Alkaline Fruits (Which Are Alkaline vs Acidic)

alkaline fruits guide

Alkaline Fruits: Which Are Alkaline & Why

The question of which are the alkaline fruits is such an important one to understand when you’re first starting on the alkaline diet.

Not all fruits are created equal, and while there are a lot of fruits you can eat with wild abandon, it is a mistake to think that all fruits are alkaline-forming and you can easily fall into the trap of over-consuming them.

Yes, you can over-consume fruit.

I’ll get onto this in just a moment, because first it’s essential to point out that most alkaline foods charts are dead wrong.

The Charts You Need to Ignore: When they List All Fruits As Alkaline Fruits

There are a lot of alkaline food lists out there, and I know so many people get frustrated because they all seem to conflict with each other.

But the fact is, there are not actually that many differences between them – really there is just one big difference:

The simple truth is that most fruits are not alkaline-forming.

Think things like pineapple, banana, oranges, melons – these are commonly listed as alkaline fruits, but they are actually mid-to-very acid-forming.

I know this could be a shock to a lot of people, so let me explain.

If These Are Not Alkaline, Why Are They On the List As Alkaline In So Many Food Charts?

The simple answer is that most charts are classifying the foods based on the PRAL method of determining pH (PRAL stands for Potential Renal Acid Load). In this methodology the food (or any other substance) is burned down to a fine ash, and the pH of the ash is measured.

This is a hugely useful measure for many hundreds of clinical applications.

But when it comes to food pH and our diet, it’s pretty useless. Why?

Because it doesn’t take SUGAR into consideration.


These fruits, like those I mentioned, the common fruits like bananas, pears, cherries, kiwi fruit, oranges, pineapple, apple and so on taste, well, really sweet and delicious.

And they taste sweet because they have a ton of fructose in them! And fructose is a pretty damaging sugar for the body (I’ll get into this more in a minute, but basically fructose is the WORST of the sugars).

Yes, they contain vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and so on, but when you look at the net affect these fruits have on the body, the sugar means they do more damage than good.

So Are You Telling Us to AVOID FRUIT?!

No, that’s not my point. I still think fruit is a wonderful treat and you should feel free to have 1-2 pieces per day (preferably organic and in-season). My point is that these fruits shouldn’t be eaten with wild abandon and seen as a ‘health food’ or free pass.

Plus, when it actually comes to WHY I would eat fruit, it’s actually more to do with it’s taste and convenience over it’s nutritional profile.

Research published in 2014 out of William Paterson University compiled the list of the world’s most ‘powerhouse fruits and vegetables’ based on the nutrient density and bioavailability of 41 different foods.

Foods were awarded “powerhouse” status by providing, on average, 10 per cent or more of the daily recommended intake across 17 nutrients that have been proven to prevent and reverse chronic disease.

SO of all of the fruits and vegetables they published the top 41.

Of the top 41, 38 were alkaline forming foods …and of those the TOP FIFTEEN WERE ALL LEAFY GREENS.

The only fruits to appear in the top 41 were strawberries, oranges and blackberries which were at 30, 33 and 38 respectively.

So for a nutrient hit, I like to stick to my vegetables. They don’t contain fructose and they DO contain a lot more nourishment.

The Problem With Fructose

Fruit, as delicious as it is, contains fructose. And fructose is be a problem.

While most types of sugar can be metabolised by practically every cell in the body, fructose can ONLY be metabolised by the liver. We were not designed to eat the vast volumes of fructose we now eat.

Regular sugars – table sugar, brown sugar, raw sugar, cane sugar – these are all 50% glucose and 50% fructose.

Don’t get me wrong, the glucose is acidic, oxidising, inflammatory and bad news – but if you’re moderately active, the body can use it.

Fructose cannot be used and it stresses the heck out of the liver, the pancreas and so much more.

[Note: Guide to Supporting Your Liver Naturally Here]

People think of fructose as a ‘natural sugar’, ‘fruit sugar’ or ‘healthy sugar’ but this is just not the case. It’s not only as damaging as any other sugar, but in reality – it’s actually worse.

The direct effects of fructose metabolism include:

    1. 100% of the fructose being stored as fat cells – leading to weight gain, fatty liver disease & insulin resistance (and thus Type 2 Diabetes)
    2. Fructose being processed by the liver heavily interferes with our appetite hormones
    3. When our appetite hormones are out of balance, this metabolic shift to puts us into ‘starvation mode’ causing the body to store _all _food as fat
    4. Fructose raises the levels of our ‘hunger hormone’ ghrelin and when ghrelin is elevated our brain sends the signal that we’re always hungry, no matter how much we eat

In short, fructose causes inflammation, liver stress, oxidative stress, uric acid formation, it makes us gain weight, we can’t stop eating it, and it makes us want to keep eating more. Not good.

And fruit contains a LOT of fructose.

Just check out this chart showing the total grams of sugar per serve:

These are not alkaline fruits! They are most definitely acidic, and we need to make sure we don’t eat, juice and smoothie a ton of them every day.

In fact, see below for my rules on juicing fruits.

You should definitely still eat these fruits, alkaline or not, 1-2 times a day because they’re a delicious snack, way more healthy than something that contains the sugar but NOT the vitamins etc.

But it is clear to see that they are not alkaline fruits and shouldn’t be classified as such.

Alkaline Fruits & Acidic Fruits

There is a key distinction here, because we’re not actually talking about alkaline fruits or acidic fruits…we’re talking alkaline-FORMING fruits and acid-FORMING fruits.

