The Miracle "Stone Age" Diet


Just read an interesting set of research just carried out by the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Apparently, eating a “stone age diet” of lean meat, vegetables, berries and nuts lead to: a cut in the risk of heart disease, weight loss, lowered blood pressure and a dramatic fall in levels of a substance known to cause deadly blood clots. As an extra bonus, the diet is thought to help protect against diabetes! Our ancestors survived on whatever they could hunt or gather for thousands of years, which accounts for roughly 99 per cent of human history, and what our bodies have evolved to run on.

The diet contained no cereals, bread, milk, butter, cheese or sugar, but was rich in fruit, vegetables, fish and nuts. This is very similar to the alkaline diet, in which you cut out all of the negative food stuffs, and replace with a diet rich in low sugar fruits, vegetables, good oils and small amounts of fish/lean meat. The study also backs up other European research that suggests that most illness, low energy and obesity is caused by the radical change in our diets over the past 50 years.

If we go back to the way our bodies have been built to run over thousands of years, we find a reversal of many of these problems. Following the alkaline diet is one of the best ways to do this.

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