Spicy Flax and Herb Crackers
Spicy Flax Seed & Herb Crackers
Requires a dehydrator. Makes two trays of crackers.
½ C sunflower seeds, soaked for 1 hour or more
½ C almonds, soaked for 2 hours or more
¼ C sun-dried tomatoes soaked for 1 hour or more
1 red bell pepper – chopped
¼ C lime juice
1 T cumin powder
Pinch chili powder or cayenne
1 T Himalayan or Celtic Sea salt (or to taste)
1 handful of fresh herbs, such as coriander, basil & parsley
1 C golden flaxseeds
1. Finely grind the flaxseeds in a blender.
2. Chop the sunflower seeds, almonds, and tomatoes in a food processor.
3. Add all the other ingredients to the food processor bowl (flax last), apart from the fresh herbs and process to combine well. Add small amounts of tomato soak water as you go, to keep the mixture turning.
4. Add fresh herbs. Pulse and chop to incorporate.
5. Spread mixture thinly onto 2 silicone rubber mats or teflex sheets.
6. Place sheets on a dehydrator tray and de-hydrate at 46°C (115°F) for 2-3 hours.
7. Flip the sheets over and peel away the liners. Break or cut into pieces. De-hydrate for a further 10 hours at the same temperature.
8. Once at the “right” texture place in an air-tight container and store for up to 1 week – 10 days.
What if I do not have a dehydrator?
These are the first flax crackers I’ve tried to make. Quick and easy, though I did leave them for a bit longer in the dehydrator than you suggest – maybe a further 2 hours – but I might have spread mine more thickly. I found scoring the mixture after I flipped it over made breaking into crackers really straightforward come the end. Thanks for the recipe.
This is absolutely great and I will definitely try it soon. I love the fact that you used chili even if I’m going to use a bit more than a pinch. Thanks for sharing.