe, air enters microscopic air sacs in your lungs called alveoli. Oxygen passes through the walls of the alveoli and into the bloodstream. The blood carries oxygen to cells throughout the body, where it helps convert nutrients into usable energy.
In a nutshell, oxygen enables the cells of the body to release the energy stored as high-energy chemical bonds in our food, and enables them to use that energy to do what cells do – keep us alive, energised and functioning.
Three Ways to Oxygenate for Energy
Oxygen Option 1: Breathwalking & Deep Diaphragmatic Breathing
There are two breathing exercises I love and I’ll explain both here – but there are hundreds on the internet, you can just google ‘breathing exercises’ and you’ll see an abundance of them.
Circular Energy Breathing

This is a really simple, super-powerful way to reinvigorate your body and mind. It boosts the amount of oxygen flowing to the brain, gets your blood flowing and even stimulates your lymphatic system!
It’s an easy breathing pattern of:
1. Breathe in for 4
2. Hold for 16
3. Breathe out for 8
In fact, you can do it in any multiples of 1-4-2 (in for 2, hold for 8, out for 4 or in for 8, hold for 32, out for 16).
Just make sure you don’t do it at a ratio that stresses you out!
Repeat the pattern ten times (count on your fingers for each cycle if you need to – I always lose count), and take this as an opportunity to try to focus only on your breathing and not let your mind wander to tasks, stresses or activities.
Just focus on your breathing and you’ll feel reinvigorated afterwards.

Five Minutes of Breath-Walking

This is one I learned from Tony Robbins’ Hour of Power on his Get the Edge program, and it involves walking and breathing in a particular pattern.
Five minutes of this will have your energy through the roof and your body tingling and ready to rock and roll. It puts me in a hugely positive state whenever I do it!
Here’s how it goes:
- Walk at a brisk pace
- With each step breath in quite firmly four times (in-in-in-in) and then out four times (out-out-out-out) – in time with your steps if possible, but that’s not essential)
- While you’re taking the in breath, with each breath you will want to tap your fingers to your thumb in this pattern: on the in breaths tap your right thumb on each of your fingers, one at a time from your first finger through to your little finger; then on the out breaths do the same with your left hand – starting on your first finger, then index, middle and then little finger
Just five minutes of this can make the world of difference.
Oxygen Option 2: Aerobic Exercise (running, walking, hiking, rebounding)
Participating in aerobic exercise can make an incredible difference to your energy too. Think running, walking, hiking, rebounding and so on. Be warned, it’s easy to turn aerobic exercise into anaerobic exercise if you’re not careful, but exercising too hard (too high heart rate). So if you’re running, be careful.
Personally, I run aerobically a lot. It’s a form of meditation for me and is hugely energising.
Aerobic and anaerobic exercise are both equally important, and both play a different role in getting you to your health goals. Both are essential. You may have the belief that:
• Running, walking, swimming (or any other aerobic exercise) is only for people who want to lose weight or run a marathon
• Weight training (or any other anaerobic, resistance exercise) is only for guys and gals who want to get massive and bulk up
While both forms of exercise do indeed benefit people who have these goals, they are important to every one of us.
Here in this guide I am focusing exclusively on aerobic exercise as this is the best route to more energy. There are many ways to exercise aerobically, however, the key principle is to have a solid understanding of what aerobic exercise actually is:
“Aerobic literally means ‘with oxygen’, and refers to the use of oxygen in the energy-generating process. Aerobic exercise describes any type of exercise, typically performed at moderate levels of intensity for extended periods of time that increases your heart rate. (source:
When we exercise aerobically, we give our body a huge helping hand in detoxifying and removing wastes, acid by-products (such as dead cells, fungus, mold and other bacteria), exotoxins and mycotoxins and more. The skin has over 2.5 million sweat glands and these have an incredible ability to remove toxins from the body.
The aerobic reaction created by this form of exercise also helps the lymphatic system to do its job, boosts our energy and aerobic capacity and obviously speeds fat loss (if weight management is one of your goals).