Remember this: It is not the pH of the food BEFORE we consume it that is the biggest influence, it is the EFFECT the food has on the pH of the body AFTER consumption.

Sounds like a minor thing, but as you’re about to see, it’s very important.

Alkaline Fruits List

      • Lemon
      • Lime
      • Avocado
      • Cucumber
      • Tomato
      • Grapefruit
      • Pomegranate

That’s it! And half of these you wouldn’t normally consider to be a fruit anyway!

Now, I mentioned alkaline-FORMING before and this rule applies most clearly to lemons and limes. This confuses a lot of people because, as we all know, lemons and limes are acidic in nature.

However, when metabolised they have an alkaline-forming effect on the body, and so are to be classified as alkaline forming fruits.

Acidic Fruits List

Well, this is a list of basically every other fruit…

      • Banana
      • Pineapple
      • Melons
      • Grapes
      • Oranges, mandarins, satsumas etc
      • Berries: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries etc.
      • Pears
      • Passionfruit
      • Kiwifruit
      • Papaya
      • Paw Paw
      • Mango

Before you ask about any other fruit, the easy answer is – if it’s not on the alkaline fruits list, it’s not alkaline. The acidic fruits list isn’t exhaustive!

A note on fruit in juices and smoothies & dried fruit

I strongly recommend you don’t juice, blend or dehydrate (dry) fruits. Eat them whole and raw.

Fructose is far less damaging when consumed with fibre, chewed and digested slowly.

When the fibre is removed (as with juices) it is even more rapidly metabolised by the liver. Same goes for dried fruits. These give a huge hit of fructose with very little fibre and immediately stress the liver.

So there should be no fruit in juices (because the fibre is removed) and even in smoothies, because if your smoothie contained several serves of fruit and you drink the smoothie at a normal drinking pace, this would overload the liver very quickly (think about the time it takes to drink a drink vs to eat 2-3 pieces of fruit including chewing time).

The Best & Worst Acidic Fruits – A Rough Guide:

Really, it all comes down to the sugar content, as this pretty much overrides the nutritional content. So to keep it simple, you want to be eating less of the high-sugar fruits like pineapple, apple, oranges and bananas and instead, the alkaline forming fruits aside, sticking to the lower sugar fruits like berries and melons.

Honestly, all are fine in moderation as long as you’re sticking to the rules of:

      1. 1-2 pieces only per day
      2. Don’t juice or smoothie them
      3. Stay away from dried fruit

Stick to those simple rules and you’re all set to continue enjoying fruits each day – regardless of their pH!

I really don’t want you to freak out about fruits, but at the same time I don’t want you eating (and worse, juicing) a ton of fruit every day thinking that it’s healthy and fine to eat in huge quantities.

The simple truth is that you CAN still eat a little fruit, but keep it within my rules and you’ll be set.

Any questions, please do ask below,

Alkaline Fruits Further Reading & Resources

What is PRAL
Sugar Alternatives: Complete Guide to Sugar & ‘Healthy’ Sugar
Full Alkaline Foods Chart
Introduction to the Alkaline Diet
Alkaline Diet Evidence
The Most Powerhouse Foods Study

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  1. nola Reply

    Lemons, limes, grapefruits, and cucumbers are all acidic, not alkaline. Their juices all have pH values below 7, which is acidic.

    “Before you ask about any other fruit, the easy answer is – if it’s not on the alkaline fruits list, it’s not alkaline.”

    Your list of alkaline fruits is not comprehensive (or accurate).

    “half of these you wouldn’t normally consider to be a fruit anyway!”

    All of those are botanically fruits. Don’t say “you wouldn’t normally consider” because you don’t know what the people reading your misinformation consider.

    • ross Reply

      Hi Nola – the pH of the food in it’s natural state is irrelevant, it is the impact on the body, specifically the blood pH.

      Generally speaking it’s pretty rude to rock up to someone’s business and tell them they’re wrong, without offering any evidence or counter argument.

      I guess this is the way of the world now. But good luck going forward, you don’t have to listen to me or believe me.

  2. Karen Reply

    What about freeze-dried or dehydrated carrot juice? This of course is a vegetable, but a bit sweet. I am interested in the juice powder as it is simpler than juicing.

    I want to have it with enzymes intact.

    I have read freeze-dried uses some heat briefly in the process of turning the ice to a gas, but I don’t see the temperature or for how long. Would freeze-dried or dehydrated have more enzymes intact?

    I would appreciate your opinion.

    Thanks !

  3. Russ Reply

    Heh Bro

    What about tomatillos

    Alkaline forming?



    • ross Reply

      100% yep 💪

  4. Ellen Johns Reply

    Can I heal acid reflux naturally? I’ve been constipated, now having acid reflux. Don’t want to go on antaacids or proton pump stuff.
    Thank you

  5. Paula D Hall Reply

    How long does it take to reverse the effect of your acidic ph?

    What is the best way to determine your ph?

    What about the oxidising effect of greens (leafy green vegetables)?

    As we are preparing for food shortages, high costs, CDBC ‘s, dehydrating, freezing, to take advantage of seasonal foods, any advice on how to eat healthily?

  6. OWEN HARE Reply

    I used to always drink Orange juice with my breakfast (I’ve always had a problem with Acne) I’ve been on holiday for the past 6 weeks and was advised to abstain from my Orange juice and its made a significant difference to my skin. Is this a fluke or good advice. Looking forward to your response.

