How to Get Alkaline to MAINTAIN or GAIN Weight!

Gain Muscle Alkaline Diet

It is fair to say a LOT of people who come to me for help want to lose weight. And we pretty much always get that result for them, it’s pretty simple to lose weight when you follow my alkaline-based protocol (it gets to the core of weight gain/fat gain – read more here)

BUT, the good news is – if you don’t want to lose weight or if you want to GAIN muscle then the alkaline diet is perfect for you too.

And in this guide (and video below) I’m going to show you exactly how and why the alkaline diet is the best possible way to get you to your health goals WITHOUT losing weight! And how you can start to add muscle mass if you DO want to gain more weight too.

If you’re looking to get alkaline and get that abundance of energy & vitality then you’re going to be in one of 3 situations right now:

  1. You’re looking to lose weight, lose excess body fat and tone up
  2. You’re looking to maintain your weight – you don’t want to lose any weight and you’re not interested in gaining muscle either – you’re happy where you are and you just want the extra energy, vitality and to live in optimal wellness
  3. You want all of that but you also want to build some muscle mass (maybe a little, maybe a lot), maintain the muscle you have and get more tone and bulk.

If you’re in group 2 or 3 this guide is for you.

In the three videos below I walk you through each of these steps – and show you how to make an awesome, delicious, muscle-building smoothie too!

And the full written guide is below the video too

Video 1: Maintaining Your Ideal Weight with the Alkaline Diet

Video 2: Building Muscle Mass with the Alkaline Diet

Video 3: Making an Alkaline pH Protein Smoothie

The Alkaline Diet is Not JUST About Losing Weight!

So much of the info that we read and watch about natural health, nutrition and healthy living has got that slant towards weight loss. It’s natural that there would be this constant focus or bias towards weight loss.

It is estimated that there are now over 1.4 billion adults in the world who are overweight. For the first time in history, deaths from obesity-related illnesses surpassed deaths from all other causes. Including malnutrition and infectious illnesses!

HOWEVER, there are those of us who are naturally on the slim side. From years of youth, teenage and young adulthood of being called ‘skinny’ (I prefer to call it ‘athletic) I generally fall into this category. My goal growing up was always not to lose weight but to gain it. To gain muscle and absolutely not to lose more weight.

And I am living proof you can. And the alkaline diet is most definitely not a ‘weight loss program’.

The Goal is ALWAYS Balance – No Matter What Your Goal

What do I mean by that?

I’m not talking balance like ‘if I have a salad now I can have a chocolate bar later’ – I am talking the balance within your body. The balance of what I call your Five Master Systems of the Digestive, Endocrine, Immune, Detoxification and pH balancing Systems.

Practically all sickness and disease is a symptom of imbalance in one or more of these systems, fuelled by inflammation, oxidative stress and acidity.

Being OVER-weight is a symptom of imbalance…

Being UNDER-weight is also a symptom of imbalance…

When you get into balance you rapidly find your ideal weight, and prime your body to be in it’s best shape it can possibly be.

So I repeat – my approach to health, my alkaline-based protocol is designed to get you to your optimum natural weight.

If you’re underweight you will put on weight – and yes, you will gain the needed amounts of fat and muscle to get you to that optimum weight.


If you’re in group three you might want to skip ahead. But I urge you to watch it all through still as you’ll benefit from what I’m about to say here too.

The only times when people on the alkaline diet will lose weight they don’t want to lose is if they’re not doing it right.

I know this might sound a little vague at first, so let’s get into the most common mistakes people make who fall into this trap.

MISTAKE #1: Not Enough Fat

This is the mistake that the vast majority of people are making – more than any other. Getting enough omega oils, omega 3 in particular is critical. Omega oils are called ‘essential fatty acids’ – and ‘essential’ nutrients are those that the human body cannot manufacture by itself. You have to consume it – you are responsible for it. And getting enough is not the easiest thing in the world. Other ‘essential’ nutrients like vitamin c are often consumed in enough quantity without people realising they’re even doing it, but this isn’t the case with omega oils.

