How to Get Alkaline (as quickly and easily as possible…)

How to Get Alkaline Quickly & Easily

When people first ready my “Most Alkaline Foods” guide they get an understanding of which foods are alkaline, but are then left wondering:

HOW can I get alkaline quickly?”

In this follow-up post to that “Alkaline Foods” I wanted to show you my five quick-start actions for getting green into your diet and giving you an alkaline kickstart as easily and quickly as possible.

How to Get Alkaline Quickly & Easily

My approach to coaching the alkaline diet is based around a few key principles:

  1. Trying to be perfect from the start leads to failure in 90% of cases – go easy on yourself!
  2. For the first month, focus on the 20% of actions that make 80% of the difference
  3. Take it slowly, baby-steps, day-by-day and celebrate each success
  4. Give yourself a cheat day, or relax every now and then – treat yourself!
  5. If you have a bad day, don’t give up – take time to think what happened and start again right this minute!

If you want to get alkaline, see it as a longer-term shift, rather than a quick diet fix. If you can take it slow and start to incorporate these tips into your daily lifestyle, it becomes a habit and second nature, rather than feeling like work every day.

Step One: Getting Alkaline Means Going Green

Going green is so important because it gets a huge amount of chlorophyll into your body. I recommend reading my Health Benefits of Liquid Chlorophyll article in full, but to give you a short version:

Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems.

Chlorophyll consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increase oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs.

It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid.

So getting a big injection of chlorophyll into your diet is hugely important to help you get alkaline!

As per point two, above in my five priciples – you have to focus on the small, simple stuff that has the most impact and in my opinion, getting green foods in is the single most powerful thing you can do to dramatically change your health, energy and vitality.

Alkaline Diet Recipe Book Banner

You have to get greens in and while this may seem daunting – here are a few suggestions to make it a LOT easier and less intimidating:

  • Have a salad with every meal: carry on eating what you’d normally have eaten, but just add a side salad (no unhealthy dressings though!). This TOTALLY takes the pressure off but the cumulative effect of having several salads a day will have a big impact.
  • Disguise green foods: you can shave broccoli heads with a knife over foods or into pasta sauce giving you heaps of broccoli, but you can’t see, taste or smell it. OR wilt spinach down with a little butter, salt and pepper – this gives you a HUGE amount of spinach in just a couple of mouthfuls. OR make pasta sauce by blending tomatoes with steamed pumpkin, broccoli, spinach, watercress etc. When it’s all blended down it still tastes very rich and tomato-ey, but you’ve got a heap of green foods in there too!
  • Get into Sprouts: sounds weird but it’s SO worth it – sprouts are sprouted seeds of plants such as broccoli which, when harvested at the sprout stage, contain all (or more) of the nutritional content of the fully grown plant – this means you can easily eat one handful and get a HUGE hit of nutrients. I’ve blogged heaps about sprouts (and have a guide coming) so click here to read all about sprouts.

Making sure you up your green food consumption from 0-1 times per day to 3-5 times per day is easy and it will blow your mind the difference it makes. Your body will thank you, I can absolutely assure you.

Step Two: Getting Oiled Up

This is another really easy fix and is something 90% of people are not currently doing:

You HAVE to get at LEAST 2 tablespoons of Omega 3 EVERY day

Eating more oily fish is great for the health benefits this can bring, but you’d have to eat a really silly amount to get enough omega 3 – and this goes twofold for eating nuts and seeds to get enough omega 3.

Omega 3 deficiency was named in a Harvard Medical School research paper as being the 6th Biggest Killer in the USA – yes it’s that important. It’s critical for our health, energy, metabolism, cardiovascular system, eyes, hair, skin, digestive system…everything – yet around 90% of people in the Western world are chronically deficient.

If you change nothing else but add 2 tablespoons (30ml) of omega 3 to your diet you will really see a massive difference in your body.

I really recommend a supplement to ensure you get enough and Udo’s Choice is my personal favourite.

