Alkaline Recipe #11 pH Boosting Alkaline Protein Shake!

As a vegetarian/ mostly vegan, raw-food enthusiast who loves the gym I obviously find it pretty difficult to find an alkaline protein shake for after a heavy workout.

Getting enough alkaline protein is easy – you will quickly get way above the recommended 20-35g per day, and easily up to 50-100g per day…

But a heavy workout schedule involving resistance training, high intensity training/crossfit etc demands a little more protein (and a lot more greens and fats, the two other essential nutrients for muscle growth).

Almost every book and every recipe on lean muscle-building relies almost exclusively on meat, dairy and whey for protein intake. All acidic, clogging foods.

get the alkaline recipe book here

What about vegetarians and vegans – and those after something a little more alkaline for their protein needs? What about people who do not want to sacrifice their health but want to build muscle?

Well, I am hoping that this one helps you out as much as it has helped me.

pH Boosting Alkaline Protein Shake (Vegan, GF)

alkaline protein shake

Serves: 2

1 avocado, peeled and chunked
1 cucumber (add more or less to change consistency), roughly chopped
300ml Coconut or Almond Milk
1-2 big handfuls of fresh raw spinach leaves
1 handful of almonds (soaked overnight unless you have a powerful blender such as a Vitamix or Nutribullet)
1 scoop of alkaline, raw, sprouted protein (see below)
2 large leaves of kale, stalks removed
2 tablespoons of chia seeds
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
Optional: 1/2 block silken tofu (preferably organic)


Peel the avocado and thoroughly wash the cucumber (if it is a thick skinned cucumber, peel some of this away).

If you have pre-soaked the almonds (a great source of alkaline protein), give these a rinse and add next, blending until it’s like a thick paste.

Then place all of the ingredients into a blender and whizz it all up.

This shake, including either the protein powder or the tofu will deliver around 35-45g of protein per serve.

A Note on Alkaline Protein

On the alkaline diet, you really want to avoid dairy, sugar and gluten – and most whey proteins contain all three. Preferably you will use a sprouted (thus no gluten) alkaline protein such as a sprouted brown rice.

There are thankfully, as of 2016, a LOT of great brands now out there. Try to go for unflavoured/unsweetened as this is an unnecessary way to ruin a good product!

My favourite brands are:

Vega Plant Based Protein
Sun Warrior
Amazonia Raw

Each of these gives around 28-30g of alkaline protein per scoop!


Printable Alkaline Protein Shake Recipe:

[yumprint-recipe id=’76’]

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  1. Deanne Reply

    I suffer from kidney stones and my doctor has told me to limit the amount of certain greens I consume …. Any suggestions on what greens I can safely eat?

  2. suzanne Reply

    I make a raw milk kefir. Even though its dairy, isn’t this ok? My PH in AM has been consistently 5.5 even though I eat alot of greens and wild salmon 2 to 3x a week.

  3. Nathan Reply

    Can you please tell me if Naked Rice Protein and Garden of Life Raw Orgainic Meal is alkaline?
    Thank you. I love your content.

  4. Juan Vives Reply

    Ross couple questions. Is New Zealand grass fed whey acidic? Also , is vegan smart meal replacement alkaline?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Juan

      No dairy is alkaline-forming certainly not concentrated whey. You are far better off going for a plant-based protein like Alkamind Daily Protein, Organifi Protein or Sun Warrior.

      Can you give me a link to the meal replacement so I can check it out? It’s unlikely a processed food would be alkaline, but keen to check it out.


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  5. Bianca Reply

    Question: what if you have a thyroid problem. Hypothyroidism. Would you still use raw kale and spinach in you drink?

  6. Mr. Rajib Reply

    At present I am deeply affected by GERD problem. so what kind of protein do I need to take?

  7. Terry Reply

    It is my understanding that brown rice is acid forming in the body .
    How can that be a good alkaline protein source then?

    • ross Reply

      Hi Terry

      The sprouted brown rice is alkaline forming and a great source of protein. While it’s not super-alkaline, it’s considerably better for you than a regular whey which is about as acid-forming as it gets.


  8. Sarah Reply

    Tofu is a man made product and isn’t on Dr Sebis alkaline list.

  9. Susan Reply

    I have osteoporosis and I am also gluten free and dairy free. Is there a protein powder that you reccomend for a protein shake in the morning that is alkaline? Thanks so much!


