The All-Day Energy Smoothie: How to Make a Smoothie that Doubles your Energy!
All Day Energy Smoothie
Wouldn’t it be great to have more energy?
Not the buzzy, short-lived caffeine energy (and then crash) that so many of us try to survive on…
But, the kind of energy that gives you that positive feeling, the belief that you can take anything the world throws at you…
The kind of energy where you always feel like you can do your best…
And the kind of energy that leaves you excited and smiling and a joy to be around.
Would you love to have more of that?
Thought so… let’s get some!
SEE ALSO: Get Over 150+ Delicious, Easy Alkaline Recipes Here
The All-Day Energy Smoothie
Over the next two days, I am going to give you two of my favourite energy-boosting smoothies that you can have every day to double your energy.
They contain a special combination of high-alkaline ingredients that will dramatically boost energy, while also supporting your body’s blood sugar levels to prevent energy dips and fatigue.
If you’re currently suffering from fatigue, or just want more energy – these are an absolute MUST!
All Day Energy Smoothie #1: The Green Energy Machine
1/2 a ripe avocado
2 handfuls of spinach
1 handful of kale
½ cucumber
200ml almond milk
3 tbsp coconut oil
3tbs hemp seeds
50g soaked almonds
25g soaked cashews
1 tbsp sunflower seeds
1 tbsp chia seeds
- If you are reading this a few hours (at least) before you’re going to make this energy-booster, start by soaking your almonds and cashews for at least an hour or so, preferably overnight. If you want to make it now, try to soak them for at least 20 minutes!
- Start the blending with the avocado, liquids and cucumber
- Next add the oil and the leaves
- Finally add the soaked nuts, the seeds and blend at a high speed until smooth
This smoothie tastes DELICIOUS!
If you want to make a little more creamy, add more almond milk OR substitute the almond milk for coconut cream.
Or you can even increase the ratio of cashews to almonds, as cashews generally make things more creamy!
This will give you a delicious, all-day energy boost because:
High Healthy Fat Content:
The inclusion of avocado, almond milk, almonds, cashews, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, coconut oil and even the kale and spinach, means that only the cucumber is not high in omega oils.
Fats, and especially omega 3s are a class of food whose primary purpose is to provide the body with energy.
Consuming a diet rich in healthy fats (including the medium-chain fatty acids from coconut oil – these are metabolized differently by going straight to the liver from the digestive tract to be used directly as a source of energy).
High Protein Content:
This smoothie contains 25.3g per serve – not too bad for a 100% vegan, alkaline smoothie!
While protein does not directly lead to energy production, the combination of protein with fats and fibre is the combination to keep you feeling fuller for longer, leading to less unhealthy snacking, which leads to blood sugar spikes.
By feeling satiated throughout the day you are much more likely to have a consistent energy level, consistent energy production and are much less likely to turn to unhealthy, energy-zapping foods.
High Fibre Content:
Fibre is an indispensable component in the energy production factory in the body. Fibre helps slow the breakdown of and absorption of sugar from high carb/high GI foods.
The fibre from the spinach, kale, nuts and seeds is awesome. You will be getting 11.5g of fibre per serve of this super-smoothie.
That’s almost half of your daily requirement for a woman, and over a third for a man!
Blood Sugar Balance:
Having a balanced blood sugar level is critical to having sustained energy.
Foods that lead to a strong, fast blood sugar peak after consumption are called high glycemic index foods. These foods may give a quick burst of energy for the first hour or so after eating them, but research shows that this energy burst often goes down just as quickly, resulting in a slump or low energy feeling within a couple of hours after the meal.
This smoothie is packed with low-glycemic index foods.
These foods release energy slowly, resulting in a smaller change in the blood sugar level and a steadier, longer-lasting feeling of energy.
Nutrients for Energy Transfer & Storage:
the cells in our body that are responsible for energy production, transfer and storage require a wide range of nutrients to support their proper functioning.
This smoothie has all of them. B vitamins, magnesium, iron, sulphur, co-enzyme Q10, and heaps of other antioxidants, omega oils and more!