If you want to learn more about Fats & Oils I really recommend Udo’s website here and also check this article I wrote on oils back in April 2011: Why Essential Fatty Acids are So Essential

This is another 80/20 suggestion – it is SO easy to just have 30ml of omega 3 every day (even if you just buy straight flax oil and use this in salads) but it will make a HUGE difference.

Note: Omega 6 and 9 are also important but we tend to get enough of those through consumption of olive oils, vegetable oils etc.

Step Three: Instant Hits When You Need It

This is a quick step, but a brilliant one – because being able to give yourself a concentrated hit of green goodness is SUCH a powerful tool. I HIGHLY recommend you look into buying a liquid chlorophyll supplement.

Now at Live Energized we always say that if you can get it from whole foods then this is best, but being able to get ALL of your nutrient needs EVERY day from foods alone is a huge challenge. It is almost impossible in this day and age.

PLUS if you want (or need) to get alkaline quickly having a concentrated shot of liquid chlorophyll each day will give your body a massive boost. It really is awesome. Now if you can juice your own fresh wheatgrass into a shot each day that’s even better – but if not then I really heartily recommend a chlorophyll shot every day.

If you use supplements like chlorophyll smartly and choose the right ones (for you) then they are an absolutely potent weapon in the fight against acids, fatigue and illness. I firmly believe this.

Nature’s Sunshine is my fave – no fillers, no crap, totally natural and no added sweeteners (you have to be wary of those).

It tastes great and makes you feel vibrant and ALIVE!

Step Four: Hydration is the EASIEST Way to Alkalise

So far in this lazyman’s guide to quickly getting alkaline(!) I’ve given you three big steps (and lots of mini-steps) that are all easy, take up almost no time, require hardly any changes to your lifestyle – but get you big-kahuna-changes to your alkalinity, energy, health and vitality.

But I saved the best for now.

The vast majority of people are chronically dehydrated, somehow barely getting through the day on less than 800ml of water. This dramatically effects mental clarity, digestion, the immune system, weight, energy, skin…just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25-30% loss of energy in most people. It is a HUGE problem and SO easy to fix.

Please just start drinking at least 2-3 litres of water every day. This will have as much impact on you than all of the other points in this article combined – it’s that important.

Ideally you’d be drinking 3-4 litres, but if you can even get to 2.5 per day for a week you’ll never look back.

In fact, right now, make the promise to yourself that you are going to drink at LEAST 2.5 litres per day. Write it down. Set a reminder in your phone!

The problems/questions most people have when it comes to hydration

In my experience as a hydration junkie, I find that most people have the same few questions when they first start to get hydrated:

– what type of water to drink (tap, bottled, reverse osmosis, ionized, lemon squeezed in etc)
– how much to drink
– …but I keep needing to pee!
– won’t it wash all of my minerals out of my body?
– I can’t remember to drink enough – I always forget!

Thankfully, I have created a very in-depth guide to hydration here for you to download totally for free.

It will answer every question you might have about getting alkaline with water – it’s very very good.

So please do download the Alkaline Water guide, follow the steps to choosing the best water for you and read my Guide on How to Remember to Drink Enough!

So getting greens in several times per day + getting enough omega oils + getting shots of chlorophyll + getting hydrated = incredible vibrant health very easily and quickly…so what could step five be?

Step Five: 5 Minutes Per Day to 24-Hours of Alkalinity

IF you read my last guide (The 7 Most Alkaline Foods) you’ll already know the answer to this, but it’s SO super easy, quick and powerful that I just HAVE to say it again:


You’ve just gotta. It’s 5 minutes and it will change your life forever. Honestly, it’s so quick and easy to knock together a juice – it really does take under five minutes from getting the food out of the fridge, to washing, to juicing, to cleaning the juicer to drinking. And there is no faster way to get alkaline.

