How Alkaline Water Ionizers Work
I truly believe that drinking alkaline, ionized water is one of the very best things you can do for your health & vitality. The benefits I have seen in my own life have quite frankly blown me away and from all of my research & experience in the alkaline diet world – I think that this could be the most important thing you can do.
While I am not one to promise miracle-cures and I never say there is a magic bullet that can fix everything, I truly believe that the three biggest contributors to illness and health issues are:
- Dehydration
- Over-acidification
- Oxidation (free-radical damage) of cells
Ionized, alkaline water addresses all three of these issues:
- Dehydration – Microclustered Water – the ionization process breaks down the water structure so there are 4-6 clusters rather than tap water which has 12-15 clusters – the smaller cluster size means the body can better absorb the water making it much more hydrating (click here for more about microclustered water)
- Over-acidification – consistent high pH water – the ionizers (talking particularly about the Chanson Ionizer range) deliver consistent pH at the level you select on a huge range of pH 3 to pH 11.
- Oxidation – Antioxidant rich water – the Chanson provides water that is hugely antioxidant rich, meaning it prevents free-radical damage. With a Chanson you get an ORP of -450 (ORP is the measure of antioxidants in liquid and the lower the better – to give context tap water is +200 and green tea is -125) – click here for more on antioxidant water and ORP.
So while I truly believe that health is a combination of hydration, diet, exercise and emotion – alkaline, ionized, microclustered water moves you massively towards your health goals. There is absolutely no doubting that.
How Do Water Ionizers Work?
I want to keep this concise and straightforward. The overwhelming feedback that I get is that this is what you prefer – so here goes!
Alkaline water ionizers work by a fairly straightforward process:
Step 1: Water passes through the internal alkaline water filter:
So the water feeds from your tap directly into the ‘In’ tube on the back of the ionizer. Once it is in there the water runs through the in-built alkaline water filter to remove as many of the impurities as possible (in case you’re wondering, these filters last about a year and cost about £35/$50 to replace each year).
UPDATE: in this recent interview I conducted with Ronnie Ruiz we cover, in-depth the ins and outs of how alkaline water filters work.
Alternatively you can click to watch this “ALkaline Water Filter” Interview on YouTube.
Step 2: Water ionizers run water over positive and negative electrodes in a process known as electrolysis:
From there, the water then passes over the the ‘plates’ in the ionizer. This is the really clever part of the ionizer. The water, once entering this section has a very specific low voltage electric current passed through it, which causes the soluble minerals in it to be attracted to either a positive ‘pole’ or a negative ‘pole’ depending on their own valiancy, or electrical energy signature.
When this happens, the water separates into alkaline and acid streams. We drink the alkaline water and we use the acid water externally, for skin, healing, plants and disinfecting.
Step 3: The electrodes ionize the water into negative ions and positive ions—creating acidic and alkaline water:
So this process (as seen in the diagram above) separates the water into H+ (acidic water) and OH- (alkaline water). This electrolysis is also responsible for giving you the huge antioxidant content in the alkaline water and for microclustering the water.
So to keep it simple
1. The water is filtered
2. The ionizer splits the water into two
3. Out of one tap comes the alkaline, ionized, microsclustered water and out of the other comes the acidic, oxidized water
I hope this makes sense! Please let me know if this needs more explanation for you in the comments below. I’m always happy to help!
Where can I buy the alkaline water jug you previously had on your website?
Hi Ross,
I wonder how long the water lasts once it’s been run through the ionizer. I need to start filling all the plastic bottles I’ve saved over the year for emergencies — hurricanes, long-term power outages, nuclear accidents. Can you share your thoughts on storing this water for several years? What happens to the water over time if it is stored in a cool, dark place?
Great information, It’s been a long time since I really don’t understand the concept of water ionizng, and the benefits it gives to our health.
Is there a counter top water pitcher that does this. What can you recommend? I suffer terribly from acid reflux. Medications are not working and I would like to try this but can’t afford to spend a ton. Any recommendations would be appreciated
What is the difference between ionised water and alkaline water. I though pH was a measure of the OH- ions, so I thought that if water has a high pH it must be ionised..? Are they the same thing?
Hi Michael
It is possible to raise the pH by adding high pH solutions such as pH drops or sodium bicarbonate – but this definitely does not mean that it is ionised. Water pH can be changed structurally or chemically – the structural method changes the OH- concentration.
I hope this helps – here is a comparison of different methods of making alkaline/ionized water:
Hey Ross, how long does alkaline water last? I just did a test on my ionizer from the tap at 9.x pH but some water in a jug from the fridge which I filled last night is at 5.75.
All water, when left to the open air, will mix with the CO2 in the air and form carbonic acid in the water. This actually occurs quite rapidly (sometimes in only a matter of minutes). Try putting a seal on your water and it should prevent some of the acidification of your water.
Great answer Chris