Alkaline Recipe #187: Immune Boosting Vegetable Soup

Immune Boosting Vegetables

Super-Delicious, Alkaline, Immune Boosting Vegetables Soup Recipe

Eating the right foods is vitally important for our health & energy.

We need to support our body by giving it all of the tools and nutrients it needs – and when we do this, we thrive

This soup recipe is an incredible help – full of immune-boosting vegetables, it provides the body with an abundance of the nutrients it needs to repair, replenish and fortify our immunity.

Our immune system is, of course, critical to our proper health.

Your immune system doesn’t just preventing sickness and stop outsiders getting in.   Your immune system is also important in preventing allergies, auto-immune conditions and immunodeficiency disorders.

The immune system consists of three lines of defence:

  1. Keep the Invaders Out! Through our skin, mucous membranes etc the first job is to stop the invaders from getting into our body in the first place!
  2. Defend Against Pathogens That Made It Through: this is where we have responses such as inflammation, fevers etc.
  3. When Specific Pathogens Could Cause Disease DO Get In:  it produces antibodies against bacteria or viruses that arise from the outside nasties getting in!

It’s a complex system and we need to nourish it and look after it!

See Also: Natural Immune-Boosting Tea Recipe

And we can easily do this by consuming nourishing, immune-boosting vegetables – and this soup recipe is a BIG help!

get the alkaline recipe book here

The Alkaline Immune Boosting Vegetables Soup

Immune Boosting Vegetables Made Into a Soup

Serves 2


Cooked Ingredients:

1 brown onion, sliced roughly
2 cloves of garlic, chopped roughly
2 carrots, sliced
1/4 head of cauliflower
1/4 head of broccoli
1/4 head of cabbage (any green variety)
200ml vegetable stock
1 can of organic chopped tomatoes (or 8 fresh tomatoes)
Himalayan Pink Salt & Black pepper to taste
1/2 inch of ginger root (or 1tsp dried)
1/2 inch of turmeric root (or 1tsp dried)
Coconut oil

Raw Ingredients:

1/2 cucumber
3 tomatoes
1 handful spinach
1/2 bunch of basil
1/4 bunch of coriander
1/2 tin of chickpeas (garbanzos)


  1. Start by gently frying the onions and garlic in a little coconut oil. After 3 minutes, throw in the carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage and allow to cook for another 3 minutes
  2. Now add the stock and tomatoes/can of tomatoes – allow to simmer for 20-25 minutes until the vegetables are softened a little.
  3. In the meantime, roughly chop the raw foods and put into a blender and blend until smooth
  4. When the soup has simmered for 20 minutes transfer it in batches (as much as your blender will hold) and blend it all together until smooth with the raw blended mixture too.
  5. It may take a couple of batches into the blender, but you want to end up with a smooth soup. Serve with a sprig of coriander or basil and enjoy warm!

[yumprint-recipe id=’74’]

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Ask Me a Question or Leave a Comment Here - I'd Love to Hear from You


  1. Zuko Tofile Reply

    Must the body be in a state of alkaline inorder to be healthy? And is the role of state of acidity only SICKNESS?

  2. Margaret Reply

    Made this soup, absolutely delous
    Thanks Ross

  3. Shazia Gulzar Reply

    Hi. Thank you for this wonderful recipe. I have been thinking of taking lectins out of my diet.
    Dr Snow names lectins as a problem I.e. Chick peas are supposed to be pressure cooked and tomatoes skinned and deseeded etc. do you agree with this ? .
    Would appreciate your views on this please.
    Many Thanks

  4. Mary Nash Reply

    I only used about 1/2-3/4 C fresh cherry tomatoes total for tomatoes, (no canned) added about 1 C parsley(a big chunk), used “Gucci” greens rather than spinach, and added some celery. I didn’t blend the raw ingredients separately, just added them in after the cooked veggies (saved a step) and blended the whole thing together. I didn’t add extra salt. I guess my stock was salty enough because it didn’t need anything. Perfect! I didn’t add garbanzos because I live by myself and that’s a lot of food to get through!
    Thanks, Ross! Mary

  5. Mita Reply

    Thank you Ross!!!! I prepare it today and it was delicious.

  6. Teresa Avallone Reply

    WOW! That’s quite the soup. Chocked full of amazing energized veggies! I feel full just reading it.

  7. P Reply

    Loved this one too, another gem! Feeling soooo full, satisfied and clean! Thanks Ross

    • ross Reply


  8. Laurie Rabideau Reply

    Are these the same recipes that I will have collected from ARC 2019 and ARC 2020? I wish I would have joined the alkaline Basecamp instead of doing the ARC 20/20 again. All I was really interested in was more recipes and gathering more of your thoughts on things. Is there a chance that I could switch? A little disappointed in my choice.I thought it would be different this time around?? Laurie Rabideau

  9. Julie Jackson Reply

    Amazing recipe’s Ross. I love eating clean- it just feels so good. I have shared all of your info with so many people. You are definitely a pebble in a pond! Thank you and cheers. Julie

    • Margaret Blair Reply

      I added some spices that weren’t in the recipe, white pepper, smoked paprika, Italian seasoning and cumin.

      • ross Reply