This five minutes a day give your body a waterfall of easily absorbed nutrients that will instantly boost your energy, flood you with antioxidants, rapidly strengthen your immune system and dramatically alkalise you all day long.

Remember – the best thing about this is, it means you’ve already exceeded your five-a-day serves of vegetables before 9am!

And if you want to know what to juice here are some recipes for ya:

Blood Building Vegetable Juice

Delicious Refresher Juice

Anti-Stress Juice

…and of course – The Big Bad Green Drink 🙂
…and The Live Energized Guide to Juicing

So let’s all go get green and alkaline!

I really hope you’ve enjoyed this quick, five-step guide to instant alkalinity.

Leave me your comments below – I’d love to hear from you!

Until then

Do you have a way to get alkaline every day? Let me know below – I’d love to hear your tips!

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Related Posts on Getting Started with the Alkaline Diet

The Most Powerful Alkaline Thing You Can Do
How to Get Started on the Alkaline Diet
THIS is Why the Alkaline Diet Works

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Shawna Reply

    Hello Ross, I read somewhere that you said that yeast is a definite no no for an alkaline (cancer-fighting in my case) diet, but I keep hearing about all the benefits of nutritional yeast. Is that the same thing? Also, are all mushrooms super acidic? Some sites have them listed as alkaline (or at least alkaline forming), but I saw on one of your charts that they were listed as super acidic. Will you please clarify? I’ve heard that certain varieties of mushrooms help to fight cancer. Thanks, in advance, for your help.

    • ross Reply

      Definitely not alkaline, and you can get all of these benefits from other foods.

  2. jimmy Reply

    Hey Buddy,
    Help, when I first opened your page I was seeing your book #2 on sale for $29.95?. after reading around on your pages I lost the book sale page. Where’d it go?.
    I like your information and want to know more and begin the practice of getting healthy.
    Appreciate your help

  3. alinafe banda Reply

    Very helpful information for long life

  4. Karen Reply

    Drinking lemon wAter.

  5. Paty naranjo Reply

    Very good articule complete information thanks

  6. Sara Demetrio Reply

    i am gonna try the green drink! thank you

  7. jay Reply

    ross, i have 2 kidney stones (probably oxalate) in my right kidney and i am mid 50s, sized 7 and 8 mm respectively. so too big to pass.. i ate lots of dark chocolate, alot of mineralised bone broth and high oxalate foods in last year .. to help various other conditions.. plus 2 tsp liposomal vit c for getting me out of chemical sensitivity.. backed off much of this after kidney stones found..
    just wondering have you any strategy for calcium oxalate stones and shrinkage? that you have discovered.. i have been robbed for 20 years of health from chemical sensitivity i now know derived from excessive airbourne mould back then … I saw you seem to have some idea ofhow to address kidney stones so please may i have an idea what you think???
    eternally grateful.. jay

    • Key Reply

      Try trunk in a glass of water with baking soda on an empty stomach (Typically first thing in the morning) I believe it’s 1 teaspoon for 8 ounces. Just google it, but it will definitely help you with your kidney stones.

  8. Kathy Reply

    I have some Barley Max to make into a drink and recently got some thing to make water more beneficial. Our water here is so hard that I can’t stand to drink it. Buying bottled is not cheap either but the clorine is affecting my health. Will hope my heart, my colon, my eyes all change for the better on alklining my diet. thanks for the website that let me open up this great tool to get healthy. Thanks so much. : )

  9. Maria Blas Reply

    Hello I found this information very in testing. Had some idea but I wasn’t sure. Now that I am older. I am having problems with acidity in my system. I notice loss of hair, trouble sleeping sometimes no energy. So I bought the litmus strips and it shows very acidic so i purchase some drops that i add to my water is (H2O2) . I dilute 16 drops in 16 oz. Of water so drink 2 bottles a day with the drops. My question is is that enough of the solution. I know I need to drink more water also change my diet. Thank you for the information.