When we are aerobically fit, we experience more energy, vitality and vibrancy, our immune system is stronger and because we are so cleansed of acids and toxins we sleep better, have clearer skin and stronger bones.
I know that nobody wants to hear this news, but if you want to alkalise your body and experience the benefits that this lifestyle brings, then you simply have to exercise.
The good news is, I’m about to make it straightforward, effective and easy to follow.
Aerobic Exercise: The Right Way
When you are exercising aerobically, the way you exercise is vitally important. Have you ever finished a run and felt sick and light headed? Or have you finished a run and just needed a sugar hit? If either of these have been true then you were actually exercising anaerobically. When you exercise anaerobically for long periods like this, it is actually acidifying rather than alkalising. This is not our goal.
Your goal from your aerobic exercise is to create a response in your body that eliminates acid, toxins and stored fat. However, incorrect aerobic exercise simply burns sugar for energy, not fat, thus giving little or no effect to fat loss or acid elimination.
You Burn Fat NOT Sugar
During exercise, our body can use a number of different fuels to supply its energy needs. The principle sources of fuel that the body uses to keep us going are carbohydrates (sugar) and fat, and the selection of which is used is determined by exercise intensity.
When your heart goes over a set rate of beats per minute (BPM) you begin to burn sugar, not fat and your exercise shifts from aerobic to anaerobic.
Exercising aerobically – to eliminate acids and burn fat – should be your goal, because this is highly alkalising, improves your fitness level, strengthens your heart, boosts your metabolism, increases red blood cell count and eliminates toxins from your body through your skin (sweat) and breath (respiratory system). Sound good?
The lymph, in particular, benefits from aerobic exercise. As your body’s sewerage system, it’s main goal is picking up and carrying out unwanted waste and aerobic exercise gets your lymph pumping like nothing else!
So it is easy to see that if you want to alkalise, you cannot skip aerobic exercise as part of your lifestyle. And ensuring that your aerobic exercise is fat-burning is integral to this.
HOW to Burn Fat, Not Sugar
The shift from aerobic to anaerobic is caused by exercising at a heart rate that forces your body mechanisms to change from an aerobic response to an anaerobic response.
When this shift occurs different muscle fibres are utilised and your body switches from using stored fat as its primary source of energy to using carbohydrates/sugar as its primary source of energy.
To put it most simply, when you exercise you have to focus on your heart rate and generally speaking, there are two zones that you need to be aware of, the fat burn zone (aerobic) and the sugar burn zone (anaerobic).
The ‘fat-burning zone’ is different for everybody and you will need to calculate what your zones are. In order to do this calculation, I recommend the Stu Mittleman method.
Stu is an ultramarathon champion setting the world record for the 1,000 mile run (he completed it in 11 days). He also holds the US record for the Six Day Run: 578 miles (96 miles/3.7 marathons per day!). Stu also ran across America (yes, the whole length of America) in 55 days, at a rate of 52 miles per day in 2000. We can consider him to be somewhat of an authority on aerobic training and running!
Stu is also a strong advocate of the alkaline lifestyle and has based his entire training regime for these extreme events on exercising correctly to ensure his energy is derived from fat, not sugar.
Calculating your Heart Rate Zones
The method for calculating your heart-rate zones according to Stu is to simply subtract your age from 180. This defines your uppermost limit before you start burning sugar instead of fat. If you answered yes to the question of whether you have ever finished a run and felt dizzy and queasy then this is because you were burning sugar instead of fat!
The fat burning zones are broken down into three stages; at the lowest level of intensity is the ‘warm-up zone’ (WUZ), followed by the ‘mostly aerobic pace’ (MAP) and then the ‘most efficient pace’ (MEP). MAP is the zone where the most fat burning takes place and it is within this zone that you should concentrate your efforts whilst detoxing in order to give yourself a work-out and to help flush your lymphatic system.