  7. Richard Reply

    Hello Ross,
    that was rather surprising and I had to rub my eyes and pinch myself to make sure am reading correctly. I really do can follow you and you explained it very thoroughly but also quite simple. Can imagine, that it does not go over well with some people, but does it matter? Don’t think so.
    Keep it up Ross. Learned something from you. Very interesting stuff. Thanks a lot

    • ross Reply

      Thanks so much Richard 🙂

  8. Garren Reply

    Idk, I agree with you on some of your points but ultimately it sounds like your scaring people from eating fruits when fruits are the Healthiest foods on the planet, typical when it comes to these blogs about this topic, and you lay out the term “Alkaline or Acid Forming” which can still create more confusion.

    • ross Reply

      I stand by everything in the article. Any fruit in moderation is fine. Try to focus on the lower-sugar fruits. Don’t juice, blend, dehydrate fruit as you concentrate the fructose.

      The outcomes of fructose metabolism by the liver are incredibly well documented.

    • Richard Reply

      You are following conventional nutrition advice from the medical establishment, who has a history of not healing. If you still believe the medical definition that nothing we eat changes the acidity in the body, you have been doing most of your research on censored Google and not in un-censored platforms like DuckDuckGo.
      The medical establishment does not know what the interstitium is and how to measure interstitial fluids; which is the alkaline buffering system of the body. Also, the stomach produces a fire called sodium bicarbonate and the smoke (waste) is hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid do to its molecular weight, sinks to the gastric pits; to be eliminated out of the body, as acid is really a toxin if not eliminated. The stomach not only alkalizes the food but also supplies sodium bicarbonate to the vascular, intracellular and interstitial fluids every second of your life.

    • Walter Doherty Reply

      He literally said “fruit is a wonderful treat and you should feel free to have 1-2 pieces per day. My point is that these fruits shouldn’t be eaten with wild abandon”. Just not “Wild Abandon”, Bozo.

  9. Steve Barrios Reply

    I am a 70 year old male. I had my stomach removed because of stomach cancer in April of 2022. I’m 5’10” tall and I weigh 110 pounds. I suffer a lot from acid reflux. It’s hard for me to eat and I have no appetite. What foods should I be eating to help gain weight and regain muscles. My target calorie intake is 1500-1800 or more per day. Which I struggle to reach. I drink Boost plus other additives to help but still having a tough time. Needless to say, my energy level is pretty low. Although I do small activities each day.

  10. Irwan Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Please talk about alkaline/acidic nuts as well.


  11. James dunn Reply

    Where are you getting your information from?? Half of the fruits you listed as acidic are alkaline lol. Who is teaching you these kids your posting. Natural sugar is what the body needs everyday. Process sugar is not what the body needs everyday. You need to consume 32 ounces of fruit juices everyday guys. Don’t listen to these lies. He’s probably getting paid by higher ups to write these lies. If you want a healthy frugivore lifestyle which we as humans are suppose to live by.

    • ross Reply

      Hi James

      I don’t agree with you. Although it would be nice to be ‘getting paid by higher ups’, sadly that’s not the case. I’m getting paid by working my ass off to help as many people as I can, researching hours a day, writing, coaching.

      It’s pretty easy to sit back and say ‘YOU’RE WRONG’ – but not so easy to provide your evidence to back up your comment.

      I’m ‘getting my information’ from the nutrient content of these foods. Fructose is acid-forming. YES we need some natural sugars, and we get plenty from lower-sugar fruits, and from vegetables such as carrots, bell pepper, beets etc.

      PLUS nobody is eating ‘perfectly’ all day every day, so let’s be honest, we’re getting more from ‘other’ foods.

      When fructose is processed by the liver it produces uric acid. This is a fact.

      BUT, I would FAR rather you continue your fruit-rich diet than a Standard American Diet. It’s better. However, drinking 32oz of fruit juice a day is NOT a great idea.

      Each to their own, but don’t come here saying that I’m talking nonsense and laughing at me without even putting forward any evidence for your counter argument. That’s just poor form.


    • Richard Reply

      We do not need sugar, period. Sugar is a fuel that can be used, but ferments into acid and really sugar is a waste product of metabolism (the brain produces sugar as one of the wastes)
      The whole entire human body is alkaline in design and acidic by function. Every metabolic process produces acidic waste, which if not eliminated will cause disease.
      The cells and the human body in general runs on electrons and uses alkaline salts as electrolytes that serve as electrical conductors and a matrix of energy.

      Salt is one of the most important nutrients, as when people are in an ICU unit; they receive saline IVs to stay alive but notice no sugar. The medical establishment advices not to eat salt, but of course its a half-truth. We need to eat sea salt and not the processed table salt that causes heart disease and other problems.

      • Pia Reply

        Yes and I have read that Celtic salt is the best salt to use as it has more minerals and magnesium that any other salt . I take it first thing in the morning a few crystals on my tongue to dissolve then then my water with lemon.

  12. Grace Reply

    What about Soursop, is it alkaline forming?

  13. janhavi Reply

    what about nori seaweed? – i gather on the sonoma, california coast and rinse and dry it

    • ross Reply

      It’s fantastic!

