Health & Diet Blog Round Up: #6


This week has been absolutely manic here at Energise HQ! We have been exhibiting at the Natural Foods & Organic show at the Olympia in London and had our Alkaline Diet Bootcamp live event last night in London. Both of these events were absolutely brilliant! We met so many people who are interested in the alkaline diet and lifestyle, which is always great!

We had talks from Gareth Edwards, one of the UK’s best qualified nutritionists and alkaline diet experts, and Ronnie Ruiz, an alkaline water expert and nutrition coach, who both did an amazing job. Their presentations were so interesting and educational, which meant that all people who attended the event and us at Energise also learnt so much more about healthy living and the acid/alkaline lifestyle.

Besides this, here are some interesting blog posts in the world of health, which have caught our eyes this week:

  • 6 Easy Ways to be Happy. Linda, who runs her website called Raw Food Lifestyles, is dedicated to a purpose of teaching people on conscious living through diet and lifestyle. She has experience in Yoga for 7 years and is also a certified Living Foods Chef & Teacher from Boston, and has been teaching Live Foods for 3 years. In her latest blog post she writes about 6 easy ways to be happy, which is a very uplifting blog post. Now that spring has fully arrived with us in its full glory, make sure that you are happy! Click here to read Linda’s full article.
  • Understanding the Link: Intelligence and Diet. Ali Powell, a freelance writer for topics on health, nutrition, writes about the link between our intelligence and our diet. Fish, olive oil, almonds, and avocados are some of the foods she mentions, which are very good for our brain functions. This is a great article, as it highlights a lot of the foods, which are also promoted in the alkaline diet. Click here to read her article.
  • Advantages of Vegetarian Diet Choices. This blog post is great for people, who are generally interested in becoming Vegetarians and/or follow the alkaline diet, but have still got reservations or simply cannot give up their beloved steak. Reuben, who has got a keen interest in natural health issues, runs his website called All4NaturalHealth. In his latest blog post he writes about the many advantages of being Vegetarian, which might give you the final inspirational straw to switch to Vegetarianism. Click here to read his post.
  • Effects of Stress and Weight Gain. Rosemary (Rosie) King, who is currently completing her Doctor of Naturopathy for Healthcare Practitioners from Clayton College of Natural Health and who became certified as a Health Coach, writes about the effects which stress have got on our weight. She highlights the fact, that stress can literally change the shape of our body. If you are interested in this topic, then make sure to read Rosie’s full blog post here.

That’s all for this week, but make sure to check back next week for more health & diet blog posts!

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