The Live Energized Guide to Juicing
I’ve recently had a few people recently ask me if they really need to buy a juicer to get alkaline, and every time I’ve answered a big YES with a million reasons why!
And there are a million reasons! However, to keep it simple and hard-hitting (as I like to…)
Drinking fresh juice is perhaps the most amazing gift you can give yourself!
Why? Let’s find out…
The Live Energized Guide to Juicing
Making and consuming fresh juice is about to become a major part of your life. The day I bought a juicer I saw nutrition in a whole new light. No longer did eating five serves of vegetables per day seem daunting. In fact, most days I’ve had that and more before I’ve even left the house thanks to one simple juice!
When juices, particularly from fresh, green vegetables, are added to your diet you will notice the benefits immediately. Your energy level will skyrocket, your immune system is strengthened, your skin becomes clearer and your body immediately starts to eliminate toxins as your organs are working twice as effectively.
The regular consumption of fresh vegetable juice is one of the very best gifts that you can give to your body. Here are just a few of the reasons why I crank up my juicer every day, and why you will too!
- Massive Veggie Consumption: juicing concentrates nutrients and allows us to consume much more than if we were to eat the foods whole.
In a normal veggie juice I might include 2 cups of spinach, 2 sticks of celery, a whole cucumber, a handful of lettuce, a few leaves of kale or cabbage, a carrot, some green pepper etc. It changes every time I make one, but I get all of that nutrition in one tasty, easy to consume drink. I couldn’t imagine eating that much food in one sitting. Certainly not before breakfast! But what a nutrient-dense start to the day! [Note: click here to see my ‘Alkaline Rich Foods post‘ – a visual and weighted measurement of exactly how much goes into each green drink – hint…you get more than your five-a-day from ONE green drink!]
- Instant Access Goodness: Freshly juiced vegetables give your body an instant boost of nutrients, enzymes, vitamins and minerals in a form that the body can easily assimilate, absorb and digest – in fact, studies have shown that the nutrients from juiced vegetables are within our bloodstream within 30 minutes of consumption!
- Lots of Chlorophyll: Green juices contain lots of chlorophyll, which, as me now know, is incredibly effective at detoxifying our body and cleansing our blood. Chlorophyll can help make our bodies strong, detoxify the liver, can purify and rebuild blood cells, remove mold, parasites and myco/exotoxins from the body and (as many, many studies show) can help prevent and remove cancer cells.
- Cellular Cleansing: According to – one of the biggest health benefits of juicing can be summarised in one phrase: cellular cleansing. Steve Meyerowitz (the Sprout Man) states that all changes to a persons health should start at a cellular level by oxygenating and cleansing the system of toxins and other damaging foreign invaders.
This is known as creating and enhancing health and fitness from the inside out. The cellular environment is the environment where all of the cells in our body live, including the lymphatic system, digestive system, and cardiovascular system. This could be a whole article in itself, however, it is important to remember that fresh vegetable juices are massively beneficial to the body’s efforts to cleanse its cellular environment.
- Highly Alkaline: Raw, fresh vegetable juices are extremely alkaline. We have several other articles on the importance of alkalising your body, however, very briefly – it is highly beneficial to ensure that your body does not become over-acidic and that an alkaline balance is maintained in the blood & tissues. Over acidification is the common theme and cause of almost all conditions of ill health!
- High in Alkaline Salts & Minerals: Easily absorbed alkaline salts and minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium & silicon are contained within fresh vegetables. These alkaline salts and minerals assist the body in restoring the biochemical & mineral balance in the tissues & cells, which helps to prevent the premature aging of cells & disease.
- Natures Antibiotic: Vegetable juices are rich in natural medicines, vegetal hormones & antibiotics. For instance, certain hormones needed by the pancreas to produce insulin are present in cucumber & onion juices and freshly juiced garlic, onions, radish & tomatoes contain many beneficial antibiotic substances.
At the most basic level, juicing allows us to add so many more vegetables to our daily diet, and to up the amount of raw, alkalising food we consume.