Imagine Consuming THIS SMOOTHIE Every Day!
With 11.5g of fibre, 17.3g of protein, 4 serves of alkaline greens, a huge range of vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, antioxidants, healthy fats, blood-sugar balancing, cell supporting goodness…
You can see why this smoothie leaves you feeling great with all-day-energy.
Tomorrow I will be posting my CHOCOLATE variation on this smoothie that is simply DELICIOUS!
[Update: here is the Chocolate Energy Smoothie – Version 2]
If you love this, leave me a comment below!
I would be absolutely delighted to hear from you, answer your questions or hear YOUR energy smoothie recipe!
Keep in touch
Scientific Research & Sources:
Aw TY, Jones DP. Nutrient supply and mitochondrial function. Annu Rev Nutr. 1989;9:229-251. 1989. PMID:2669872. (link)
Lachance PA, Nakat Z, Jeong W-S. Antioxidants: an integrative approach. Nutrition. 2001;17:835-838. 2001. PMID:11684390. (link)
Ludwig DS. Dietary glycemic index and obesity. J Nutr. 2000;130:280S-283S. 2000. PMID:10721888. (link)
Manuel y Keenoy B, Moorkens G, Vertommen J, Noe M, Neve J, De Leeuw I. Magnesium status and parameters of the oxidant-antioxidant balance in patients with chronic fatigue: effects of supplementation with magnesium. J Am Coll Nutr. 2000;19(3):374-382. 2000. PMID:10872900. (link)
Protein Content of the Energy Smoothie (2 Serves)
Almond Milk: 1.5g
Avocado 2.2g
Kale 1.2g
Spinach 2.8g
Almonds 9.8g
Cashews 5.1g
Sunflower Seeds 5.9g
Chia 6.1g
Fibre Content of the Energy Smoothie (2 Serves)
Chia 11.3g
Avocado 3.1g
Kale 1.3g
Cucumber 1.5g
Almonds 4.4g
Cashews 1.5g
Sunflower Seeds

I’m on day 2!
I read the comment on Almond milk and now I’m concerned. I use Almond Breeze unsweetened Vanilla no added sugars. Is this ok or do you have a recommendation.
Exited for a healthier lifestyle 😉
Hi Kate
There’s no concern over almond milk as long as you buy one that is natural and organic, and uses as few ingredients as possible. I know someone had a little tantrum about this in the comments a few years ago, but it’s not a concern.
Some use a little sunflower oil (a tiny amount), some use lecithin as a thickener….some use tapioca starch…these are all totally fine.
As long as you’re going for organic and the brand you can find is the one with the least ingredients possible, you’re good to go.
I’m looking for something like this shake but want it to be less thick so I can put it into 600ml (20oz) recycled water bottles to take on the road with me. What would you recommend that I do to this recipe to make it thinner but still packed full of protein and energy?
Add more water, coconut water, or nut milk – your choice.
Hi Ross I have been in a zoom meeting with Kim Stainton from the UK.
My sister has stage 4 bowel cancer I am looking into alternative treatments. Kim recommended your vegan alkaline diet for cancer sufferer’s ‘ detox’ .
Can you please let me know what we have to do to get the best diet possible please.
Many thanks
Jennifer Frost
Hi Ross
I have been making the all day energy smoothie for a few years now and I must say it is my favourite, I love the taste, I always feel nourished and it keeps me going for hours, basically its the best!
Recently I have been a bit sluggish, my diet is pretty good, almost excellent most of the time, but I have fallen off the wagon, not making the time to juice or make my smoothies, eating buttered toast for breakfast etc and consuming other things that I know aren’t the best for me. So the other day I headed out to the veggie garden and picked large handfuls of kale, swiss chard, silverbeet and spinach, threw in some ginger, as always, yum! and juiced. Within an hour or so I felt clearer and more energised! Now I am juicing daily again, and getting back on track and feeling great. To make my life easier, I always make enough for 2 days and add lemon juice to the glass before drinking. it’s amazing how much better you can feel so quickly, by just adding more of the good stuff daily!