  10. Wendy Owen Reply

    Very good article Ross, but you seem to have given up on the comments. It’s great to give good advice, but there are people asking question that you are not answering.

    • ross Reply

      Hey Wendy

      I do answer comments as much as I can, but I am also answering email queries, Facebook comments and questions – and prioritising the support for my Alkaline Base Camp members too. Honestly, I am thinking of turning comments off as I just can’t support it like I used to back in 2005. If I did answer all of the comments, questions, emails, FB comments etc it would leave me almost no time for anything else.

      The thing that makes me leave them open is that quite often people step in and help each other out and I’m a sucker for community.

      I hope you understand.


  11. Johanma Davidson Reply

    Hi Ross
    I’m so relieved to have stumbled across your informative website! I was diagnosed eith stage 4 melanoma a few weeks ago, as soon as I heard the news I became vegan (fearful reaction?) But I don’t think I’m doing myself any favours – I spend my days wondering what ai can eat, I’m feeling exhausted and very hungry, I’ve lost 10kgs in this short time and am looking painfully thin 🙁 and am now cheating (lobe bread) because I feel I can’t live on food for rabbits.
    Because I feel.stressed about healing myself quickly under the circumstances I think I should do your 3 day detox but I’m wondering if I should be more gentle with my body as it’s obviously under stress.
    A quick note about me – I’ve always eaten junknfood but never became fat, I’ve not exercised for 18 months – that needs to change but don’t have the energy at the moment, but I believe I can stop the spread of the cancer by eating an alkaline diet.
    Do you suggest I do the detox or should I go the more gentle route?
    Thank you

  12. Nancy Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I eat a plant based diet, which I had been supplementing with organic protein. I was unknowingly ingesting dangerous amounts of amino acids, from hemp, spirulina and collagen powders everyday for months. I noticed a rash early on which I attributed to winter. Then the left side of my face went numb with occasional heart palpations, and chronic rhinitis. I also noted tingling in my extremities. I am a avid bowler, one day during a game I had quit as my body couldn’t go through the motions it knew so well. Scarey feeling yet I am 56 with a 70% occluded lt carotid, I figured it was a TIA. The loss of coordination happened a total of 3 times in a two month period. Thank I developed floaters in the rt. eye. It wasn’t until last week when reading a review on the hemp powder and that it contained glutamatic acid that a bell went off. I looked at my other two supplements and was horrified to see they too contained large amounts of it as well. I am upset with myself for not knowing better! I now suspect my issues are a direct result of the glutamatic acid and other non-essential amino acid overload. I have recently stopped them all and am back on the whole food band wagon. Anyway, I have read that amino acids are highly acidic. Have I caused irreversible damage, that will worsen in time? Is there anything outside of keeping alkaline I could be doing? Is there a reverse isomer? I would like do your green juice but don’t have a juicer. Can I make it in my ninja?

  13. Lynda Byrd Reply

    Hi Ross,

    If on Chemo, will I be able to alkalize my body? My schedule is once a week for 4 weeks, then I am off for 3 weeks. I really enjoy all your information.

  14. JO Robinson Reply

    First I want tho thankyou for the info, greatly appreciated.
    So following your steps how long till I can say my body is alkaline?
    And does maintenance require all steps all the time?

  15. Bridget barrows Reply

    Bob barefoot …..thats how i became a believer
    Book was about coral calcium
    More alkaline
    Less acid

  16. Joan Reply

    I love white wine, can I drink it while going alkaline?

    • ross Reply

      Pretty much anything is fine in moderation and as a treat – just not every day 🙂

  17. Deborah Reply

    Suffered ibs for years now on omeprozole but stil have belching stomach acid drink ginger fresh lemon tea to no avail could the glass some a night cause this

  18. Erin Evans Reply

    I have been on the alkaline diet for over 2 weeks now and have had many problems, including stomach aches (severe at times), very low energy and my body feels ‘strange’ at times. I went on this diet because I was diagnosed with overactive bladder and after doing research, as well as beginning to test my ph, realized I was very acidic. I continue to have bladder and urethra pain at times, despite the diet. Am I doing something wrong? Is this “normal” detoxing? I am having a very difficult time. Thank you for your help…

    • Erin Evans Reply

      Also, I forgot to mention, despite being on the diet, taking ph drops and “greens”, my ph is still always acidic. How long does it take to see a difference?