Omega 3 is the most important, and the most difficult to get enough of so we will focus on that for now.

The biggest danger is that people still think of all fat as unhealthy and then consume NONE. This is not good. A Harvard Study cited omega 3 deficiency as being the 6th Biggest Killer in the USA and it is responsble for SO many conditions and can worsen things like cardiovascular disease, diabetes and more.

So we have to make sure we’re getting enough omega 3 and this is the one thing that I recommend everybody takes as a supplement. The reason is that it is hard to get in our daily diet in enough quantity and it’s too important to miss out on. It’s not too expensive and I recommend a combination. You can use a pre-made blend like Udo’s Choice, which is super-high quality or just mix it up yourself. By that I don’t actually mean mix up a bottle, but just buy a few different types and take them in random orders. I like to mix and match flax, Krill, fish and coconut. Some days I have just one kind, other days all of them. I like to do that to keep it more natural for my body.

You should also seek whole food sources of omega oils and saturated fats and my favourites are:

    • nuts and seeds, especailly almonds, flax, hemp, walnuts etc are all great
    • quinoa and chia are both great sources of fats as well as protein, fibre and all sorts of other goodies. I love to use quinoa in place of rice, add it to my salads and with chia – well you can just throw a handful in anything you like really!
    • tofu and soybeans: I know not everyone agrees with soy and tofu, but I believe it’s fine in moderation and is a great source of omega 3 and protein

coconut oil: some people are still a little worried about saturated fats, but the reality is, the myth that saturated fats are bad for you has been so thoroughly debunked by scientific study after study – AND – the source of that myth has now been exposed too – and the reality is saturated fats, particularly from coconut oil – are so critical for our health, energy and indeed muscle growth (read more on saturated fats, the studies, the politics etc. here

  • oily fish: I am not really a fish eater to be honest (as a vegetarian!), never have been, but oily fish is fine once or twice a week on the alkaline diet and is of course a great source of omega oils
  • and of course the oils themselves! I love to create my own salad dressings with flax oil and infuse it with herbs, spices, garlic, chilli that kind of thing – or just drizzle my salads or veggies with flax oil and squeeze some lemon on top. Using flax instead of other oils in your dressings is an easy way to get at least 50% of your daily needs.


MISTAKE #2: Taketh Away But Not Giveth!

This is a very common one, especially for people who go from a meat-based diet to alkaline, or vegetarian or vegan. But the same applies to people who default to staples like pasta, rice and dairy in their meals.

When people in these groups make the change they eliminate the acid food but they don’t replace it nutritionally. For instance, while meat is acidic, it does also contain a lot of calories and protein which should be replaced, at least in part.

Just taking all of the acid foods out of a diet can leave that diet lacking in bulk, substance and certain nutrients.

Be sure to check out my alkaline recipe centre (or my Alkaline Recipe System with hundreds of recipes, meal plans and more) and my teaching on how to transition.

You need to make sure you’re eating enough, replacing the old bad foods and getting a good balance of nutrients! Not doing this will leave you with deficits that can cause excessive weight loss if you’re not careful!

MISTAKE #3: Simply Not Eating ENOUGH

This is similar to the above. I often get emails from people when they’re first starting who say

Hey Ross – is this a good daily diet – I’m having this every day: A juice for breakfast; A salad for lunch; Steamed vegetables for dinner

AND THAT’S IT! No oils, no protein, not much of anything really! That’s a good start – definitely, but needs a fair bit of fine tuning! Here’s that daily alkaline menu again – these meals are nutrient dense and that’s what you’re aiming for.

Make sure you get enough! Use foods like pulses and beans, quinoa, avocados, include some fish if you like, the sprouted breads, coconut creams and oils – make sure the meals you have are satisfying, leaving you fully satiated and not hungry. If you get fatigued, headaches or dizzy – this is a sign you need more of all of the above and the extra hydration, which brings us on to…

MISTAKE #4: Dehydration

So many people forget about this simple step – not realising just how crucially important it is. You HAVE to be properly hydrated. You can read more about the importance of hydration here, but as a rule of thumb – aim for 2-3 litres of alkaline water every day.