  14. JOHANNA Reply

    Ross, I appreciate all you do…I have shared your opinion re: fructose in fruit and my naturpathic doctor who is now retired and has been in this health thing for over 6 decades..has said the natural sugar (fructose) in fruit WILL CAUSE NO HARM. He has plenty of his patients over the decades on a stricly fruit diet and gotten people healed of life threatening issues. He, himself is mostly fruit eater and is vibrant and healthy. Fructose From Added Sugars Is Bad for You, Fruit Is Not
    It’s important to realize that all of this does not apply to whole fruit. Here is is take basically:

    Fruits aren’t just watery bags of fructose, they are real foods with a low calorie density and lots of fiber.
    They’re hard to overeat on and you would have to eat very large amounts to reach harmful levels of fructose. In general, fruit is a minor source of fructose in the diet compared to added sugars.
    The harmful effects of fructose apply to a Western diet supplying excess calories and added sugars. It does not apply to the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables.

  15. judith Reply

    is this juice protocol okay to use if i have barrett’s syndrome? thank you for answering my question

  16. Nadarajah Reply

    Hi,My name is Nadarajah,I having Nerd some kind of Non eurosive gastro esophagus disease.
    I don’t trust Hospital medication all is acid booker.
    Pls advise fruits that I need to eat everyday.

    • Smcg Reply

      Recent reputable studies show daily strawberry consumption heals barretts oesophagus. I think the dosage used was 60mg per day of freeze dried strawberries (equating to c. 600mg of fresh strawberries). If you google “strawberries + barretts oesophagus” it should list all the research.

      • Jose Reply

        Censored Google is not the best resource, Google is bought for and paid for by big pharma and big medical. A lot of those “reputable” studies are funded by the medical establishment. If one wants to heal any health problem, one has to drop acidic fruits like strawberries and other high fructose, as well as an acidic lifestyle.

  17. Pratyush Reply

    Hello 🙂 I am vegetarian and don’t consume eggs. I intend to overhaul my lifestyle and am looking for some help on how to make my diet more alkaline and what should I consume in the morning- empty stomach and the foods I should avoid. One bad habbit is that I consume 3 cups (roughly 420 ml) of black tea every day of which I drink 1 cup in the morning, almost empty stomach.

    • Richard Reply

      Have you searched Dr. Robert O. Young? He is one of the most censored researchers in relation to the alkaline lifestyle. He has also been arrested 4 times and FBI swatted because he is a threat to big pharma. Dr. Young has written a book called the PH Miracle, its a mindblowing read on the Alkalarian lifestyle. As a suggestion, you may not want to use Google. Google is censored. DuckDuckGo tends to be good in presenting censored topics like the alkalarian lifestyle.
      Also one of the biggest examples of the Alkalarian lifestyle, is Tom Brady. He is one of the best football players.

  18. Erin Reply

    thank you so much for putting this information together! the effects of fructose on the metabolism seems to be effects of artificial fructose, but there’s been significant studies done on the positive effects of natural fructose. I like to stay neutral and take in all information / data – do you have research articles or sources that show the negative effects of natural fructose? thanks so much in advance!!

  19. Brent Reply

    Hi Ross, I have a question about onions. I am dealing with some tooth decay issues and I would like to know your opinion on whether onions are acidic or not. Specifically are they the same as citrus in that they are acidic until consumed, (therefore harmful to teeth), or are they always alkaline or otherwise not damaging to the teeth. Onions also have a good bit of sugar.

  20. Chris Reply

    Great site Ross! I got confused a lot on the internet as charts were saying different things about foods. I love tomatoes. Are they alkaline? Another food I love is rolled oats! Are they acidic? The final one is egg whites. Are they alkaline? Looking forward to hearing from you real soon.

  21. Lovina Tayag Reply

    There are a lot of fruits and they differ from country to country, some are seen or grown in a certain country only….. if I take your word, are you saying that on all fruits in all differences and varieties only the 7 are alkaline? Are you saying that fruits other than those 7 are basically not good and should be eaten in place of junk foods in case we have the craving?

  22. Eleonore Wattenbach Reply

    I have a condition called oral lichen planus in my mouth. They are sores and swelling of the gums. I have been told to eat an alkaline diet. I do like fruits much more than vegetables. Do you think that this diet will help me? I am not overweight

    • ross Reply

      Who and for what reason were you told not to eat an alkaline diet???

  23. Alexander Melirrytos Reply

    Surely your article is a volcanic eruption to many! It brings the alkaline/acidic food world upside down. Knowing that the body performs homeostasis to keep Ph 7.35-7.45, I try to help the situation by losing excess weight. Having followed the” FULLY RAW KRISTINA” diet since April 10, 2021 (19 days) I have come down from 273 lbs. to 245 lbs. (28 lbs.) and despite the initial craving shock (as a former meat lover), I now feel satisfied!
    My cardiologist wants me at 140 lbs. in a year from now! Can I do it and if yes – how? I was 140 when I got married in 1980! I am now 68 years old. Please advise. Thanks.

    • Richard Reply

      One thing that the medical establishment does not know, is that although the body does everything to keep the blood at a narrow PH, it does that by doing everything it can to keep it that way, even if it leads to degeneration in other areas of the body.
      The interstitium is all the fluids that every cell bathes in, the interstitium is the largest organ in the body and serves as the alkaline reserves. The medical establishment does not measure interstitial fluids and falsely assumes a blood count and ph is all there is to health.
      Also, the medical establishment wrongly assumes that the kidneys filter acid from the blood, which in reality urine is a product of the interstitium.

  24. Dominic Young Reply

    Hey Ross! I am a little confused. The chart listed the amount of sugar in fruit and amongst those were lemon limes grape fruit and pomegranate; however, you also listed these fruits as alkaline forming fruits. I guess my question is, do these fruits contain fructose and if so are you saying that the alkaline in them overused the fructose they produce? Love this article! It was very helpful!