I have followed a few other’s over the years before I found you Ross, but I truly believe your the best! What I think is great, is your approach, always reminding people not to put themselves under pressure, just add in more of the good stuff and that’s all it takes really, I have found that the better you feel after doing so, the more inspired you are to keep adding and adding and before you know it the majority, if not all the food and drink consumed is the good stuff and your energy is through the roof yay!
I truly believe and have proven it in my own health journey, that with diet, exercise and a glass half full attitude, we can heal ourselves over time, not saying doctors aren’t useful at times, or the naturopath, but it does take us, as individuals to do what we can to take charge. You Ross share your knowledge and teach us how, thank you and well done!
I have your books, I love having them close as a reference and I use them for inspiration when I need to get back on track! I also get your weekend recipe email.
This may help others who can’t afford juicers etc…Some years ago, when I found your website, I bought a Hurom juicer second hand on E-bay, I think the basket is the wrong size for green juices, but I just run it through a fine sieve after its gone through the juicer and mash it through with a wooden spoon, takes no time, easy!
Thanks for all that you share so freely Ross! hope life is good for you and the family!
Cheers Jen
Hi Ross I’m on a budget but need to get a smoothie maker as my bullet blades are not chopping the contents up very well. I have seen a few you’ve mentioned but out of my price range.
One more question – what would you suggest for high cholesterol?
Thank you
For high cholesterol – you need a very detailed lab report. It’s only the very small particle LDL that is a concern (or better your APOE-B report).
HDL/Total cholesterol are not a concern. The higher the HDL the better.
Can you send a recipe for how to soak nuts?
Put them in water for a few hours.
Is rather use coconut milk in place of almond milk. I’d like to know if I can just keep the nuts in water in the fridge for the week. Do I need to change the water out or no.
I wouldn’t recommend soaking them for that long.
I cannot handle oxalate foods. Massive stones even with 2-3 liters of water. This rules out all nuts except pecans (which I love)and walnuts(which make me sick). Also rules out spinach, beets, avocado, blueberries, chia seeds ,potatoes, sweet potatoes, the list goes on and on. I currently have 20 plus stones. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi Ross! I’ve tried the smoothie today; it’s not bad , the taste is ok for me but the quality is big . Can I have half of it tomorrow and how many times per day can I have this smoothie? Thanks
All of my recipes serve 2 🙂
Have you checked on the side of the packet of Almond “Milk” and just what exactly it is????? It’s mostly water & worst, emflamatory Sunflower Oil. All those so-called Nut & Seed “Milks”, are firstly & foremost, nothing more than some form of nasty ‘Vegetable’ Oil, blended into water, and some milled Seed powder added lastly! Usually no more than about 12%! Hardly healthy I would have thought, to say nothing of Alkaline!????(With serious fat & sugar digestive IBS problems, this type of rot is almost the last thing I can afford to consume!! My body just won’t pass it through the stomach, and I end up
coughing & hoiking the muck out of my lungs ½ an hour later, – for Another 45mins!!????)
Ironically, the ‘best’ thing for me then, to save all that pain & agony, is 2 Texas Shots of 40%, which acts much like paint thinner, stripping the mucosy fat & oils out the linings of my lungs!????
That’s why I recommend buying almond milk that does not contain that stuff, organic and free of thickeners, oils and sweeteners.
Hey thanks for this smoothie Idea! Can you do something on vegan alkaline weight gain? I’m vegan and it’s really hard to gain weight. I don’t like to eat multiple meals a day I just like to eat 2 meals. I know it’s possible to gain weight on just 2 meals a day!
Hi Ross. Just a quick question on the energy doubling breakfast smoothie…. what do I soak the almonds and cashews in ??? Thanks Narelle
Just in fresh water (ideally filtered).
Is monk fruit sweetener ok to sweeten the lemon ginger and turmeric tea?