What to Juice
If you are serious about living alkaline then the main ingredients of your juice (70-80%) should be fresh, green vegetables (organic if possible). You should try to include a varied selection of vegetables to make sure you are getting a good range of nutrients.
Here are some vegetables that I include in my juice on a regular basis:
Spinach, rocket, cucumber, cabbage, capsicum, Asian greens, beetroot, cress, green beans, basil, tomato, lettuce, alfalfa, watercress, celery, broccoli, kale, kelp, parsley, carrot and more!
From this selection you will be able to make any number of great, alkalising veggie juices. You might, at this stage, be worried about taste, but I am sure you are going to be pleasantly surprised.
I have included a great range of juices in the Alkaline Diet Recipe Book and I slowly introduce you to the subtly sweet taste of juiced greens by incorporating some slightly sweeter vegetables such as carrots, beets and peppers. If this still sounds daunting, don’t worry, I’ll look after you!
What Not to Juice
I am expecting that by now you will have guessed that this guide to juicing rules out packaged juices such as cartons of ‘fresh’ orange juice, Nudie/Innocent-type juices or any other juice that has been packaged, pasteurised or made more than twenty minutes before consumption.
If nothing else, the sheer length of time between creation and consumption is enough to kill any nutrients and enzymes in these juices. However when you consider that most prepackaged juices are pasteurised (killed) and packed with sugars, sweeteners and other chemicals you can begin to understand why they do not really count as ‘juice’. Better than Cola? Probably, yes. But these are still not beneficial to your health.
Many of these juices also use reconstituted fruits. Reconstituted juice, according to the Australian Fruit Juice Association means that:
juice is ‘condensed’ by removal of water using heat. The resultant concentrate is transported to factories around Australia where the water is added back to the concentrate
I’m not sure too many nutrients will survive that process.
The trouble with fruit…
However, the real trouble with these juices is not the lack of nutrients per se, it is more about the sugar. Sugar is acid and feeds acid, fermenting and turning into alcohol in the blood stream, promoting the massive overgrowth of toxins, molds, yeasts and bacteria in our body. Dr Young describes the effects of consuming sugar as being similar to throwing petrol on a fire.
But sugar from fruit is different isn’t it? Fructose is ok, right?
Nope. Sugar is sugar is sugar. It doesn’t matter where it comes from, it still wreaks havoc with the acid/alkaline balance of the body. Whether it is from fructose, sucrose, an apple, honey or a piece of chocolate cake, the sugar still has the same devastating effect.
I don’t want to go into this in too much detail here – but you can read my blog post on this if you want to find out more.
I’m certainly not saying never have fruit, ever ever ever…but make the focus vegetables and make fruit a treat.
How to Start Juicing
The obvious starting place is with the juicer itself. If you already own a juicer – excellent – if not, I would probably do whatever it takes (within legal and moral limits!) to get access to one. Basically, beg, steal or borrow (without the stealing bit).
There are literally thousands of juicers available on the market and it can seem a little overwhelming at first when trying to find the juicer that is right for you. When you are looking it could be important to consider the following:
What can I afford right now?
Prices range from between £60 to £1000+ with a large bulk being in the £60-£300 range. I certainly would think carefully before spending more than £300 on a juicer, however it is certainly true to suggest that in the instance of juicers you definitely do get what you pay for.
What juicer action will be best for me?
In other words, how does the machine juice the vegetables? Personally I would steer clear of anything that is too harsh on the vegetables (which almost certainly rules out many centrifugal juicers). The cheaper units can be a little rough, however if you shop around then you can definitely get a juicer with an action that will retain the most nutrients for around the £100-250 mark.
What features are you looking for?
Do you want it to just juice? Do you want it to be able to juice grasses (such as wheat grass)? Do you want it to be, above all, easy to clean and maintain? Do you want it to look shiny?
At Live Energized, we are constantly on the look out for new juicers which we feel push the boundaries in terms of value for money and/or features.
The Juicer Brand I Use & Trust
I personally use the Hurom brand, and have done for around 5 years. I am not sponsored to say this I just want you to know what I use and trust.
Hurom are sold all over the world, so you can simply google to find your nearest distributor.