      • Erin Evans Reply

        I have more questions about sugar cravings and gaining weight on the alkaline diet… maybe this is not the forum? Can’t seem to get answers from anyone…

        • Energise Ross Reply

          HI Erin

          Sorry your questions haven’t been answered as yet – I’d need a lot more info than you’ve given before I could try to help. Can you let me know what a typical day of food, drink and exercise looks like for you?

          Regarding pH – it won’t instantly show as alkaline because as you start to alkalise the pH may drop on saliva/urine tests as your body will be getting rid of all of the stored toxins and acids in your body.

          You can get more info on pH testing here – please read this – it’s super important to get this right:


  19. manuel Reply

    Hi Ross,

    I have a question about nerve healt. If you know of ways to restore nerve damage

  20. prosper Reply

    The doctor said my body is too acidic so I’m drinking raw vegetable juice 3 times everyday hope it will help me fast to alkanize my body?

  21. Michele Reply

    Hi , I am wondering if you would have some suggestions for my son
    age 11, he has celiac (no gluten) and fructose malabsorption,and acid reflux. We are trying to give him foods to make his system more alkaline, but are looking for low fructose, high alkaline fruit and veg and nuts/grains list ( and of course no gluten).
    Any suggestions.
    Thanks so much, and your website is wonderful!

  22. debbie counts Reply

    Dear Ross, I am 56 years young and was very active all my life, working 2 physical jobs for years, playing on both volleyball and softball teams pluse raising 2 wonderful boys (by myself) and both of them were very active in sports which meant I made time to take them to every practice and never missed a game. THEN! suddenly about 2 years before I got them raised to the age 18, thinking I could slow down and have some me time and money, my health went South! Now I have been in pain since about age 32 and have no life at all…I’m alive but not living…After reading about your diet, I have hope!! I will keep you updated on my progress!!!!

  23. Joan Reply

    Ross, your information is excellent, but that box on the left side of your pages is obstructing the text! It’s even making it difficult to leave this comment! Very unfriendly. If you must have it on your pages, why don’t you put it on the right side instead?

  24. Natalie Reply

    Is having 50ml of wheatgrass equivalent to one of the green vegetable juices you all advocate?
    I can’t afford to buy all these vegetables plus I am limited by time.

  25. Anne Reply

    Hi Ross,
    There is a drink I am making that I like a lot but have a question.
    This is 9.5 PH water, and I put 4 salts of PH Miracle, just a bit, and then I add a lemon to it (squeezing out the juice of the lemon).
    Sometimes I add also a Grape fruit as well.
    It makes it like a soda, but no sugar and alkaline! It’s quite neat.
    My question is actually if the lemon acid and the 4 salts (or Bicarbonate,does the same effect and alkaline) neutralize each other when I mix them like this. I just want to make sure this would not be the case… Thanks!
    I really admire the job you are doing on making it possible for people to eat alkaline as it is so important as you well know. Keep up the good work, really.

  26. Candra Reply

    This post is awesome. I’m really excited about getting healthier and I’ve heard that this is very beneficial when preparing for pregnancy. I can’t wait to get started!

  27. alice Reply

    great great blog. I’ve been going alkaline for 10 weeks now as a result of crippling rheumatoid pain all over my body (since I was operated on last year) and refusal to take drugs. Pain is now soooooooo much less, weight has dropped by 7 kilos and I feel positive that I’m on the right track. Before I was sugar addicted and 15 kilos overweight. My doctor is lovely but says food has nothing to do with my problem… how wrong can he be… thanks for your blog, it reinforces my belief in come sense!