Here’s my Hydration Cheat Sheet!

MISTAKE #5: Digestion

Ignore your digestive system and your colon at your own peril! The health of our whole body is reflected in the health of our digestive system. Both an INABILITY TO LOSE WEIGHT AND BECOMING UNDERWEIGHT are almost always a candida and over-acidic digestive tract symptom – if you go beyond the amount of weight you want to lose OR if you can’t lose any (or a stubborn last bit oR if you hit a plateau) then you should look at doing an alkaline cleanse (my full Alkaline Reset Cleanse coaching program is now closed, but will reopen next year – click here to go on the waiting list).

When your diet is acidic your digestive system becomes overgrown with yeast, candida and acidic wastes. This leads to your small intestine becoming impacted with waste and yeast which is bad news. Lining the wall of your small intestines are these little finger like things called villi. The role of the small intestine and these villi is to extract all of the nutrients and goodness from the foods you consume.

If your digestive system is impacted, these villi are stuck underneath and can’t do their job – meaning you’re not getting the nutrients from the foods you eat. If you are worried about losing too much weight start here. Cleanse your digestive system.

Get rid of the overgrowth and free the villi! When you don’t get the nutrients from your foods you will be prone to losing too much weight.

An alkaline cleanse is fantastic for this and will do the job in 7 days or less. If doing a cleanse seems complicated and overwhelming right now – jump on the waiting list for when my Alkaline Reset Cleanse becomes available again – and in the meantime here’s some simple tips:

  • Get more fibre: psyllium husks are a great, cheap way of getting both soluble and insoluble fibre into your daily diet. A teaspoon in a glass of water per day will do wonders for your digestive system
  • Get properly hydrated! This is critical for a healthy, cleansed digestive system
  • Cut gluten from your diet as much as possible – gluten containing grains such as wheat, spelt and rye absolutely ravage your digestive system, cause bacteria imbalance, leaky gut and so much inflammation. I have a full guide on why you need to cut wheat here</li>
  • …and the same goes for sugar where possible (although I know this is hard – so here’s a guide on that).

Over time, the more alkaline your diet becomes, the more and more your digestive system will get cleaner and cleaner. Again, a cleanse is best for getting this done asap – but these simple steps will help get you there too.

Remember, the alkaline diet is all about ABUNDANCE!

It’s never about restriction. It’s about an abundance of nutrients, an abundance of hydration and an abundance of real, whole foods, natural nutrition, deliciousness and enjoyment. There is no stress, no restriction, no counting calories or anything else negative.

Core Alkaline Diet Training Coming VERY SOON!

In fact, I have a great training guide and video coming up on exactly that in a couple of weeks – so definitely look out for that – it’s all about this approach of abundance.

If you want to maintain your weight and not lose more weight than you want to lose you just have to focus on those four lessons above and make sure you get enough fats, enough fibre, enough hydration and simply enough foods!


So how about if you’re in the position where you want to GAIN weight, gain muscle – either to get toned or to bulk up. Is the alkaline diet good for muscle growth?

The answer is YES, ABSOLUTELY!

Of course you need to make a few tweaks but let’s remember:

– building muscle is all about having healthy blood and healthy cells

And there is not an approach to health that is more powerful for cleansing the blood, building beautiful clean red blood cells, and getting your health working optimally at a cellular level than the alkaline diet. It’s the WHOLE POINT of the alkaline diet.

When you add to this the focus on healthy fats and hydration, you’re ticking off all the boxes needed for muscle growth.

The only tweaks we need to make compared to the ‘general public’ is the addition of a little more protein and a little more volume of food. Both are easy on the alkaline diet.

First let’s dispel the myth that the alkaline diet – or any healthy, dairy-free, meat-free diet is low in protein.