  25. Angela Carniato Reply

    Does your book give you information of each individual foods that are acidic and alkaline.
    Cause I have cystitus and I want to be cured from it, it’s painful and horrible to have ive been told about low histamine diet helps and I thought why not change the ph in my urine which makes sense so can this diet help me get my urine pH alkaline?
    I have been reading about acid foods but there’s 3 that I go too and they are contradicting eachother so I’m very confused I just want a proper chart of alkaline and acid foods to help me and also I luv honey and almond milk according to 1 I can and the other I can’t.
    Please help me as I am going a little insane.

    • ross Reply

      Yes it does, I definitely recommend it, but also the free charts you can download from the top of this page (or on the right).


  26. Cheryl Parlane Reply

    P.S…Ross, I didn’t realise my previous email to you would appear on your website, and I’m uncomfortable about broadcasting my Mum’s health issues, so will you please remove it? I’d be VERY HAPPY to rewrite my question; if you’d like me to do so, please let me know.

    • ross Reply

      You can email it to me on [email protected] – I’ll delete the other one now

  27. Nilda Elgo Reply

    What’s the best homemade juice to drink?
    I do make homemade juice and it lowers my blood pressure.
    I use for juice: a combination of : Red beets, Green apples, celery, carrots, ginger. I add a tbs of Apple cider vinegar and a Tbs of Honey.

    Please tell me if this is acidic or alkaline.

  28. Nancy Reply

    I am now totally confused. I was told bananas are alkaline. I have LpR reflux and need to stay on low acidic diet. My esophagus is inflamed from LPR reflux and if the fruit like a lemon is not acidic once it’s digested that may help the reflux but what about the acidity going down the throat? I’m just very confused

    • ross Reply

      Bananas are relatively very high in fructose, which makes them acid-forming. Sugar content trumps all else basically, when rating a food.

      • Autumn Raynor Reply

        Nancy I completely understand how you feel. I just follow what my dietitian and Dr suggest. Because if you listen, read, and do what everyone else say you will be CONFUSED.

  29. Yvonne Dreyer Reply

    Hello Ross,
    I’ve just been diagnosed with hiatus hernia, and the doc said just keep taking the PPI tablets. I’ve stopped taking them because they make me feel worse – nausea and diarrhoea. I’m now using 20ml of Apple cider vinegar to prevent acidreflux. ‘ive also stopped eating citrus fruits and feel a lot better.

    What other foods would you recommend?

    Also just recently I had results back from bluecrest screening and my liver results were in the red ie.
    Aspartame aminotransferase 37 should be 0-31.
    Alanine aminotransferase 54 should be 0-35
    Gamma GT was 63 should be 0-42.
    I have been eating lots of fruit and smoothies. Is that what is causing the increase in liver function values?
    Be good to hear from you. I’m 70.

    • Kathy coppola Reply

      I am taking 2 tbs of cherry juice on the morning for arthritis and pain. Can’t find a straight answer if these cherries are more alkaline or acid

  30. Eileen Barry Reply

    I cannot understand how a Banana is an acidic fruit!!!so sweet, nuitrious, & full of vitamins, & minerals like potassium, I eat one banana mashed over 2 slices of wholemeal toast for my breakfast every morning for years, great natural fruit fo excellent bowel movement, also an occasional pear during the week..I am a 76 female, & they are the only fruits that agree with my tummy which for 20+ yrs has inflamation & I have to take a Pump Inhibitor maintenance (20mg) daily…any other fruit like an orange & i am introuble, but the banana is fine,, it appeared to have no acid…otherwise it would not agree with my tummy, can you explain why it does not taste acid please, Eileen Barry

  31. Anne Reply

    Hi is ok to add small amount of the berries in my smoothie say blueberries and strawberries. Thanks

    • ross Reply

      As per this guide, yes, in the short term, but ideally transition away from having these in your smoothie and have them whole.

  32. BILLY Reply


  33. Deanne Reply

    Hi it was my understanding that fruits good for the liver where dark berries and had listed blueberries, blackberries, and even grapes? Is this incorrect

  34. Swadesh Babbar Reply

    Hi Ross,
    I am very much surprised to read your concerned article . No doubt it’s very much informative and also has destroyed our myths.
    As mentioned in your article that stay away from dry fruits …please explain it.

    Swadesh Babbar

  35. JOANN Reply

    Please help if you can tell me if erosion of esophagus can be healed? They wnat to do the Nissan Fundoplasty (tying your stomach around the LES valve so reflux won’t happen and erode my throat. UgH…I cannot do any surgeries, as I am 65 and had a Oxidation test done which shows me way on the wrong spectrum of beign extremely low in antioxidants and on way to cancer. My whole family died of all different types of cancer. In trying to elevate the food of my bed while sleeping to avoid this acid coming up to my throat and irritating it severely, I am ruining my back and hips as I am a side sleeper and this does not work for me…so I am between a rock and a hardplace. I cannot do surgery, but I’m not sure if this throat can heal as I have a chronic cough now..drinking a green drink and still feeling the annoying irritation.

    • Susan Thomson Reply

      Hi Joann – have you tried slippery elm tablets? You just put one in your mouth and it very slowly disintegrates and forms a coating on the mucosa in your throat and GI tract. The brand I use is quite large and I break it in half. Try it at night – you’ll wake up with some still stuck to the roof of your mouth but it will stop the cough. Cheers Sue

  36. Jane Reply

    Hi Ross

    About 10 months ago I suddenly developed acid reflux and wondered if eating more alkaline forming and less acid forming foods would benefit me?