I suffer from LPR and I am always looking for Alkaline ways to stay healthy and motivated. The alkaline water doesn’t really do much. Have you heard of anyone with LPR that are doing great with your smoothies. I am a very active 51 yr old Mom of 4. Just diagnosed a year ago. I lived on Wine, Apple Cider Vinegar, Lemon Water and Tomato juice. Yes I was a walking Acid , thinking I was doing my body good
I have chronic kidney disease. Since the protein i plant based is this safe for me since I have gone vegan>
Plz tell me the quantityin pieces nt in grms
Googling is probably going to be quicker than asking me to be honest!
I need to lose at least 30kg and although i know what i need to do i cannot seem to get motivated. I am hoping this recipe will help give me the energy i need to get going. Can you tell me the no of kj or calories per serve please?
Good day.
Does one drink the Energy drink for breakfasts? Or lunch instead of other meals?
I am excited to begin
Hi – drink it whenever it works for you 🙂
Weeeeelll Ross, you have me SOMEWHAT hooked…However, dont have a juicer as I have every other piece of kitchen equipment known to man, and my husband will kill me if I bring in yet another (besides we presently live in a small 2-bedrooom condo in Florida). So, I am TRYING these new ideas but slowly, our of fear of …hunger..nausea from all the green (wheat grass makes me ill) BUT …I like the ideas. I made a few of the life-saving recipes so that I will not immediately revert to my OLD eating habits, now probably overdoing. LOVE the burgers simply on their own with a bit of lemon juice) and the brownies are in the freezer for emergencies a couple of times a day. Because of headaches, I had to go down to half cup of coffee, AND I made SMALL chicken breasts with all the veggies you recommend. Encourage me…CAN I add these few extras while I am ‘learning’?
how many almonds in 50g and cashews in 25g? i don’t have a way to weigh them.
Half a cucumber. Of course. Not large, not small, not medium. Just a cucumber. Gotta love the
“ handsfull” measurement. So accurate. Baby spinach? Fresh spinach? I may be a midget, I may be Andre the Giant. Are we so lazy that we can’t give accurate measurements for a UNIVERSAL audience?? 😩🤦🏻♂️
It’s not about lazy, it’s about just running with it. You can always get completely free resources somewhere else.
I’ve been in and out of the smoothie kick for many years. I try to have at least one a day. I made this today, and it was so good that I made another one a few hours later. Thank you for showing me it’s possible to get so much healthy protein in a deliciously tasting smoothie.
By the way, I recently did your Quit Sugar Challenge. I had terrible withdraws, but it has now been several weeks since I have had any sugar, other than a piece of fruit now and then. Now that I got all that crud out of my system, I feel amazing!
I have dropped 12 pounds, but I look and feel like I dropped 20. And the cellulite on my legs is almost all gone.
Thank you for what you do. This shift has changed my health, and I am most grateful.
Ross your an inspiration .. thankyou .. when I first started reading your emails I was overwhelmed and there seemed too much to absorb I’m just lovvving them ..
Your real…. honest ….heart filled and genuine in your desire to get people on the right eating track ..
I’m old school tho and I do wish however I had everything you teach in a book so I could refer and look up what I want to hear again ..I’m photographing some on my phone haha!!!! I have pages and pages of info but hard to get at it ..
How many books do you have ?
Keep up the great work you deserve the very best ..
????????????Happy green drink girl ????????????
Hi Ross,
Happy Saturday to you and your family!
Thank you for sharing one of your favorites smoothies for sure I’m going to try them tomorrow as I have all the ingredients, also I can’t wait to try the one with the choco. However, just a quick question with regards to the Almond and Cashew. Is it alright if I crush them first pour it in my glass then mix it with the smoothie after because I love chewing the nuts while I enjoy drinking them, every day?
Again, thank you.
Best regards,
Hi Ross,
I’m allergic to milk and just don’t like the others almond etc. so what can I substitute in the way of a liquid?
What information do you have on, and infrered sauna . Does the sauna help your overall health ?