Typically in my meal plans in the Alkaline Recipe System, the daily protein intake is between 80g-120g – with simple alkaline meals like smoothies, wraps and an alkaline curry for dinner. If you added a little more to this simple daily menu then you would easily push this as high as 150g or more if needed with an alkaline protein powder.

This approach to health is NOT low in protein. The average person doing moderate exercise would get more than enough. If you’re a gym-goer, then you will easily get enough to build lean muscle mass and develop a strong body.

Here are my top tips for tweaking the Alkaline Diet to build muscle:

Alkaline Muscle Tip #1: Protein – Clean & Alkaline

Getting EXTRA protein on the alkaline diet is pretty easy. You shouldn’t need to get tempted back into the world of meat and dairy to get enough protein to thrive, build strong muscle and grow on the alkaline diet. Here are some of my favourite sources:

1) Quinoa & Oats at Breakfast: this is a really quick and easy way to start the day with 25-30g of protein, fibre and warm deliciousness. I like to use either straight quinoa, or a combination of quinoa and oats, cooked in water with some coconut cream added at the end. I also like to add some chia seeds, flaxmeal and if I’m feeling funky a little raw, organic cacao powder too! This will give you a filling protein boost that may not be super-alkaline, but it is still a little alkalising and will help get your body fuelled for muscle growth!

[Click here for my guide to the Perfect Breakfast Formula]

2) pH-Boosting-Protein-Rich-Smoothies: this is going to be great for you if you want to build muscle! You can make highly alkaline, super-filling and protein-rich smoothies in seconds and get that big protein hit – with a full range of amino acids every single day.

If you want to make a really alkaline version, here’s a great recipe for you:

The pH Boosting Protein Shake

And if you want to make it more of a traditional protein smoothie, see my recommendation below.

3) Tofu: Regardless of the whole tofu/soy debate, I believe the quantities that I consume it, and the quantities I include in my teaching really are ‘in moderation’ and wouldn’t trigger any of the negatives people talk of. Let’s face it, nothing has been proven either way and tofu is a good source of protein on the alkaline diet. Including tofu once a week is going to be no harm, but give you a hit of protein in one or two of your meals.

4) Beans & Pulses: these are a great source of protein and offer a great source of fibre too. I like to add chickpeas, kidney beans, butter beans, cannellini beans, lentils and so on to my salads and meals to give me that filling satiation as well as the protein hit. They’re not super alkaline but they’re great at doing what they do.

5) Almond Butter: this is a little treasure! So few people know about or use almond butter! It’s delicious, full of omega oils, full of protein and, again, delicious. You can have it on sprouted bread, in smoothies, on celery, with dinner as a kind of dip…all sorts. Don’t forget this as a source of protein. A great little snack for alkaline muscle building is celery and almond butter. Takes under 8 seconds to prepare!

6) Quinoa (again) with Salads and in Side Dishes: Why not throw a couple of handfuls into pretty much every meal! You can’t go wrong!

7) Greens: there is a surprising amount of protein in greens. That’s not to say you can eat some spinach and get all of your protein needs from that – BUT – on the alkaline diet you’re eating LOADS of greens, and greens in this quantity does add up to being a substantial amount.

8) Nuts & Seeds: like almonds, walnuts, sesame seeds, chia, sunflower seeds and so on are a great source of protein AND omega oils, fibre, alkaline minerals and lots of other goodness – and they make a great snack, can be added to salads and breakfasts and are super-easy to get into your daily diet.

These eight examples are all highlighting how easily you can get a solid amount of muscle building protein into your alkaline diet. There is NO reason why you can’t build serious mass with the alkaline diet.

[See More: 10 Easy Ways to Get Vegan, Alkaline Protein]

Alkaline Muscle Tip #2: Protein Supplements!

Of course, if you’re serious about building muscle on the alkaline diet then adding a protein supplement as a safety net might not be a bad move. When it comes to protein it’s SO important to get something that is not going to be acid-forming as this will undo all of your other hard work.

My favourite brand is Sun Warrior who make raw, vegan, GMO-free, sprouted protein powders from hemp, brown rice and other non-dairy sources.