Using myself as an example, here is how to calculate your zones:
MEP Upper Limit: 180 – my age (36) = 144MEP Lower Limit: 144 – 10 = 134
Therefore my MEP zone is 123bpm to 144bpm (anything above this is anaerobic)
MAP Upper Limit: 134 MAP Lower Limit: 134 – 10 = 124
Therefore MAP zone is 132bpm to 142bpm
WUZ Upper Limit: 124
WUZ Lower Limit: 124 – 10 = 114
Therefore Warm Up zone is 122bpm to 132bpm
Unless you run frequently, it will probably be fairly difficult to keep within these zones whilst running and therefore you may need to intersperse your running with walking, perhaps for 200 meters every kilometre in order to keep your heart-rate down. Once you’ve become an ‘accomplished’ runner (running regularly for 6+ months, you can add 5 or 10 to each zone).
Knowing your Heart Rate
Obviously, the best way to know your heart-rate is to wear a heart-rate monitor. I strongly urge you to invest in one, as it is one of the most important investments you will ever make. However, if you do not own one of these, you can still roughly estimate which zone you are in using the following guidelines:
Signs of being in MAP or MEP:
- You can still talk normally without being short of breath
- Your vision is clear and you have heightened senses of smell and sight
- You are in a steady, comfortable rhythm
- You would rate your level of intensity somewhere between 4 and 7 (at the very most)
Signs of being out of the fat-burning/aerobic zone:
- You are short of breath, especially when talking
- You may feel dizzy or nausea
- You do not feel comfortable
- You are looking forward to finishing!
- You would rate your level of intensity as above 7
If you can exercise aerobically through walking, running, rebounding, swimming – however – 3-5 times per week you will see a huge lift in your energy levels.
Oxygen Option 3: Alkaline & Antioxidant Rich Foods!
And finally (this is a short one), the best way to oxygenate your body all-day, every-day is to eat alkaline, nutrient-dense, antioxidant rich foods! These plant-based foods will help remove free radicals and protect the blood, allowing it to transport oxygen to cells throughout the body, converting nutrients into energy.
Alkaline & antioxidant-rich foods include: greens such as spinach, kale, beet greens, collards, silver beet, chard, lettuce, rocket/arugula, basil, cilantro, parsley, nuts and seeds, healthy oils, vegetables, low sugar fruits, high water content foods, fresh foods, raw foods and so on.
Acidic & oxidative stress-causing foods include: sugar, gluten-containing grains, refined foods, processed foods, packaged foods, pasta, wheat, cakes, biscuits, chips, alcohol, soft drinks, takeaways and so on.
You can download my full Acid & Alkaline Food Chart here (contains over 400+ foods ranked) and at-a-glance you can see the seven most alkaline foods here and the seven most acidic foods here.
And remember – the water produced by an ionizer contains more anti-oxidants than green tea. You can download the Guide to Alkaline Water here to learn more about making alkaline water and using an ionizer.
➞ Action Steps: make your plan to incorporate breathing exercises into your day as a priority.
Of course, by following my advice through this site and my newsletters you will be increasing your alkaline food intake over time and we should get that sorted for you in no time, no matter what else you do. But getting aerobic exercise and/or breathing exercises into your daily routine will take your energy to the next level. Pick your exercise and schedule it in, plan it in, set a reminder on your phone. Do whatever it takes to add in this 5-30 minute practice into your daily life. DO IT!
Energy Path #3. Healthy Fats & Oils
As we’ve already touched on above, and contrary to what we have been told for the last fifty years fat, NOT glucose is the body’s preferred source of fuel.
Just as importantly, contrary to what we’ve been told for the last fifty years SUGAR will make you fat, fat will make you THIN!. This is proven beyond any doubt now, but the low-fat (and high sugar) industry still exists, lying to all of us day by day.
If you want to experience a rapid upsurge in your sustained, all-day energy you have to embrace fats and consume them daily, plentifully.
When you start consuming healthy fats, the body not only loves you for the many beneficial effects the fats bring (increased metabolism, support for the liver and kidneys, brain health, skin health, digestive health and so on) but the body is also able to directly use this for energy production.
Fats supply twice the caloric energy as carbohydrates and are converted to energy by being split into fatty acids and glycerol. Glycerol is then converted to either glucose or glycogen. The body is easily able to do this while also utilising the fat for a plethora of other important roles.