Can I have your chocolate version of this energy smoothie. I’d really like to try it. Thanks
Hey Lisa – here’s the link:
Happy birthday ???? Ross!
Loved the email.
Would be grateful for the Chocolate version of Energy Doubling Smoothie and is 3 tablespoons of coconut oil correct?
Many thanks
Didn’t have almond milk used coconut milk didn’t have kale used beet leaves, made a few other changes and added few ice cubes and mine tastes good enough. Also didn’t use soaked nuts. Only chia seeds in my smoothie and the servings are nearly gone. Next I’ll try all I have and soaking and thought I’d try a version of yours. Couldn’t wait????????thanks!
Thanks Ross – I really like the way you nudge us along on our journey…..much appreciated. Thanks for the recipe. Naomi
I’m really confused. I just purchased a pitcher that takes the alkaline out of my water because it’s supposed to be so bad for us but now your telling me that I need that alkaline. I’m a 62 year old female that has that catch all disorder fibromyalgia. I’m not sure I even believe in it. However I have almost zero energy. I have quite a hard time sleeping and some days can hardly get out of bed I’m so tired. I’ve got an active life waiting for me and I don’t want what’s happening to me. Please help!!
I’ve made the first smoothie on a few occasions now and it tastes great but it makes me very sleepy and a bit ill. Am I the only one??
I don’t see amount of “coconut cream” to be added to the smoothie. You say you can substitute almond milk for the coconut cream in the directions. I see the cream in the picture as well.
Speaking of fiber: what are the pros and cons of daily gluten free dextrin fiber?
Sounds so yummy! About how much in weight is 50 g of almonds? Etc. I appreciate your support.
Hi Terri
50g is 0.5kg/0.11lbs.
If you need another conversion type in google “50g in xxxxxx” with xxxxx being the weight you want (lbs, oz etc)
Ross, please give me the price of the alkaline stick (in dollars).
What credit cards do you take? Thank you. Julie
Hi Ross, Avo’s make me feel very ill 🙁 also bananas! How cruel is that! Any tips for substitutes in the green energy smoothie ?
Hey Karen
Shame about the avo’s as they often provide the smooth part of the smoothie! If you can use a little coconut cream this will add some of this back in, plus some of the healthy fats.
When you do grams and Ml, could you put them in american measures too?
thank you
Hi Theresa
I’ll try to remember, but if not google is a good option to convert them.
I read on a health site that raw Kale is harmful…what now..I love kale in all my soups and cooked dishes, even fry it a little in the oven
Hi I just read that you recommend Nature’s Sunshine Chlorophyll. I read the label and it contains methylparaben. Isn’t this a toxin that affects the estrogen level in the body? I bought a bottle of Chlorophyll Drops by Nature’s Way called Chlorofresh and it contains vegetable glycerine instead of the methylparaben. I’d like to hear why you recommend the Nature’s Sunshine brand.
I just plugged your smoothie ingredients into a nutrition counter and find it is 78% fat, 15% carb and 8% protein by calorie. Most health authorities agree now days that the optimal diet is a vegan diet in which total calorie consumption should be about 80% carb, 10% from healthy fats and 10% from protein.
You say in your post:
Fats, and especially omega 3s are a class of food whose primary purpose is to provide the body with energy.
If that were the case don’t you think that peak performance athletes would be fatting up, consuming higher amounts of fats, before a competition? They do not! They carb up! If you want an abundance of energy my vote would be to carb up on healthy whole food carbs, fruits, vegetables, grains and starches but keeping the protein and fats only to moderate levels.
What almond milk do people use? Silk almond milk contains mostly sugar. So this isn’t good for inflammation even though it is cane sugar taste really good.
hi Ross, I will make this shake this morning but I don’t have the chia seeds. I am a vegetarian and I have inflammation in my knee and I am going to try this diet to see if it helps. thank you
Hi Ross, I new to this and wondered if it’s possible to make a few in advance. Will it still work the same if I prepare it on Monday for the entire week?