  28. Artist Eric D. Greene Reply

    Great information – I have recently begun raw juicing every day for about 2 weeks now. I am really feeling the difference and getting addicted to it. So much so that I have started doing 2 juices a day… it’s just so refreshing and feels amazing.

  29. Jean Reply

    This article is awesome. It gives me lots of information on alkaline food. I will be back again for your new updates. Thank you!

  30. Stephanie D Allen Reply

    I am slowly moving into an alkaline diet. I love greens of all sorts. However, growing up in the south I’m use to the flavor of smoked meats in my cabbage, mustard, and collard greens. If I use a leaner smoked meat like turkey necks will that make the greens totally acidic. Will I lose all of the alkaline benefits? I am enjoying the information you are sharing. I have been researching acid/alkaline foe some time. YOU offer the best information. I feel I can really do this now. Blood work show C-Reactive Protein way out of range. Scared into submission. I look forward to your response.

  31. saky Reply

    wow what a nice thing to know than you so much .i like the guidance
    you can also check out here for some advices

  32. linda Reply

    i really appreciate this guidance. what kind of juicer do you suggest?

    • linda Reply

      Hi i am from holland and i have a question
      I like the diet. Bud i am still hungre what can i do?

  33. Janak Lal Kakshapati Reply

    Iam a patient with Kiney transplant, Nephropathy ,Retinopathy and Diabetese Mellitus Type 2 and am under regular medication, that developed G.I. problem. As a result I am suffering from Acidity and was in quest of Alkaline food. Fortunately I am getting great help to alleviate my my ailment. I must thank you for your outstanding and helpful hand . I expect your new information in days to come too.

  34. Marian Reply


    I love your sincere, enthusiastic spirit of wanting to help us become really healthy by alkalizing the diet. Your suggestions given so simply sound very do-able, and I hope to keep improving my health with them. I eat two luscious green salads a day but intend to increase the greens by using your suggestions. Thank you for sharing what your nutrition learnings. Blessings!

  35. Chintana Reply

    Thank you Ross so much for sending us these newsletters, recipes and plenty of tips for reminding and helping to get alkaline. In the ambient we live is bumping us full of acid foods….so need to stay strong to be different. I live in France and find it difficult to find some ingredients in your recipes, or to understand what they are like kale. And the other things is I love to buy seasonal veggies, so like in this period it is very difficult to find organic cucumber (good tasty ones). In these cases could you give some alternative for the winter period. In the Autumn and Summer I love to have a green smoothie in the morning but now I really need something warm to eat, like I am making a Millet porridge. I would love to receive a recipe for a warm breakfast from you.
    Thank you again, I really appreciate the work you are doing and I love your Alkaline recipe book!

  36. Barb Hall Reply

    I used to grow my own wheatgrass until I found this one for all the reasons stated below:
    Cleanse, Alkalize, and Nourish! Get all three by consuming one drink and you can take it with you when you travel, go to the gym or anywhere for a quick boost! In this highly nutritional, organic powdered product, 4 packets are equivalent to one tray of wheatgrass. Another important thing the packets are used upon opening, not like a jar, which each time it is opened oxidizes and loses its nutritional value. This product is cold dried to maintain its live enzymes and nutrients when combined with water.
    This is the only wheatgrass powder in the world grown aeroponically in 100% purified oxygen; soil free, fungus free and pollution free. The roots contain SOD, cancer fighting agents and 13 amino acids not found in the leaves
    Another plus, by combining the roots with the blades, the taste is not strong and nauseous as juiced wheatgrass. You take it first thing in the morning on an empty stomach in 6 to 8 ounces of room temperature, or cooler water.
    Check out the website at: for testimonies and information.

  37. Julie Calvert Reply

    Thankyou Ross,

    For a realistic start to alkalizing, for making the information available without a huge cost outlay, and making me feel like it is doable.