The addition of healthy fats into the diet therefore provide an abundance of energy in two ways:
1) by being an easily accessed and readily available source of energy (converted to glucose or glycogen)
2) by healing and nourishing the important organs and glands responsible for energy production (or those functions and areas of the body who cause fatigue when not nourished properly such as the adrenals, thyroid, kidneys, liver and many areas of the brain which are all reliant on dietary sources of fat).
Which Fats & How Much?
You should be looking to consume, every day, somewhere in the region of:
- Omega 3: 2-3 tablespoons (from flax, green leafy vegetables, oily fish and so on)
- Saturated Fats: 0.5-1 tablespoons (primarily from coconut oil)
For other oils (omega 6, 9, polyunsaturated etc) there no set rule, just get a variety of foods including avocado, olive oil, nuts, seeds, leafy green vegetables and so on. These all contain a combination of omega 3, 6, 9, saturated and other fats to varying degrees.
Again, Fat Will NOT Make You Fat
I could go into a whole essay on just that statement, but please do be confident in the knowledge that this is true. To learn a whole lot more on this topic check out my guide here “The REAL Fat Loss Equation”
And to give you some evidence of my statement of ‘Fat will not make you fat’, in the past few years (2012-2016) there have been some AMAZING studies into fats and sugar, amazing. But this one really stands out as spectacular.
Study: Association of dietary, circulating, and supplementary fatty acids with coronary risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis; Chowdhury R, Warnakula S, Kunutsor S, et al; Annuls of Internal Medicine, 2014; March 18; 160(6):398-406. (source here)
In this study, Dr Rav Chowdhury and his team at Cambridge University looked at 72 of the best studies on fat and heart disease (more than 600,000 people from 18 countries) and came to the conclusion there was no link between total fat or saturated fat and heart disease. It also found that trans-fats increased, and omega 3 decreased heart disease.
IMPORTANTLY when it comes to saturated fats, they showed two types of saturated fat that ARE linked to increase risk of heart disease – palmitic and stearic acid.
Yes, there are two saturated fats that increase risk of heart disease. BUT: what is critical to note (and what is conveniently overlooked by the food industry) is that these are NOT the saturated fats we eat! You cannot find these two fats in nature!
These two saturated fats that cause issues are ONLY able to be made in one single way – they are a toxic byproduct of the liver processing excess fructose!
Eating fructose is the only way these two types of harmful saturated fats appear in the bloodstream. It’s SUGAR not FAT that makes you fat.
This throws the entire low-fat, saturated-fat-scared industry into the bin. Of course, “low-fat” is now worth billions of dollars so that will never happen (regardless of the effect on our health), but thankfully YOU now have the hard, cold evidence.
How to Get Enough Fats
Getting enough of the healthy fats is relatively easy but it does take a little conscious action to begin with.
My recommendation for coconut oil, to get those critical saturated fats, is to:
- COOK with coconut oil: coconut oil is practically the only oil that does not become toxic when heated, meaning you can cook with it AND it stays healthy!
- Add it to smoothies – just blend in your daily requirement when you’re making a smoothie (or soup for that matter).
- Simply Supplement – simply take a tablespoon of coconut oil like you would any other oil supplement – it tastes great!
My recommendation to get enough omega 3 is to start with a supplement as your baseline.
It can be trickier, which is why I always recommend taking a supplement alongside your dietary intake. You can use a combination of fish oils, krill oils, flax and so on. Whichever you choose, you really do need to make sure it’s a high quality product. There is nothing worse than cheap oils – they are not only completely ineffective, but can also be counter-productive if they have oxidised.
Aside from using a supplement, look to include lots of:
- Leafy green foods
- Nuts, especially almonds
- Seeds
- If you’re not vegan/vego, you can include good quality oily fish too
Upping your oil intake will make a huge difference. I highly, highly recommend this.
➞ Action Steps: : get yourself a great quality omega 3 supplement and a jar of organic, cold pressed coconut oil. Research ways in which you can add leafy greens, nuts, seeds, flax and so on into your daily diet. A green smoothie each day is a great way to do this as you can blend greens with omega 3-containing nuts, seeds, coconut oil and so on together and you’re all set!