My current favourite is the unflavoured sprouted brown-rice protein they make – it’s 23g per scoop and contains every amino acid for great assimilation in the body.

Just stay away from whey. It’s pure, processed dairy. In other words, highly acid-forming. And that’s when it’s on it’s own and plain – just think of the chemicals in the flavoured varieties!

Alkaline Muscle Tip #3: Omega Oils

Visit any bodybuilding site and they will ALL be telling you to get plenty of omega oils. It’s absolutely vital. Don’t miss out! It’s also very hard to get enough through daily diet alone, every day, without fail. And you need to get enough. Every day. Without Fail.

I recommend getting a mix of different oils such as flax, avocado, coconut, krill, fish etc and just mix it up randomly with your supplementation. Capsules work best for most people, but I still like the odd tablespoon of flax in the morning!

Alkaline Muscle Tip #4: Hydration

Proper hydration is CRITICAL for muscle growth, proper performance in the gym, proper recovery, proper muscle tone and everything else to do with building and retaining muscle mass. If you become dehydrated you will become lethargic, experience cramping and endurance and strength performance will suffer.

In order to move and flex your muscles, you need water. If your body is dehydrated, your muscles will be deprived of electrolytes and cramp. Since muscles are controlled by nerves, without the proper water and electrolyte balance muscle strength and control will also be impaired.
It is essential that you stay hydrated if you want to build muscle and experience optimal performance in the gym.

Alkaline Muscle Tip #5: Salts

Similarly, you need salts. Every single person who uses pHour Salts, pH Miracle’s amazing alkaline salt supplement, reports back how much faster their recovery is after a workout AND how much better their performance is DURING their workout. These alkaline mineral salts are super-important for exercise, recovery and growth. Probably at least as important as protein.

My Alkaline pH Protein Shake

In the video above I show you how to make my Alkaline pH Protein Shake – and here it is cut out so you can save some time and JUST watch this bit if you need to! And if you’re super-short on time, here’s the recipe for you:


1 scoop of Sun Warrior Sprouted Brown Rice Vegan Protein Powder
150ml Almond Milk
100ml Coconut Milk (if you don’t want Soy)
150ml Alkaline Water
1 Dessert Spoon of Coconut Oil
1 Teaspoon Raw Organic Cacao Powder
1 Dessert Spoon of Flaxmeal

Optional (but I always include!)
1 Teaspoon Organic Sesame Seeds
1 Teaspoon Chia Seeds
1 Teaspoon of Psyllium Husks
1 Teaspoon Almond Butter

Simply blend it all together and serve!

Wrapping It Up!

These tips will give your body the PERFECT platform to compliment your exercise, lifting, workout routine to make sure you build and grow and tone and add mass – whatever you goal.

The core of the alkaline diet will give you that abundance of essential nutrients, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and everything needed to give you clean blood and clean, healthy cells that is so critical for muscle growth and the above 6 alkaline diet tweaks will make this go into overdrive.

Again, I also recommend doing an alkaline cleanse every 3-6-or-12 months to flush everything out. While it will require a break from lifting for a week or so, the results after giving your body this HUGE influx of nutrients over the cleanse will shock you. You’ll see a quantum leap in your results and it will really take you to the next level.

So I hope you’ve loved this video and guide and again, look out for my 3-part series coming in the next few weeks which will take everything here and make it real and practical and super-easy for you.

If you have any questions please let me know below!

Extra Reading & Resources

My 10 Favourite Vegan Sources of Protein
Tom Brady Lives an Alkaline Diet
Can I Still Eat Meat on an Alkaline Diet?
Sun Warrior Protein
AlkaMind Daily Protein

