Get 7.25 Serves of Alkaline Vegetables in 6.34 Minutes


Find out how to get 7.25 serves of alkaline vegetables every day without any hard work and in just 6.34 minutes!

Do you want to know how you can get your recommended 7 serves of green foods every day, in just a few minutes, before you’ve even left the house?

Can you imagine how much ENERGY you’ll have when you start doing this? How great you’ll feel and how sensational you’ll look?

Of course, consumption of fresh vegetables is proven to help with various cancers and cardiovascular disease1 as well as a whole host of other symptoms and is supportive of practically every health goal out there, so wouldn’t you like to get LOADS in every day, with practically no hard work?

The Secret to Easy Alkalinity: Get Big Wins Without Breaking Sweat and Ignore the Small Stuff

This falls into my category of 80/20 – doing the 20% of stuff thats easy and will get you 80% of the benefit (without giving up your life).

Back in April last year I wrote a blog post about What a ‘Serve’ of Alkaline Foods Actually Looks Like as a visual guide. And this part of my guide that day really deserves it’s own space!

Check out this photo:

Alkaline Green Drink Foods

This is the content of one ‘green drink’ that would serve two people, chopped, measured and weighed.

Here are the facts:

  • One ‘serve’ of vegetables, according to global standards like these is approx 70g
  • These ingredients weight a combined total of 1,162g of vegetables.
  • This equates to 14.552 serves of fresh vegetables!

And it looked like this:

Alkaline Foods Made Into Green Drink

As this juice would serve 2, this is 7.25 serves of fresh vegetables.

Making a Fresh, Alkaline Juice Takes Only 6.34 Minutes!

If you can set your alarm for just seven minutes earlier each day so you can make a juice like this you will feel amazing. Your energy will be the first thing you’ll notice. But then you’ll also start to see that your skin improves, digestion improves, reflux improves…and you’ll feel a huge amount of vitality.

And it really does take just 6.34 minutes! To chop, wash, juice, drink and wash up the juicer takes no time at all. No excuses!

Questions? What Juicer? Recipes?

My preferred juicer: The Hurom KT Slow Juicer

hurom slow juicerI fell in love with this juicer at first sight. It ticks all of the important boxes when buying a juicer:

1) extracts maximum amount of juice (the pulp is literally bone dry)
2) retains the maximum amount of nutrients and live enzymes
3) is very quiet
4) looks great
5) and most importantly of all….it’s easy and quick to clean and pack away again!

You can get the Hurom here:

-> For the UK and Europe Hurom
-> For the Australian Hurom

For everywhere else, just google Hurom Slow Juicer!

Alkaline Juice Recipes

You can juice pretty much any green vegetables, and sweeten up with the sweeter veg like beetroot, carrot etc. I also like to flavour with things like ginger, lime, lemon, chilli and so on.

As you can see on the above picture, for that juice I included:

1. Spinach
2. Cucumber
3. Celery
4. Lettuce
5. Broccoli, including stalk
6. Carrot
7. Bell Pepper

I probably would have added a little ginger to that too. I love ginger.

But here are a few more interesting juice recipes you can try:

Remember, you can get over 150+ delicious, alkaline recipes in my Alkaline Diet Recipe Book Volume 2 right here!

And if you’re wondering about smoothies rather than juices…here is my juices vs smoothies guide which explains how, when and why I would use each, the benefits of each and more!

— I hope you’ve loved this quick guide to getting a huge hit of beautiful alkaline foods into your daily life!

Getting the health of our dreams really is a lot easier and more simple than we’ve been led to believe. This is my true belief and what I am trying to help you achieve, and I really do hope it’s working for you!

Have a fantastic week and remember to ‘LIKE’ or ‘SHARE’ on Facebook if you love this!



1. “Seasonal consumption of salad vegetables and fresh fruit in relation to the development of cardiovascular disease and cancer“; Public Health Nutrition / Volume 3 / Issue 01 / March 2000, pp 19-29; Cambridge University

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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Velma Reply

    I have a juicer (Breville) but don’t juice often because of the cleanup. Makes juice quickly but a lot of work when you include the cleanup. Single working mom so time is super precious.

  2. madhulika goyal Reply

    cant have raw juice as i suffer from h pylori and frequent stomach infections.If i make a soup of all the greens you have mentioned for juice will it be equally effective.

  3. Diana Reply

    I cannot find the The Hurom KT Slow Juicer you mentioned in this article anywhere online. It looks like it is stainless steel and nothing I have seen online looks anything like this. 🙁

    • Energise Ross Reply

      Hi Diana

      See the links in the article.

      The Juicer image in the article is the Australian version.

      Hope this helps

  4. Sunny Harjany Reply

    Real nine, Info great,
    Thank u,


  5. James Reply

    Hi Ross,

    These recipes are all great, and I believe that juicing is very healthy. However, I have recently discovered the Vitamix (a high-powered blender) which is fully capable of making the same juices with whole ingredients (no waste and all the fiber). I truly believe this is the ultimate in healthy eating. The initial cost is quite high but well worth it over the long run in my opinion!

    Thanks for the great website,


  6. Rob Reply

    Hi Ross, Why don’t you use a blender? surely its better to keep everything and drink down that fiber as well?

  7. Amaya Reply

    Hi Ross
    Thank you for emails. I love reading them and am learning something every day

  8. Laurie Reply

    Did you every use an Angel Juicer? Although it is quite expensive, there are no plastic parts at all. It is all stainless steel — and the pulp is bone dry too! It is the most superior juicer I have used.

    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Hi Laurie

      I haven’t but will look into it. Big question though – how easy is it to clean?


  9. Elaine Gibson Reply

    Thanks, so very true and important.
    Green juice is a game changer and a life saver.
    We juice every day like this

    Great info always. Thanks


    • Ross Bridgeford Reply

      Hi Elaine

      Thanks for sharing your site and for your comment.

      Have a great day

  10. Mags Reply

    Hi Ross

    Was compelled to come out of lurkage to say I love my Hurom Boss Slow Juicer. Absolutely love it! Of course, it goes without saying, I love your blog too. Just need to extract my digit and get into doing instead of reading. I almost clicked to buy your books the other day but got confused with it all (I wanted both of them – will try again!)

    Thanks again for your blog and sharing.
