8 Easy Ways to Eat Turmeric Every Day

Turmeric Is Possibly the Most Powerful Food On Earth – Here’s How to Eat Turmeric Daily:

Turmeric has over 600 proven health benefits and has been shown to be more effective than 14 different drugs. It heals the brain, rapidly destroys inflammation, heals the liver, kills cancer and so much more.

In fact you can see my 10 Science-Backed Turmeric Benefits post here.

Let’s just say – I’m a fan of turmeric.

But until recently hardly anyone had heard of turmeric let alone knew what to do with its flavour.

Consistency is key with your health and in this guide, I’m going to quickly show you eight different ways I use turmeric to guarantee it is in my daily life.

[See Also: The Simple Anti-Inflammation Diet That Could Change Your Life Forever]

Alkaline Reset Cleanse Book

8 Ways to Eat Turmeric Every Day

1. Turmeric Tea

ways to eat turmeric - tea

This is such a simple way to add turmeric into your day. Simply boil a pan of water and add slices of turmeric and let it simmer away for 8-10 minutes (or longer).

You can also add ginger, lemon, cloves and a dash of honey for the perfect cold prevention/remedy drink in the world.

I have posted two very different turmeric tea recipes here – one creamy, one more like the above – both delicious.

And Sarah Wilson has a nice one here too at IQuitSugar.

2. Sliced into Lemon Water

So simple. So many of us are having lemon water each morning anyway, so just add some turmeric! I like to use a vegetable peeler to peel off some super thin slices and just drop them into the lemon water.


See my Lemon Water 2.0 recipe here – it’s fantastic (if I do say so myself)

ross showing lemon water with turmeric slices

At the end I like to eat the slices too!

get the alkaline recipe book here

3. Grated into Salads

Another really easy one. One thing with turmeric is that you don’t want to overdo the richness of the flavour every day because you can easily get ‘over’ how it tastes. By grating it into your salad you’ll find that you are adding the goodness, but hiding the flavour.

Simply use a cheese grater and grate some in, toss it through and voila – you have the turmeric in a very subtle way.

4. Grated onto Stir Fry

Similarly, you can grate it into a stir fry – I recommend doing this once you’ve finished cooking and turned off the heat. While it’s still in the pan, stir through the grated turmeric. This is also when I like to add fresh herbs too in order to keep them fresh tasting and as nutrient-dense as possible.

5. Blended into Soups

Turmeric goes brilliantly into almost ANY soup. It adds a richness and depth without altering the flavour too much. I like to add about 1cm cubed per person/serve and again, as before, once the soup is done and blended – throw the turmeric in right at the end.

Here is my super turmeric-rich Anti-Inflammatory Soup recipe for you to try.

6. Juiced & Smoothied

You can easily add turmeric (and ginger for a super anti-inflammatory kick) to any juice or smoothie. The flavour will be more noticable in an all-raw juice or smoothie (compared to some of the other ideas above) so be careful not to overdo it.

But the benefits are so amazing that neither a juice or smoothie goes by in my house now without this treatment.

Here’s a couple of recipes to get you started:

The Liver-Regenerating Juice
Kidney Healing Juice
Anti-Inflammation Smoothie

7. Toss with Roast Veggies

roast vegetables with turmeric

It’s SO amazing with roasts! This is where turmeric powder (see my notes on powder vs fresh below) comes into its own. Turmeric goes great with roast cauliflower, broccoli, sweet potato, carrots, beetroot – practically everything.

Just put all of your raw chopped veggies into a bowl and drizzle with coconut oil and add a tsp of powdered turmeric – get your hands in there and rub it all over!

Then roast as normal and voila it works a treat.

8. Stir through Rice/Cauliflower Rice

You can either use grated turmeric or powder with this one and it’s as simple as it sounds! Once you’ve cooked your rice or ‘pulsed’ your cauliflower rice, just stir through some turmeric! So simple, but such a brilliant way to add it to your regular cooking routines!

Here’s a quick vid to show you how:

And here’s a delicious recipe from Teresa Cutter.


If you keep these eight tips in mind…

If you remember these you will almost definitely be getting turmeric into your life every single day. And I would LOVE to hear what benefits this brings to your life!