    • Barry Miller Reply

      This barrymiller 3363060929. I stated eating 3 stalks od celery a day and stop drinking anything 1 hour before eating and one hour after. At least once a day I drink apple cider in water. The problem comes from low stomach acid. I also try to eat one lemon a day too

      • Richard Reply

        You are touting the typical misunderstood information by modern medicine. Apple Cider is acidic and toxic to the body, because ACV induces the body to leech alkaline salts from bones and muscles in order to neutralize the acid.
        Stomach produces sodium bicarbonate and hidrochloric acid is the waste product. The stomach does not need more acid, in fact what we need is to eliminate as much acid because our body is alkaline in design and acidic by function. All acids in the body if not eliminated contribute to health problems.

  37. Haris Reply

    Cancer patients are asked to eat pineapple . I think because that can alkaline the body . Is it ok to follow this advice?

    • ross Reply

      I don’t think that is generic advice to all cancer patients, and bromelain aside – there is nothing specifically cancer-protective in pineapple, and bromelain isn’t actually that powerfully cancer-protective either.

      The volume of fructose in pineapple actually creates a net-acid load in the body, not alkaline too.

      If you do want bromelain, I recommend asparagus, ginger and even the much lower-in-sugar papaya.


    • Richard Reply

      Of course oncologists want patients to eat pineapple, they are there to make money first and foremost. Oncology is a fraud and cancer is curable even up to stage 4 and even on lung terminal cancer with an alkaline diet.

  38. ThewholeTruth Reply

    Fruit is the best thing you can eat when trying to cure a disease. Dont listen to these “elites”.

    • ross Reply

      Elites ????????????????

      Goodness me. You also clearly didn’t read the guide.

      • Sue Vee Reply

        Zing ! ????

  39. James Reply

    You had me curious untilo you went on about Fructose being bad for you!!
    Fructose from Fruit is a natural sugar which binds to the fiber of same fruit.
    it is so wrong to put these natural sugars in the same basket as refined and unnatural sugars.

    • ross Reply

      I’m not sure you read the guide James.

  40. Nancy G Carlson Reply

    I bought your alkaline diet book, and am following it as best as possible. also tuned in for a few webinars.
    Problem is, not enough calories. I’ve lost almost 12 pounds in a month…and I do NOT need to lose weight.
    How do I up the calories and still stay 80% alkaline?


    • ross Reply

      Fat, protein (think quinoa, chia, lentils, chickpeas etc plus greens), and more volume! Stay hydrated, get anti-inflammatories in that will protect your thyroid and adrenals.

  41. Sue Reply

    I’ve been reading about raw food diets. One in particular claims that all fruit is okay, if eaten on its own, and on an empty stomach. I’m assuming that you wouldn’t agree with this..? I’m so confused ????!

    • ross Reply

      I wouldn’t – too much fruit (more than 3 serves a day) is too much fructose and acid forming. It’s not a clean and cut rule, if you were having no or very little sugar elsewhere you can tolerate more here and there – but really the warning is that you can’t have unlimited fruit – and certainly not juiced and blended (where people do tend to quickly overconsume).

      I don’t want to give the impression I’m anti-fruit, I am not. It’s full of goodness, but when the liver has to process a lot of fructose it creates a huge amount of inflammation, rapidly creates fat cells, suppresses the body’s ability to produce and regulate insulin and lots more.


  42. Leah Lapidus Reply

    My question from yesterday seems to have gotten lost! How does one incorporate bromelain (for psoriasis) if juicing pineapples is a no no? Will going 100% alkaline heal psoriasis and severe Rosacea?

    • Anthony Reply

      Yes, incorporate Irish sea moss, burdock root and bladderwrack into your diet as much as possible.
      Herbs are for the healing.

  43. Leah Reply

    I just bought a juicer, my intent to juice in general but specifically pineapple because of its bromelain content for psoriasis I have. As well as celery for arthritis. Yours is the first article stating now NOT to juice pineapple, that I’ve come across. I do know the content of juice should always be more vegetable than fruit. Just wondering how is one supposed to get the benefits one needs from a certain fruit if the fructose is so bad? The info is getting overwhelming and quite confusing. Thank you.

  44. Scott Lamb Reply

    My system is a little to acid and I have a hard time having it up hungry today just my food how do I increase my appetite naturally I only get hungry one to two times per day any thoughts you have on this would be great great value

  45. Valerie Bower Reply

    Thank you Ross for this comprehensive clarification!

  46. Wendy Rowlinson Reply

    Hi Ross

    It’s I think Acid Reflux I am suffering from I say I think because I have not been diagnosed but really strugging with pain and tiredness.
    In your recipes there are onions tomatoes etc and I thought I should not eat these.
    Please will you advise me.

    Many thanks

    • Johnna Reply

      You should not eat tomatoes or raw onions if you have acid reflux.
      avoid citrus like oranges, lemons.
      This list btw is describing alkhaline vs acidic, don’t follow it for GERD

      • ross Reply

        Reflux is completely unique to the individual – some have issues with tomatoes, others dont. If you have a food that is NOT causing you a reaction, don’t cut it out just because it’s supposedly a trigger food (for someone else).

  47. Ck Reply

    How do you sweeten smoothie to make it taste better esp in the beginning

  48. Maxi Reply

    Ross, How does dried fruit lose it’s fiber when you dry it. The fruit loses water, right? Fiber too?
    I don’t understand how that would happen.
    Thank you.