Here is a link to two of my smoothies that do this:
How to Get Started
I truly believe that if you implement just 2-3 of the steps recommended here you will see and feel a noticable increase in your energy, throughout the day (not just an energy hit, but sustained, all-day energy, which is what we’re after).
I recommend starting with the easiest steps:
- Get Drinking 3-4 Litres of Water As Quickly As Possible: work up to this amount, but start today with at least 2 litres of water, preferably filtered, alkaline and ionised of course. But if all you have is the tap, don’t let this stop you!
- Set Your Alarm 5 Minutes Early for the Circular Breathing Exercise: 4-16-8, it’s as simple as that.
Do it ten times and flush your lymphatic system and feel the energy!
- Go Get An Amazing Omega 3 Supplement & Some Coconut Oil: by just adding in a guaranteed baseline of omega 3 and the saturated fats from coconuts into your daily routine you’ll see a massive shift in your energy
If you JUST DO THESE THREE THINGS you’ll be flying in no time, and can then use that extra energy to build your momentum and confidence to start applying the other suggestions!
I truly hope you’ve loved this guide!.
These three Energy Paths are real and true. Everyone who I have implemented these with and focused on with these has seen unbelievable results. They get to the very core of energy production in your body from multiple angles all at once and create a cascade of energy within your body.
I can’t wait to hear your results and if you have any questions, ask below in the comments section and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
Here’s to your unstoppable, abundant energy!
Read Next: Five Simple Ways to Combat Fatigue, Quickly and The Alkaline Diet Explained & How to Get Started!

Hi Ross!
I am just starting out on this journey and I really appreciated yourcomment about starting slowly about two days ago. I liked your easy start o green smoothies and salads. As I grow a lot of vegetables I was delighted to start that way.
Then came yesterday with why people fail without proper snacks and I got interested in that.
Then today it is the easiest way to start with three essentials.
You write clearly but, boy do you explain everything so that I get a bit overwhelmed!
So please could you send me one of these each week. Then I will have time to digest your excellent material and not be turned off by too much information and too many things to start with. That would be why I would be likely to fail.
I am actually 73 and am recovering from gall bladder surgery- the worst gall bladder my surgeon had seen in 10 years! ???? So perhaps you will understand where I am coming from. But I do think it is allexciting so I hope I can hang in there!
All the best,
Catherine Ryan
Hi! I’m new to your website and i was wondering about the water part. Is it possible to alkalize rap water by adding freshly squeezed lemon?
Hi Ross
I have been reading your articles for a few years now, they are so full of the best information for good health! and I just want to say thank you for your beautiful and generous spirit that shares so willingly because you want to be of benefit to others.
All the best
Thank you so much Jennifer – your comment really does mean a lot to me.
Ross 🙂
To induce our body to burn fats and not sugar is through aerobic exercise and by reaching the MAP zone,as manifest by the optimal bpm. Having reached the desired bpm, how long do I have to maintain this bpm to ensure that my body will burn fats and not sugar?
I have read that drink coffee ie the caffeine in the drink will also induce the body to burn fats instead of sugar.
So, how do I do effectively put my body to burn fats instead of sugar say during my jogging exercise?
Thank you,
Hey James
Consuming fats helps with this process. The effects of caffeine on the adrenals would be counterproductive – you’d be robbing from peter to give to paul, so to speak. Consumption of fats and lots of healthy alkaline foods, the limitation of sugar in the diet (if you consume sugar the body will default to this) and exercising in that MAP/MEP consistently for a few weeks (sometimes a lot more, sometimes a lot less) will get you there.
Hi Ross I would like to know can you drink coconut water instead of water or maybe 50-50 for your hydration.
Hi Frank
I wouldn’t exclusively drink coconut water. Maybe 500ml per day would be the max as it is still a little high in sugar (albeit not fructose) but this will still impact your hormone regulation over the long-term if you over consume. Plus it would be pretty expensive!