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. benda Reply

    how can i eat an alkaline diet since i am super skinny. rarely reach 90 lbs

  2. Doris Reply

    Hi, thks for the very interesting info, just wondering if you can help. My father was diognosed with panretic cancer after 8 weeks of loosing a lot of weight, he was operated on, everything was good for the first few months, gained a liitle weight but unfortunatly cancer returned. he never got his strength back, doctors told us that he was not strong enough for chemo or any other treatment. About 4 months ago we got him on a type of veg diet, seems quiet similar to your alkaline diet. I am worried because he has lost a lot of weight and is always in bed and feels very tired. For breakfast I make him a smoothy with pineapple, half a lemon and half a red grapefruit, a small piece of each broccoli, celery, kajl, 5 baby spinach leaves a tiny onion, apple wedge, 3 purple grapes, a teasp of grated fresh ginger, together with a teasp of olive oil and a little turmeric powder. Then during the day he has fresh lemon juice with a point of a teasp of bicarb soda and half a teasp manuka honey with a little water. he has this lemon drink 3 times a day, For lunch and dinner time he mainly has some type of veg soup, a bit of chicken or fish sometimes even an egg. He often goes to the tojlet and is loosing to much weight. He sometimes has a peach or half a banana. What do you think about what we are giving him? do you suggest we give him some protein powder. His urine pH Level is 7,5. He seems to have given up, which we know is very bad but i would love to get his strength up maybe he will feel better. sorry about the long letter but please help me.

    • ross Reply

      Hi there

      I have to be very careful about replying to a post about a diagnosed condition. Here are the things I can suggest:

      1) I would simplify the juice/smoothie you’re making – that’s a lot of ingredients and not totally necessary. I have lots of juices and smoothies here you can check out:

      2) I would vary the ingredients to get a more rounded nutrient profile. Using a range of those juices and smoothies above will help with this.

      3) Try to keep fruits in juices to a minimum. You can get all of the nutrients from vegetables, but without the concentrated fructose in fruit juice.

      4) Add oils: omega 3 and coconut oil to the diet – oils are very important

      5) Increase the volume of healthy foods – just a juice for all food content until lunch isn’t a great deal – especially if there are no healthy fats in there. Try adding one of my raw soups or other recipes in mid morning. The soups, salads etc would be a good choice.

      6) Keep hydration up and if you want to use a protein powder, maybe look to the Sun Warrior brand which is dairy free, sprouted and alkaline.

      7) For an accurate way to test pH use this guide:

      I want to make it clear – none of the above should be construed as advice to treat or prevent any cancers or degenerative conditions. These suggestions relate only on how to optimise the alkaline diet for general health. Please consult with your physician or consultant before making any major dietary changes. I am not a doctor.


      • Doris Reply

        First of all I would like to thank you for your quick reply. I was told to keep his body as alkaline as possible and his pH urine level at 7 or higher, so that is why we have him on this diet, but since he has been having very loose stools I ve been worried. he has been on this type of food for over 4 months now and most of the time he has loose stools. do you think it could be the bicarb in the lemon juice that is causing the loose stools. I am thinking of trying your powerhouse juice but being blood type O i have a list of foods that are no good for him and cabbage is one of them, so can i do it without the cabbage and what juice and smoothy recipes do you suggest please so that maybe we can control the loose stools. thanking you very much for your advise. I just need to find some time to go through all your info and time I donot have. Good day and God Bless .

  3. sam Reply

    When i switched my diet , no doubt i feel better but i am loosing weight although i am already skinny and slim , so i do not want to loose weight,

    So can you also tell how to get more calories on alkaline, dairy free, gluten free diet ?


  4. Sharpy Reply

    Hi, Is having firm tofu for dinner every night and soy milk in protein shakes every monday, wednesday and friday too much soy? Usually get it from Woolworths, Thanks

  5. Carol Reply

    Thanks Ross, for doing you tube presentations to help people get motivated and providing examples of how to begin alkalizing!