  49. Greg Reply

    Hey Ross, I think your articles are really interesting and often forward them on to people. However I’m struggling with what I can eat to give me calories to increase lean mass without eating much acid forming foods as it seems any foods containing much in the way of calories is acid forming?
    Thanks again for all your great info!

  50. liliane Hershkowitz Reply

    I am interested in more information about your topics but unable to attend your webinars due to work schedule.
    Can I access that information another way?
    Also, I purchased several books related to the Alkaline diet but many contradict each other leaving me confused.
    Any help is appreciated.
    I am mainly targeting a chronic heartburn… I also have a hiatal hernia.
    I also have Hashimoto and had a partial Thyroidectomy 8 years ago.
    Thank you

  51. Martha Johnson Reply

    Are Medjool dates alkaline or acidic? I have been concerned that I’m eating too alkaline. I eat only fruits and vegetables with organic hemp powder for protein. I thought that oranges turn alkaline after being ingested. I thought that the only acidic fruits are blueberries.. I’m hoping that you are correct in saying that kiwi and other fruits are acidic. I can eat more fruits to maintain a proper alkaline/acidic balance. Thank you.

    • Richard Reply

      Highly acidic, medjool dates are sugar bombs.
      Also the alkaline/acidic balance as touted by the medicine is misguided, it is near impossible to be too alkaline, since metabolic processes create acid. Also the Alkalasosis that doctors like to tout is misguided as well. Alkalosis is when the body senses that the heart is being flooded by acid, so the body overcompensates by releasing alkaline salts from body tissues, in order to protect the heart from being flooded with acid.

  52. vincenzo Reply

    and about watermelon?

    in your chart you indicate water melon as moderately alkaline forming: why? water melon contains also fructose and it’s sweet (see your picture above)

  53. Lavinia Williams Reply

    What is your reason for not addind berries to a smoothie

    • ross Reply
      • June @ HRF Reply

        Hey Ross.. Thank you for posting this well thought-out article. It is definitely very interesting and has me thinking. I would love to know what you think about this. Any raw vegans I know, particularly those who are older, are so healthy and fit etc. It seems the longer someone is raw vegan, the healthier they look. They eat a lot of fruit and veg. However they don’t get fat.. (IE Annette Larkins.) I wonder if there is some other factor at play? Thanks in advance!

  54. Katrina Reply

    Hello I just wanted to say that reading all of this pas very helpful, ecpecialy because I was giving my 1year old a banana, pear, and apple smothie for quite some time thinking it was a good way for him to eat fruts. (Sometimes I would add honey till I read it wasent good for small children) I obviosly will change what I give him, but if you have and ideas on what would be a good replacement I would love to hear from you, because we all know children won’t drink lemons and grapefrut.

  55. Susi Reply

    Hi Ross
    Just starting to read about the Alkaline lifestyle. I have been eating and cooking whole foods for over 5 years and I am also tracking macros. I am looking to incorporate more of the alkaline foods to increase my energy and hopefully sleep better. I read everywhere that eating 80% alkaline foods is ideal. 80% of what? Daily calorie intake? And how much protein do you recommend? Thanks in advance.for some guidance.

  56. Joyce Maxted Reply

    This information is very question I have is :
    How acidic is raw honey?I probably eat too much of it.I use Wedderspoon Raw Honey from New Zealand.

  57. Jeannette Reply

    Is coconut oil alkaline forming food? What about sardines, apple cider vinegar and honey? Thanks!

  58. Jennifer Reply

    About fruits, makes a lot of sense! Love the Alkaline diet!

  59. Barbara Stathakos Reply

    Hi Ross
    I was just wondering. Do you have any info on inflammation. I have IT Band pain several months now and I think it’s related to sugar. I did ask you before in the blog but yet to get a response.

  60. Babsie thomas Reply

    Hi Ross thanks for the information I have been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes this helpful information I want to purchase your books plz

  61. Babsie thomas Reply

    Hi Ross

  62. Donald Zimmerman Reply

    Cherries acid or alkaline?

    • ross Reply

      Mildly acid-forming.

  63. June Reply

    Hay thanks for the info I have kidney problem , and have to watch what I eat but I have a lot of acids as soon I eat some thing food I am hunger again ,I also lost a lot of Waite I am 75 years, can you help

  64. Barbara Stathakos Reply

    That was a good article. I have a better understanding of fruits now.

  65. Bholanath Padhi Reply

    Dear Ross,
    Please give me details information regarding pros and cons of consuming dry fruits.

    With regards
    Bholanath padhi

  66. Merle Drury Reply

    Hi Ross,
    Thanks for the info – always useful. Could you please define ‘a serve’. Obviously an apple is one serve – but apples come in different sizes… Therefore a weight in grams would more precisely define a serving especially regarding your chart showing spoons of sugar ‘per serve’. Thanks in advance


    Hey Ross – Patricia Blick here checking in from Colorado. I had printed our your Cleanse & Recipe info in 2015 and then got distracted by two discovered non-cancerous tumors in my chest which had to be removed. Although they probably saved my life – I pick up several creepy things from the hospital and I am now in year three of working my way out of that. The latest Dr. in Internal Medicine did many tests and we discovered the last piece of my recovery was a fungal / mold infection. Just finishing the 12 week anti fungal / mold pills now and going into the 10 Day Cleanse / Detox and then continuing for 30 days~! I just wanted to thank you for all of your hard work and information – you are AMAZING. The favorite is your Recipe Book! So many great juices and smoothies – we love it – and the transitional recipes look awesome. We even have the Chanson Royale Alkaline / Ion Water System thanks to you – we are excited~! Thank you for all of your hard work, research and information – and for helping so many people. There is a lot of info out there but your work is spot on and you are incredible~! Thanks again and we love you~!