Hey Ross,
I am eager to try your smoothie. When I make one I use organic baby spinach, blueberries and 1-2 bananas with a few ice cubes and 1-3 oz of water along with liquid aloe that I put in the cup.
I have a 15 yr. old daughter that has peanut and tree nut allergies and has a birch tree allergy, so can not consume and birch fruits; apples, pears peaches etc…, I am struggling to find a smoothie that she will like enough to drink at least 4-6 oz a few times a week that will provide her with some essential vitamins, fats and etc… Every time I come across a good smoothie, it has almond milk or nuts in it and I know that I can substitute out for other items, but the taste my suffer and then she won’t drink it.
Any combination suggestions that you may have will be greatly appreciated.
Have a fabulous day and thank you for your time.
I like the jar in your hand. Do you sell that at energiseforlife?
Hi Ross, Love your site. The drink looks fabulous. Can’t wait to get the spinach and Kale. Have the other ingredients.
After I was diagnosed with BC I, instantly, gave up sugar and anything related to it. My happy place now is eat a banana or fresh pineapple with either walnuts or almonds and a chunk of Hershey’s unsweetened baking bar. It is wonderfully bitter but 100% cacao. My husband is a sugar nut and hated the taste I gave him of the chocolate bar. I, personally, love it and can’t wait to eat it, every day. It is my “treat”.
Did research on Agave and found it is worse than fructose corn syrup. They say stevia is safe, but I have not started using it or any other sugar substitute. At first I did not even eat fruit, but Nov 18 will be four years since diagnoses and I eat fruit, but not massive amounts. One treat a day if it is available, as mentioned above.
I, also, found out through research that Cassia cinnamon is a really bad consumable product, of which I, unfortunately, have eaten large amounts. Ceylon is the only cinnamon that should be consumed, as it is beneficial to the body and a cancer protection, unlike Cassia which is the opposite. Hopefully, I haven’t done damage in some way, to myself for these past three and a half years. You live and learn along the way with this dreaded issue.
Anyway, thanks. I am looking forward to the chocolate drink!!
Do you have any juice suggestions that don’t include kale and spinach or cruciferrous vegetables. I have Hashimotos and my thyroid started feeling painful after juicing kale on a daily basis so I stopped. Let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks.
Hi, I have a Vitamix, would I still need to soak the nuts. Great sounding shake
I am new to your site, and loving it already! My morning shake /smoothie recipe is what I rely on to ‘wake me up’ – I don’t know now people eat a heavy breakfast and then carry on their day (ie: carbs & caffeine) … I would not have even half the energy to start my day. Thanks for the recipe, can’t wait to try this! 🙂
I do like you site, Ross. I gave up sugar about 25 years ago. Yes- I do have cravings… We are Then I usually buy one BIG dark chocolate (with nuts often) and I don’t want any sweets 3-4 months. I think I am one of the lucky. Just once in 3 month going mad. There must be a reason.Thankx.
Love this website! The recipes look great! Can’t wait to try one at home!
Hi Ross,
Your latest smoothie recipe looks good, as usual. Could you please give the conversion of grams and milliliters to teaspoons or cups? I live in the U.S. and even though my nutrition science degree was in the metric system, I never learned to cook that way.
Thank you!
I never understood how the Americans got a man to the moon using feet, inches, teaspoons and cups.
I highly recommend google.
Hi is this smoothie a one serv or two serve with the ingredient receipe you just provided. And is it recommend to have it for breakie or lunch?
Since I have diverticulosis I can’t eat nuts. Don’t think the smaller nuts would cream up in the smoothie. Can I add anything else?
Do you have a substitute for the nuts due to nut allergy??
Many thanks
Honestly! You are amazing Ross! Just made my day! And it’s already Friday so it’s hard to make it even better but you just did! Keep doing what you’re doing I’ve been following you for about 7 years and really admire what you do. Lots of love from Canada, Jenn (ps thanks for the hay house link I signed up straight away!)
Hi Ross, do you have a low FODMAP version of this smoothie?
I wish it were tomorrow already. I can’t wait for the chocolate version!