    • ross Reply

      See above – the vega, sun warrior, amazonia are all great.

  10. Johnette Reply

    Does this drink taste intense? Protein is always good!

    • ross Reply

      It tastes great 🙂

  11. Chris Reply

    HI guys two good protein pumpkin seeds and almonds.
    I started my career as a chef many years ago and recently found alkalinity and have had pretty much the same issues as most of you I love the gym and love my protein and still love fish and meat now and again.
    So I was just preparing my meals with 4 times the salad or veg.
    But when you look in to it beans seeds and nuts are the key.
    they are there to form life so they are packed with the building blocks or good amino-es.
    I’ am actually writing a book that encompasses a high protein, alkaline diet as I haven’t been able to find one as yet.
    from my experience and believe me I have tried just about every form of protein going, hemp taste like you have split a tea bag.

    Any way chuck you pumpkin seeds or almonds into a blender until you turn them in to a fine powder then keep them in a jar and add a scoop of about 70 grams for each shake or two protein scoops this will give you about 22g’s
    you can add it to soy milk,milk or just your five a day fruit smoothie first thing in the morning before the gym and if you put pineapple in there its supposed to help metabolize the fat .
    can be a bit gloppy and filling depending on what fruit you have with it so make sure you have it way before breakfast.
    p.s. can any one tell me where to find the most accurate,up to date alkaline list as they are all different?
    any way my website will be fully running by about July 2010 and book soon to follow so watch this space!

    • Claire Seals Reply

      Ross: Is almond milk an alkaline product? I really like it in preference to soy.

      • ross Reply

        Yep feel free to use almond or coconut (or quinoa milk)

    • ross Reply

      Chris this is an AWESOME tip!

  12. Philip Terry Reply

    Can anyone recommend any other alternatives to Hemp, Soy, Nuts, Seeds? I read something that put me off Hemp, can’t remember where I saw it though. As with everything there is a double edge sword – it’s both good for you and negative at the same time. One should consider the net gains I guess. Take Soy for example…

    Be good to research what other alternatives there are to all of the above?

    • ross Reply

      Hey Phil – have updated this recipe to reflect 2016 – and the hemp, soy are removed.

  13. jakie Reply

    yeah v so over people who dont understand people trying for optimal health, im doing it for health and well being.. i miss my nasty bad food but to i want energy and health or a quick hit and be a tired fat cow.. i have three kids under three this is all very expensive and our income isnt great but if ya got optimal health there not more you need!

  14. John Reply

    Hey ross , i wonder those Rice Protein powder sell at local store suitable as a alternative to soy milk? Is rice protein powder alkaline too?


  15. steve Reply

    I would use soy milk but i read on bbc health news that it interferes with hormonal signals?

  16. Maria Reply

    Great protein shake recipe, thanks. I have tried using almond milk intead of soy and hemp protein instead of tofu (I am allergic to soy!) and it also tastes great!

  17. v Reply

    soy isn’t alkalizing at all. toxic, in most cases.

    • Ross Reply

      Can you offer anything to back that up, or are you happy to just criticise?

  18. Ross Reply

    Hi again Fee

    I personally get all of the protein I need from this diet, however I do eat tofu and drink soy and rice milk. I also include lots of nuts, seeds, beans etc which are all great sources of protein, as are (surprisingly) green vegetables.

    I also have oats and muesli some mornings for breakfast (with the soy or rice milk) which packs around 15-20g of protein per bowl.

    If you are seriously training and needing more protein then hemp protein supplements are fantastic, clean and far, far more alkaline than whey protein.

    Hope this helps!

    Again – everything is covered by the Energise Alkaline Lifestyle Course – check it out here:


  19. Fee Reply

    Yes RJ I’d also like to know this. I will not eat/drink soy products. I wonder if organic rice milk is alkaline? Not sure what you’d replace the tofu with though..

  20. RJ Reply

    What do you use for protein main dishes on alkaline diet if you don’t tolerate soy well and if underweight with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

  21. Fifi Reply

    Hi there,
    Hemp is a complete protein and would be great to incorporate the seeds into your diet. Check out a book called Thrive by Brendan Brazier. He is a Triathlete Vegan!
    Hope this helps.
    Good Luck