    Many blessings

    Julie Calvert

  38. Vanessa Wikerson Reply

    Love it! I am doing a lot of these already… but keep seeing this large doses of chlorophyll I bought for a heavy metal cleans… that I could be taking! Keep thinking even though I am resting on the heavy metals detox… I kept thinking I should be taking them w/ my current body needs in rebuilding after serious illness. Now, I know… do it! They are unfortunately pill form but very absorbable… so will go for it and lok into liquid in the future. Thank you for all you do!

    Please add a FB share button!! If I could find one, I would share this RIGHT NOW!

    Again, thanks to your contribution to human kind and human health!

  39. Crystal Reply

    Hi Ross,

    My name is Crystal and I am loving reading your blogs on Alkaline living! Very interesting and informative 🙂
    The only annoying thing is that I’m not able to get the FB,Tweet advertisment panel off of my screen? Any suggestions…
    I try to read around it, but I check out your Website frequently and I’ve hit my threshold!!! LOL 😛


  40. Elizabeth Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing such valuable information. I really appreciate it!


  41. Joanne Meuleners Reply

    Can I use ground falxseed to get my omega 3 in everyday? I currently eat 4 heaping teaspoons daily.

  42. Linda Matejceck Reply

    I’ve been following the diet for almost a month and I have had a headcold for just about that long. I rarely get colds and when I did they never lasted more that 2 or 3 days. What am I doing wrong? I heve never had so much mucus and could have had a box of tissues for years without running out, now I haven’t had dairy, sugar, bread, pasta , wine or meat and have used more tissues than in one week

    • Emma Reply

      Not sure if you got an answer to this one, but it sounds to me like a detox symptom. Although it’s got to be annoying, I wouldn’t say that it necessarily means you are doing anything wrong.

      Of course, if the symptoms continue for months, not being an expert I don’t know how long cleansing symptoms normally continue or how long you should wait before changing something.

    • Barb Quenneville Reply

      sounds like your body is fully cleansing…I know it’s hard to believe…but our bodies are very good at keeping us as clean as possible if only we would try and help them by realizing that fever, sneezing, coughing, phlegm, sweating, breathing, urinating, and defecating and more ways…are all methods of the body…to eliminate what it doesn’t need or use or want. I believe it is up to us to help our bodies with good air, water, rest, good healthy food and exercise. Our bodies will always try to do their best to help. Lets face it we are up against a lot today…pollution, herbicides, pesticides, unnecessary meds., poor water quality, hybrid foods, etc. I am trying by best to become educated about what goes in my body and if and when I do fall ill I understand that my body is working to eliminate the cause. Many plant foods assist the body. I use oregano oil in the fall and winter to assist my body and put one or two drops in water and drink. I haven’t had a cold for years. It’s great as a preventative! If you already have a cold the duration of it will definitely be reduced in days. Worth a try… If you can’t drink it, at least try to inhale the scent from the bottle to help clear sinuses. Some people even put a drop under their tongue. I like the water best because it reminds me to drink more good water. Hope you get better and investigate oregano oil (there are different strengths so use a mild one. Wishing you health and happiness…

  43. Frances Broadrick Reply

    We are drinking Alkaline water every day and hope to bring our ph levels up. My husband is in the yellow zone but been diagnosed with non-hodgens Lymphoma, is there a chance for him to bring his ph level up?

  44. Joe Reply

    Great post.

    Your liquid chlorophyll supplement link has some funny characters appended to the end which means it doesn’t resolve properly.

    • Ross Reply

      Hey Joe

      Thanks bro, I missed that – it had a trailling ” on the end of the .com””

      Fixed now 🙂


  45. Colleen Grant Reply

    Hi my name is Colleen, for some years I have had the odd Lipomas, but in the past year I have had a lot more forming.
    I am going to follow your suggestions and hopefully they will show some improvement. I do eat a lot of fruit and veges. I do not drink a lot of milk or eggs.
    Do you have any suggestions of what could possibly help?