They are strong, give HUGE juice yield per veg, very little waste, are quiet and easy to clean. They also last a really long time compared to cheaper models.
I really recommend you start juicing, and I recommend you try to do it on a daily basis. What better way to ensure you get at least your five-serves of vegetables each day? It is quick, easy and delicious!
hi every time read your blog post and then i make juice on my home thanks for you sharing this blog.
Do you add water to your juice to make it go further?
Thank you
Hi, yes great advice thanks. I used to have a juicer but was a bit put off by the amount of cleaning and waste it created. I have found that I can make great vegetable juices using a cheap blender with spinach, asparagus, broccoli that type of thing I then add wheatgrass powder and tastes great also can add banana too. There is no waste and doesnt take aminute to clean. My question is what do you think about using a blender instead?
Thank you
Hi Ross – I’m confused about juicing from Dr. Young’s revised “The PH Miracle” and I’d appreciate your opinion. On the bottom of p 129 he says that juicing makes alkaline vegetables slightly acidic and says to dilute the juice in distilled water (10 parts water to 1 part juice) and to add ph drops. But if you go to the juice recipes section of the book it looks like you just juice the vegetables and drink the juice.
I just assumed that green juices made by a quality juicer would be very alkaline. If juicing makes the green alkaline vegetables acidic, I think I’d rather just eat them in salads. What do you think?
Hi again Larry – I just chatted with Gareth about this today! I dilute slightly with ionized, alkaline water and Gareth just drinks undiluted. Neither of us believe that you need to water down 10 to 1 – this is just inconvenient and unnecessary. IMO if you dilute 10 to 1 you are getting one of two situations. Either 1) you’re getting a TINY amount of juice or 2) you have to drink 10 glasses to get the full glass of juice – which is just not going to happen.
While it is true that if you use a cheap juicer the pH will lower, the juice still contains an abundance of highly alkaline minerals, electrolytes and other nutrients.
In the same way that lemon water is acidic outside of the body but alkaliZING to the body – veggie juice, even if it is slightly acidic outside is very alkaline once consumed.
I do not have a juicer, but I use a blender… mix vegetables (spinach, celery, cucumber, nopal and one serving of fruit.. like strawberrys…) but also add oats, chia and flaxseeds…. what do you think about it? does it help? or should I just keep it to the veggies…?
How does the Vitamix stack up as a juicer?
My question is similar to Fred Williams. I have a vitamix blender that pulverizes anything. The results can be thicker than juice but you get the fibre and you could add purified water to thin it. What do think?
will jack lelanes juicer work,i have a juicer similar to his,i,am so interested in the alkaline lifestyle,love your site,keep bringing it ,i,am hungry for information
On television there is an add for a huge blender type juicer. It literally turns whole leafy and root type vegies into juice with no waste. all the fiber, skin an everything becomes licquid. It is a large jug with twin blades inthe bottom,2hp motor. Is this type of action ok in a juicer?
“(70-80%) should be fresh, green vegetables” that’s a great tip. So many recipes are all apples and carrots. And thanks for the juicer info.
Great post about juicing! I currently use a centrifugal juicer (I think anyway). It works fine and makes awesome juices, but after reading that, I think I’ll have to get a better one. If anything, it’s a little harsh on the produce I put through it.
Looks like wheat grass to me but this sounds much more beneficial. Another great one, thanks will be trying this..
I had a juicer but the taste was so aweful and the clean up such a hassle that I got rid of it years ago. I almost wish I had it now due to this site. 🙁
Still not sure about the taste or clean up yet, so I will need to wait.
Thanks for this post! I have a juicer but have hardly ever used it. I got it out a week ago when I started my alkaline diet and I love it. I saw your comments on consuming immediately, and I have been juicing a big batch and vacuum sealing it in jars for the next couple days. It’s time consuming to get the juicer out and clean it everyday! I will bring some jars of juice camping this weekend too, since I can’t bring my juicer 🙂 Am I killing the nutrients in the juice by doing this?
Hi Kerry – it does kills some nutrients (time since juicing) but this is definitely better than not using your juicer at all!