A-Z of Health
I found this quite nice little article in the Observer (online) over the weekend. It is an A-Z of detoxification, and fits in fairly well with the Energise way of thinking.
I was particularly pleased to see the following entries:
A is for aloe vera
Drink lots, diluted in water and other everyday drinks. The juice from the plant prevents build-up of fat in the liver and arteries, thereby helping food low in fibre to move more quickly through the digestive system and preventing toxins from being reabsorbed into the body. In addition, amino acids methionine, serine and threonine – all components of aloe vera – are powerful detoxifiers that target the build-up of heavy metals and kickstart the proper metabolism of carbohydrates, fat and protein.
E is for essential fatty acids
All fats have the same number of calories (nine per gram), but healthy oils and fats are natural cleansers, helping your body to eliminate fat-soluble toxins. EFAs (essential fatty acids) are found naturally in some plants and fish, and are essential for boosting immunity and speeding up metabolism. Eat all the time.
J is for juicing
Fresh juices are the quickest, most effective way of providing the body with all the vitamins, minerals and enzymes essential for good health. ‘Using raw vegetables will enable you to absorb large quantities of nutrients and will also flush out the toxins,’ says Dr Nish Joshi, dieting guru to Cate Blanchett and Gwyneth Paltrow. He warns, however, that mixing fruit and vegetables in the same juice produces a less powerful effect.
W is for wheatgrass
The juice of this plant, which is up to 70 per cent chlorophyll, is said to heal tissues, help purify the liver and improve blood sugar levels and help flush out toxins. Supporters include film-maker Peter Jackson, who says he thinks of the juice as ‘a salad in a cup’.
I think it is great to see more natural, nutritional ideas and ingredients being discussed in mainstream media.