  68. Elizabeth Crawford Reply

    Just a query about tomatoes: I had a conversation with a young woman recently who is dealing with candida and can’t eat tomatoes. If tomatoes are alkaline forming, why would they feed candida?

  69. Dan Dupey Reply

    What is the best “formula” to build an exceptionally strong immune system to fight anything that comes along and remain healthy without getting flues, colds, aches, etc throughout the year?

    I work with young children, eat fairly well, but always catch what they seem to have.

  70. kashara D. Reply

    Hi Ross you taught me so much about a alkaline lifestyle. I’ve seen a lot of charts and they all seem to be different, however I’ve been using your guides and i’ve been educated on how to live healthy. I trust your information 100% thank you for being so dedicated to helping us.

  71. Susan Jardine Reply

    Just wondered about berries. People in Norway became much healthier when they started eating lots of berries and our ancestors ate vast quantities of berries fresh and dried?

  72. Sundaram Reply

    What about fruitarians? There are lots of people who seem to thrive on a fruit only diet.

    • ross Reply

      Hi Sundaram

      I would argue that they’re setting themselves up for a huge amount of long-term issues. They are getting nutrients, and they’re not eating gluten, processed foods, excessive animal protein, dairy etc which is great, it’s why in the short term they’d be feeling OK. But in the long term they are going to have disastrous consequences from eating so much fructose.


      • Sundaram Reply

        Thanks Ross….can you indicate what kind of problems would come to them if they are so alkaline? Do you have examples??? Thanks for your help.

        • JR Reply

          As you might have read in his article, most fruits are acidic. My understanding is that a fruitarian would more than likely have an acidic ph. Diabetes and high blood pressure are a few of the problems.

        • Sarita Premley Reply

          A lot of fruitarians end up with terrible dental problems for a start. I heard of one who had lost all their teeth.
          And from reading this article, Ross seems to be saying they’re storing up liver problems.

  73. Shriti Reply

    Hi Ross
    Have you a similar alkaline list for herbs , spices and gingers?

    • ross Reply

      Hi Shriti

      Practically all herbs, spices and gingers are alkaline-forming 🙂


  74. JoAnne Reply

    Thank you So Much Ross !!!!!!!

    January seems to be the month to place Holiday festivities into the memories catagory and focus again on eating a healthy Alkaline diet and bask in the joys of new memories from the Holidays.
    The resources you send out are WONDERFULLY AMAZINGLY SIMPLE AND AWESOME !!! :)) They really help me to get back on track and in a away, redescover the Joys of the Alkaline diet and inevitability pick up some new Alkaline recipes and inspiration in the kitchen…. What a pleasure for me !!!
    Today I created an Alkaline dip for cucumbers (or any vegetables) it was a pinch of this and a dash of that BUT it turned out surprisingly Delicious !!!

    Ross, thank you for the inspiration you share with every resource, i know you pour your heart and soul into them THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!

    Many Blessings

    • ross Reply

      JoAnne – thanks so much! It’s always a pleasure to hear your positivity and energy. Hope you’re both thriving 🙂

  75. John Hankey Reply

    Hi Ross,

    Thank you for your helpful article. Are you sure that your alkaline fruit list is complete? I noticed cucumbers are not on there.

    Are there any others?

    • ross Reply

      Hey John

      You’re technically(!) right – cucumbers by the purest definition are a fruit, as is corn, pea pods and sunflower seeds. I’ll add cucumber now 🙂


  76. Cheryl Opie Reply

    Hi Ross, I come under the ibs umbrella with slow colonic transfer, which means I have to sit on the toilet for a long time every day.! My doctor told me to eat prunes and they do help but after reading your fructose article I decided to ask your opinion. I know I’m better when I (but not strictly) follow the FODMAP diet. I await your reply.
    Thanking you in advance,

    • ross Reply

      Hey Cheryl

      There are definitely better options than prunes for sure. Prunes are often recommended because they contain both fibre (about 0.7g per prune) and sorbitol. However, not only are there WAY better (less sugary) sources of fibre – sorbitol intolerance is also a huge, common issue in folks under the IBS umbrella.

      The prunes could be making things worse.

      I recommend looking to other sources of soluble and insoluble fibre that are more gentle on the digestive system and also containing none of the fructose in prunes, dates and other dried fruits that are often recommended. Look to things like chia seeds, psyllium husks, leafy greens, flax seeds/meal – and of course being super hydrated.

      I definitely recommend giving the psyllium husks a try – they’re really affordable and easy to use. Just try using 1tsp in a glass of water (followed by another glass of water) once a day. And again – hydration hydration hydration!

      The FODMAP and alkaline are pretty similar approaches, so I think you should stick with those foundations of FODMAP and adjust for the things in the alkaline approach that make sense to you 🙂

      Good luck!

    • Boris Reply

      I agree with Ross regarding constipation. I have a much softer stool when I hydrate properly. That’s around 3 litres of water (or non-sweetened herbal tea or non-sweet lemonade) per day for me. Also, I’ve never had a stool problem on a raw vegan diet or just a vegan diet (without sugar and food made of white flour) even when not drinking a lot (say 1 litre of water daily), because all of the food I consumed contained a lot of water and had plenty of fibre. If you eat plenty of dry food, that will certainly clog you up.

      Good luck and great health to you.