  6. Hakim Reply

    What I am a bit confuse about is the energy requirements of the body. Baden on the info at the back of food packs women need a min of 2000cal per day and men a little more. If I add up your suggestions of 2 table spoons of flax oils etc… It really dozen tads up to anything near. So do we need as much as that or Is the diet you state actually has that much of calories in it?? Thank you for your great knowledge on alkalinity and diet. It’s really helped… Hakim

  7. Larissa Reply

    Hi! I’m starting out with those alkaline diet..I’m working out a lot and I’m allergic to gluten and soy and dairy. But despite that I still get bloating. I’m very strict with my diet, like I only eat organic and I never eat junk not processed foods. I think chicken bloat me too.. Any suggestions on protein sources and still continue my gluten, soy and dairy free diet and stay alkaline? What’s the basic source that I should have coz I want to keep everything to a minimum ingredients as possible. Thanks!

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Larissa

      The cleanest source of non-gluten protein would be the Sun Warrior sprouted protein powder I mention and use in the video – being sprouted it means it contains no gluten. Check it out at


  8. Debbie Reply

    Hi Ross!

    Started the alkaline diet about 5 months ago and I feel great!! I had a cancerous tumor removed from my tongue in May and I am doing everything in my power to keep this disease from returning! What if you do not have alkaline water. Can you use lemon in your water? Also, am I able to eat buckwheat and Quinoa? Only a tablespoon of olive oil per salad? Also, what protein can I use in my shake? All the protein powders I saw at the health food store have sugar in them. I ordered a book from the Dr. Robert Young website…..PH Miracle Balance for Cancer. Was supposed to come out the end of September. I have no way to find out about the book. Can you help me?? Thank you for all of your help!!!! I look forward to a long, healthy life!!! Thank you for all you do!!

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Debbie

      Not sure on the book but I know publishing deadlines get pushed back ALL the time – it won’t be Dr Y’s fault necessarily! Most likely the publisher.

      For alkaline water options – check out my guide here – runs you through all of the options.

      The protein I use in the videos is alkaline, vegan, GMO-free, gluten-free and 100% sugar free – check it out at


  9. Oliver Reply

    Hi Ross
    Some great stuff there; a couple of quickies – do you recommend raw almond butter over the roasted variety? Also I make my almond milk in a Soyquick Premier machine which cooks it, and again I wonder if there’s much between the cooked and the raw?

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hey Oliver!

      How are you? You’re one of my very first Recipe Book owners 🙂

      I always prefer raw almonds in all format over roasted. With the almond milk – this isn’t as much of an issue, but does the Soyquick enable you to have it raw too?


  10. Nick Reply

    I suggest anyone considering forcing 2-3 litres of water into their bodies every day reads this article entitled ‘Do you really need to drink eight cups of water a day?’

    As it says – “We are able to tolerate losses in water relatively well, whereas even slight over hydration can be far more dangerous”

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Nick

      I have read the article and the BBC had published something similar last year. It’s pretty condescending and highlights it’s own flaws if you read between the lines. It’s pure opinion using very lose studies to try to make that personal opinion sound official and something that can be extrapolated to the reader, you and me. This type of journalism gets my goat.

      My take on it is:

      1) of course elite level athletes can tolerate the drop in hydration at the time and in the moment. Nobody is doubting the human body’s ability to do this – what the concern is about refers to being dehydrated daily over a long period of time, which most people are. The placebo effect with elite athletes is also always going to be way stronger than ‘normal’ people as the relationship between performance and psychology is huge. The article even highlights something similar to this itself.

      2) it then tries to belittle the hydration argument by bringing up one niche study funded by a supplement. If we discarded every study that is funded by the pharmaceutical industry we would have a much better world, so I agree with this – but you can’t throw out a whole argument because one company funded a study once. That’s just trying to take the reader for a fool.

      3) YES your body will regulate this for you! I agree with this final point. And the body will stop telling you that you need more water when you’re at an average of 2-4 litres per day (depending on exertion and weight).

      OK, here’s the deal: tomorrow I want you (Nick) to drink 4 glasses of water all day and see how you feel. Then the next day I want you to drink 12 throughout the day and see how you feel.

      Let me know how that goes.


  11. Tracey Reply

    Hi I enjoyed the videos , most helpfull , the little book that you held up in front of you can you give me information on this , where can I get it from .??
    Bookshops , or order it online .
    Thank you Tracey