Some of my lovely fans who have used my other turmeric guides (like my Turmeric User Guide here) have emailed in to report incredible benefits when they start eating alkaline and including lots of turmeric (especially in juices and smoothies).

The Question of Raw vs Powdered

This is perhaps the most commonly asked question whenever I post about turmeric, as a fair few folks local stores don’t sell turmeric.

First up – this is one of those that is a surprise, and yet not a surprise at all – but you can actually order fresh turmeric online from amazon…

Is there anything they don’t have?

Here’s a link for Amazon UK

And here’s one for Amazon USA

And I’m sure other countries have them too.

Now, you can definitely use powder instead of fresh, but you don’t want to just pick up some random powdered turmeric from the spice aisle and start sprinkling it on your food, because as Vani at Foodbabe.com tells us – many of these spices are irradiated, grown with conventional pesticides, and not organic.

If you want to use powdered please do buy organic. It is so worth the extra couple of bucks (or a couple of quid for the Brits).

As a rough guide, I’d say that where you’d use an inch of fresh turmeric, use a teaspoon of powdered.

There are no hard and fast rules – just use whatever tastes right for you.

And a note on black pepper…

This study back in 1998 (which I bet is getting way more press now than back then!) showed that adding black pepper increased the bioavailability (how easily your body can use the nutrients) of turmeric by 2000%.

You only need a tiny dash, so bear this in mind with all of the above.

Enjoy and let me know in the comments below the effect this has or will have on your life!

register for the cleanse workshop 2025 now

Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Mary DeFrancesco Reply

    Hi, my name is Mary. I been having burning in my legs and feet. My doctor told me to take some Turmeric that I could be suffering from some time of inflamation I am taking Nat Pregablin 75 Mg. daily. But no help. Please let me know I had all kinds of tests. Everything normal. Please help.

  2. steven humphreys Reply

    i have mixed tumeric powder with a bit of olive oil to make a paste, every morning i have half a table spoon of it, a dash of freshly ground pepper and half a table spoon of peanut butter, this is to try and help with my arthiritis, am i doing the correct thing.?

  3. Monica Reply

    How do you deal with the fact that everything, including your fingers and nails, turn yellow when preparing the turmeric root?

  4. Carolee Kass Reply

    Is it necessary to peel before boiling or using in salads?

  5. Angela Marshick Reply

    I Will adding raw Tumeric to a salad with fresh Spinach , tomatoes, onions and Black Pepper. Will drizzling Olive oil over this, affect Turmeric’s absorption?

  6. Sindi Reply

    Hi Ross, firstly I’d lotto say you have taught me alot about the right foods to eat and I am eternally greatful my next step is to read your book and reset my body. My question how can i avoid turmeric staining my teeth.?

  7. Juen Lee Reply

    What this taste like?

    • ross Reply

      Delicious, unique, tangy but not spicy. It’s got a real depth of flavour that’s hard to explain!

  8. Terry Peters Reply

    Can you eat the skin of turmeric?

  9. Shirley Harjani Reply

    Can turmeric help in eczema?
    If yes in which ways to use ? Physical or oral?
    Thank you

  10. Danielle Rygiel Reply

    Thanks Ross. I adapted the warm almond milk recipe into a paste minus the milk and took it daily. I struggled with the combinations of flavours so was able to pop the paste on my tongue and swallow it with water without any difficultly. I have severe Psoriatic Arthritis and have regular infusions to enable me to function. As I was developing an immunity to the treatment I decided to try tumeric as my body was starting to seize and I required walking sticks for movement and balance. After 2 weeks noticed a significant improvement. The level of stiffness reduced significantly and with time my mobility increased. I have shared the recipe with some others who have also found benefit. I have always used organic tumeric powder but recently was able to find some fresh tumeric at our local fruit shack. Thanks to your recipes I can now incorporate fresh tumeric. I have tried your anti inflammatory juice and it is very palatable thank largely to the avocado! I now look forward to trying your anti inflammatory soup. I really like your posts and find them easy to read.

  11. Peggy Berwick Reply

    Great ideas. Look forward to trying them all.

    My husband has bladder cancer and is on chemo now.

    I will give him this every day.

